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Jean did not like this post...


Alexa doesn't make messes and I don't have to feed her.

But she liked this one. 


I can see where her priorities lie.

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Okay, but watch out for the other stuff going around.  Your defenses are down a bit right now.


What do you do with persimmons to forecast how the winter will be?  FIL has some persimmons....

It's a dangerous test.

Your mission, should you chose to risk your fingers, is to remove a slimy, slimy seed, cut it down the seam like a bean, and examine the plant inside. If you see a knife, that means bitterly cold. If you see a spoon, that means snow. If you see a fork, that means a mild winter.


I will say that my tree has read snow and turned out with a very wet winter instead of a lot of snow. So not always accurate. :laugh:


ETA: It's a folklore-weather-forecasting Booyah!

Edited by Critterfixer
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We have a joke about our smoke detector. Due to the position, if I decide to sear a steak, or broil toast, or basically open the oven for any reason whatsoever, the detector screams, and screams and screams. Mom is cooking when the smoke detector is yowling.

It also will go off whenever any smoke whatsoever escapes from the front doors of the fireplace.


I remain convinced that it will be stubbornly silent if the house really is on fire...


Because it hates me.

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Our smoke detector is just sitting on the table now.  It's much easier to take for a walk on the deck that way when it goes off simply because we are careless cooks.  It should be able to detect an actual fire just as well from the table - I hope.  We used to have to climb up and take it down and then disconnect the batteries.  Taking it for a short walk on the deck makes it quiet down quickly without us then going for days without a smoke detector because we are too lazy to get around to reconnecting it again to it's place high up on the wall. 

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We have a joke about our smoke detector. Due to the position, if I decide to sear a steak, or broil toast, or basically open the oven for any reason whatsoever, the detector screams, and screams and screams. Mom is cooking when the smoke detector is yowling.

It also will go off whenever any smoke whatsoever escapes from the front doors of the fireplace.


I remain convinced that it will be stubbornly silent if the house really is on fire...


Because it hates me.


We used to have a heat sensitive one outside the bathroom. You know, where the shower is.   :confused1:

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We are back from the Author Talk at the library. The author (15/16yo?) was well spoken and had clearly practiced his talk and reading his book aloud. He had good things to say about the writing process and especially the editing process and the necessity of committing to "the boring stuff" like formatting pages and stuff in order to turn it into an actual book. It appears to be completely self-published, but was professionally done and the cover paper and artwork are quite nice. We purchased a copy and he signed it for dd14.


Dinner is ham and corn casserole (ala Paula Dean) and then we head out to ds22's university town for the symphony concert.

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Good Bordig.


I'm hoping this cold is short lived.  I didn't sleep well last night.  And I have no appetite.  Except for gummi bears.   :)


:grouphug:  :grouphug:   Your body knows what it needs while you are sick.  Obviously you need gummi bears.

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I'm up! Caffeine right now.


I have a tour scheduled at work in 3 minutes. I will stop by the atm, Best Buy, Discount Tire (they didn't put all of my valve stem covers on), and then go pick up the fam. They want to go to the Korean grocery, and I think we need charcoal.


I wanted to go hiking today, but ds10 started with chills and a cough last night. I guess my hike will be through the store.


Then we plan to grill steaks, chicken, fish, etc. I'm thinking roasted red potatoes and salad? And dd and I need to make pies and chili for church tomorrow. So while I'm at it, I'm cooking some taco meat for the freezer.


I hope all of you feel better soon!!



I had thought of going paddling today (the thought struck yesterday), but I have been awake since 4 AM and I forgot, and this afternoon I have been hit with some GI distress.  I guess paddling will have to wait another weekend.

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You keep mentioning New Tricks. I have never heard of it. What is it and what is it about?



BBC police procedural show, about a squad of one female detective superintendent and her team of 3 retired detectives.  They re-investigate cold cases.  It can be quite entertaining!  The show ran for 12 seasons, apparently ending in 2015.  

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Good morning. Despite being up in the middle of the night again with Dd, I got 7 hours of sleep. I couldn't sleep any more after that.


I'm worried about Dd. Her heart is racing all the time now -day and night. We are set with cardiology but I'm starting to think that it is adrenaline. I have had this happen to me a lot in the past. I know how bad it feels and how scary it is. It is hard to not be able to stop it for her. Mommies should be able to stop the bad stuff. (And yes, I know that isn't always possible in this fallen world).



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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Now I have "hit me with your pet shark" 🦈 stuck in my head.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Me, too, along with a nice visual.  The other morning the morning news had footage of a guy with a shark stuck on his upper belly.  He was out fishing in the surf, and a smallish shark bit him and wouldn't let go.  Someone shot video while people were trying to help detach the shark.

