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Dh said I was mean to start on Monday, but I plan by the week and it all just seems to fall apart if I try to do a half week.


Also, is anyone else feeling a little freaked out that they are not halfway through their materials? I mean, I know I planned school to go longer in the spring, but I didn’t think it was that much longer...😱

Lalalalalala...can't hear you! :laugh:

Answer--not really concerned. I'm more than halfway through some things and more than halfway behind on others. Third Form Latin took longer than a year to complete. Fine by me. We are almost done with a year of math because we started back in the summer when the last level ended. I have to buy more math in about a month. It gets done when it gets done.

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We say we hear a rana (frog) in the house. :) We also say...oh, never mind. Suffice it to say, dh has created a whole rana culture here... :glare:



Sounds a lot like Keroro Gunso.  *shudder*

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I try to keep it cultured by insisting it be referred to as "passing gas." But saying "pedo" is so much shorter and has more impact...



Now you need a way to measure the output.  You know, a pedometer....



Ba dum tiss.

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Dh said I was mean to start on Monday, but I plan by the week and it all just seems to fall apart if I try to do a half week.


Also, is anyone else feeling a little freaked out that they are not halfway through their materials? I mean, I know I planned school to go longer in the spring, but I didn’t think it was that much longer...😱



The Dad Project has guaranteed that we will be working into the summer on a bunch of stuff.  We are resigned.

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What kind of German are you!?! Store-bought sauerkraut is very strong. I have some homemade in my fridge that is mild and good for you. Eat it with some sausages.



Recipe for homemade, please?

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I love Grandma Mimi! Her wrinkly skin is so soft and she always has a bowl of lemon drops.



And root beer barrels and dinner mints.  All in milk glass bowls, including the chicken dish (the one where the bottom half is the nest and the lid is the chicken sitting on the nest).

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I breakfasted and fed the cat and let the cat out.  Both girls are sleeping in and I didn't have the heart to wake them.  I think they sleep more in the cold weather.


Time for me to go be productive again.  I have things to empty out of shelves in preparation for moving furniture over to Dad's new apartment, and for DD13 to move into the spare bedroom as we get it cleared.


Less than 2 weeks before I go back to Colorado to wrap up operations there.

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I really dislike root beer. Grandma Mimi needs better drink options.



Root beer barrels are a candy.  She has homemade lemonade, great tasting spring water, and lots of fruit trees so we can squeeze our own juices as we like.

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Dh said I was mean to start on Monday, but I plan by the week and it all just seems to fall apart if I try to do a half week.

Also, is anyone else feeling a little freaked out that they are not halfway through their materials? I mean, I know I planned school to go longer in the spring, but I didn’t think it was that much longer...😱


I realized when re-doing my planner, that I never fully planned out history this year like I usually do, and so I am only on Chapter 7 now out of 22.  We can finish by the end of the year of we do history 5 days a week and I don't allow skipping.  The problem with that is I know that it is not feasible.  It's annoying because we've been plugging along and I feel like we've done a lot of history.  I guess that's the beauty of it, though - we don't HAVE to finish.  Mapping the World Through Art - we'll get through half.  Which is fine - we can do the other half next year.  We're not halfway through math, but we did some BA in the beginning of the year, and then started the MiF 5, so we're paced pretty good to finish the important chapters at least.


So, yes, I am feeling a pressed for time here at the halfway point.  I just have to remember to not let DS feel the "we're behind" vibe I'm no doubt emitting.  It's not his fault.  And objectively, we're not really "behind."  If I were to plop him in public school right now he'd not be seen as being behind.







It's a Need to :chillpill: BOOYAH!

Edited by ikslo
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Root beer barrels are a candy.  She has homemade lemonade, great tasting spring water, and lots of fruit trees so we can squeeze our own juices as we like.


Root beer CANDY??? Thank goodness there's dinner mints. Those are my FAVE. :D And peppermints. There should be peppermints.

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Recipe for homemade, please?

Finely shred a head of cabbage. (Save a couple outer leaves) Put it in a large bowl with a tablespoon of kosher or sea salt (NOT table salt). Pound it until it is all juicy. Pack it tightly into large wide-mouth canning jars or something similar and push it down until the juices are above the cabbage. Place a cabbage leaf over the shredded to help keep it down and add a bit of salt water if there aren't enough juices to go over the cabbage. Loosely cover the jars and let sit out for 10-30 days or until it tastes the way you want it.


