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So I stopped by Kroger today to get a couple things that Aldi doesn't carry and guess what they had way too much of? Right. $2 for a 2 lb box. I bought 12. Then I sent dh out and he bought 16 more boxes. We eat a lot of blueberrries around here. And with the Georgia peaches coming next week, it is time to make jam. I will freeze a lot of the blueberries to eat through the year with yogurt and pancakes and things.


Maybe I should ask dh to get more? You just can't beat $1/lb.


I think that price even beats the pick-your-own blueberry farm we go to!  Way to go!  (which almost came out as "Way toga?" instead somehow.)


Ah, peaches!  I soooooo love fresh, ripe peaches, especially free-stone peaches so I don't mangle the peach trying to avoid the pit. 


When I lived in Colorado my Dad would go to Palisade each year and bring back cases of peaches.  Once he bought too many really ripe ones, and proceeded to "gift" me with 6 crates of ready-for-jam peaches at a time when I spent all my time on my studies or at work and ate take-out pizza or ramen because they were quick.  I proceeded to hand out boxes of peaches to my friends, and had one friend take one inside another friend's place for me.  Delivery friend didn't understand about old stoves and pilot lights and put the box on receiving friend's stove (no clear counter space).  When receiving friend got home her place smelled wonderfully of ripe peaches, but the case of them was a gooey mess from the really ripe peaches being warmed by the pilot light in the stove.  Receiving friend salvaged what she could and invited neighbors over for peach sauce over ice cream.  We (my friends and I) all feasted on ripe peaches and little else for 2 days, and then we all found out first-hand what happens to one's digestive tract if one eats way too many peaches. 


I still love ripe peaches, though!

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I have one word for you all.








So I stopped by Kroger today to get a couple things that Aldi doesn't carry and guess what they had way too much of? Right. $2 for a 2 lb box. I bought 12. Then I sent dh out and he bought 16 more boxes. We eat a lot of blueberrries around here. And with the Georgia peaches coming next week, it is time to make jam. I will freeze a lot of the blueberries to eat through the year with yogurt and pancakes and things.


Maybe I should ask dh to get more? You just can't beat $1/lb.


DD11 LOVES frozen blueberries -- they are like eating tiny popsicles, only better.  We wash ours, dry them, then freeze them spread out on sheet pans lined with towels, and then I bag them after they are frozen.  They don't stick together this way.  (I'm sure Susan already knows this, but I said it anyway for any of you who didn't.)


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Ohhhhhh…. YUM. 


Dh and I shared an incredible blueberry crunch dessert this past weekend at a restaurant overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee.


Maybe it was just the fact that we were at a fancy restaurant overlooking a gorgeous lake sunset while friends sat for our babies for free, but that was the BEST blueberry concoction I've ever had.  Still kinda sore that, at $8.50 a serving, dh made me share it with him instead of buying his own.   :glare:  But all 8 bites that I managed to wrangle away from his greedy little fork were heavenly.


Gotta go google up a recipe for that.   :drool:


I am normally a staunch chocolate or coffee ice cream gal, but the absolute best ice cream I ever had was in a place in Glenwood Springs, Colorado.  They had gone out picking fresh blackberries on the mountainsides that morning and I arrived just as the first batch of blackberry ice cream came out of the machine.  I swear, it tasted just like sunshine on the mountains!  No chocolate for me that day -- I pigged out on a huge serving of blackberry ice cream!

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Lol! Well, I'm responding here to posts that I'm not responding to but have thoughts about. At least, I did respond to the one about being fully dressed, but no one liked my smile comment. I brought it over here because I knew ya'll would like it. :D


They don't appreciate you like we do!

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So what substances is the Feingold diet trying to get rid of?  I'm assuming that these foods must have something in common. . . 


The #1 one thing it gets rid of is all artificial flavors, colors and preservatives.


The other foods have various levels of salycilates, which is naturally occurring in some foods. Interestingly, ibuprofen is made from salycilates. My oldest had a reaction to ibuprofen when she was really little (she stopped breathing), and I didn't make a connection until I read up on the Feingold diet.

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Lol! Well, I'm responding here to posts that I'm not responding to but have thoughts about. At least, I did respond to the one about being fully dressed, but no one liked my smile comment. I brought it over here because I knew ya'll would like it. :D


I went to the other thread, found your post, liked it, and posted my own response to that thread.  I think some folks are getting a little picky about what they consider "fully dressed".  I won't get arrested for indecent exposure and I have shoes by the back door in case I go somewhere.  That and the smile is good enough for me!

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You need to booya and post the song.


I just caught up with my catch-ups from yesterday, and noticed that.  I therefore decided to amend my post, and I added in a little showmanship.  Just because.

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Poop!  I finally got up the gumption to call my insurance co. to untangle a mess and they are "closed for the holiday".  The holiday is tomorrow, people!  Get to work!  And yeah, I know that I'm the one who's been procrastinating but I finally got it together!  


