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Well, dagnabbit. I did more research. This asthma attack that just won't quit for days may be caused by one of my blood pressure meds. I've already been taken off one type for that reason; no one has picked up that this type has the same problem. Sigh.

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Good Morning! It's Humph Day!


(((Renai that sounds bad!)))


I had never heard of The Last Unicorn, but I've just reserved it at the library.


I am contemplating getting dd14 another book on writing for Christmas. Last year we got her Live Writing and she loved it and has reread it several times. Any suggestions for other books she might like?


I don't have to go ANYWHERE today! But I DO have to call the community college and find out why they have charged dd18 out-of-state tuition for her spring dual enrollment class. 🤔

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Happy payday!


Before I head off to bed, back to bullet journals for a moment.  Those that do them, do you start a new journal for the start of a new year or just keep going in the one you are using?  I was creating my december layout (having missed oct and most of november lol, still learning the best  way to make it work for me), and thinking ahead to my January layout, goals etc.  Do I just create January's layout right after December in my current Journal, or start fresh in a new one for the start of the new year?

 I start a new one, but there's really no reason to. December is a time of reflection and change for me. 

Well, dagnabbit. I did more research. This asthma attack that just won't quit for days may be caused by one of my blood pressure meds. I've already been taken off one type for that reason; no one has picked up that this type has the same problem. Sigh.

I'm sorry sweetie. Hugs.  

Okay, people! Now you have me thinking about bullet journals and a Christmas unit study!

Renai, hope your asthma issues resolve quickly! Did you come up with anything for a unit study?

Tee hee.
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It is another day, and more to do.


I have to go to the store for tlih, and sort her meds for the week.


Later, when dd17 gets home, we have to go pick up two cats from the vet. We took two female outside kitties to be spayed yesterday.


And I have to do all our regular stuff too. So time to get started. First, More Coffee.

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:party:  :party:  :party:

But not the eating and dying part.


I'm having my baked potato. Good meeting tonight. I need to put my words up for the night and go to bed soon myself. Got a little writing assignment for group, and an absolute pile of books that one of the librarians wanted to look at because I raved about them for writing help. And the young writer in the group has never read any Tolkien! :svengo: I have assigned her Farmer Giles of Ham and Smith of Wootton Major to whet her appetite. I've more than half a mind to also bring her my much battered copy of The Last Unicorn. Because awesome.



Hi, Critter!  How is your NaNoWriMo going?  I bet you have already finished twice by now, haven't you?


I have read some Tolkien, but somehow haven't read those.  I must get copies, maybe three of each.  It's probably time to have my kids start reading him, too, instead of just watching other peoples' versions of his work.  It has been too long since I read his stuff, too.  

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What things do you put in a bullet journal? I want to know very category you use.

Mine has a built in table of contents.


Then calendar. I linked a picture of that but I'm changing it to https://goo.gl/images/lYvM4N


Then yearly goals. Spiritual, booklist, exercise and family.


Then months.


Then weeks.


I put my collections/lists in the back and move forward. Only important collections make it to the TOC.


I want to use it more this year and will add...


School planner.


Chore chart.


Prayer list (monthly?).


Bible reading plan.

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We are in the middle near Nashville, so no fires here, but there was a lot of smoke and haze from fires when we visited Chattanooga a couple weeks ago. The Gatlinburg area sounds like it's having abad time of it.



Lots of prayers and hugs for the entire region.  I heard about tornadoes, too, throughout 4 states.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Hi.  I'm back.  FIL and MIL have been doctored.  It went very smoothly.  FIL wore pants even if he refused to comb his hair.  They allowed me to come back with them and it was a good thing.  Note to people doing cognitive testing on the elderly who do not have English as their first language.  Make sure that they understand the English instructions otherwise the actual test is meaningless.  I provided translations to simpler clearer English.  For example:  "What are the letters in 'world'?" instead of "Spell 'world'."  I can tell when the ILs can't hear something or don't understand the English vs. when they are unable to understand at all.  MIL thinks that it is 1998.  I really like their doctor.  She had a good sense of humor.  But after being gone for 4 hours, I'm tired.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Glad that you're safe.


