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Having one of those "death by papercut" days.  I didn't sleep well and that's 99% the root of my problems.  Well, that and probably the new oral antibiotic I'm on.  I'm not functioning on all cylinders.  I went to pick dd up from the Y and she got in the car and I didn't even notice (I was staring off into the distance probably sleeping with my eyes open) for a couple of minutes.  Good thing she wasn't a car jacker!  Then my computer was crashing repeatedly for some stupid reason or another and I lost all my open tabs (like 15 of them).  I remember about five but can't remember the others and yes, they were important ones having to do with some research I'm doing.  Bah!  


I'm so sorry, and on a night when you got an extra second, too.  I hope you get better sleep tonight, no more paper cuts, and you remember all of the missing tab urls.  :grouphug: :grouphug:


Yesterday afternoon I lost the forums for just a bit -- suddenly got the 404 error.  I didn't try anywhere else on the web at the time and so I don't know if it was particular to the forums or our internet access (stormy yesterday evening) or what.  I only wanted this thread and couldn't get to it (tried repeatedly) so I watched pre-recorded episodes of Elementary instead.  It's good brain candy for bored headaches, but a weak substitute for ITT.

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Happy Canada Day!!!  :party:    Ds 13 and I just kicked off our celebrations with a 10k race this morning. We will continue the party with a visit from former neighbours, a bbq with current neighbours, and some fireworks.  If the courts dry off, dh and I will also get in some tennis.  


Cheers!  :cheers2:

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Having one of those "death by papercut" days.  I didn't sleep well and that's 99% the root of my problems.  Well, that and probably the new oral antibiotic I'm on.  I'm not functioning on all cylinders.  I went to pick dd up from the Y and she got in the car and I didn't even notice (I was staring off into the distance probably sleeping with my eyes open) for a couple of minutes.  Good thing she wasn't a car jacker!  Then my computer was crashing repeatedly for some stupid reason or another and I lost all my open tabs (like 15 of them).  I remember about five but can't remember the others and yes, they were important ones having to do with some research I'm doing.  Bah!  


For the next time, if you are on Chrome, you can go to Recent Tabs and it'll open them all back up for you. A wonder I discovered a couple of weeks ago.

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To avoid the things I should really be doing, I am carefully watching the squirrels to see how they are getting into the "squirrel proof" birdfeeder, and making modifications to thwart them. So far I have spread petroleum jelly on the top and then wrapped the top half in hardware cloth.

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To avoid the things I should really be doing, I am carefully watching the squirrels to see how they are getting into the "squirrel proof" birdfeeder, and making modifications to thwart them. So far I have spread petroleum jelly on the top and then wrapped the top half in hardware cloth.

I think this is a worthwhile endeavor! Scientists around the world are paid big bucks to research things of lesser consequence than this.
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I think I've offended my son. 

I'm typing up his little story for him, and made a quip about whether I could purchase a mark of punctuation to make things a little more readable. He's in the kitchen right now, rather sullen, with a pencil in hand to fix the next three chapters for me to get them typed for him. I think I'll let him get over that before I remark on the wonders of pronouns. :glare:

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Thanks for the hugs ladies. But, to be honest, he's taking it a lot worse than I am. I feel relief. Hopefully he gets the help he needs, and we can try again - mainly because of the youngest. Today is the first day he's actually been gone all day (after watching youngest's gymnastics class this morning). After years of requesting therapy for us, after the clinic called him several times to help him get counseling for alcoholism, now - NOW - finally he was asking me to call someone for counseling for us. After I told him this morning to leave for real and stop pussy-footing around (he was sleeping in the car). I told him to get out and then we can work on our issues apart, because apparently it wasn't working with us together.


Sorry to dump. Carry on ladies.

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To avoid the things I should really be doing, I am carefully watching the squirrels to see how they are getting into the "squirrel proof" birdfeeder, and making modifications to thwart them. So far I have spread petroleum jelly on the top and then wrapped the top half in hardware cloth.


Meh. I figure the birds won't starve if the squirrels figure out how to hang upside down and get into the bird feeder. It's similar to this one:




I also have a ground-level platform feeder. Squirrels eat there, too. No one minds. They're cute. It's all good.

