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Can someone call CPS? My eleven year old has to mop the floor and she's about to die of psychological torture because the towel on a stick for drying is too floppy and she has to exert effort to make it work.



The horror!

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Then I guess  you will have to do something else instead. Like...... ITT and have some chocolate. :lol:



FIL had ordered in a book on Spices and their healing qualities.  Chocolate is very VERY good for you, if you eat good quality, high-cocoa-content chocolate.  I'm going to get some for my Dad.  And more for myself.  And my kids -- I'll get them trained to eat the strong stuff because it's like vitamins.

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Everything is picked up and I am eating gluten. I worked out, showered, folded laundry and washed the sheets. Matt's off to help Cambodian friend with taxes. He's in trouble. Matt helped him fill out his W-4 but another friend had him change it so his checks would be bigger. Now he owes $2,000 which he doesn't have and his friend said all he has to do is claim such and such in gambling losses. Cambodian friend has brain damage and can't understand why this is a bad idea. We should really take him with us to Indiana.


Oh, and there's no job for Matt waiting so we're not sure what to do from here. We were told he was 99% sure he could pull it off, but no.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:   Are there resources, people who could be lined up to continue to help Cambodian Friend after you move away?


I'm sorry about the job.

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Ah. Thank you. In my defense, I didn't know it was the top of the page. Or does that make me even more stupid? :leaving:



Not a bit; it's one of our little traditions here.  Just you wait -- you will get so accustomed to declaring your booya/booyah/boeja/choose-your-own-spelling that you will do it in other threads!   :laugh:

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I could not find Firefly, and I checked two libraries. Very little sci-fi and fantasy are available at the big library. I don't know why, but it stinks to be an adult fantasy fan, it really does.

I think Prairie is really pushing my speed-reading skills with Eye of the World. But it looks awesomely delicious, all 657 pages of epicness.



Firefly is a TV show -- were you checking videos?


Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series is AWESOME in so many meanings of the word.  But be forwarned: it will suck you in.  You will lose track of what's going on with one group while he's taking you through the happenings of another group.  You will find yourself re-reading paragraphs, sections, and books -- there is no shame to this.  It's a lot to absorb, and can be very addicting.



When we first happened upon the series DH and I were reading the books back-to-back until we caught up to the latest one.  We then would have to wait a year or two for the next book, so in that time we would re-read everything from the start to refresh our memories; we could then read the new one right as we finish the re-read.  We would then wait another year or two for the next book, re-reading those books again in the meantime.


It is okay to resurface to the world of other books and stop reading the series for a bit to preserve your sanity.  Honest, it's okay.

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What I found: I got Season 1 of Deep Space Nine, because Deep Space Nine. I got a season of Sherlock. Pickings were just kind of slim. I could have had all kinds of Downton Abbey or Sex in the City, though.



Yup, I see you were checking through the videos.  I'm sorry they didn't have Firefly -- would Inter-Library Loan work for non-book items?

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Juliet went to the back door and gave a quick bark to be let out (I have to carry her down the stairs). Then she went potty like a big girl!!! (Of course this was only 20 minutes after she left a puddle in Ds’ room. ....)



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Yes, but still Good Girl!  *pat pat ear-rub*

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Dh is  :001_tt1:  :001_tt1:  :001_tt1:  :001_tt1: .  He helped me take my vacuum in to be serviced (cleaned, new belt, new beater bar), bought me a handheld vacuum so that the children can clean the stairs themselves, hung a wall-mounted drying rack in the laundry room, and is otherwise making my life much much easier as a homemaker. 



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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I am actually not a lover of big epic fantasy. I like it. I like the worldbuilding and the thematic elements. What is sometimes lacking for me is a main character (one--no more) that I can love and enjoy throughout the book. So I'll be looking for that.



That main character is there.  And another.  And another.  And, to my dismay, yet another....


Matt is one of my favorites.

