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  • Slache


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  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


The bullying thread is disgusting. I think I'd be tempted to punch the principal every time my kid gets punched and see if the problem gets solved a little faster.


Me too!  My blood pressure is up from just reading it.  And in her shoes I would tell dh where he could go.  Viewing homeschooling that way is pretty backwards and not real world, imnsho.


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Me too! My blood pressure is up from just reading it. And in her shoes I would tell dh where he could go. Viewing homeschooling that way is pretty backwards and not real world, imnsho.


Well OK then... ;)


I'm fortunate enough to have a husband who assumes I know what's best for the kids. Sometimes it takes him a few hours or days to agree, but he always does. I'm lucky.

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My hair looks terrible because I didn't have time to dry it between shower and school. Which means I'll need to wash it and start over tomorrow. Bummer.


I've probably blow dried my hair 5 times in my whole life. It just looks good. Slightly wavy, thick, soft. I can do nothing with it, but it's easy.

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Thanks, guys.  I know I WANT to this, I'm just not feeling it.  If I can just make it to Thanksgiving... 


Maybe I need to break out our Foldscope tonight for something different.  Foldscope and art class.  And German.  Because foreign language.  No math or grammar.  I'm fairly certain DS will be onboard with this plan.




Time to make the donuts.  Have a good day everyone.


Quoting myself to add:




How did I miss that????!!!???

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I am strictly wash and drip dry.

Me too. So a long story about myself, and you all will realize how crazy I am. So a year ago this past weekend, I shaved my head. Yeah, seriously, I did. My mom had went off her meds for bipolar for a month or so and was in a complete manic episode. She had lice, and I didn't know it. So I was trying to get her cleaned up and into an emergency psych hold when it was discovered. I was treated her for lice, took her to the ER, and they admitted her. I ended up with lice and tried everything under the sun for a week to get rid of them: over the counter treatment, metal combs, olive oil, mayonnaise, you name it. I kept my hair up, it was longish, so I wouldn't spread it to the children, especially the girls. They have really long hair. After trying for so long with no results, I had DH shave my head with the clippers. All of it gone. But I got rid of the lice.:)


I have to say I was probably temporarily insane at the time because I had been dealing with my mom all summer and trying to get her help. We had to wait until she became a danger to herself and/or others. I just wanted rid of the lice, and I didn't want anyone else to get them.


I wore pretty scarves and bandanas for about 3 months. DH called me Demi (Moore) and then Halle (Berry). Now my hair is about 6-8 inches long. I am kinda amazed at how fast it has grown.


So please don't disown me for my extreme behavior. And I promise not to give advise for how to get rid of lice.:D

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ETA:  Well, would you look at that


BOOYAH! :leaving:


(This one, of course, is dedicated to Mrs. Mallard. :) )








This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...






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I'm avoiding the family game night makes kids into better students thread out of guilt.  Why does everything that makes my kids better and smarter make me want to run away screaming? 




I despise most games.  Dh, thankfully, LOVES them.  Playing them, inventing them, organizing them... I'm covered.  

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Ikslo - Take a few days off when you can. Also, quit it with the h. It will help.


Renai - Wait till November.


Keep the h Ikslo.


It makes everything a bit classier, and inspires motivation.  Like throwing on a trendy top and scarf, instead of staying in the yoga pants and braless cami you've worn for 72 hours straight. 


You can do this!!  (But do give yourself a break, and know that a vacation from school will not destroy your kiddos lives.)  

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I want to go out, really!  But I think I want to sleep even more.




But I will be good and go out.  We are meeting at Starbucks.  Anyone who wants to join us feel free to come along... We are the ones discussing uteruses and leaking mommy milkies in loud voices, just to see the bachelors nearby squirm.  



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So please don't disown me for my extreme behavior. And I promise not to give advise for how to get rid of lice. :D

I have seriously thought of shaving my head.  Not for lice.  But because I still have the soft fine wispy hair I had when I was two.  I thought that perhaps shaving my head would make me grow a full thick mane like I've always dreamed off.  But with my luck it would come back in patches.  So I do nothing.  Except wash and drip dry.  

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Me too. So a long story about myself, and you all will realize how crazy I am. So a year ago this past weekend, I shaved my head. Yeah, seriously, I did. My mom had went off her meds for bipolar for a month or so and was in a complete manic episode. She had lice, and I didn't know it. So I was trying to get her cleaned up and into an emergency psych hold when it was discovered. I was treated her for lice, took her to the ER, and they admitted her. I ended up with lice and tried everything under the sun for a week to get rid of them: over the counter treatment, metal combs, olive oil, mayonnaise, you name it. I kept my hair up, it was longish, so I wouldn't spread it to the children, especially the girls. They have really long hair. After trying for so long with no results, I had DH shave my head with the clippers. All of it gone. But I got rid of the lice. :)


I have to say I was probably temporarily insane at the time because I had been dealing with my mom all summer and trying to get her help. We had to wait until she became a danger to herself and/or others. I just wanted rid of the lice, and I didn't want anyone else to get them.