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I think I feel a little better. It's a trade off- my head is clearer and responding to meds a little, but my cough is worse. I'm feeling better enough to be super cranky, though! All the creatures-pets and people- are on my nerves and our washing machine is dead. I think I'm going to go hide in my room to protect their feelings. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I looked that up and it looks really good. But I'd have to pay for it. It's not free on Prime anymore. 😩



I'm sorry!  I forgot I'm watching it on Hulu (which DH got for me for my birthday).  I used to watch it on Netflix some (I think), before we got rid of Netflix.

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My offspring have returned. The boy in the boat had a thrilling story of how he was attacked on the open ocean by a monstrous leaf devil. It actually spun him around on the pond, and then gave the snoozing farm dog on the pond bank quite a scare when the leaf devil walked over the top of him.

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(((Jean and EP and everyone else who is sick)))



At 5:58 am this morning, my cell phone was charging on the nightstand about 5 inches from my ear while I slept peacefully.  




After practically hitting the ceiling in fright and finally realizing it wasn't the Zombie Apocalypse happening, I collapsed back into bed, deaf and slightly nauseated and dizzy, and dreamt (dreamed?) of flash floods sweeping me away.  Which they did NOT, I might add.  They were like thirty miles away, dangnabbit.  For all that chaos, I at least deserved a little hail, but nooooooooo......



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I finally had to kill the apps that were providing those notifications for me.  Such notifications ALWAYS get to override Do Not Disturb settings, and we were getting plagued with Amber and Silver alerts for places a day's drive away (because they were still in Texas, like us).  I signed up for the WEATHER alerts, in case of bad storms in the night.  No more.

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It's a dangerous test.

Your mission, should you chose to risk your fingers, is to remove a slimy, slimy seed, cut it down the seam like a bean, and examine the plant inside. If you see a knife, that means bitterly cold. If you see a spoon, that means snow. If you see a fork, that means a mild winter.


I will say that my tree has read snow and turned out with a very wet winter instead of a lot of snow. So not always accurate. :laugh:


ETA: It's a folklore-weather-forecasting Booyah!



Maybe I'll get FIL to do the test, then.  I'm not sure how accurate it will be down here.  "Bitter cold" here is considered "mild winter" just a state or two north of us.

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I ordered a history book for ds10 today. And a smoke detector and a smoke/carbon monoxide detector. All of ours started giving out right about the time the fire happened behind us.



:scared:   Um, yay for new detectors, then!

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We are back from the Author Talk at the library. The author (15/16yo?) was well spoken and had clearly practiced his talk and reading his book aloud. He had good things to say about the writing process and especially the editing process and the necessity of committing to "the boring stuff" like formatting pages and stuff in order to turn it into an actual book. It appears to be completely self-published, but was professionally done and the cover paper and artwork are quite nice. We purchased a copy and he signed it for dd14.


Dinner is ham and corn casserole (ala Paula Dean) and then we head out to ds22's university town for the symphony concert.



Would you feel comfortable sharing this author's name and the title of his book?  



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Would you feel comfortable sharing this author's name and the title of his book?



His name is Cole Gershkovich and the book is called "This is Where They Sat".




It doesn't seem to be available on Amazon and I guess the only way to get the book is to contact him through the website.

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I talked to my mom.  She's fine.  She's funny.  She is still lobbying for my sister to give her credit cards back (which were taken after Mom's last bout of confusion where she almost got in very hot water with a scam artist).  I just keep backing up my sister. 


I asked Mom a bit about my brother who is as similar to my Aspie as two peas in a pod.  She worries about him.  He doesn't always make normal adult choices though he's incredibly smart and has lucked out at times as a result.  But she knows nothing about ASD or Asperger's. Note:  I do not know if my brother has ASD.  I just mentally note the similarities.  And I worry about him to some degree as well.  He hasn't worked in almost ten years because that perfect job hasn't fallen into his lap.  I worry that one day he will be destitute and I don't know what we (and his wife) will do then.  Prior to that he had a very very good job fall into his lap but I would suspect that even that would have it's financial limits at some point.  He refuses to talk about it.  His wife has begged me to talk to him about it but he still refuses. 


And with that you (and just you on the ITT of course) know an awful lot about my family of origin. 

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Did you smash it with th tube, or squirt the toothpaste all over it?

It was with the tube. The little guy seemed to have recently sucked a whole lotta blood out of someone. :ack2:


Nice! A Blood-sucking Booyah!


This is the thread that never ends,

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And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


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This is the thread that never ends...

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Yes, ITT ladies, I am talking to you!


This is the thread that never ends....

Edited by Susan in TN
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The school stuff for the week is done. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I have a dog to draw this week. I need to finish both of my cat pictures, but I wanted to practice dogs. I asked some nice folks I work with to take pictures of their pets (dogs and cats) so that I'll have lots of animals in candid poses to practice during drawing class.

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