(I know nothing about Tennessee geography.   :leaving: )  Maybe it's because I've never been there.



Me, neither, even though my sister was there for a time.


We need to have an ITT field trip to Tennessee and visit Susan.

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We have [emoji91] fire.



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:ohmy:   Good fire, in a fireplace, or bad fire, burning down things you want to keep?  I have been away from this thread too long and am only going through the posts since my post last night.



When family pauses in texting me, that is.  What is it with everyone this morning?  I'm going to see you in person later today!

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I swear my boys can't say a phrase without the word "butt" in it.


I'm going to bed.


Good night, sweethearts!



Wow, that puts a whole new spelling on the old objection, "But, Mo-o-om!"

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Hi, Critter!  How is your NaNoWriMo going?  I bet you have already finished twice by now, haven't you?


I'll probably pad my word count a bit today, but yeah, I'm done. I got close to 40K on my rewrite, and a little over 60K on the sequel. I ended up with 101K and change. But I ran it right up to Monday night. That was a slog.  

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Did you come up with anything for a unit study?

Not yet. I was reading a thread about it and that reminded me I have about a million and one resources for it. All those years of collecting free ebook stuff dontcha know? Not to mention Galloping the Globe (I remember when they were a thing). I just have to find it all, decide what to do, and prep for it. To start tomorrow. Whee!

Edited by Renai
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Before I head off to bed, back to bullet journals for a moment.  Those that do them, do you start a new journal for the start of a new year or just keep going in the one you are using?  I was creating my december layout (having missed oct and most of november lol, still learning the best  way to make it work for me), and thinking ahead to my January layout, goals etc.  Do I just create January's layout right after December in my current Journal, or start fresh in a new one for the start of the new year?



Oh, you all have been discussing bullet journals!  I quite like the idea and had one going for a few months a year or two back, until I got too busy and stopped writing in it.  This happens a lot with me and journals.


At the time I really gave it a good try I printed out small monthly calendar spreads that would fit over a two-page spread in my journal and I kept them folded and stored in a pocket inside the back cover.  I could note calendar events on these as needed and write pertinent notes and details on the blank back side.  Then, as I finished my journalling for one month (I could never predict how many pages it would take) I could tape the calendar and notes in when I was ready to start the new month.


I didn't finish a year in a bullet journal, but at the rate I was writing I would likely have needed a new journal every 4-6 months.  If you only have a few pages left in your journal as one month or year ends I'd go ahead and start the new month or year in a new one.  If, however, you have LOTS of blank pages left then just keep going in the existing journal, and write the date range the journal covers on the front cover and the spine.



I find the concept of a bullet journal useful for me, but my execution is rather spotty at times.  Right now I have a bound Food and Blood Sugar Log book in which I'm noting down dietary and health-related stuff in, though the format isn't quite what I want or need.  After I resume regular exercise, after the holiday activity subsides, as I reestablish certain routines and habits I might try designing my own journal pages (to get printed and bound at Kinko's or similar), or I might simply start bullet journalling once again to track it all and allow for other notes and verbal wanderings, too.

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:ohmy: Good fire, in a fireplace, or bad fire, burning down things you want to keep? I have been away from this thread too long and am only going through the posts since my post last night.



When family pauses in texting me, that is. What is it with everyone this morning? I'm going to see you in person later today!

Good fire in the fireplace. As addictive as this thread is, I wouldn't be calmly posting about it fire instead of calling 9-1-1 and getting out of there!'



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Well, dagnabbit. I did more research. This asthma attack that just won't quit for days may be caused by one of my blood pressure meds. I've already been taken off one type for that reason; no one has picked up that this type has the same problem. Sigh.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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What things do you put in a bullet journal? I want to know very category you use.



Anything and everything that crosses my mind when I have the journal in hand and something with which to write.  I worry about categories as I go, either assigning the page number to one already listed in my index or starting a new one.  When I keep up with the index, that is -- sometimes I leave off updating the index immediately in order to stay going on with whatever is going on, and I go through the journal later to update the index.


