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9 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Good morning. 

Slache, have you ever tried melatonin?

Mama - we have a group of ITTers on Fitbit (including Angi) who do challenges.  If you want to join us, PM me your Fitbit name (I think that's what I need.  One of you tell me if it is something else.)

Susan - I listen to rain noises every night for 8 hours on Spotify as my white noise.  Some nights if I need to occupy my racing thoughts I put on instrumental hymns very very softly so that my mind can focus on the hymns but I can still get to sleep. 

Last night I went from ten repetitions on my hip exercises to twelve because the ten were becoming so easy.  My hips hurt SOOOOO much from those two additional reps.  My stoopid body is so wimpy and sensitive.  I had to get up and take two different pain pills so that I could sleep. 


I have taken it in the past and have been considering it.

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56 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Good morning. 

Slache, have you ever tried melatonin?

Mama - we have a group of ITTers on Fitbit (including Angi) who do challenges.  If you want to join us, PM me your Fitbit name (I think that's what I need.  One of you tell me if it is something else.)

Susan - I listen to rain noises every night for 8 hours on Spotify as my white noise.  Some nights if I need to occupy my racing thoughts I put on instrumental hymns very very softly so that my mind can focus on the hymns but I can still get to sleep. 

Last night I went from ten repetitions on my hip exercises to twelve because the ten were becoming so easy.  My hips hurt SOOOOO much from those two additional reps.  My stoopid body is so wimpy and sensitive.  I had to get up and take two different pain pills so that I could sleep. 



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House is 80% clean, bread is rising... I am making progess!

The installers hung our new microwave today. Our old one was installed incorrectly and could’ve started a fire so it is a blessing that our old microwave died.

I think that officially that the microwave was the last thing that hadn’t been inspected by a trade professional so hopefully we can move past all of the house craziness that we inherited when we bought this house once the HVAC is fixed! 

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I had a good talk with the therapist. He’s a good guy. I like him. Now we are  attempting to finish up school.


Kids did their spelling tests. I have the Lingua Angelica CD on. Such beautiful music. We are studyIng “Gloria” for Latin. (I like writing these things down because it sounds so much more impressive in writing than in real life.) The little girls are doing a History Pocket on the Pilgrims.


Hey, I got a Booya/h and nobody noticed. Including me.

This is a stealthy Friday Booya/h!!

Edited by KrissiK
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Well, it looks like we have a diagnosis, her colon is not working properly but, we don't know what the next step is going to be yet.  She has an appointment with the internal medicine doctor because they're concerned about her weight loss hopefully, we'll know more after that.  We finished school, took a walk and now I'm trying to decide what to do for dinner and I'm going to relax.

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We are back from the Old Lady Party.  Miss Mary will be 102 years old on the 14th (same as my birthday!).  She attributes her longevity to having spent her growing-up years hanging tobacco on the barn rafters. :biggrin:

The kids want to go busking tonight - it's a bit chilly, but not raining, at least.

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School is done.


Quote of the day from my baby.

I was helping her with her piano practicing and I said, “honey, we need to count!” And she said! “Count?? We don’t need to count. We just go!!,” 

I thought Susan the musician might appreciate that.?

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33 minutes ago, KrissiK said:


I was helping her with her piano practicing and I said, “honey, we need to count!” And she said! “Count?? We don’t need to count. We just go!!,” 

I thought Susan the musician might appreciate that.?

:laugh:  That is so me when I was young!  All that pesky and confusing counting nonsense!

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12 minutes ago, Junie said:

The only rollerskating songs I remember are the Hokey Pokey and Madonna's You Must Be My Lucky Star.

Our roller rink burned to the ground when I was in elementary school.  ?

Oh, I loved roller skating. You totally forgot YMCA.

Young man, there’s no need to feel down.

I said, youngman, pick yourself off the ground.

I said young man, ‘cause you’re new in a town

There’s no need to feel unhappy!!

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA!!


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My girls are incredibly giggly.Must be the Halloween candy.

Oh, and they told me the neighbor kids told them their mom threw all their Halloween candy away last year. They only got 5 pieces. She wanted them to eat more healthy. And you know, I kind of believe that. This woman is a little psycho that way. For a while there she told her kids they couldn’t play at our house because I am a bad mother.