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Thanks for the hugs ladies. But, to be honest, he's taking it a lot worse than I am. I feel relief. Hopefully he gets the help he needs, and we can try again - mainly because of the youngest. Today is the first day he's actually been gone all day (after watching youngest's gymnastics class this morning). After years of requesting therapy for us, after the clinic called him several times to help him get counseling for alcoholism, now - NOW - finally he was asking me to call someone for counseling for us. After I told him this morning to leave for real and stop pussy-footing around (he was sleeping in the car). I told him to get out and then we can work on our issues apart, because apparently it wasn't working with us together.


Sorry to dump. Carry on ladies.

I'm sorry, Renai.  I hope he is motivated to get the help he needs for himself as well as for his family.  

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Thanks for the hugs ladies. But, to be honest, he's taking it a lot worse than I am. I feel relief. Hopefully he gets the help he needs, and we can try again - mainly because of the youngest. Today is the first day he's actually been gone all day (after watching youngest's gymnastics class this morning). After years of requesting therapy for us, after the clinic called him several times to help him get counseling for alcoholism, now - NOW - finally he was asking me to call someone for counseling for us. After I told him this morning to leave for real and stop pussy-footing around (he was sleeping in the car). I told him to get out and then we can work on our issues apart, because apparently it wasn't working with us together.


Sorry to dump. Carry on ladies.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Do not apologize for dumping on us. We can take it.

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My nanny is gone.   :crying:


Not that she really nannied.  With only 3 days to sightsee, we were busy cramming in as much fun as five littles can handle.  But she was a tremendous help, and there were many many tears shed upon her departure.  Ds says life just won't be the same without her.  He really took it hard.  

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I know those squirrels shouldn't bother me. We have been feeding them for years now and when the apocalypse comes along, they will make a nice stew. But, dang it, they scare the chickadees and finches away and the bluejays won't even fight them any more. They just hang there and spin and stare at us at the kitchen table, flicking their tails and daring the kids to chase them away. "Oh yeah? We'll be back in 45 seconds!"

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I know those squirrels shouldn't bother me. We have been feeding them for years now and when the apocalypse comes along, they will make a nice stew. But, dang it, they scare the chickadees and finches away and the bluejays won't even fight them any more. They just hang there and spin and stare at us at the kitchen table, flicking their tails and daring the kids to chase them away. "Oh yeah? We'll be back in 45 seconds!"

Why don't you get some squirrel food and put it for them in a different place?

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Ah, summer. When I can hear the dad across the street screaming at his kids.

I didn't know you moved in across the street. ;) Actually, in our neighborhood these days, it's so hot that everyone's house is closed up with the AC running. No one's hearing anyone yelling at anyone.
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We were at the pool yesterday for a meet from noon until 10:00pm.  We had a delay at one point for storms, otherwise would have finished closer to 9.  Now I'm drinking coffee and gearing up to go back for practice.  I threw enough towels in the wash last night for everyone today.  I threw them in the dryer when I got up this morning.  Other laundry is piling up a bit (youngest says she's out of underwear.  :ohmy: ).  Summer swim is it's own little world - completely consuming, lots of fun, but over so quickly.  Only two more weeks. 

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I'm hoping this will be the wake up call he needs to get it together.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:   Hang in there, and continue to take care of yourself and the kids.  We're rooting for you.

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Thanks for the hugs ladies. But, to be honest, he's taking it a lot worse than I am. I feel relief. Hopefully he gets the help he needs, and we can try again - mainly because of the youngest. Today is the first day he's actually been gone all day (after watching youngest's gymnastics class this morning). After years of requesting therapy for us, after the clinic called him several times to help him get counseling for alcoholism, now - NOW - finally he was asking me to call someone for counseling for us. After I told him this morning to leave for real and stop pussy-footing around (he was sleeping in the car). I told him to get out and then we can work on our issues apart, because apparently it wasn't working with us together.


Sorry to dump. Carry on ladies.


Dump away.  We are here for you.  You are handling this correctly, so stand firm.  If you cave and let him come back he will have no incentive to put in the necessary work.