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In the last 8 hours I have taken 6 ibuprofen, 4 pumps of flonase, a dose of zyrtec, 2 cups of tea with honey, and 140 calories worth of Carr's lemon ginger cookies, while dying to death during the entirety of Die Hard 2 (which is NOT a short movie, I might add), because I couldn't breathe and my throat was on fire.


So now it is 1am and I've neti-potted and can't lay down until everything drains.



Any other questions? :hat:

Yes, what is the air-speed of an unladen swallow??
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I slept like the dead last night. I somehow feel both groggy and well-rested. I have coffee.

I slept like Carp last night. How can I be in the middle of a hot flash and burning up and the skin on my arms still be cold??





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*taking notes for my reading list*



I have an ever-growing list in Amazon called "books to consider".  I can't keep up, but it's my go-to spot now when I get to treat myself to something.

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Hey all,


There's a cool homeschool activity that you can do with tomatoes and potatoes that I read about once in a garden book. Basically you drill a hole in potato and then pop a tomato seedling into the hole and plant the whole thing. The book said that the roots of the tomato will run through the the potato and start growing more potatoes for you. I don't know if it works but it sounds really cool.



Hi, Rose!  Welcome here!

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I have been in quite a bit of pain today.   :(


I helped dd15 make lunch and I could barely stand.  I told her that the barometer was probably falling.  When I checked weather later, I confirmed that fact.


I have a feeling I'm not going to sleep well tonight, so if you see me posting here at weird times tonight, you'll know why.


I'm trying to distract myself, so I put a pile of high school English and history resources on my bed.  I might as well do something productive.


I also borrowed a movie from the library, so I might watch that.  (Finding Neverland -- it's part of the 1900's study with dd15 and dd13.)



:grouphug:  :grouphug:   


Today I am sinus-y and my head hurts, so I think that barometric change came through here, too.  I hope you feel better soon.


Please let us know what you think of the movie.  I think I need to consider making yet another Amazon list: "movies to consider".  I can look elsewhere to see about viewing them, but these Amazon lists are so danged handy!

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DD 4 is no longer with us.



Eta, of the cuppa variety.

You must be so flexible!



:grouphug:  :grouphug:   Are there resources, people who could be lined up to continue to help Cambodian Friend after you move away?


I'm sorry about the job.

There are people, he just likes Matt better.



So am I. And dieting sucks!! Even if they do try to tell you, “it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle,â€


Obesity Code.
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I got a rejection this evening. Very nice words, though.


:seeya: Rose. Poutine is delicious. Or it was when I could have gravy. :sad:


:grouphug: Junie. We are headed for a week of rain and I've been achy today. I thought it was just sleep deprivation, but now I'm not so sure. Hope you feel better soon.



:grouphug:  for the rejection, the no-gravy, and the achy.


I have never had poutine, but now I am intrigued (having looked it up).  Must be careful down here, though -- Rodeo is coming up, and if poutine gets mentioned much someone is going to figure out how to deep-fry entire nuggets encasing the fries, cheese, AND gravy....

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Hugs to all who need them. Or want them.


The weather was nice, so we went outside with neighbors and let the kids go crazy.


I have cooked (pull apart pizza bread, asparagus, salad, fruit, plus chicken for ds31 and myself) and everything was a hit. Dishwasher has been loaded and set, counters, etc. cleaned, pie cooked and cooling along with a salad made, both for church tomorrow. Sunday school lesson ready.


I had to start a laundry load. I got my hair cut while wearing my only real bra. I clearly didn't think that through. And I don't wanna wear a sports bra tomorrow. The straps give me a headache.


6 Kids have been bathed and some are lying down, some playing. My 2 will bathe in the morning. I'm ready to collapse, but am waiting for hot water for my own bath.



pull-apart pizza bread?  Recipe to share, perhaps?  

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I’ve never been to Canada. But I would really like to. I would love to visit British Columbia. And Prince Edward Island.



Last summer on our Alaskan cruise we got little snippets of tourist Canada.  I have my great-aunt's scrapbook from her 1934 jaunt across Canada by rail and steamship cruise of Alaska.  She visited Banff and other places that I want to see.


