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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


1 hour ago, Slache said:

I got 3 hours and 20 minutes of sleep. Kids are playing instead of schooling. I should maybe do something about that. I ran the dishwasher which no longer smells like tide. Tuna salad sammiches and club salad for dinner.


You and sleep aren't getting along well, are you?

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Plague Prevention Protocol

At the first sign of cold symptoms, start sucking on a Cold-eeze.  They are gross but you can handle it!   If you feel a fever coming on, hydrogen peroxide your ears.  Repeat these things every few hours for a couple days. 


Unfortunately, I am one of those people for whom zinc tablets are not an option. They make me barf.

50 minutes ago, Renai said:

We're on page 3444. Do you think we'll make it to page 4444?



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DS and DD1 are reading "Cheaper by the Dozen" for literature. OK, that book is hilarious.  DS is really appreciating the humor.  And, if anyone is looking for help with literature, the Novel Ties study guides are really good. I've used them a lot this year.  Pretty open and go and they have a ton of titles.  I give it a "thumbs up!"

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5 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Plague Prevention Protocol

At the first sign of cold symptoms, start sucking on a Cold-eeze.  They are gross but you can handle it!   If you feel a fever coming on, hydrogen peroxide your ears.  Repeat these things every few hours for a couple days. 

We are firm believers in Cold-Eze here, too!!!!

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Well, Gymnast got through all 6 Twinkles today and got a reward! Last week, it was fairly obvious she hadn't practiced the week before and her violin teacher gave her a heart-to-heart. Then the teacher talked to me asking what reward would motivate her to practice. I talked to Gymnast, and she wanted to play different games with me on different days that she practiced. So, we did that four days in a row last week.

Her playing today was "almost" flawless, but awesome enough for everyone to feel very proud of her, including herself, and now she moves to new music! "Lightly Row." She learned a part today. "A" part, meaning it wasn't the first part. 


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My tick disease panels came back negative for cooties. My xray was apparently also clear of cooties. But the ultrasound failed to find out what the swellings on the side of my neck actually are, so I feel like I'm back to square 0.5. Going back in for a recheck on Wednesday and hoping that this time they let me either have the CT or tell me to what degree the sides of my neck need to swell to get a CT. I'm hoping I get a pass at Cobra and don't have to progress to Frilled Lizard.😖

ETA: I will say that the funniest question I ever got about my physical appearance happened at the ultrasound. They asked me if I worked out. I just stared. Hello? Writer. My upper body workout consists of roughly 2000 words typed a day and lifting my teacup. Yeah. Not a bodybuilder in this lifetime.

Edited by Critterfixer
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53 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

I paid the gas and water bill. I call that the Utility Bill, but sometimes people think I am talking about gas and electric.  Do you guys call trash and water utilities? Or do you call it trash and water?


We call them "the dump" and "the well." 🤪

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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

I paid the gas and water bill. I call that the Utility Bill, but sometimes people think I am talking about gas and electric.  Do you guys call trash and water utilities? Or do you call it trash and water?

I don't call trash a utility,  more a service.  We don't have a water bill but I would consider that a utility if we did.

Home after my long Monday.   They are among my favorite classes (older kids) but it is my longest day with three classes and tutoring and occasionally 4-H.

Just two classes tomorrow and they're two sessions of the same class so I can do the same activity with both at least some of the time, which works out well.

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So, although the MVD doesn't think I qualify for a Real ID, the federal department of state thinks I'm good for an international passport. Which I can use to get a Real ID. Which I probably won't now, because, what's the point? I can fly anywhere with a passport.

For those new to the ordeal, the MVD didn't like my name change, and I was in and out of courts and communicating with all kinds of departments of stuff to figure things out. This lasted for 1.5 years. The state MVD got a class action suit held against them last year and lost (apparently, they were requiring more than necessary, even to get just a regular license). I went back and finally got a regular license, because they still don't like my name changes for a Real ID. I used my ID and the same d@mn info to apply for a passport. It came in the mail today.

I'm a bonafide citizen again!

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4 hours ago, KrissiK said:

I paid the gas and water bill. I call that the Utility Bill, but sometimes people think I am talking about gas and electric.  Do you guys call trash and water utilities? Or do you call it trash and water?

They are all utilities but since you wouldn’t know which utility bill I am talking about, I will specify which one. 

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16 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

We love that Cadenza Suzuki guy!  He's so happy!  And he also does viola!


I just discovered him a couple of months ago, but at the time Gymnast wasn't interested. Now that she is moving on to a new song, I put him on again as well as his slowed -down version with the metronome, and she was all over it! I hope this helps motivate her more. She was so proud when she got through all 6 Twinkles and got her certificate.

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And now, Gymnast says she is jealous of me because during my break, I figured out the rest of "Lightly Row" on my borrowed violin. My telling her I have a slight advantage because I have played piano by ear for years did not alleviate her jealousy. 😞

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I just responded to an in home health care ad for an 88 year old man. Please pray. It's the least awful thing I've seen as far as the hours ruining my life. I would probably really like it.