It's going to be rough, but hang in there and come back here when you need a cheering section.


Go, Renai!

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Dump away.  We are here for you.  You are handling this correctly, so stand firm.  If you cave and let him come back he will have no incentive to put in the necessary work.


It's going to be rough, but hang in there and come back here when you need a cheering section.


Go, Renai!


So I guess now we need a cheerleading ninja elephant icon!

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Meh. I figure the birds won't starve if the squirrels figure out how to hang upside down and get into the bird feeder. It's similar to this one:




I also have a ground-level platform feeder. Squirrels eat there, too. No one minds. They're cute. It's all good.


DH's mom puts out food for the squirrels, too.  When they lived in town DH would invent various "squirrel toys" -- contraptions to challenge the squirrels' ingenuity.  One of his favorites was to put a spinner on the fence, weighted so that it would stand upright with a cob of deer corn on it, but it would spin and dump the squirrel if one climbed aboard.  He had to modify that one several times, including putting it on a serious spacer to get it away from the fence far enough that squirrels couldn't brace their back feet there to keep it from spinning.  One squirrel finally beat him by just plain hanging onto the cob upside-down until he had his fill.


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Good morning!


Howdy!  Good morning back atcha. 



We have errands to do today, but after 2 weeks of daily swim, a trip to Lake Winnie-Pooh's-Socksies (Lake Winnipesaukee), and company for several days, it's kinda nice to kick back and do (almost) nothing.   I've decided to ignore the fact that the house is falling down around me (it really isn't, of course; but with all the laundry + dishes + unidentifiable smeared glob on the ceiling…. it feels like it is).  

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I know those squirrels shouldn't bother me. We have been feeding them for years now and when the apocalypse comes along, they will make a nice stew. But, dang it, they scare the chickadees and finches away and the bluejays won't even fight them any more. They just hang there and spin and stare at us at the kitchen table, flicking their tails and daring the kids to chase them away. "Oh yeah? We'll be back in 45 seconds!"


I'll let you borrow my standard poodle. He'll stare down those squirrels for hours and hours. He can jump and run, too.  I think the squirrels might eventually get tired, but he won't (just ask our cats). ;)

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DH's mom puts out food for the squirrels, too.  When they lived in town DH would invent various "squirrel toys" -- contraptions to challenge the squirrels' ingenuity.  One of his favorites was to put a spinner on the fence, weighted so that it would stand upright with a cob of deer corn on it, but it would spin and dump the squirrel if one climbed aboard.  He had to modify that one several times, including putting it on a serious spacer to get it away from the fence far enough that squirrels couldn't brace their back feet there to keep it from spinning.  One squirrel finally beat him by just plain hanging onto the cob upside-down until he had his fill.



This kind of reminded me of the "Monkey and the Nuts" story (from IEW), where the monkey put his fist in a tree trunk hole baited with nuts. He couldn't get his fist out with it full of nuts, and he wouldn't let go of the nuts.  Maybe your dh could devise a similar trap for squirrels and make a fortune on Shark Tank!!  :laugh:

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I'm venting so that Tex can invent and say some rude words for me since I'm kind of lame and don't do that.  I am exhausted.  To use Tex's metaphor, I'm toast but I'm the charred black kind that got stuck in the toaster.  I was sleeping in.  I even managed to satisfy the attention seeking cat by sleeping with one arm on him so that he felt the love without having to wake me up.  Then dh couldn't sleep and woke up four hours earlier than normal (but two hours earlier than my goal since I go to bed earlier than he does).  The man is incapable of getting up quietly but I was ignoring him and would have fallen back to sleep.  But then he let one of the dogs out front to pee without checking to see if anyone else was out there and I woke up for good to a dog fight.  (No one was hurt.)


Now I'm up.  The latest round of antibiotics has brought the C-diff back in all it's awful glory.  I know what to do but it isn't fun.  The good news is that the bad antibiotic was only meant to be a stop gap measure and the real antibiotics were delivered last night so I am already switched over to better ones.  The bad news is that it will take me some time to get my tummy back to normal.  Sigh.  

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