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I'm going through CSI:Miami withdrawals. What am I going to do without David Caruso's calm, cool demeanor in the face of death and destruction and psychopathic killers??? I need to find another show.



You could try New Tricks.  It has 12 seasons!

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I am bored. I can't bake this afternoon. When I bake, I eat too much dough. Which I did yesterday. And I am supposed to be low-carbing. And as I sit here I feel my jeans pinch. And since they are not my "mom" jeans, and are a little lower cut, I really feel fat. I am very proud of myself for making ice-coffee for my snack this afternoon instead of getting into the lemon bars.



I saw a photo of myself from about the year 2000 again recently, and back then the jeans I liked to wear weren't considered "mom jeans" at all.  It was considered normal and even trendy to have waistbands that actually rose above the hip level.  I want that fashion trend to come back around again.  To stay.

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The little boy of the family that took me in is having a baby today. Difficult pregnancy, a week overdue, now a seemingly unsuccessful induction. It all started at 6 a.m. and she just. wont. progress.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  and crossing fingers for a good outcome.

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I have a horrible sinus headache. And I can't breathe. Fall allergies are the worst.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:



Loving on Krissi and everyone who needs it Booya(h)!

Edited by AMJ
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I doubt it. This is just a typical head cold. Sore scratchy throat followed by stuffed sinuses and now I'm into the coughing phase.

I typically kick colds quickly, and seldom feel tired with them. So this one qualifies as a nasty cold for me since I've been at it for three days. My energy level is almost back to normal as long as I don't try to walk too far with the dogs.


ETA: As far as a rough winter--don't know. The persimmons aren't ready to check. :laugh:



Okay, but watch out for the other stuff going around.  Your defenses are down a bit right now.


What do you do with persimmons to forecast how the winter will be?  FIL has some persimmons....

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We're poor. I complain that we're poor. If I would just put them in daycare and get a job we would be less poor.



Not necessarily.  When I was working a paycheck job (office work) my paycheck routinely got used up on daycare expenses (especially when I had an infant -- infant rates are astronomical), clothes for work (and I didn't have all that many or buy expensive stuff), commuting costs, and meals and other incidental expenses related to my having a job.  There were all of two financial benefits we gleaned from all those years of work: health insurance stability for the kids and me while DH did the job-hopping necessary in his field to advance significantly, and my payroll-deducted contributions to my 401K.


The biggest expense was the daycare.  The job will make one less poor only if the financial advantage significantly outweighs the cost of daycare and other expenses of taking on the job.  Don't forget to include your transportation costs when calculating how much benefit a job might net.  That is transportation not only for you going to and from work, but for you and/or Matt taking the kids to and from the daycare.  And then there's clothes -- will you have to buy new clothes for the job?

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You must really know what you are talking about if you could make sense of the gobbledygook I spewed forth. No worries though; DH will fix it. He doesn't like me driving his car because I spill coffee and the boys leave crumbs. So borrowing his car tonight will ensure fixing mine is at the top of his priority list.


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Actually, part of what you had posted included "axle alignment", which was my clue.  Insist on driving his car until it is ALL fixed!  Bad alignment wears down tires in an uneven fashion, shortening the life of the tire and making them must less reliable.  It's a safety issue.


He knows how to align tires?  Hooray!  He can get his own car back sooner, then!

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I am a frump.  I look like a grandma.  I am regularly mistaken for a grandma - even for my 20 year old.  (Many of my peers are grandmas but of toddlers, not 20 year olds.  Though I suppose if I had a child as a teen and they had a child as a teen, it could happen.)  Depending on if I've washed my hair or not, or gotten enough sleep or am feeling unwell, I think that I look like a bag lady.  I figure it keeps me humble.  ;)  I'm not in a position time or money or energy wise where I can devote resources to looking more put together.  So I make sure that when I open my mouth that I sound like a nice friendly well-read bag lady. 



ARGH!  Out of likes!


Jeannie's trend-setting again.  She's leading us that sport the advant guarde Bag Lady look.  

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I have been lazy all afternoon. I got into the lemon bars. 😩😩😩. I need to do something to justify my existence. I just don't really want to.



But you did (do something).  You ITTed.  And you rested, so you would have more energy and brain power to take care of everyone else.  These are both very important, and you were sure not to neglect them.

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I texted my BFF rather early this morning, figuring she'd see it when she woke up.  She texted back, "How did you know I was already awake?"  So she called and we chatted for a while.  Her sister comes in tomorrow for a visit, bringing her 2-year-old with her.  BFF's cats are going to Love that, but she's a cute and fun kid so the cats can just deal.

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Good morning!


