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Uff da is Norwegian or something.  


Yes, it is Norwegian. Another similar expression is "Uffa meg!"  Translates roughly to "Oh my!" - only it sounds cooler and it's a tad harsher. if you want to swear in Norwegian, you can say, "faen i helvete!" It's harsh, but only if you understand Norwegian. Otherwise it sounds like some kind of cheese or a baby deer.  :laugh:  Or perhaps it's a baby deer eating some kind of Norwegian cheese. (which is delicious, mind you)

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Well, little dd asked if I had ever been drunk, and ds14 took that as his chance to spill all he knew.*  :ohmy:  So then I lectured him while pointing a pencil about how he should not tell anyone else's story. :thumbdown:  So then ds12 snapped some real jewels, like ones for the Christmas card!   :huh:   I deleted them.  No, thanks.


*The teens in my home get more information than the elementary set.


You have no idea how much I wish I was a fly on your wall.   :lurk5:  :lurk5:  :lurk5:

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Do you do floors, Duckie? Come on down!


Yes, but ONLY if the house is kid-free.  


As I tell my dh every Saturday, you take 'em all out for the day, and I will happily mop every floor in the house.  It usually takes about 4 hours.  (30min to mop, 10min to dry, 20 min to make my lunch, and 3 hours to fritter away mindlessly on the forums.)


* I don't usually itemize my activities like that for dh's benefit, though. 

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Did my core exercises.  I'm not used to having dh home in the evening.  I told him that if he wants to live a long and happy life he will not stand there watching me doing my exercises.  He prudently decided to leave for errands.  


HAHAHA!  I also refuse to exercise in front of my DH.  I always wait until he's in the shower or something, and then I'm like "Quick!  Squats!"  I'm doing mutu core to fix my weird post-preg ab issues.  

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Make me do my core exercises.  I am achy as he double hockey sticks but I need to do them.  Tell me that I'm a BA and that if I don't want to be a FT (fat tummy) then I have to do them.  


Now that I've read through, I see you've done them. I'm so proud of you!

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As for me, I'm doing homework. Don't worry, I actually slept, it's just that I woke up reaaaallly early, and needed to finish an assignment I was supposed to post on the discussion board last night. It wasn't toooo late, only about 4 hours. She doesn't care. She cares more about the assignments that are a week behind because of the whole kicking-hubby-out fiasco a week and a half ago. Yep.

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Do these things happen in other people's homes or is this just me and mine?


Yes, we just don't want to admit it.  My brother snapped a picture of me one family gathering as I gave a child the "you have lost your mind and all wrath is getting ready to descend on you" look.  It was lovely.  And I was prayed for last night at supper for my temper.  Lots of proud moments here. 


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A minute ago, I walked into the kitchen and found my 11 month old chewing on the top of a bell pepper that he'd pulled out of the garbage.  


I just left him there to chew on it so I could check my email.  


This is the sort of parenting wisdom that comes with the 4th child. ;)  

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Well looky that.


Our bicentennial is approaching!  :party:


I can provide my famous savory chicken bbq nachos.  And two bags of pirate booty.


I've forgotten what "pirate booty" is. I know I've heard of it before.


Oh, and bicentennial for what?

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A minute ago, I walked into the kitchen and found my 11 month old chewing on the top of a bell pepper that he'd pulled out of the garbage.


I just left him there to chew on it so I could check my email.

Bell peppers are high in vitamin C. That, and the fact that it was in the garbage... definite immunity booster. Carry on!
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Yes, we just don't want to admit it.  My brother snapped a picture of me one family gathering as I gave a child the "you have lost your mind and all wrath is getting ready to descend on you" look.  It was lovely.  And I was prayed for last night at supper for my temper.  Lots of proud moments here. 




"Dear God, thank you for this food and please help our mother not to spout off angry nonsense all the time."

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I don't know what is wrong with all you folks.  In my house I am well known for my composure and meekness.  My children behave well 100% of the time and do so while loudly proclaiming how blessed they are to have such a saintly mother.  I have to admit there is very few photos of me, the glare off my halo ruins them all.  

:lol: ANd if you believe any of that you are welcome to come hang out in my tropical cabana here in Alberta :P

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:lol: ANd if you believe any of that you are welcome to come hang out in my tropical cabana here in Alberta :p

Do you have a cabana boy named Rocco? Who gives foot massages and delivers drinks with little umbrellas in them? If so, I'm there! 

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Well looky that.


Our bicentennial is approaching!  :party:


I can provide my famous savory chicken bbq nachos.  And two bags of pirate booty.



I've forgotten what "pirate booty" is. I know I've heard of it before.





Why, yes. Yes this is. For sure.


That reminds me- we haven't had a hot hula video in a while...


While I do appreciate Monica's take on pirate booty, I believe the reference was to popcorn.  Although I'm sure an argument can be made that Monica's pirate booty is edible and can be bagged.

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:iagree: It is so good! I can buy it here, but it's $17 a block. Ouch!! Worth every penny, though (once a year).

Whaaaaaaat?!? Good grief, and I thought $7 a block was pricey (Ski Queen brand at Whole Foods).


In celebration of our bicentennial, I will contribute a virtual block of gjetost, some homemade triple berry jam, and crackers. (And I notice with a bit of giddyness that we are nearing 10,000 posts!)

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