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I don't like dust ruffles (they always got in my way when putting clean sheets on a bed, or scooted out of position and looked sloppy). Dad's naked box spring looks rather tacky, so fitted sheet it is! Works like a charm!

This is a great idea! I have naked box springs and am going to put a sheet on them when I wash the bedding this weekend!
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My official motto for this year is fortiter in re, suaviter in modo: to do what must be done resolutely, but sweetly.


This is closely related to my unofficial daily prayer: Lord, please help me not to be a massive b!tch today.




I don't have an annual theme beyond, one day at a time... that has been my theme for 40 years.


This year I think I am trying to process emotions more accurately, as in, not "I feel uncomfortable and therefore I HATE MY LIFE AND WISH IT WOULD ALL END!"


Instead I will think, "This feeling is uncomfortable, but I can solve it by addressing issue X. I will write that down and make a plan."


I believe this will make me into a perfect person.  :Angel_anim:

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I don't have an annual theme beyond, one day at a time... that has been my theme for 40 years.


This year I think I am trying to process emotions more accurately, as in, not "I feel uncomfortable and therefore I HATE MY LIFE AND WISH IT WOULD ALL END!"


Instead I will think, "This feeling is uncomfortable, but I can solve it by addressing issue X. I will write that down and make a plan."


I believe this will make me into a perfect person.  :Angel_anim:


...if not perfect, at least calm and balanced.   :D

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We've been making this pumpkin pie overnight oatmeal for the kids but I want to change it up. I'm thinking shredded apples, raisins, shredded coconut and cinnamon. Thoughts? I'd like to add a protein, but I need to be softish.



We've done apples and cinnamon before.  But not coconut.   :ack2:

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Dd9 requested a cheesecake birthday cake "with yummy stuff on it". So I bought a plain NY cheesecake at GFS and added homemade chocolate sauce and fresh raspberries. It was so yummy. But then I had to go play the violin for 2-1/2 hours. :rolleyes:


I am tired. Snow is on the way. All schools are closed. We'll probably do some lessons until there is enough snow to play in. â„ï¸â˜ƒâ„ï¸

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My official motto for this year is fortiter in re, suaviter in modo: to do what must be done resolutely, but sweetly.


This is closely related to my unofficial daily prayer: Lord, please help me not to be a massive b!tch today.


It sounds so much better in Latin.

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I am getting ready to send a care package of preemie/newborn clothes to my new baby niece.


:party: :party: :party: :party: :party:


I have waited a long time to Finally become an aunt!


I was hoping to be able to see her this weekend, but the weather is being uncooperative. :glare:


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5-10 minutes. And then have a recital in the living room and perform them for whoever is around. :)


(Even if it's just cats. Stuffed animals also make a good audience.)


Oh, good. I think she went about 7 minutes, then went to her sister's room to perform. :D

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Ds made me look so good as a teacher. Dd... not so much. Though she is an intelligent young lady. But it can be like pulling teeth.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Same. My older one seems to have been so much more compliant than this latest model. I had a talk with her today of how she made it so hard to want to homeschool her, and some other terrible things.

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If it doesn’t have a tail it’s not a monkey.

Even if it had a monkey kind of shape.

If it doesn’t have a tail it’s not a monkey, if it doesn’t have a tail it’s not a monkey, it’s an ape.


This EdPo is brought to you courtesy of Larry the Cucumber.


Dutch word of the day #1: the Dutch word for monkey is aap. Also, the Dutch word for ape is aap. Nobody cares whether they have tails or not. In school, they typically teach that the English word for aap is monkey. 


If you like Kreeft I think you’d be fine.



With butter and lemon. Dutch word of the day #2: kreeft means lobster.

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Dd15 was describing an activity they did for her government class - they had to pretend they were deserted on an island and had to come up with a way to live with each other. She said they started out OK and then things started going downhill and then they got a bit chaotic and then they ate Joel. 🙀

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Dd15 was describing an activity they did for her government class - they had to pretend they were deserted on an island and had to come up with a way to live with each other. She said they started out OK and then things started going downhill and then they got a bit chaotic and then they ate Joel. 🙀


Lord of the Flies all over again.   :D

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How is baby Page today?




Baby is in a much better mood today! He's still not sure how to move his mouth anymore and eating is a struggle but I think he'll get it. I'm scared to try the stretching exercises because he's happy and I don't want to hurt him. 




I don't have an annual theme beyond, one day at a time... that has been my theme for 40 years.


