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She is 100 pounds at most.



Oh, I see, so she knows exactly what everyone else needs in that regard then, doesn't she?


Time for your phone to lose some calls and texts, perhaps?

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My cat wanted out right as I was clearing up dishes.  Now I can't get her to come to the door to come in.  It's COLD outside, and will be below freezing again tonight (if it isn't there already).  I wonder if she's in the garage with DH?

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@#@%%$^# cat!  It IS almost freezing outside RIGHT NOW.  We will have a hard freeze tonight.  She put in an appearance and tried to play "catch me!" when I tried to get her to come in.


I rattled the kitty treats at the open door and gave her some when she came in (to keep the integrity of rattling the kitty treats).  She was looking for the warmest spot on the couch when we were watching TV.  Why on earth does she want to run around outside during freezing temps, and at bedtime?!?


@#$#R%&$%^#$%#$^#$@%$&$%^@$%^@ cat!

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I can promise you it can snow at 27F. But, I decided to look it up to see at what temperature snow becomes impossible, and the answer is... absolute zero:




(it does say though that most heavy snow tends to happen when it's 15+F, and that below 0F snow is rare).


I'm sure it can, but here it doesn't. We'll just get ice. Once it gets below 31, things just freeze over. Most snowy days actually feel kind of nice outside. (Nice, in a, 30-something degrees doesn't feel too bad compared to less than 30, dry bitter air, freeze your nose off weather, nice)

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Books (physical) are on hold, day one of the Read Aloud Challenge is done (Caterpillars to Butterflies), tree is gone, budget is done, printing, cutting and folding for 2018 is done, need to ANKI and build my workout bench (birthday present).

Yo Tampoco.


Jean's butt's cold?


I can't put any books on hold because we have a few very overdue;

Did I read today?....;

Tree stays up until Dia de lo Tres Reyes, unless Gymnast wants it up until her birthday (8th, just two days later). HOWEVER, all the Santas and other decorations are put away except for one Nativity that stays for Three Kings Day.

The budget is on the prayer altar.

I haven't even looked at what needs to be done this semester. Maybe I should...

I need to build my workout plan.

I was also wondering about Jean's butt. But not in THAT way.

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Well, it’s New Year’s Day and I didn’t do my usual New Year’s Day Pondering Life. No journal writing, no resolutions (except the ones JJM made, but those will probably be broken in a week or two), no Hopes and Dreams. I thought above it doing it tomorrow, but it just wouldn’t be the same.

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Well, it’s New Year’s Day and I didn’t do my usual New Year’s Day Pondering Life. No journal writing, no resolutions (except the ones JJM made, but those will probably be broken in a week or two), no Hopes and Dreams. I thought above it doing it tomorrow, but it just wouldn’t be the same.

Who are you planning to kill?

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My husband accused me of being immature. I told him to get out of my fort.




I am going to steal that one.


My man just finished his shed. He now has heat and electricity in it. So if I told him to get out of my fort he would just sleep there.

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@#@%%$^# cat! It IS almost freezing outside RIGHT NOW. We will have a hard freeze tonight. She put in an appearance and tried to play "catch me!" when I tried to get her to come in.


I rattled the kitty treats at the open door and gave her some when she came in (to keep the integrity of rattling the kitty treats). She was looking for the warmest spot on the couch when we were watching TV. Why on earth does she want to run around outside during freezing temps, and at bedtime?!?


@#$#R%&$%^#$%#$^#$@%$&$%^@$%^@ cat!

Did you find kitty?

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She is 100 pounds at most.

What does she know about losing weight? I am very small myself and can't imagine having to lose weight. It seems impossible to me. I lost the freshman fifteen when I was overseas and had to walk a mile to buy milk and bread. But even then I was young and also, I was not overweight.

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What does she know about losing weight? I am very small myself and can't imagine having to lose weight. It seems impossible to me. I lost the freshman fifteen when I was overseas and had to walk a mile to buy milk and bread. But even then I was young and also, I was not overweight.

She’s never had to lose weight in her life. I’m sure that she means well. I just didn’t appreciate it the way she might have thought that I would. (Because of course I have never done the generic things she suggested....)

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I complained to amazon that my package w/ free 2 day shipping was late and they refunded my whole order and I get to keep the stuff whenever it shows up! It was about $75! That eases my annoyance. I thought maybe they'd give me $5 or 10 or whatever shipping would have cost or a "so sorry, here's our reasonable excuse and we promise to do better."  :party:

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Edpo: Word of the day:


Bombogenesis: when the pressure falls by 24 millibars or more within 24 hours. This tends to signal the development of a strong storm system.




(if I'm looking at the pictures correctly, this should not affect us - I just thought that word looked really funny)

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Good morning! It is Tuesday!


Right? It's Tuesday? I'm all messed up.


Dh's alarm woke me up way too early.


I made caldo de pollo. It was delish.


We were supposed to make soup??

Soup making is optional. I need a bunch of soup in the freezer so we will have something to eat on Monday nights. I think for this semester I'll make tomato bisque and cream of broccoli (again), Kansas City Steak soup (I have a small pot roast I can use), and Krissi's potato soup - that was a big hit.

I made the Filipino version.

Are there special spices that go in the filipino version?


Time to go back to sleep. Or not.