I tried to use different color pens to either color code or liven up the writing a bit, but that failed quickly.  I don't like toting about a bag full of different pens, and fell back to just grabbing whatever pen or pencil was handy.

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Dd7 is at the kitchen table sobbing. "I'm mad now, but I used to be so happy."


It's going to be one of those days.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Yesterday during class time DD12's face started getting that ambiguous look it gets when she's either getting upset or about to laugh at something and is trying to hide it.  It turns out she was getting upset.  We paused for hugs and listening.


"I'm getting upset and I have absolutely no idea why.  I keep trying to calm myself down and it's not working.  I keep getting more and more upset!"


Ah, puberty has arrived.  


I explained about hormones causing emotional roller coasters, DD12 got to allow herself some time to be upset, and it all subsided.


DH is really in for it now.  He's the only male in the house.  We are pretty sure even the two remaining fish in the tank are female.

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We need to have an ITT field trip to Tennessee and visit Susan.



(TN is a small, obscure state, so not a whole lotta reason to know it's geography unless you are here. A brief introduction: TN is a long rectangularish state divided into 3 parts - East, Middle, and West. It is bordered on the East by the Smokey Mountains and on the West by the Mississippi River.


East TN has the Smokey Mountains and the cities of Knoxville and Chattanooga.

Middle TN has Nashville which is also the capital city.

West TN has the Mississippi River as it's border and the city of Memphis which I often forget is a part of the state because it is kind of it's own little scary world plus Elvis.)

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I'm taking some time this morning to play around with concept and logline. We have an assignment for writers' group next week. The concept for the novel is one sentence that should be an intriguing story idea stated in a simple sentence that can be easily understood by all, and the logline expounds on that idea by offering a brief description of how the concept plays out over the novel.

This is harder to come up with than it sounds. Good thing I have a week to work on it.

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What things do you put in a bullet journal? I want to know very category you use.


I have all sorts of things in my journal. In order:

-The very first few pages are the index

-then I have my legend for my daily lists

-next is my year at a glance calendars

-followed by a few pages of "My level 10 life" and "level 10 goals".  Basically how I see certain things are in my life and how I can improve them.  For example I see my level in friends and family category to only be a 1, so goals to improve that include going out and making an effort to meet people, spending more quality time with family, connecting with extended family more, etc.  I have that for 10 different categories.

-I then have 100 'level 10' life goals, 10 specific things I can do in each category to improve my life in those areas.  So looking at the same category as above, it has things like write a letter to aunties, invite people over (huge thing for me, I never let anyone in my house), go camping as a family etc.

-The next couple pages are my 50 before 50 bucket list

-a 2 page spread of home improvement projects I want to complete.  Each room in the house is listed with the things I would like to complete in that room. 

-then comes my weight loss tracker and reward ideas

-I have a page I simply list my big accomplishments in the year as I reach them, like races I completed, graduating etc

-next page is a savings log

-then a page to log books I have read (and although I have been reading, I have to still add some titles here because I had not done so yet)

-I have Miracle morning listed: SAVERS as a key to help set my tone for the day

-then comes the routine pages (the ones I initially created when doing flylady), so morning routine, afternoon and bedtime, plus the kids am and bedtime routines

-Zone detail cleaning lists (also created when I was following flylady)

-weekly cleaning list

-seasonal to do lists

-a page to list craft projects I would like to do

-a page to list any canning I complete

-a car maintainance log(horrible for remembering when I last did things)

-a page to guide me through my planning a layout


THEN comes the monthly pages:

-habit tracker : things like taking vitamins, exercise, water intake, enough sleep

-gratitude journal (listing 1 things daily that I am grateful for)

-Monthly goals

-mind/body/spirit items (have a goal to complete 1 item per category per day) so it could be listen to a ted talk, exercise and pray for example.

