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Home from being shoehorned into the doctor's schedule.  Having a hard time swallowing again.  Have a barium swallow test in a week.  


Remember how I said that I was having a hard time juggling everything?  (You probably don't, but just nod wisely like you do.)  I already spend one hour a day (not all at once) on medical stuff.  Now I have to pay even more attention to stuff.  The doc asked why I wasn't doing xyz and I told him it was because I was already doing a through m and sometimes things just fall off of the list.  This doesn't count normal healthy stuff like eating right and exercising.  

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My wonderful DH took the day off work and all four of the children camping. I packed them up and they just left. I am home ALONE.


insert party icon here


This is the first night I have been ALONE in my house since.....I don't know, maybe ever.


What will I do????? I am not sure. Maybe watch a movie I couldn't watch with children? Any suggestions?

I can only imagine how weird it must feel. :D If it were me, I'd have a Firefly marathon.

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The painter dude finished up about 5 pm, and I took my odd father to two grocery stores.  I lost him at the first one (Central Market, for those who know this store).  It is like a maze and not a place to lose your odd father or anyone else.  I saw him leaving, so I sent little dd after him.  We made a plan for store number two so as not to lose each other.  He did not say that I bothered him, but he did instruct me on the proper way to check the oil in my car.  :D

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Dd's 9th birthday is tomorrow, so we took her to the pet store this evening to buy her the hamster she has been saving up for for several months. A cute gray and white long haired Syrian (teddy bear) - her name is Misty. Dd6 is overly excited/tired and has been bawling her head off for the last hour. I think we all need to go to bed.

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Sorry Susan. Seriously, hugs to everyone.


12 days no grains, no dairy, no sugar, no alcohol, no legumes, and I've read Genesis, Job and Exodus within that time frame. I didn't work out every day, but I've had real reasons on days that I didn't. I think I'm back. :D


(after 3 months of rest, surgery, and 4 chiropractor appointments :glare: )


Eta: And so many drugs...

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I need an energy infusion. Any of you energizer bunnies volunteering?

Jean, if I could get to you I would be there doing your housework, yard work, cooking, rubbing your feet and yelling at your kids when applicable. Where is Newcastle anyway?

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talk real fast so that you can talk to as many as you can in the hour?  


I'm thinking of having break out rooms to split them in beginner/intermediate/advanced. I wanted older dd to help out (she's bilingual, I'm merely fluent), but since we pretty much decided on school for her, she's gone in school until 4:45 mst. My class begins at 3:30.


I told her today that because it seems the longer she spends with peers the worse she is with family, I'm still leaning towards homeschooling,although that will mean time in my classroom. But, she'd have chemistry, study skills (7 weeks), and logic with VHSG, and geometry with Jann online. History (bilingual), English and Spanish language arts could be down in the evenings.

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I'm thinking of having break out rooms to split them in beginner/intermediate/advanced. I wanted older dd to help out (she's bilingual, I'm merely fluent), but since we pretty much decided on school for her, she's gone in school until 4:45 mst. My class begins at 3:30.


I told her today that because it seems the longer she spends with peers the worse she is with family, I'm still leaning towards homeschooling,although that will mean time in my classroom. But, she'd have chemistry, study skills (7 weeks), and logic with VHSG, and geometry with Jann online. History (bilingual), English and Spanish language arts could be down in the evenings.

My dd, who is just a bit younger than yours, is that way.  It is one reason I homeschool her.  

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My dd, who is just a bit younger than yours, is that way.  It is one reason I homeschool her.  


Although dd says she is agreeable to homeschooling, I can imagine her making our lives miserable. It is the only reason I am reluctant to do so.

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My wonderful DH took the day off work and all four of the children camping. I packed them up and they just left. I am home ALONE.


insert party icon here


This is the first night I have been ALONE in my house since.....I don't know, maybe ever.


What will I do????? I am not sure. Maybe watch a movie I couldn't watch with children? Any suggestions?


You ever notice that when you do have a few hours of alone time there are just too many things that need

to be done that what you wanted to get done never seems to be the thing/things that get done?


Maybe I am alone on this one.

