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Good morning!


Happy New Year! 🎉


Lest auld booyahs be forgot...


Booyah to ring in the New Year... May it be filled with...


Elephant ninjas ready to fight


Healthy kids

Well-behaved in-laws

And bosses

Good sleep

Hula dancing


Good skin

Nice neighbors

And all of the good things:-)

(Professormom, New Years Day, 2017)




Happy New Year to all the lovely ITTers.


I'm declaring this the Year of the Caffeinated Beverages in honor of the Coffee and Tea drinkers of ITT.


Also, there is no sickness or injury allowed for any ITTer or family member.


We will say no to all extraneous projects which is deemed unworthy of our time.


We will take time to ITT, write, bullet journal, garden, read, and any other pleasurable activity without guilt.


Pantz are optional.


(Openhearted, New Years Day 2017)



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We had a lovely NYE last night.


Our church split up into several small groups and met in houses for food, singing, and testimonies.  The singing and testimonies only lasted about 15 minutes.  The rest of the time was spent eating and talking.  The kids spent most of the time in the basement, maybe watching football and playing games.  (I didn't ask. ;) )  They're good kids, so I don't really worry about them.  And there are enough of them that someone will tell me if someone isn't behaving.  :)


We got home a few minutes before midnight.  I picked a clock and said that that clock was our countdown to the new year.  (I don't think any of the clocks in our house have the same time.  :glare: )


We wished each other a happy new year, and then went to bed.  Happy 2018!

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I get to start my nature journal today! I plan on putting my entries in my regular journal and then subjecting them to revision before putting them in a blank book with watercolor paper for drawings and paintings. :001_smile:


ETA: Something I read recently suggested that revising journal entries is a good way to practice revision during active writing. Sounded interesting to me.

Edited by Critterfixer
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Good Morning!!!




Happy New Year!!💥🎊🎉😂🎉🎉


We spent most of the evening at friends’ house and then came home and rang in the New Year with the tv celebration. Then went to bed.


Today.... I guess we’ll take down Christmas and do some New Year thinking and planning and getting life together. I like New Year’s Day. It’s so fresh and clean, with a whole year stretched out in front of a person. Although I am looking at January with a small bit of trepidation since the last two Januaries saw my dad in the hospital. I’m not superstitious or anything, but....

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I suck at read alouds. My throat starts to feel tight and I get tired quickly. I put it off far too often. I'm hoping that with the challenge I will do 10 minutes each day, too, and build from that.

I actually have a very good reading voice. My oldest son loves it when I read aloud to him and he’s 14 and won’t sit still for anything. I like to read aloud.
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I'm off to chuck rocks at a frozen river. I look like one of the chickens--only instead of feathers I have layers and layers of clothing. It's cold out there!

I love chucking rocks in a river. Never done it in a frozen river, but my favorite place is the Upper Kings River, high up in the mountains. It’s relatively shallow and very rocky, so the rocks you chuck all have a different tone hitting the water, depending on where you throw them and how big the rock.
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Wait, this is you being bad at reading out loud? ðŸ§

I guess I should say I was bad at reading aloud until we established the reading aloud at meals rule. I wish I was just a good read alouder without having to read with the foods.  

Good morning!

Happy New Year! 🎉

Lest auld booyahs be forgot...

Booyah to ring in the New Year... May it be filled with...

Elephant ninjas ready to fight


Healthy kids

Well-behaved in-laws

And bosses

Good sleep

Hula dancing


Good skin

Nice neighbors

And all of the good things:-)

(Professormom, New Years Day, 2017)


Happy New Year to all the lovely ITTers.

I'm declaring this the Year of the Caffeinated Beverages in honor of the Coffee and Tea drinkers of ITT.

Also, there is no sickness or injury allowed for any ITTer or family member.

We will say no to all extraneous projects which is deemed unworthy of our time.

We will take time to ITT, write, bullet journal, garden, read, and any other pleasurable activity without guilt.

Pantz are optional.

(Openhearted, New Years Day 2017)



I get to start my nature journal today! I plan on putting my entries in my regular journal and then subjecting them to revision before putting them in a blank book with watercolor paper for drawings and paintings. :001_smile:


ETA: Something I read recently suggested that revising journal entries is a good way to practice revision during active writing. Sounded interesting to me.

No Wookies. I thought we agreed to never talk about that again. :svengo:
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I can play Auld Lang Syne on the ukulele.


One of my resolutions this year is to practice the harp for 10 minutes every day.


We had Pioneer Woman's bread pudding with bacon and mandarin oranges for breakfast. Food resolutions will start tomorrow. :D

Edited by Susan in TN
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Holy cow, Spuds. That's awesome. Nana's birthday is coming up; totally buying it!


Dude. They're awesome.


You can stream it on their site. Yowza. 


I've got TWO copies coming.