Edited by Susan in TN
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It's my mom's birthday. Does this mean it's been a year? I've lost track.


I Bibled, Spanished, Greeked, prayer journaled and did some housework. I think I might take a nap.


The budget is on the prayer altar.


:lol: Is it that bad?



I haven’t decided yet. As I mentioned previously, I didn’t get my traditional New Year’s Pondering Life done.

May I make some suggestions?



What does she know about losing weight? I am very small myself and can't imagine having to lose weight. It seems impossible to me. I lost the freshman fifteen when I was overseas and had to walk a mile to buy milk and bread. But even then I was young and also, I was not overweight.




We were supposed to make soup??

I did. No me gusta.



It’s 4 am and I am so tired. I have barely slept. At first it was because I didn’t take my evening meds but I corrected that. Now it’s because of the temperature, I think. The extra blanket makes me hot but without it I am cold. Bah.

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I've been awake since 3:30 when my husband's alarm went off. Now I'm cold.
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It's my mom's birthday. Does this mean it's been a year? I've lost track.


I Bibled, Spanished, Greeked, prayer journaled and did some housework. I think I might take a nap.


:lol: Is it that bad?


   May I make some suggestions?




   I did. No me gusta.


   I've been awake since 3:30 when my husband's alarm went off. Now I'm cold.


Sounds like everyone needs to go back to bed!  

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Can those who pray, pray for me to sleep? According to my Fitbit I have had two hours and 11 minutes of sleep. I have now transferred from my bed to the armchair. I Have to get some sleep. I am still not totally over this cold and I can’t afford to get sick again. And today I have to spend half of the day in the Big City taking Dd to the doctor. I have to be functional.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Well, it’s New Year’s Day and I didn’t do my usual New Year’s Day Pondering Life. No journal writing, no resolutions (except the ones JJM made, but those will probably be broken in a week or two), no Hopes and Dreams. I thought above it doing it tomorrow, but it just wouldn’t be the same.



Feb. 16th is Chinese New Year.  You could do it then.

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I am going to steal that one.


My man just finished his shed. He now has heat and electricity in it. So if I told him to get out of my fort he would just sleep there.



My DH insulated the big doors on our garage last winter and he has space heaters out there.  He has a router and other toys out there and likes to take the chill off the place so he can keep working on things he and his dad come up with.  He set up a webcam so he can have projects running and monitor them from inside the house, too.


He told me before we ever got married to not ever count on getting to park in the garage.  He has been as good as his word on that!

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Did you find kitty?



Yes, she came in when I rattled the kitty treats.  DH was also notified (he was out in the garage working on a project) and would have made sure she was in before he locked up for the night.  He grouses about her whining to be let out, but even he won't leave her to freeze.

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Tamarind paste





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We have a calamansi in our backyard and I am quite worried about it.  It's too big for us to cover, though the lower 2/3 is sheltered a bit by the north fence.  We had no blossoms or fruit this past year because of damage from last winter, and now we are getting several days in a row of hard freezes.  I'm worried none of our citrus will recover (Meyer lemon and a lime, too).



My cat is at it again.  She whined -- didn't want outside.  Tried to tell me she needed her tuna -- I could see fresh traces of tuna in her dish, so I know she got her Cosequin for the day.  I gave her a few kitty treats.  She ate, then whined over by the door.  When I went to open it she walked to her dish.  No, I am NOT giving you more kitty treats.  You have cat food.  And look, you still have one kitty treat left.


I sat back down, and she headed to the door and whined again.  I opened the door and she looked out, then looked at me expectantly.  No, I am NOT going to heat the outdoors for you!  Next time you whine I am putting you out!


All this while I have been typing this very post.  She went to the stairs to try to whine at DD16, but DD16 is in the shower.  DD13 in online with cousins and friends.  She whined in the vicinity of the door again.  She is now outside, NOT of her own volition.

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It’s 4 am and I am so tired. I have barely slept. At first it was because I didn’t take my evening meds but I corrected that. Now it’s because of the temperature, I think. The extra blanket makes me hot but without it I am cold. Bah.



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:grouphug:  :grouphug:


You have just described my night.


DD13 said our morning news woke her up.  I made both girls sleep with their doors partway open so more warm air will get into their rooms during the night.  DH and I slept with our door partway open because our room gets all of the heat unless we let some out into the hallway.  DH's alarm goes off at 5:15 AM and the news comes on shortly after.


I reminded DD13 that when she switches rooms (in about another week) this will no longer be an issue.  She just has to survive the next several nights of hard freeze first.  At least MOST mornings I can let them sleep in (originally scheduled this week off, though we will need to at least do some MCTLA).

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Still up. Waiting for loud, obnoxious man to leave.


From Facebook: Some girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. I'm made from sarcasm and wine and everything fine.



Why does his alarm go off so early if he doesn't leave until now or thereabouts?

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Can those who pray, pray for me to sleep? According to my Fitbit I have had two hours and 11 minutes of sleep. I have now transferred from my bed to the armchair. I Have to get some sleep. I am still not totally over this cold and I can’t afford to get sick again. And today I have to spend half of the day in the Big City taking Dd to the doctor. I have to be functional.



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:grouphug:  :grouphug:   Warm, fuzzy, quiet hugs to help soothe you into a nap....

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