My dh (who is sleeping at his sister's house 20 minutes away) has finally decided to call the clinic that kept calling him a couple of months ago to set up a counseling appointment. This is the man who calls no one. If I don't do it, it doesn't happen. That man called the clinic for an appointment. The clinic is closed today. Seriously? Sigh.

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I went to the other thread, found your post, liked it, and posted my own response to that thread.  I think some folks are getting a little picky about what they consider "fully dressed".  I won't get arrested for indecent exposure and I have shoes by the back door in case I go somewhere.  That and the smile is good enough for me!


I went back to the other thread, found your post, liked it, and posted a response to your response. I should have "argh"ed it just because. Alas, I did not.

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Dh took the crankypants boys outside.  Ahhhhh.


I saw this just as another peal of thunder rolled overhead.  That certainly put different imagery in my head.

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Dd says that I can't say that the grocery store was a zoo unless there were actual zebras and tigers there.  


I thought I heard a story on the TV recently about some escaped zoo animals, so maybe it was!


Oh, wait.  I think that was a commercial for some Zoo horror movie....

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I was almost going to ask what that was about, then thought better of it. I'm sure my mommy imagination will suffice.


Don't ask.  It's better that way.

Dd says that I can't say that the grocery store was a zoo unless there were actual zebras and tigers there.  


There were animal crackers of all varieties and species.

I saw this just as another peal of thunder rolled overhead.  That certainly put different imagery in my head.

Dh came in and had the audacity to call the arrow boy (who spent a great deal of time arguing and being rude) my mini me.  

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I went back to the other thread, found your post, liked it, and posted a response to your response. I should have "argh"ed it just because. Alas, I did not.


I revisited the other thread to like your post quoting mine, and quoted yours so I could argh it.  :D

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I need to boil potatoes for potato salad tomorrow.


Sigh.  I might have to go soon, too.  DH's Dad is over here working with DH on a table project and things aren't going well.  We are expected over at DH's folks' place for the usual Friday evening gathering, and Uncle D (DH's uncle, one of the ones I like) will be there, too.  We are also expected over tomorrow for July 4th festivities, and will be there all afternoon and evening.


Meanwhile I have been overly tired and feeling a little cruddy this week and I'm not sure I want to go this evening since I already promised to go tomorrow.  Uncle D might not be there tomorrow, however, and I've begged out of stuff all week.  I might beg off this evening, however, because a new achiness has set in around my collar bones.  Much as I like Uncle D I'm not sure I want to share if I am contagious.  My stomach isn't all that happy, either.


Right now I just want to curl up in a ball on the sofa and watch my backlog of pre-recorded Castle episodes, and maybe wash my dirty cookie sheets so I feel like I've accomplished something.  They won't take long -- they were covered in towels and used to process blueberries -- but the visual impact of them feels like a lot.

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I need to boil potatoes for potato salad tomorrow.


So do I. And marinate the meat. 


Why do all the bbq commercials only show men? What's up with that?? Dh does not even know his way around the grill. I do. I do the grilling. My daddy taught me well. :D I make my own sauce. I taught me well.


I think they should put me on grilling commercials. Seriously. I'm that awesome. Even the bachelor neighbors like my bbq.

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So do I. And marinate the meat. 


Why do all the bbq commercials only show men? What's up with that?? Dh does not even know his way around the grill. I do. I do the grilling. My daddy taught me well. :D I make my own sauce. I taught me well.


I think they should put me on grilling commercials. Seriously. I'm that awesome. Even the bachelor neighbors like my bbq.


Let's get together someplace photogenic and film our own grilling commercial!  Ellie has connections, so she can hook us up!

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Poop! I finally got up the gumption to call my insurance co. to untangle a mess and they are "closed for the holiday". The holiday is tomorrow, people! Get to work! And yeah, I know that I'm the one who's been procrastinating but I finally got it together!

Dh has the day off today - and in addition to buying 50lb of blueberries, he was kind enough to take me to a liquor store so I wouldn't go in and get all overwhelmed. I was buying mini bottles of vodka to make homemade vanilla for Christmas gifts. I found the perfect brand - Picker's Vodka, made right here in Nashville (and certified non-GMO as a bonus). I don't know if the vodka is any good, but the bottles are totes adorbs. :D

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Here's the link. I improv'd the song, then recorded it. My DDs were impressed. Although oldest is very used to my improv of songshttps://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8AgbG4Z0x4NNUZZbFJOWk9KMGc/view?usp=sharing


Likety like like like!  I knew there was a reason I love you!  Your voice sounds like I think mine does (you know, how my voice sounds to me when I'm singing and not how it sounds to others).


Very cute!

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Dh has the day off today - and in addition to buying 50lb of blueberries, he was kind enough to take me to a liquor store so I wouldn't go in and get all overwhelmed. I was buying mini bottles of vodka to make homemade vanilla for Christmas gifts. I found the perfect brand - Picker's Vodka, made right here in Nashville (and certified non-GMO as a bonus). I don't know if the vodka is any good, but the bottles are totes adorbs. :D


So how do you make homemade vanilla?