-week at a glance layout, this is where my work schedule, extracurrics, appts etc are all layed out to easily see

-daily lists


Changes I am making for January, I am changing how I do meal planning.  It will have its own layout for a whole month at a time.  When I started this in Sept I had my meal planning done weekly on the weekly layout but I do not shop weekly so it was not working for me.  I am going to start including my ds13s lessons plans in a weekly layout too.  All my kids were in ps when I started this journal so it was not needed.  ds13 has been back homeschooling for just over a month now, I have been doing his lesson plans on regular lined paper, but think it makes more sense to have it in my journal with everything else.  A 1 stop shop.  I may add more as I move along.  Like I am thinking of adding a layout that focuses on my specific training for race season, instead of just marking off I exercised, something that lays out my specific training, goals etc, pondering that one as I start thinking about January.  I am also thinking of adding a book list of books I want to read, not just the ones I have already read.  I always hear of new titles but then forget them (or have them listed in memos on my phone).  Thinking I will do a page to list those so when I am at the library or bookstore looking for a new book I can start with those ones.


Now of course you don't need all of those other things in your journal, I just like having them.  I am a list maker and had a million lists, charts, post its, index cards etc scattered all over with all sorts of little things I jot down and now it is all in one place.

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Mine has a built in table of contents.


Then calendar. I linked a picture of that but I'm changing it to https://goo.gl/images/lYvM4N


Then yearly goals. Spiritual, booklist, exercise and family.


Then months.


Then weeks.


I put my collections/lists in the back and move forward. Only important collections make it to the TOC.


I want to use it more this year and will add...


School planner.


Chore chart.


Prayer list (monthly?).


Bible reading plan.



I quickly learned that, for me, I could use my bullet journal to note down ideas, rough out tentative plans, list stuff to get done in preparation for school, but when it came down to planning out lessons I needed a separate, clean journal or entity in which to have nothing but the school plan.  I therefore use a Teacher planner for that purpose.  I also use a monthly/weekly planner in which to write down what we actually do get done on a school day, which not only creates a record of what we did, it also aids in revising the plan short-term when unexpected appointments or other events intervene.


While I like having one journal to have handy and note stuff down in I find that certain things are better consolidated into their own separate journals, too.

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I'll probably pad my word count a bit today, but yeah, I'm done. I got close to 40K on my rewrite, and a little over 60K on the sequel. I ended up with 101K and change. But I ran it right up to Monday night. That was a slog.  



:party:  :party:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:


Hooray for Critter!  Great job!  Way to go!


I am SOOO impressed.  You should post the winner badge twice in your signature, since you did double NaNoWriMo!

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Good fire in the fireplace. As addictive as this thread is, I wouldn't be calmly posting about it fire instead of calling 9-1-1 and getting out of there!'



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Phew!  I can like this, then!


Enjoy your fireplace fire and warm beverages of choice!  And feel free to push more cold down to SE TX.

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Baby, it's (darn) cold outside. It doesn't make me very enthused about getting out of bed and putting on clothes.



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Have your clothes laid out within reach of your bed the night before.  That way if it is cold in the morning you can pull them under the covers with you to warm before you put them on.  If you are limber enough you can also get dressed under the covers, and not have to expose much skin to the chilly air at all.



Then go sit by that nice fireplace.

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I keep lists on my phone. And my calendar.



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Yup!  The sticky notes app rocks!


That reminds me, I must update my hallway calendar (year at a glance) and my phone calendar.  They each have some new additions which haven't made it to the other yet.

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Slache inspired me so,


I bought these:




And this:




I don't have time to create a bullet journal like some of the pictures and videos that were posted, but I plan on just doing a journal/diary type thing. I think it may help me sort out my thoughts.


I love pens and books. I am an addict. I love purple too. I like the Leuchtturm notebook Slache posted a link to, and I have it on my wishlist. Maybe I will ask for it for Christmas.


As for keeping track of things, I have a wall calendar that appointments and events are written on. I have a separate planner for school with the days of the week horizontally across the top and 7-8 rows vertically bought from Rod and Staff (Rainbow Resource carries it too and probably Amazon). I write things down after they are done, and I use the MP lesson plans as a guide. I use the iPhone calendar some, but I rely on my paper calendar the most. But mostly I just keep things in my head somewhere :D I usually don't keep a grocery list or when bills need paid or mom's medication, etc. I just remember stuff.

