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I did all the things this morning....


Cleaned 2 bathrooms

Made bread

Dust mopped my bedroom


Now, I am taking the afternoon off and... I have no idea what i’m Doing. But, I do know it will include copious amounts of COFFEE!!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸

Edited by KrissiK
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Not that 6 inches is a ton... unless you're bicycling over unplowed roads (the roads may or may not be plowed - they do plow them, but especially with the high winds it doesn't take long for them to seem unplowed again).


Oh, and apparently the weather service's "travel is strongly discouraged" didn't make an impression either. And I don't think the weather service had bicycling in mind when they wrote that.


I can’t imagine. It’s 60 degrees here and cloudy. My grass is still sort of green and my roses are blooming.
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I've noticed that my bp meds only work on my systolic pressure, not my diastolic. Copious amounts of water will bring that down, though. Interesting.


edited because I don't know the difference between "done" and "down." I'm doing that a lot in my older age...

Edited by Renai
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I have been told since my kids were babies that "you're not really sick until the fever is over 100.4". But as I have learned in the past couple years, you can have the flu, a severe UTI, and pneumonia without breaking 100. The first time dd11 had pneumonia I don't think her fever ever went above 99.6 which is why I didn't take her to the clinic until she was Very Very Sick.

It depends on the person. I don't get fevers unless I am about to actually die. Neither does my 8yo. But my older daughter gets a fever in honor of a mosquito bite.

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It depends on the person. I don't get fevers unless I am about to actually die. Neither does my 8yo. But my older daughter gets a fever in honor of a mosquito bite.

All of my UTIs and Sinus infections have come without fevers. Then last time I had a significant fever is about 12 years ago when I had the flu. It was about 103-104 for a week.
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It depends on the person. I don't get fevers unless I am about to actually die. Neither does my 8yo. But my older daughter gets a fever in honor of a mosquito bite.


It's interesting that this conversation came up here, because on a fb group I'm in, a mom was asking about medicating fevers just a day ago. My answer was also "it depends."


With my oldest, I rarely medicated, and the doctor said I didn't have to worry about fevers until it was over 103. She often had fevers during illness (hovering 102 or so), but not all the time put her out of commission. It rarely got as high as 103 or more, and the last time it did, I medicated and it kept climbing. I took her to the ER in the middle of the night and she turned out with pneumonia (at first they thought it was meningitis). That was 2 weeks after Gymnast was born.


Speaking of whom, she also rarely gets a fever. The other day it only hit 101. But, when the child woke up yelling and crying that her daddy was hitting her, it was time to medicate. She was lying on the sofa next to me, dad was in bed, and doesn't even spank her. So, I'm assuming that if her fever ever gets high (meaning 101 or higher), something is really wrong with her.



Edited by Renai
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Awesome Booya/h, Susan. I’m glad you got yourself your COFFEE!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸

It was *your* awesome booya! I just copied and pasted it there. :D



It depends on the person. I don't get fevers unless I am about to actually die. Neither does my 8yo. But my older daughter gets a fever in honor of a mosquito bite.



When dh and the boys get a fever, all they want to do is lay (lie?) flat on the floor and moan. When dh gets a fever, the temp under his tongue goes down, so the thermometer will usually read 96/97.something. We should try one of those ear thermometers, but I'm too cheap to get a good quality one.

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I've roasted the turkey and gotten the meat off and divided it into portions (for turkey pot pies and turkey in masala) and gotten the broth started in the giant pot and cleaned out the car box which still had stuff in it from our trip. It's cold outside. I need to take care of the chickens' frozen water.

Edited by Susan in TN
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DW was like "I bicycled past a zillion cars that weren't moving or that were moving extremely slowly - it'd probably have taken me half an hour longer to get home by car". Me: "yes, but you'd have been warm and safer". Her: "I had bus fare if I needed it, and since the cars weren't really moving the risk was higher of me sliding into them than them sliding into me". Me:  :banghead:  (okay, I said some other stuff too, but,  :banghead: )

Edited by luuknam
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DW was like "I bicycled past a zillion cars that weren't moving or that were moving extremely slowly - it'd probably have taken me half an hour longer to get home by car". Me: "yes, but you'd have been warm and safer". Her: "I had bus fare if I needed it, and since the cars weren't really moving the risk was higher of me sliding into them than them sliding into me". Me:  :banghead:  (okay, I said some other stuff too, but,  :banghead: )


I'm sure that made you feel so much better.  :glare:

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And this is the best Booya/h in the whole world because it is a COFFEE Booya/h!! (Imagine, if you will, yours truly planting a flag that says "Booya/h" in big, bold letters and a cup of COFFEE under it! on the Rocky summit of.... The tall craggy mountain in the middle of the ITT Island, where we have our lodge. This lodge is in the middle of a forest with hardwood floors and throw rugs and huge stone fireplaces and wrap around porches with comfy Adirondack chairs. This is what I'm talking about.) (I think my imagination is getting the better of me.)