(And I can't help but love the irony. My dad's family was Freewill Baptist and uber, uber Protestant [as in, Grandmommy, in a pinch, would go to a Mormon church, but wouldn't set foot in a Catholic one] and Mom's side is Catholic. That sometimes made things interesting. :mellow:  I would DEARLY love to see my Grandmommmy's face right now:  "Child,you are listening to WHAT???" :lol:  [Actually, she and my other grandmother became fast friends much later in life, despite my maternal grandmother's obvious heresy. :001_rolleyes: ])


Ah, poop. The sample stopped. Gotta wait for my CD now.

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I'm changing things for 9th grade dd.  We're focusing on writing and doing less literature this semester.  I have a couple resources on the way from Rainbow Resource.  History and writing will be combined - using Diana Waring for an overview and then reading and researching a chose topic from the relevant time period.  We're also dumping Understanding the Faith in favor of Mere Christianity, Case for Christ, Screwtape Letters....  




What are you using, Lynn?

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Yes. It was one of the most influential books of my childhood in terms of understanding what it means to maintain good character in the midst of real hardship and also the joy of giving gifts in secret to those in need. I loved that book.


(The Shirley Temple movie is stupid. Don't watch it.)


The other book that influenced me in the same way was King of the Wind. Also loved that one.


King of the Wind! :svengo:  :001_wub:  :001_wub:  :001_wub:  Besties!

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Wizard of Oz was my regularly recurring nightmare.  Good luck.  


Jo read and loved the entire Wizard of Oz series. But that was a year or two ago. To really get it, I think one must be older.


ETA: She really hates the movie. She thinks the movie Dorothy is a stupid-head. "Dude. You have this AMAZING adventure right in front of you and all can do is whine and want to go home???"

Edited by JoJosMom
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Hi. I've been sick. I'm a zillion pages behind. But, in the interest of accountability, I shall post my New Year's Resolutions now:



I was wondering what was up with you!! I hope you are feeling better. I think those New Year’s resolutions are very doable. Except the the last one. That’s hard. And maybe the first one, too.
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Also I got up this morning, cleaned part of the fridge and made waffles. I was proud of myself until I realized I started at 10 and now it is noon and I have guests coming in 7 hours. Ack.



You got a booya(h)!

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I had too much peppermint bark. I need to get rid of all the sweets in my house.

FedEx 'em to your favorite hawk! ;)


Good thing I have neighbors.

Would you like some extras? Because after I spent ten hours getting home yesterday and went to bed with a headache, multiple households got together in the street directly in front of my house and set off (presumably illegal) fireworks so that they exploded directly outside my bedroom window, jolting me out of bed, and then had a nice loud, friendly conversation while I plotted how to get DH to consider moving. #grumpynewyear


I'm feeling a bit better now. But still seriously up for moving.

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I also like the hammer dulcimer. 😎



I do, too!  I've loved that sound for decades.  I'd love to have one and learn to play, but that will have to wait until I have more time, space cleared, and available funds.

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I've read Screwtape Letters, but not Mere Christianity. I don't remember getting past the second page or so of that book...


I've done Mystie's habit or review something or other before. I'll look her up again. I stopped the emails because it was just too much.


You should try it again. It's one of my favorite books ever. :hat:

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You would like Dusty Strings, the instrument/ music store in my area that Susan referenced not long ago.  I almost bought a bowed psaltery the last time I was there. 




Oooo, pretty!

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Printing my calendar and a new dot grid book.


Jo read and loved the entire Wizard of Oz series. But that was a year or two ago. To really get it, I think one must be older.

I completely agree. I was going to assign it in like high school but they love the movie so much, needed a new audiobook and it was a buck. There's actually a service I'm going to subscribe to soon. Unlimited audiobooks for like $5 a month.

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Happy New Year, everyone!!!!  I am eating breakfast and finally waking up.  How are all of you this fine morning?


We came home last night to find our cat hiding under the sofa.  This morning she was irked that no one would get up at the usual time to let her out, let her in for two bites, let her out again, and give her her tuna/Cosequin.  Just now she tried to use the I-have-to-go-out-NO-O-OW whine on me, and then wouldn't go out the door when I opened it.  She scuttled through quickly when she realized I was going to pick her up and toss her out -- dignity must be maintained.

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I was wondering what was up with you!! I hope you are feeling better. I think those New Year’s resolutions are very doable. Except the the last one. That’s hard. And maybe the first one, too.


Yeah, they're labeled "Achievable," but I thought them to be personally challenging.

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For writing?  I just got a workbook from RR on writing research papers  https://www.rainbowresource.com/proddtl.php?id=054413 I'll know better how we'll use it after I have it in hand, but I'm imagining going through it once and then referring to it for subsequent papers.


Let me know. I'd like to do more focused academic writing, but it has to be simple. Because math. And Latin.


Oh, how I hope that this is the last year of Latin.

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I’m almost over the cold, I think. But I am so tired today.



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:grouphug:  :grouphug:   Yay, recovery!  I hope you get your energy back soon.

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Okay! I signed up for homeschool connections. I also went to print put my read aloud revival challenge packet. Buuuuuut we have no paper left. And I do not want to go to the store.