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I have all sorts of things in my journal. In order:

-The very first few pages are the index

-then I have my legend for my daily lists

-next is my year at a glance calendars

-followed by a few pages of "My level 10 life" and "level 10 goals".  Basically how I see certain things are in my life and how I can improve them.  For example I see my level in friends and family category to only be a 1, so goals to improve that include going out and making an effort to meet people, spending more quality time with family, connecting with extended family more, etc.  I have that for 10 different categories.

-I then have 100 'level 10' life goals, 10 specific things I can do in each category to improve my life in those areas.  So looking at the same category as above, it has things like write a letter to aunties, invite people over (huge thing for me, I never let anyone in my house), go camping as a family etc.

-The next couple pages are my 50 before 50 bucket list

-a 2 page spread of home improvement projects I want to complete.  Each room in the house is listed with the things I would like to complete in that room. 

-then comes my weight loss tracker and reward ideas

-I have a page I simply list my big accomplishments in the year as I reach them, like races I completed, graduating etc

-next page is a savings log

-then a page to log books I have read (and although I have been reading, I have to still add some titles here because I had not done so yet)

-I have Miracle morning listed: SAVERS as a key to help set my tone for the day

-then comes the routine pages (the ones I initially created when doing flylady), so morning routine, afternoon and bedtime, plus the kids am and bedtime routines

-Zone detail cleaning lists (also created when I was following flylady)

-weekly cleaning list

-seasonal to do lists

-a page to list craft projects I would like to do

-a page to list any canning I complete

-a car maintainance log(horrible for remembering when I last did things)

-a page to guide me through my planning a layout


THEN comes the monthly pages:

-habit tracker : things like taking vitamins, exercise, water intake, enough sleep

-gratitude journal (listing 1 things daily that I am grateful for)

-Monthly goals

-mind/body/spirit items (have a goal to complete 1 item per category per day) so it could be listen to a ted talk, exercise and pray for example.

-week at a glance layout, this is where my work schedule, extracurrics, appts etc are all layed out to easily see

-daily lists


Changes I am making for January, I am changing how I do meal planning.  It will have its own layout for a whole month at a time.  When I started this in Sept I had my meal planning done weekly on the weekly layout but I do not shop weekly so it was not working for me.  I am going to start including my ds13s lessons plans in a weekly layout too.  All my kids were in ps when I started this journal so it was not needed.  ds13 has been back homeschooling for just over a month now, I have been doing his lesson plans on regular lined paper, but think it makes more sense to have it in my journal with everything else.  A 1 stop shop.  I may add more as I move along.  Like I am thinking of adding a layout that focuses on my specific training for race season, instead of just marking off I exercised, something that lays out my specific training, goals etc, pondering that one as I start thinking about January.  I am also thinking of adding a book list of books I want to read, not just the ones I have already read.  I always hear of new titles but then forget them (or have them listed in memos on my phone).  Thinking I will do a page to list those so when I am at the library or bookstore looking for a new book I can start with those ones.


Now of course you don't need all of those other things in your journal, I just like having them.  I am a list maker and had a million lists, charts, post its, index cards etc scattered all over with all sorts of little things I jot down and now it is all in one place.





That's like Flylady's Control Journal, a bullet journal, a Teacher Planner, and a menu planner/shopping & errand list all fused together, like an Office In A Bag expanded to cover everything.


This deserves its own name.  I dub it Brandy's Brain In a Book!


:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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Slache inspired me so,


I bought these:




And this:




I don't have time to create a bullet journal like some of the pictures and videos that were posted, but I plan on just doing a journal/diary type thing. I think it may help me sort out my thoughts.


I love pens and books. I am an addict. I love purple too. I like the Leuchtturm notebook Slache posted a link to, and I have it on my wishlist. Maybe I will ask for it for Christmas.