I wore pretty scarves and bandanas for about 3 months. DH called me Demi (Moore) and then Halle (Berry). Now my hair is about 6-8 inches long. I am kinda amazed at how fast it has grown.


So please don't disown me for my extreme behavior. And I promise not to give advise for how to get rid of lice. :D

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:   I am so, so sorry.  How horrible.  You are an awesome daughter.


Apparently Slache can't spell donuts.




I think donuts and doughnuts are both commonly accepted.

I want to go out, really!  But I think I want to sleep even more.




But I will be good and go out.  We are meeting at Starbucks.  Anyone who wants to join us feel free to come along... We are the ones discussing uteruses and leaking mommy milkies in loud voices, just to see the bachelors nearby squirm.  

I can talk uteri.  (Just made that up.)

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The bullying thread is disgusting. I think I'd be tempted to punch the principal every time my kid gets punched and see if the problem gets solved a little faster.

No kidding. A kindergarten boy can get expelled for kissing a girl out on the playground or chewing his sandwich in the shape of a gun, but a child is being assaulted and nothing is done! It's an amazing world we live in!
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(Avoiding bullying thread because I have enough bad stuff in my head. :leaving: )


I have a random confession to make.  I am so nervous on busy streets, and I hate crowded parking lots.  I feel like I will probably run into a car or a person.  I think I would be pretty happy if I never drove again as long as someone could take me where I want to go, which is evidently the grocery store and church. :mellow:


Jean, I made my doctor's appointment.  Please be proud of me.  It took all I had to drive there and drop off the paperwork. :lol:

Edited by texasmama
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It's Brain-Dead Tuesday!


(I've caught up, and I'm trying.  Really I am - you all are so clever and witty and hard working and have stuff going on. But my brain is dead.  I didn't even get a coffee this afternoon.  My only goal is to get in bed and watch an episode or two of The Walking Dead on Netflix before I conk out.)


Good Night!

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I have an aloe vera plant that a friend gave me as a housewarming gift when I was pg with a kid.  It survived everything for 15 years.  The kitten has killed it, I think.  Knocked it off again at lunch because I sprayed her when she tried to eat the parrot.  Don't ask.


A kid put the plastic holder in the oven with the metal thingie.  That was bad.  Now we are all plastic poisoned from the fumes.  Strike two for the parrot because they are sensitive to the fumes.


Oldest has met a young man.  I am evaluating him for worthiness and will get back to you all on it.  (Eh, he passes so far...)

Edited by texasmama
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Also, SIL talked me into going to the State Fair.  She says we can take a train and ride a bus, carrying our four canned goods each to get a cheap admission.  May the force be with me.  This will be the most adventurous thing I have done in a long time.  Little dd and I are going and meeting her and my 16 year old niece.

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I have an aloe vera plant that a friend gave me as a housewarming gift when I was pg with ds14. It survived everything for 15 years. The kitten has killed it, I think. Knocked it off again at lunch because I sprayed her when she tried to eat the parrot. Don't ask.


Ds12 put the plastic holder in the oven with the metal thingie. That was bad. Now we are all plastic poisoned from the fumes. Strike two for the parrot because they are sensitive to the fumes.


College girl has met a young man. I am evaluating him for worthiness and will get back to you all on it. (Eh, he passes so far...)



I am sorry for the bad day. Hugs. However all of your misery caused me to actually laugh out loud. First time in a long time. :)

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The bottom Star Wars is shredded.


That's the email I got from DH at work. Translated it meant I had to stop on the way home and get a new set of sheets for the queen bed and new pillows too.


I have decided we will not do school today. Because #itsmykidandwelllearnwhenwewantto

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Also, SIL talked me into going to the State Fair.  She says we can take a train and ride a bus, carrying our four canned goods each to get a cheap admission.  May the force be with me.  This will be the most adventurous thing I have done in a long time.  Little dd and I are going and meeting her and my 16 year old niece.

I'm proud of you, Tex.  

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Also, SIL talked me into going to the State Fair.  She says we can take a train and ride a bus, carrying our four canned goods each to get a cheap admission.  May the force be with me.  This will be the most adventurous thing I have done in a long time.  Little dd and I are going and meeting her and my 16 year old niece.


You mean since the family vacation to the water park?  (Not to be Johnny Raincloud or anything....)

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