I got this for my birthday and it works really well: https://smile.amazon.com/Wide-Mouth-Fermenting-Accurately-Sauerkraut-Probiotics/dp/B071GQJJJW/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1514989138&sr=8-8&keywords=Sauerkraut+kit

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I always worry I won’t clean it well enough and I’ll accidentally make a bunch of jars full of food poisoning.

The salt generally prevents bad stuff from forming and it is OK to eat if it looks, smells, and tastes fine. I make a dramatic event of taking the first taste from a batch. :svengo: :D

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Good Morning!!!






Christmas Vacation ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘👠We aren’t starting up again till the 8th, which is typical of all the schools around here. I am significantly less than half way through any of my curriculum, and we do school every day.


Jeannie, I hope you got sleep last night!!!


I love root beer barrels.

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Krissi's chicken and gravy?

It’s the best. Dredge and brown chicken legs or quarters. Layer in a Dutch oven with plenty of sliced onion and Paula Deen’s seasoning (aka salt, pepper and garlic powder), put a cup or so of water in bottom of Dutch oven and bake in the oven at 300 degrees or so all afternoon. The meat is so tender it just falls off the bones and the drippings make incredible gravy. Edited by KrissiK
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And root beer barrels and dinner mints. All in milk glass bowls, including the chicken dish (the one where the bottom half is the nest and the lid is the chicken sitting on the nest).

I remember the chicken dish. And the milk glass bowls. And her house also has ottomans. Cube shaped.
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I'm still not dead. But I'm still doing the clean-up cough thing and sleeping a ridiculous amount of time.


School. We should be doing school? Oh, wait. That's right. We should be doing school. :svengo:


Work. I am supposed to be at work? Oh, wait. That's right. I'm supposed to be working. :svengo:


Imma cough up my lungs instead. :svengo:

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Hydrating... ;)


It is really cold outside, but the cold isn't bothering me as much as usual.  Dh is colder than usual.  I gained weight this year and he lost.


I think that I'm going to put off my weight-loss ambitions until spring.  :)

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I'm still not dead. But I'm still doing the clean-up cough thing and sleeping a ridiculous amount of time.


School. We should be doing school? Oh, wait. That's right. We should be doing school. :svengo:


Work. I am supposed to be at work? Oh, wait. That's right. I'm supposed to be working. :svengo:


Imma cough up my lungs instead. :svengo:



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I do, too!! She reads Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel at bed time, too!!

I used to have Mike Milligan and His Steam Shovel completely memorized. I was working on painting a rental when Ds was a toddler. To keep him occupied I brought a tape recorder and a book on tape. It didn’t occur to me that I should have brought more than one book on tape. We listened to that over and over and over again!

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I used to have Mike Milligan and His Steam Shovel completely memorized. I was working on painting a rental when Ds was a toddler. To keep him occupied I brought a tape recorder and a book on tape. It didn’t occur to me that I should have brought more than one book on tape. We listened to that over and over and over again!


Mike Mulligin and His Steam Shovel was THE book that broke the camel's back when we attempted to do Five-In-A-Row in K, iirc.  DS wasn't having it.  He did not understand why he had to be tortured with the same book 5 times in a row.  I liked the story the first day, mom.  The second day it was repetitive.  The third day was boring.  The fourth day was too much.  I had a rebellion on my hands.  He had already sat through 5 days of The Story of Ping.  Whhhhhyyyyyyyyyy do we have to read it again?


The answer was we don't.  I dropped FIAR and never looked back.  We read a lot of books that year after that.  None of them twice. :)


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Mike Mulligin and His Steam Shovel was THE book that broke the camel's back when we attempted to do Five-In-A-Row in K, iirc.  DS wasn't having it.  He did not understand why he had to be tortured with the same book 5 times in a row.  I liked the story the first day, mom.  The second day it was repetitive.  The third day was boring.  The fourth day was too much.  I had a rebellion on my hands.  He had already sat through 5 days of The Story of Ping.  Whhhhhyyyyyyyyyy do we have to read it again?


