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Oh good, I take fish oil too. Blood-like-water. That is my new Indian name.

I have an actual India name. It's a tradition in my family. I think I got it when I was 8. Dances like the river. It's an insult. Most are insults in my family. I'm Cherokee. My grandfather kept us all in tune with our roots and red relatives. Remember my comment about wild animals letting me pet them? He taught me how to do that.

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Well, darn......it teased me with three more likes. Then.....you have reached your quota of positive votes for the day. Grrrrrr.



You can have some of mine. I am very miserly with my likes.


We need to start a like exchange on the boards. Kind of like phone minute rollovers. Unused likes rollover to the next day or can be transferred to another ITT'er.

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Dh won't be home for dinner! :party: :party: :party: ( I very much love my dh but I really really did not want to cook or really do anything. That hour and fifteen minute nap did not even get my body it's 8 hour total for last night not to mention my sleep deficit from before.)

It's like getting a free pass. I, too, love not having to cook for anyone. I would probably rarely eat if it was just me. (Of course, I don't want it to be just me. I love my peeps, but I dislike cooking with a passion, so much wasted time and energy.)

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I finished a painting tonight! First in a week at least!


If I didn't have the world's most cloying, grinding, persistent cold and didn't just polish off a bottle of DayQuil today, I'd totally celebrate with a beer.


Oh well, painting!!



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I finished a painting tonight! First in a week at least!


If I didn't have the world's most cloying, grinding, persistent cold and didn't just polish off a bottle of DayQuil today, I'd totally celebrate with a beer.


Oh well, painting!!



I showed little dd, and she likes this a lot.  I think it's the dog.  :)

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I finished a painting tonight! First in a week at least!


If I didn't have the world's most cloying, grinding, persistent cold and didn't just polish off a bottle of DayQuil today, I'd totally celebrate with a beer.


Oh well, painting!!




This made me smile. Especially when I got to the dog.

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I finished a painting tonight! First in a week at least!


If I didn't have the world's most cloying, grinding, persistent cold and didn't just polish off a bottle of DayQuil today, I'd totally celebrate with a beer.


Oh well, painting!!



Wow. I absolutely love it. I took it out to my husband the artist and he loves it too. It's not just beautiful, but I love what's happening. Very cool.

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It's so balanced. The use of color and the mood it evokes. I love balance. I love the dog and the eyes and everything, but the whole thing just ties into itself so well.


This painting started out as a horrendous screw up where I attempted to paint a blue sky full of golden-tinted clouds at sunrise... and it didn't go so well. I doused the canvas in thinner, started cleaning the paint away, and said "oh that looks like a big full moon near the horizon..."




Thanks to all for the encouragement, it helps balance the week I've had. :D

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I have a drug like that.

I need a drug like that :lol:


Need to pick ds13 up from youth group soon. Nashville is on tonight. I love that show... And don't know why. I despise any kind of musical, but they have some talented folks on that one. I have a girl crush on Reyna James. Except when she does stupid things, which is only once in a while. Like when she interacts with her children. But everything else is good:-)

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This painting started out as a horrendous screw up where I attempted to paint a blue sky full of golden-tinted clouds at sunrise... and it didn't go so well. I doused the canvas in thinner, started cleaning the paint away, and said "oh that looks like a big full moon near the horizon..."




Thanks to all for the encouragement, it helps balance the week I've had. :D

The tree trunk is awesome! I have a thing for interesting tree trunks.

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Egh hem.




I need a drug like that :lol:

Need to pick ds13 up from youth group soon. Nashville is on tonight. I love that show... And don't know why. I despise any kind of musical, but they have some talented folks on that one. I have a girl crush on Reyna James. Except when she does stupid things, which is only once in a while. Like when she interacts with her children. But everything else is good:-)

I'll share. ;)

It's just percocet. I'm just not one to take medication (aside from my recent back problem and dental emergency!) and they seem to effect me really hard. Mary's only 2 so no drugs for me.

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Ugh, percocet and my personality do not get along. LOL. Worst painkiller experience I've ever had. 


Nothing gets along with Crohn's, though. 


Sorry to hear about the dental and back stuff. Those are pretty much the top two on the top ten most suck-filled areas to be experiencing pain. :P

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