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So how do you make homemade vanilla?


You get one of those sticks and put it in vodka and let it sit. I actually bought vanilla a few years ago, but never got the alcohol, so never made my own. It's still in my spice cabinet though.

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You get one of those sticks and put it in vodka and let it sit. I actually bought vanilla a few years ago, but never got the alcohol, so never made my own. It's still in my spice cabinet though.


You're talking the vanilla bean, right?  Long dark thing?


Does it have to be vodka or can it be rum or something else?  What are the repercussions on flavor?


How long does the vanilla bean need to soak in the alcohol?  Weeks?  Months?  Years?



I had bought some chocolate extract back around the start of the year and was disappointed to find that it's not available now -- I think it was only stocked for the holidays, darn it.  Any idea how to make that, anyone?

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Um, I was going to like this but the imagery of children wearing fireworks-bearing swimsuits got in the way.


Quick, where's a safer place for him to leave them?


Never mind. I just realized with the kids in our family there is NO safe place to leave fireworks. Uncle Sam had better leave us fire extinguishers !*[/i]

Well, he doesn't put them in when they are wearing them. Actually, that's just a little weird. No. He puts them in when the kids are asleep and their swimsuits are hanging in the bathroom drying. You know, like how "the stockings are hung by the chimney with care!" Santa doesn't fill your socks while you're wearing them!

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Here's the link. I improv'd the song, then recorded it. My DDs were impressed. Although oldest is very used to my improv of songs. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8AgbG4Z0x4NNUZZbFJOWk9KMGc/view?usp=sharing

I improv songs too but yours makes more sense.  


One of mine:


Oh, it's a wiffle waffle day, today!

It's a wiffle waffle day, today.

Wiffle waffle wiff wiff wiff

Wiffle waffle wiff wiff wiff

It's a wiffle waffle day, today!  With spaghetti!  


To be sung when we have waffles, of course.  

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You're talking the vanilla bean, right?  Long dark thing?


Does it have to be vodka or can it be rum or something else?  What are the repercussions on flavor?


How long does the vanilla bean need to soak in the alcohol?  Weeks?  Months?  Years?



I had bought some chocolate extract back around the start of the year and was disappointed to find that it's not available now -- I think it was only stocked for the holidays, darn it.  Any idea how to make that, anyone?


I will definitely let Susan in TN answer this as I've already stated that I have not actually done it. :D


This does remind me that I need to get stuff to make this winter tincture I've been wanting to make but never have. It's supposed to age for two months before using.

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I improv songs too but yours makes more sense.  


One of mine:


Oh, it's a wiffle waffle day, today!

It's a wiffle waffle day, today.

Wiffle waffle wiff wiff wiff

Wiffle waffle wiff wiff wiff

It's a wiffle waffle day, today!  With spaghetti!  


To be sung when we have waffles, of course.  


Sometimes, I make random noises. But, that doesn't count as song improv. I think that song makes plenty sense, fwiw.

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You're talking the vanilla bean, right? Long dark thing?


Does it have to be vodka or can it be rum or something else? What are the repercussions on flavor?


How long does the vanilla bean need to soak in the alcohol? Weeks? Months? Years?



I had bought some chocolate extract back around the start of the year and was disappointed to find that it's not available now -- I think it was only stocked for the holidays, darn it. Any idea how to make that, anyone?

Yes - ugly brown stick-looking thing!


I have never made it before but here is the run-down. Buy grade B vanilla beans for extract - you can get 1/4 pound on Amazon for $20. Vodka produces the most pure vanilla flavor, but you can use rum or bourbon as well. Some say bourbon vanilla is a waste of vanilla beans, but I wouldn't know personally. Don't use flavored liquors because they end up tasting artificial and yucky.


So for every cup (8oz) of vodka, use about 6 vanilla beans. You can cut them in half or whatever to make them fit. Some call for making a lengthwise slit in the bean, but not all. You can also just buy a big bottle of vodka and stick the beans in. Put in a dark place and give the bottle a shake once or twice a week for 2-6 months. The vanilla bean does not need to be removed. They say it will just keep getting better with time. You can strain the vanilla to make it "clear" or leave the flecks of vanilla in.

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Please go to the Chat board and give me suggestions for healthy sides for hot dogs and hamburgers. :)

Wait, you mean the lettuce and tomato on the hamburger doesn't count?? If I want a healthy side, I throw in a salad. :D. No help, huh? It's a bbq, anything goes.

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SO much for a summer board break, I have no will power, I didn't even last a whole week.  Not on as much as I had been though.  My kids all leave tomorrow for 2 weeks.  Those 2 weeks will be a whirl wind of painting and cleaning after work everyday to try and get as much done as I can 

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