This year I think I am trying to process emotions more accurately, as in, not "I feel uncomfortable and therefore I HATE MY LIFE AND WISH IT WOULD ALL END!"


Instead I will think, "This feeling is uncomfortable, but I can solve it by addressing issue X. I will write that down and make a plan."


I believe this will make me into a perfect person.  :Angel_anim:


"This feeling is only uncomfortable because I have decided it is uncomfortable."

"Instead of saying, take this uncomfortable feeling away, I should be glad for the opportunity to endure it."

#marcusaurelius #stoic

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I'm sore but pain medication should kick in eventually. The site looks good and drainage is appropriate. :ack2:

The turtles are being snappy. Third day in of actually having to take care of things around the house and they are all set to resign. Remind me to have them take a day a week for each of them to take care of all the "mom" duties in a day sometime this summer. That will do their souls good.

Edited by Critterfixer
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I think I'll choose Tenacity as my word for the year. I've got plenty that I probably won't be successful at for some time, but the best way to be successful is to just keep throwing bricks until something breaks.



I would like mine to be Routine, but my perennial one seems to be Flexibility.  This is what seems to be demanded of me most year after year after year.





I need to find a good yoga class again.  THAT flexibility I really miss!

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Next week's menu:



Sweet Potato Chicken Poppers with Roasted Brussels Sprouts


Trying to eat well and keep within my 8 hour eating window every day.



Next week's menu for DD16 and me:

fast food during brief road breaks

Olive Garden with Dad (my dad, not DD's)

Beef Bulgogi (sushi restaurant)

pizza (Dad's favorite pizza place)

please not IHOP!  Can we do Village Inn instead?  Or Egg & I?

more Olive Garden

Donut Haus


hotel breakfast (I usually eat oatmeal, but they have eggs and proteins and waffles, too)

will likely be eating one restaurant meal per day and eating leftovers or convenience foods in the hotel for supper

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Good morning, lovelies! I stayed up way too late, finishing the 4th Outlander book (2 am too late), then got up with DH at 4am to help him get to work. I was able to get a couple more hours after he left, but I'm not motivated to do anything. It was worth it, though.


I have 2 questions to put before you today.


1) How would you go about making big schedule/goal changes while still managing to feed everyone/accomplish lessons/be a functional family member and human being?




2) Does mindfulness meditation help, and how would one begin?



1) I would prioritize the feeding, the lessons and the functionality. And probably lessons and functionality would rank higher than the feeding. Then I would work on the schedule. For feeding, I would look at simple meals that don't require much cooking or much prep work. For lessons, I'd be looking at the same thing. Simple, low prep work on my part. Functional human beings here means time to relax and do things that are important to the person. For us, I try to get a half-day out on a river or in the woods every other week at least. It's better weekly. For all of us, but me especially.

Once I have the three major goals planned for time and for ease, the rest of the schedule works out from there.


2)I can't advise to mindfulness meditation. Some time to sit and do nothing is helpful for me.

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I love pho.



Ooo, yay!  There's a Pho shop not far from our hotel!  Add pho to the menu for next week!




Edited by AMJ
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Nope, it’s grownups. Yay!


Although people are dreaming big right now and saying things like, “maybe some day if the bishop gave us a parish, we could have children’s scholas too.†I might take oldest evetually. She has a good voice, but sometimes she decides to showboat and then goes horribly out of tune. Plus I’d kind of just like to go by myself for a while, kwim? Get some silence in the car.

It's nice to have a group of grownups to talk with once a week. I don't mind terribly when there are young children at the writers' group, but it does cut into my satisfaction of not having to be mom for two hours.

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She's a natural! Give her a hi-five from me. When she wakes up. :D



This reminds me - I need to go back to the violin shop to switch to the next size up. It looks like her lessons are going to be on Mondays instead of Wednesdays... :svengo: Oh, wait. That's a good thing. That means we'll be out of the house at least two days a week...

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Same. My older one seems to have been so much more compliant than this latest model. I had a talk with her today of how she made it so hard to want to homeschool her, and some other terrible things.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I was too excited when I got home to fall asleep right away and then I woke up at 4:30 with my mind going a million miles an hour. 🙄.


But man, I think this schola is going to be really good! It’s on the only weeknight I have that was already empty. The people are really experienced. Apparently when they talked about being “amateurs†they meant not being professionally trained.



Amateurs do it for the love of it.  This often makes them just as good, if not better, than many of the professionals.  

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