13 minutes ago, Renai said:

First, I learned about Thomas Edison, the kite, and the resulting creation of powerlines.

Tonight, I have learned about Abraham Lincoln and his persistence in creating the light bulb.

I did know about the lightbulb.

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7 minutes ago, Slache said:

I just responded to an in home health care ad for an 88 year old man. Please pray. It's the least awful thing I've seen as far as the hours ruining my life. I would probably really like it.

I did know about the lightbulb.


The problem is WHO these students are saying did what. I began to wonder if they were in the same class, lol! The SS teacher may need to get fired...

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43 minutes ago, Renai said:

First, I learned about Thomas Edison, the kite, and the resulting creation of powerlines.

Tonight, I have learned about Abraham Lincoln and his persistence in creating the light bulb.

I suppose tomorrow night you will learn all about the scandal-ridden Benjamin Franklin Presidency.

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Good morning!

It's Lawn Mowing Day!  

Sophie and Mr. Sassy's baby (Paco) was hopping around the front porch last night with Sophie chirping encouragement along the way.  He's not in the next this morning and it looks like Mom is searching for him.

Dd16 was feeling pretty bad last night from the plague, but is doing better this morning.  Dd10 is languishing in the living room.  Imma make her do her ears.


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Morning. Ugh. Opened my morning poem to find another poem discussing abuse of animals. Between abuse of animals and abuse of people, it's getting hard to open my morning poems anymore! I'm debating asking the magazine to drop me from the subscription list or to write a letter to the editor asking for some way to mark these poems without making it a form of censoring. I support the writing of these poems because they discuss things that need to be discussed, but I also don't want to be tormented for months with the images.😢

Other than that, will be writing today while I try to figure out the best way to approach the editor, or if that's something that is important for me to do. 

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Good Morning!!!




I think I have nothing else going on today. My planner and the wall calendar are blank. Yay!!!

Slept better last night. The night before the electricity went out at 3:00am. Found out that some drunk 18 year old with a 13 year old in his car ran into a power pole a couple blocks from here. Power was out for half the town. Nothing in that scenario is right. Not the drunk 18 year old, not the 13 year old in his car and not the both of them being out at 3:00am. The pictures posted of the car look like there was more to the accident than just striking power pole, the car was in bad shape. Surprisingly, no one was hurt.

Critter, people may have the right to write whatever poetry they want, but you are under absolutely no obligation to read it. I would speak up to the magazine.

Susan, hope the family gets to feeling better soon.

Lynn, yay for strong COFFEE!!!~D. I am drinking Mariposa Morning, myself. I love the name of that. My sil got it for me from.... you guessed it, Mariposa. It’s a sweet little mountain town near where they live.

Yay for Library Day, Junie. We need one of those around here. I don’t have any good books to read.

Edited by KrissiK
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23 hours ago, Renai said:

We're on page 3444. Do you think we'll make it to page 4444?

I'm wondering what happens if we finish page 9999. We've proven that the software can do four-digit page numbers, but what about five?

2 hours ago, Junie said:

We libraried yesterday, so today everyone is going to want to read books and not do any actual homeschool.

(Me included.)

That's why we library on Friday afternoons. But IMO one of the top things wrong with b & m schools is not enough time to read books, so... really it's a win either way.

DS is going on his first campout with his new troop, and so in addition to our regular stuff this week (piano, track, his three appointments plus a bonus one for me, and oh, maybe some school??), he has to do a swim test, learn how to set up his new tent, pack, and do the grubmaster thing (plan and shop for four meals and two snacks for himself + 6 others). So I might have to ignore this thread a bit. o.0   But you are all my favorite. 

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I don't think that God wants me to be an Eeyore (a very real tendency for me).  After all, He tells me to "rejoice in the Lord always".  But I also don't think that means being a Pollyanna.  As one of my seminary professors used to say, "Life is tough but God is good."

- Random musings. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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I'm alive. Good morning. Or afternoon. School is done, soup for dinner. I got 8 hours of sleep over 10 hours in bed. Better. I need my diet and workouts fixed. And my reading. Those will all help with the sleeping.

14 hours ago, Slache said:

I just responded to an in home health care ad for an 88 year old man. Please pray. It's the least awful thing I've seen as far as the hours ruining my life. I would probably really like it.

This man has still not made a decision. I am in competition with more qualified people. I do wonder if some of the more qualified people want more money. He won't have to pay for my parking which is exciting for him.

10 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

🎶 “Lullaby, and good night, go to sleep little Slachey...”

Dh just patted my arm and suggested that I get closer to the fire to get warm. :biggrin:

It worked!


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4 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

I think it's perfect!  It'll put hair on your chest!  :laugh:

If I remember correctly, so will green beans, spinach, liver,...... 😜😁

 eta:  It’s a “put hair on your chest” Booyah!  😂

Edited by Another Lynn
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Working my way through the writing day. I wrote 1500 words on one story, printed out my stuff for meeting, and now I'm about to write another 1000 on a second story. I've got about another week or so before I hear back from the last short story submission. I still have a kitchen to clean and some character work to do.

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