Do you have old 1-sided printouts you don't need anymore?  If so, put a big X across the defunct printout, then flip them over and load up the paper tray to print on the back sides.   :D

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It is so cold outside. We will probably be down around 4F tomorrow morning. I've been painting most of the day. Back is okay--not good but not as painful as I feared it would be. The chickens won't go in their house until dark, but their feet are cold. They keep standing on one leg, then shifting to the other. I wish they would just go in their warm house and lie down in the deep straw.



When we got to ILs' house the horses had their warm jammies on.  Movable plants have all been brought inside at both houses, and DH covered his plumeria.  He also covered outside faucets and took care of the sprinkler thingimawhatsit.

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Jo read and loved the entire Wizard of Oz series. But that was a year or two ago. To really get it, I think one must be older.


ETA: She really hates the movie. She thinks the movie Dorothy is a stupid-head. "Dude. You have this AMAZING adventure right in front of you and all can do is whine and want to go home???"


Yes, this is why I think it is a  mistake to try to push books for older kids onto younger kids.  They might understand the individual words but they won't understand the nuances that really make the story come alive.  That doesn't mean that you can't read stories over again at different levels but if you push something too soon you can ruin it for later at times. 

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Dh is getting ready to make nachos!



We will likely have nachos for lunch today.  We took along the fixings for them last night, but ILs had pizza, and with all of the other munchies (especially veggies and dip) no one wanted to also work on nachos.  I promised DD16 we can have them another day.

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I'm bad at reading aloud. We do it during meals because they're an every day occurrence. Bible and poetry at breakfast, science and literature at lunch, history after dinner while I do dishes. I think for the challenge I'll have John read out loud 1st thing in the morning.


I'd thought (before looking closely at it) that the read-aloud challenge was to encourage parents to read aloud to their kids.  I'd probably benefit more from that!  The ducklings wake up and know that reading a book is one of the first things on their charts, even before breakfast, so they just do that now, typically before they even get out of bed.  And mostly they do it aloud, either to each other or to their stuffies. And because it's winter and it's dark and it's cold, no one wants to get OUT of bed.  So the reading can go on for quite some time.   :laugh:

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I’m not feeling good and we have a party to go to tonight. I’d bow out if it were a huge shindig, but it’s a more intimate affair, and i’d Feel bad if we didn’t go. So, i’ll Just lay here on the couch and peruse the Chat Board and watch Derek Carr lose again. 😩😩



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I love chucking rocks in a river. Never done it in a frozen river, but my favorite place is the Upper Kings River, high up in the mountains. It’s relatively shallow and very rocky, so the rocks you chuck all have a different tone hitting the water, depending on where you throw them and how big the rock.

When the river is frozen, you get a click followed by a buzzing sound as he rock slides across the ice. It's very musical. 

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What is A Little Princess and do I need it for the kids?


I just got The Wizard of OZ and The Jungle Book for $2 so I need to really need it if I need it.



Yes, if you liked The Secret Garden you should check this book out.  Same author.  Good story, but you might want to pre-read to judge for yourself the suitability for your kids' ages.  The protagonist is the daughter of a British military officer sent to India.  She gets sent to a boarding school where she is treated like a princess, until a letter comes saying her father has been killed.  It can be very dramatic in spots and is, in the end, a good tale, but it can be upsetting to very young kids.

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I'd thought (before looking closely at it) that the read-aloud challenge was to encourage parents to read aloud to their kids.  I'd probably benefit more from that!  The ducklings wake up and know that reading a book is one of the first things on their charts, even before breakfast, so they just do that now, typically before they even get out of bed.  And mostly they do it aloud, either to each other or to their stuffies. And because it's winter and it's dark and it's cold, no one wants to get OUT of bed.  So the reading can go on for quite some time.   :laugh:


Reading aloud was a recent major focus of mine because I was really bad about it. We instituted reading aloud at meals, while the kids are recovering after hikes and showers, and assigning John a read aloud while I do some housework. I do well to tie things together. We brush hair and teeth after breakfast because we *always* have breakfast, John reads aloud while I fold because I do a load *every day* and Matt reads while I clean up dinner because we *always* have dinner. 

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Happy New Year's Day!


We are recovering from our last yummy holiday meal, a quiche and coffee cake breakfast this morning.  Still some leftovers, though, so it will be a couple days before I need to cook a real dinner.


Dh gave me a CS Lewis biography for Christmas, so I've been reading or rereading some of Lewis' works.   :001_wub:  :001_wub:  :001_wub:   Right now it's Surprised by Joy (a new read for me).  He had a horrific boarding school experience, too.  I did not know this.  I have yet to hear of anyone having a great boarding school experience.    (Wait.  I think Sally Lloyd-Jones had a fairly good one?) . Anyhow, what he credits as the most formative part of his childhood is the imaginative and creative free time he had at home, between terms at school: Drawing, writing, reading, drawing, writing, reading... 


Encouraging to remember as I contemplate adding stuff to our days this spring. The glossy new pretties may just add stress and get in the way of the good stuff. 



Second cup of coffee is ready!

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