So much Canada.  It will take several trips, but I wanna, I wanna, I wanna....

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My dad and his highschool buddies drove up to Canada after graduating. They got turned back at the border, something about not having much money with them.


My dad walked across the border line on his hands before turning around.



My Dad and his younger brother spent a summer working in Canada when they were young (back in the 1940s).  They, too, had to have a certain amount of money (which they managed to have, being told about the requirement by a friend).  They had a blast.

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In the last 8 hours I have taken 6 ibuprofen, 4 pumps of flonase, a dose of zyrtec, 2 cups of tea with honey, and 140 calories worth of Carr's lemon ginger cookies, while dying to death during the entirety of Die Hard 2 (which is NOT a short movie, I might add), because I couldn't breathe and my throat was on fire.


So now it is 1am and I've neti-potted and can't lay down until everything drains. 



Any other questions?  :hat:



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Are you feeling better today?  I hope?

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I guess you missed me. I didn't move there until about '96. I worked in this crazy, high end bed and breakfast. It was from this experience that I learned never to buy a black bath tub.


Thanks for throwing me a party.


Canadian blood is the best.



I have never even seen a black bathtub.


I find it interesting that not only the place, but apparently their website, is down for renovations.  I wonder what changes they are making?

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And now for a proper good morning.  Juliet was fascinated by the white stuff coming out of the sky this morning.  She is starting the "chase after me if you want me to come" thing.  Not going to play that game.  I just go to where I want her to be and after a moment or two she decides that she wants to be there too.  Tomorrow we start on "come". 


I have a pair of clippers out back and while Juliet plays (and eventually does the "hurry ups" that we went out for), I clip a few blackberry vines.  Maybe by the time she's full grown, I will have cleared it out back there.  Blackberries are an invasive species here. 


We're going to take Juliet with us to church.  She has her smaller crate and can stay there during the actual services.  In between we will do walkies.  I think she's too young to be crated all morning while we're gone.  I realize that working people probably do that or maybe they're rich enough to afford dog walkers but just like I'm against day care for MY babies, I'm against long crating for MY puppies.  (Did you see what I did there?  I'm owning my own choices without judging others for theirs.) 

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I think the fact that I have to make it a lifestyle is profoundly depressing. But that’s me.


It was for me too but I'm finding new ways to treat myself and to be satisfied.  It took months or even longer, though.  And doubling my step goal has meant that I can eat a normal healthy diet without crazy restrictions. 

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I think the fact that I have to make it a lifestyle is profoundly depressing. But that’s me.


Whole30 made a huge difference for me. After 2 weeks of clean eating I just felt so. d*mn. good. Better than I'd felt since before I got married. That makes it worth it to me. But Whole30 is different than just not eating __________ and requires more of a commitment which is why the difference was so profound.

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I probably don’t want to know why that makes me flexible.


I hope IF never sucks for you. So far it seems to be like everything else for me. Really hard the first couple days then easy for about a year and then the plateau which can only be broken by efforts that make me feel like crap all the time.


Not bothering with a hashtag for crap. My Da’s side comes from a bunch a Irish construction workers, cops, and sailors. 😜


TeA in a cup. Bad joke.


IF has not helped me lose weight but it helps me feel really good, which is good enough for me. In the first two weeks of IF I lost 4 pounds, but never again. I think that was inflammation. But I'm weird. Everyone else seems to lose weight with it.

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I slept like Carp last night. How can I be in the middle of a hot flash and burning up and the skin on my arms still be cold??





I've never thought about how carp slept before. It seems a little fishy to me. :P


I have never even seen a black bathtub.


I find it interesting that not only the place, but apparently their website, is down for renovations.  I wonder what changes they are making?

Hopefully they're replacing that black bath tub. Soap scum was terrible then even if the tub wasn't used I had to dust it daily to keep it looking good. I still resent that tub 20 years later.

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