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Y'all, if you're keeping track of what happens in the Ellie household, you'll remember that we were supposed to have foundation repair on our house beginning November 19. So, I got a call this morning from the general manager, and he had a cancellation, and so would he start on Monday morning instead. Uh, sure. We're not ready, but sure. So this weekend there will be a flurry of activity while we move a few things in preparation for a crew of burly construction workers who will be pounding holes in the foundation, followed by more workers doing the stuff that couldn't be done until the foundation was done. Oh boy. o_0 Theoretically, it could all be finished by Christmas, so there's that.

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Good morning, Neverland! ::Hook fans will get this::

Today we go to the credit union to get a loan to pay for the aforementioned foundation repair. We haven't had a loan of any kind since we moved here, and it feel weird, but it's a home equity loan, which will be paid off in five years, so there's that. No retirement for Mr. Ellie. :-)

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Good morning!

I am dropping activities like flies.  It's that time of year.  There are seversl committments that we can't drop, but I am taking a good long look at other things and deeming them not worthy.  Plus, ds13 and dh decided they don't want to go on the Boy Scout backpacking trip next weekend.  Yay!


oh goodness, I forgot to post this a while back.

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Good Morning.

Evidently we are all getting a slow start to the day because the kids are still asleep.  I should be getting up and throwing in a load of laundry, but I'm off all next week (except cleaning and planning stuff) so I could just do it then.  

I have to take the kids out to get boots, and dd needs a winter coat.  I'm trying to decide if i want to wake them up or just go after lunch.   Ds would usually be the first one up on the weekend since he gets computer time in the morning but his computer is in for service.  He managed to pop off a couple keys and they actually had to send it out.  So he won't have it for a week or so, and therefore evidently it's not worth it to him to get up.

This evening we are meeting my dad and his wife at Red Lobster for dinner to celebrate their anniversary..  It should be good.  Ds finds their french fries acceptable and dd LOVES seafood, and I'll get to chat with my dad.

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I didn't sleep quite as well last night because I forgot to turn the sound switch to off on my phone, which doesn't usually matter over night except, apparently, when I am playing a white noise youtube.  So the email kept dinging all night and it took me until 4am to figure out why.  Time to get a white noise app, I think.

I put the first of three loads of laundry in.  I also have to wash my coat after spilling blue cheese dressing all over it.  I should work on the pantry a bit so we can get in and out of there without risking our necks.  Might help with yard work. And I'm planning to teach the kids to make Scandinavian stars.  Choir email.  Think about ds13's birthday. Order tickets to opera.  Floss teeth.  I'd better flee the ITT before I think of more things to do.

More coffee!

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Good Morning!!!



I slept till 8:00 this morning!!!

The Tree in the backyard I can see from my place at the table is absolutely gorgeous!!! It’s a Chinese pistasche, which is not native to our area, but everyone has been planting for the last 15-20 years because it does grow well in our climate and has fantastic fall color. And it is a nice shade tree, which comes in handy during the summer.

I don’t know what i’m Going to do today. Clean the bathroom, grocery shop at the AFSA. I really need to find some turkey wings and make stock for Thanksgiving.  But right now, I’m going to sit and look at the tree for a few minutes because it is so pretty!!!

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Good morning.

I am getting "bad gateway" messages every time I click on a thread on this site. 

I slept really well.  I started sleeping well a couple of nights ago when I think the temperature got low enough for me to be comfortable.  That and I'm doubling up on meds.  Which I shouldn't do with one of them but . . .   sleeping well sort of trumps that.  (It won't kill me.  But it might give me a tummy ache.)


finish the blankety blank FAFSA.

get my enhanced license

work on my talk for the women's luncheon thing I am speaking at next Saturday. 

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40 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Good morning.

I am getting "bad gateway" messages every time I click on a thread on this site. 

I slept really well.  I started sleeping well a couple of nights ago when I think the temperature got low enough for me to be comfortable.  That and I'm doubling up on meds.  Which I shouldn't do with one of them but . . .   sleeping well sort of trumps that.  (It won't kill me.  But it might give me a tummy ache.)


finish the blankety blank FAFSA

get my enhanced license


As soon as the weather started getting cooler, especially nights, I started sleeping much better, too!!

Watch yer language there, Jeannie!! This is a family show!!

I’m not getting an enhanced license. I sent in my renewal for a regular one.


well, look at that, it’s a Quoting Jeannie Booya/h!!

Edited by KrissiK
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