The goat has been banished and breakfast is almost ready. Pancakes. Coffee is ready! C'mon over!


I thought you were going to say ice cream.

(Hangs head in shame.) Yes, it should have been ice cream. I did give them chocolate chip cookies at intermission at least! :D


The kids have a couple friends coming over for a while and I will be escaping to Aldi and the pet food store, then I am taking dd14 to an "author talk" at the library with a local high school student who has recently published his first novel. Tonight we go to ds22's symphony concert. Another late night!



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Good morning. Despite being up in the middle of the night again with Dd, I got 7 hours of sleep. I couldn't sleep any more after that.


I'm worried about Dd. Her heart is racing all the time now -day and night. We are set with cardiology but I'm starting to think that it is adrenaline. I have had this happen to me a lot in the past. I know how bad it feels and how scary it is. It is hard to not be able to stop it for her. Mommies should be able to stop the bad stuff. (And yes, I know that isn't always possible in this fallen world).



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I love a good used book sale. I got school stuff (supplementary history books & a couple of CDs with good examples of 20th-century music), several things to send to DN (honorary dear niece, 4, in TX--I had to text BFF to make sure they didn't already have what I found), a couple of things for DS's amusement and one just for me, all in an hour & for $11.25.


DS's last soccer game is next week, and that will be an improvement to our schedule, though he likes it and it's good for him. I think we'll sign him up for the spring as well.


I need more coffee. And lunch.

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I think I feel a little better. It's a trade off- my head is clearer and responding to meds a little, but my cough is worse. I'm feeling better enough to be super cranky, though! All the creatures-pets and people- are on my nerves and our washing machine is dead. I think I'm going to go hide in my room to protect their feelings. 

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Why does my husband always sigh when the answer to his question is "ITT"?  (Like when he asked why I was going around the house singing "Hit me with a pet shark". . .     or he asked why I am watching hula videos. . .   )

We have the opposite. When I say I don't understand something he tells me to ask ITT. When I do something strange or different than usual he asks me if it was ITT.

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(((Jean and EP and everyone else who is sick)))



At 5:58 am this morning, my cell phone was charging on the nightstand about 5 inches from my ear while I slept peacefully.  




After practically hitting the ceiling in fright and finally realizing it wasn't the Zombie Apocalypse happening, I collapsed back into bed, deaf and slightly nauseated and dizzy, and dreamt (dreamed?) of flash floods sweeping me away.  Which they did NOT, I might add.  They were like thirty miles away, dangnabbit.  For all that chaos, I at least deserved a little hail, but nooooooooo......

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I think I'd get along well with Alexa.

The chick is awesome.



Tell me a joke

Ask me a riddle

What's the weather

What's the score

Set a timer

Set an alarm

Add this to my calendar

Add this to my shopping list

Add this to my todo list

Translate this

What's the time

What's the date

How many days until

How many days since

Where is my phone

Where is my husband

Are we busy on

Order more paper towels

Call Matt

Open thunderstorm sounds

Open 7 minute work

Play this radio station

Play this song

Play this game

Play this podcast

Play this day in history


If we had a smart home


Make coffee

Turn off the lights

Close the garage door

Is the oven on

Turn the thermostat off

Employ self destruct (alarms sound while all the lights in the house blink)

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Alexa hates me. If I ask her to do something she's all evil HAL: I'm sorry, Paige, I cannot do that. If DH or the kids ask her she does it right away. It's gotten so I don't even ask Alexa- I ask people to ask Alexa for me.

I think she knows I hate her too.

Do the ear trainer thingy.

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The chick is awesome.



Tell me a joke

Ask me a riddle

What's the weather

What's the score

Set a timer

Set an alarm

Add this to my calendar

Add this to my shopping list

Add this to my todo list

Translate this

What's the time

What's the date

How many days until

How many days since

Where is my phone

Where is my husband

Are we busy on

Order more paper towels

Call Matt

Open thunderstorm sounds

Open 7 minute work

Play this radio station

Play this song

Play this game

Play this podcast

Play this day in history


If we had a smart home


Make coffee

Turn off the lights

Close the garage door

Is the oven on

Turn the thermostat off

Employ self destruct (alarms sound while all the lights in the house blink)


I have my kids for all this.


They can even do the Smart Home features.  Employ Self Destruct is their best act.  

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DS's last soccer game is next week, and that will be an improvement to our schedule, though he likes it and it's good for him. I think we'll sign him up for the spring as well.


I need more coffee. And lunch.

This is our first autumn in about 8 years we haven't had soccer. In some ways I really miss it. Our boys (and DD when she was on the all-girls team) were really good, and it's fun to watch when your kid is good. But, in most ways, I'm just glad to have our Saturdays.
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