As for keeping track of things, I have a wall calendar that appointments and events are written on. Me, too!  We're twins!  I have a separate planner for school with the days of the week horizontally across the top and 7-8 rows vertically bought from Rod and Staff (Rainbow Resource carries it too and probably Amazon). Oooo!  I have a planner, too!  TWINSIES!!!  I write things down after they are done, and I use the MP lesson plans as a guide. I use the iPhone calendar some, but I rely on my paper calendar the most. But mostly I just keep things in my head somewhere :D I usually don't keep a grocery list or when bills need paid or mom's medication, etc. I just remember stuff.  Uh-oh.  Maybe not twinsies.  Or maybe I'm the dumb one. :wacko:



Oooo, oooo, oooo!  It's a Dawnnmearetwinsbutshe'sthesmartone BOOYA!

Edited by JoJosMom
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I have all sorts of things in my journal. In order:

-The very first few pages are the index

-then I have my legend for my daily lists

-next is my year at a glance calendars

-followed by a few pages of "My level 10 life" and "level 10 goals".  Basically how I see certain things are in my life and how I can improve them.  For example I see my level in friends and family category to only be a 1, so goals to improve that include going out and making an effort to meet people, spending more quality time with family, connecting with extended family more, etc.  I have that for 10 different categories.

-I then have 100 'level 10' life goals, 10 specific things I can do in each category to improve my life in those areas.  So looking at the same category as above, it has things like write a letter to aunties, invite people over (huge thing for me, I never let anyone in my house), go camping as a family etc.

-The next couple pages are my 50 before 50 bucket list

-a 2 page spread of home improvement projects I want to complete.  Each room in the house is listed with the things I would like to complete in that room. 

-then comes my weight loss tracker and reward ideas

-I have a page I simply list my big accomplishments in the year as I reach them, like races I completed, graduating etc

-next page is a savings log

-then a page to log books I have read (and although I have been reading, I have to still add some titles here because I had not done so yet)

-I have Miracle morning listed: SAVERS as a key to help set my tone for the day

-then comes the routine pages (the ones I initially created when doing flylady), so morning routine, afternoon and bedtime, plus the kids am and bedtime routines

-Zone detail cleaning lists (also created when I was following flylady)

-weekly cleaning list

-seasonal to do lists

-a page to list craft projects I would like to do

-a page to list any canning I complete

-a car maintainance log(horrible for remembering when I last did things)

-a page to guide me through my planning a layout


THEN comes the monthly pages:

-habit tracker : things like taking vitamins, exercise, water intake, enough sleep

-gratitude journal (listing 1 things daily that I am grateful for)

-Monthly goals

-mind/body/spirit items (have a goal to complete 1 item per category per day) so it could be listen to a ted talk, exercise and pray for example.

-week at a glance layout, this is where my work schedule, extracurrics, appts etc are all layed out to easily see

-daily lists


Changes I am making for January, I am changing how I do meal planning.  It will have its own layout for a whole month at a time.  When I started this in Sept I had my meal planning done weekly on the weekly layout but I do not shop weekly so it was not working for me.  I am going to start including my ds13s lessons plans in a weekly layout too.  All my kids were in ps when I started this journal so it was not needed.  ds13 has been back homeschooling for just over a month now, I have been doing his lesson plans on regular lined paper, but think it makes more sense to have it in my journal with everything else.  A 1 stop shop.  I may add more as I move along.  Like I am thinking of adding a layout that focuses on my specific training for race season, instead of just marking off I exercised, something that lays out my specific training, goals etc, pondering that one as I start thinking about January.  I am also thinking of adding a book list of books I want to read, not just the ones I have already read.  I always hear of new titles but then forget them (or have them listed in memos on my phone).  Thinking I will do a page to list those so when I am at the library or bookstore looking for a new book I can start with those ones.


Now of course you don't need all of those other things in your journal, I just like having them.  I am a list maker and had a million lists, charts, post its, index cards etc scattered all over with all sorts of little things I jot down and now it is all in one place.



Do you use a bound book or a 3-ring binder?

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