The answer was we don't.  I dropped FIAR and never looked back.  We read a lot of books that year after that.  None of them twice. :)



I didn't realize that FIAR had you read the same book every day for five days.  Which I guess makes sense because of their name.  Can you tell that I never did FIAR? 

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I didn't realize that FIAR had you read the same book every day for five days.  Which I guess makes sense because of their name.  Can you tell that I never did FIAR? 


I guess I could have just adjusted by reading it once, and then doing the activities for the other days without re-reading the book.  Turns out, though, once he complained and I started to think about it, that I realized I was irritated by the repetitiveness of it, as well.  :lol:


Edited by ikslo
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Some people are putting away their Christmas decorations. I, on the other hand, just brought in from the yard our zombies and ghosts from Halloween! The bat lights are still up because I'm short. We never did put up our outdoor Christmas stuff because obviously the yard was full of Halloween and that would be more work. Our neighbors must think we are pathetic, or that we really, really, really love Halloween.  :lol:

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She needs a break, a little time at the Island. I’ll call Rocco and Roderigo.



Me too. 


(I'm seriously contemplating getting in the car and driving south. But, DW isn't home, and the kids are, and they have guitar/violin lesson in a couple of hours)

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Without breaks?  No station identification or anything?

There was like a  "This is 97.1, whatever our station name is and we're playing 2,018 songs, nonstop, for the new year," and the next one started. It happened once in like 30 minutes.


I try to keep it cultured by insisting it be referred to as "passing gas." But saying "pedo" is so much shorter and has more impact...

A friend was only allowed to use high brow insults growing up like boorish and dolt.


How are you, Bookie?



I really dislike root beer.



I'm cold.

I've been cold for like 3 weeks! I'm so over it.


I used to have Mike Milligan and His Steam Shovel completely memorized. I was working on painting a rental when Ds was a toddler. To keep him occupied I brought a tape recorder and a book on tape. It didn’t occur to me that I should have brought more than one book on tape. We listened to that over and over and over again!

MIL has The Night Before Christmas memorized.


Mike Mulligin and His Steam Shovel was THE book that broke the camel's back when we attempted to do Five-In-A-Row in K, iirc.  DS wasn't having it.  He did not understand why he had to be tortured with the same book 5 times in a row.  I liked the story the first day, mom.  The second day it was repetitive.  The third day was boring.  The fourth day was too much.  I had a rebellion on my hands.  He had already sat through 5 days of The Story of Ping.  Whhhhhyyyyyyyyyy do we have to read it again?


The answer was we don't.  I dropped FIAR and never looked back.  We read a lot of books that year after that.  None of them twice. :)


FIAR helped me become a real teacher. We were reading Madeline and I had prepared a Parisian geography activity for afterward but he wanted to learn more about appendicitis. I made a decision that day to put the book down and let him do things his way, not realizing that we had forever changed the way our school would be run.

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Mike Mulligin and His Steam Shovel was THE book that broke the camel's back when we attempted to do Five-In-A-Row in K, iirc.  DS wasn't having it.  He did not understand why he had to be tortured with the same book 5 times in a row.  I liked the story the first day, mom.  The second day it was repetitive.  The third day was boring.  The fourth day was too much.  I had a rebellion on my hands.  He had already sat through 5 days of The Story of Ping.  Whhhhhyyyyyyyyyy do we have to read it again?


The answer was we don't.  I dropped FIAR and never looked back.  We read a lot of books that year after that.  None of them twice. :)



Same here.  Except it was Before Five in a Row.  Because I wanted to get ahead of course.  With our first born.  Of course.  


I guess I could have just adjusted by reading it once, and then doing the activities for the other days without re-reading the book.  Turns out, though, once he complained and I started to think about it, that I realized I was irritated by the repetitiveness of it, as well.  :lol:



Same here.  

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I didn't realize that FIAR had you read the same book every day for five days. Which I guess makes sense because of their name. Can you tell that I never did FIAR?

I didn’t know that either, but I guess i’m Just used to homeschooling curriculum having weird names, so it didn’t register with me. I wouldn't Read the same book 5 times in a row. That’s crazy.
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