Sumitted by KrissiK with Documentation of the ITT Flag 5/1/2017



I don't find Adirondack chairs all that comfy.  May I have a long porch swing, please?  One long enough (with cushions) to lay on while I swing?

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Now dh has the van, so I am trapped into being productive at home instead of unproductively driving my bored children to get coffee. (For me.  Not them.)


And dd8 wants her buddies from the crawlspace so she can have a tea party, so I guess that's what I will tackle.  Blech.


Also, I have just been informed that ds3 did a #2 in his pull-up.  Let it not be so!   :svengo:







It was so.    :cursing:


:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I needed the space because the kids got a puzzle from the in-laws for xmas. I'm not looking forward to the puzzle. It's 1000 pieces. Which means I'm probably going to have to do most of it, and I don't like the picture. Who on earth thinks that a 10yo and a 7yo need a 1000 piece puzzle??! Unless, of course, the kids are known to do large puzzles - I'm sure some kids that age do. But really, 200 pieces would've been plenty for them, or 150, or even 100 would've been just fine. 



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I'm thinking that maybe Broccoli blabbed to the in-laws about helping me put my 2000 piece puzzle together that I'd gotten for my birthday. The one that I whined a zillion times about being too big (I like puzzles, but I've figured out they don't need to have more than 1000 pieces). I mean, it was good-natured whining, and because it was a world map, it wasn't too bad, but... the kids do NOT need a 1000 piece puzzle. I probably put 1850+ pieces of that 2000 piece puzzle together, so, it's not like they helped a lot. Broccoli helped a bit with the outside edge, and then both kids helped when there were a very few pieces left, and then argued about who could put the last piece down, so it was decided that DW could do that, since she hadn't put down any of the pieces yet. 

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Slaap, Jeantje, slaap.

Daar buiten loopt een schaap. 

Een schaap met witte voetjes.

Die drinkt z'n melk zo zoetjes.

Slaap, Jeantje, slaap.

Daar buiten loopt een schaap.


(Sleep, little Jean, sleep. Outside there walks a sheep. A sheep with little white feet. That drinks its milk so sweet. Sleep, little Jean sleep. Outside there walks a sheep)


(sheep would probably be better off in a stable as well, despite wool. at least we know why its feet are white. SNOW)

That's like one in English:

Sleep, baby, sleep:

Thy father guards the sheep.

Thy mother shakes the dreamland tree,

And from it fall sweet dreams for thee.

Sleep, baby, sleep.


When dh and the boys get a fever, all they want to do is lay (lie?) flat on the floor and moan.

It's lie. (I lie, I lay, I have lain; I lay [direct object], I laid [d.o.], I have laid [d.o.]) Why does English have to :willy_nilly: ??

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It was *your* awesome booya! I just copied and pasted it there. :D





When dh and the boys get a fever, all they want to do is lay (lie?) flat on the floor and moan. When dh gets a fever, the temp under his tongue goes down, so the thermometer will usually read 96/97.something. We should try one of those ear thermometers, but I'm too cheap to get a good quality one.


If you ever do spend the money for a fancy one, get a forehead one instead of an ear one - much easier to use and therefore less user error.  

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Sorted all the garbage bags of toys in the crawlspace (these are the ones that I packed away last summer while the floors were being refinished).  Two bags are now stuffed full for dumping/donating, one is stuffed full for storing away, and the remainder has been put away in the kids' bedrooms (by them; which means I'll probably do a final organizing tomorrow).  


You'd have thought it was Christmas all over again.  And when the stuffies came out it was like family returning home from a long deployment.  

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Sorted all the garbage bags of toys in the crawlspace (these are the ones that I packed away last summer while the floors were being refinished).  Two bags are now stuffed full for dumping/donating, one is stuffed full for storing away, and the remainder has been put away in the kids' bedrooms (by them; which means I'll probably do a final organizing tomorrow).  


You'd have thought it was Christmas all over again.  And when the stuffies came out it was like family returning home from a long deployment.  


My goal is to take a box or bag, or something out to the car daily this month. When I go out on errands (a few times a week), I'll stop by Salvation Army or Savers to drop the stuff off. So, I took out a small box of small kid clothes, and a baby play table that Gymnast hasn't played with in 5 years.

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But it's only the 9th day of Christmas!


I'm from NL. We have 1st xmas day, and 2nd xmas day. We also have 1st easter day, and 2nd easter day. We don't bother counting further. Normally I leave the tree up till Feb or March or so (and don't put it up until the day before xmas or so either... my record was putting it up 2nd xmas day, which y'all would consider to be the day after xmas...)


Would you eat unopened store bought guacamole that had been in the cold trunk over 24 hours? I guess it got heated up to maybe 60 degrees for a couple hours while we went to the eye doc.



Well, *I* would eat guac left in the trunk for 24 hours, but it'd also be a brick of frozen solid guac here. If the temps you mention are correct, I'd eat it... I just don't know that I'd trust the temps you mention, since cars heat up in weird ways. 

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