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You ever notice that when you do have a few hours of alone time there are just too many things that need

to be done that what you wanted to get done never seems to be the thing/things that get done?


Maybe I am alone on this one.


Yep. and then we procrastinate by hanging out on this thread. :D

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Health issues. Not life threatening, but life affecting. Whine whine whine.


One appreciates the hugs, of course.


I'm sorry to hear that.  More hugs.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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And the kids made fun of me when the throw up hit the side of the porch.  They were pointing and laughing as they watched through the windows.


Next time THEY get to clean it up!  And you can point and laugh when they fumble the job.  Go get yourself some chocolate.  You deserve chocolate.

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My poor odd father is 76.  I'm pretty sure he is on the autistic spectrum.  Once I decided that, it really helped me with our relationship.  I figured this out a couple of months ago when we got the final dx of my son as ASD.  My father loves me more than he loves anyone in the world, and he showers me with praise about what a fabulous person, mother, etc. I am.  Then he alternates this with criticizing my dh, advising me about things that don't even make it onto my radar (like making sure the fig tree makes it through the winter) or telling me I bother him.  I never know what I'm going to get when I call. :lol:   He tells me I am his mother, which, in effect, I am.  He had a poor mother, and I am a good mother so I don't mind.  I am already mothering plenty of people so what is one more?


The worst has been when he tries to manage medical stuff on his own.  He is no longer allowed to go to the doctor alone because he went once, announced he had cancer, told me to post it on Facebook, and then it turned out he was completely incorrect and did not have cancer.  Also, one time I did not answer his call once because I was schooling the children, and he extrapolated from a call from his doctor's office regarding routine bloodwork that he had "a serious problem with my pancreas and I need to go to the ER".  By the time I got the message he had called my SIL and scared her to death so I had to call his doc's office and confirm that he had completely misunderstood.  By that time, he was at the ER, and I couldn't reach him.  He has no cell phone.  So I called a friend from high school who works at the hospital he went to and had her call down to the ER and pass on a message to him.  Then there was the time he had an untreated UTI and completely lost his mind and threatened to kill me and my entire family if I screwed up his taxes.  Then he called the police, who ended up helping me take him to an ER with a psych unit.  That was very draining and upsetting, but the police were so nice.  My dad is very high maintenance, but he is my only parent and is very sweet and childlike.  He has drifted further left of center since my mom passed away nine years ago.  Living alone is for the birds.  It makes people even odder than they are.


I will say that my dad lets me drive his newish Camry because it has a smell and bothers him. So I have put about 11,000 miles on it while he pays for it.  It is small and we are cramped, but it keeps miles off of my old van with over 150.000 miles on it.  I drive it everywhere.  He also bought me a washing machine recently.  And he gave me his $3,000 organic mattress which was brand new because it had a smell.  It really did, though.  I agree.  It was just not a smell that bothered us. He was threatening to drag it out to the curb so I rushed over to pick it up with Nan's truck before MIL took the truck away.


I kind of have an odd life.  


My dad (in his mid-80's) has his own ideas about his medical situation, too.  Unfortunately, he is rather particular when it comes to doctors (white gray-haired male trained "old-school"), and the ones he claims are any good have all retired or died.  He is still hunting for a doctor that will give him a prescription for testosterone, but he abused it when he had it and his blood work shows he doesn't need it anyway.  He simply won't listen to any doctor anymore. 


He tells me from time to time how proud he is of me, but the only thing he ever explicitly told me he was proud of me for was marrying DH.  My only brother died in a crash at age 30, so he considers DH his replacement son.


We are a couple of states apart geographically, but we make sure we see him each year and talk to him on the phone from time to time.  We also are in touch with a friend of his he sees regularly, so we have eyes on the ground there, too.


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You ever notice that when you do have a few hours of alone time there are just too many things that need

to be done that what you wanted to get done never seems to be the thing/things that get done?


Maybe I am alone on this one.


This is so true.   I use my all-too-spare alone time for doing whatever I WANT to do.  The chores will always be there.  Opportunities to bulk-watch Blacklist or veg out in other ways are infrequent.  There's always something cropping up.

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My dad (in his mid-80's) has his own ideas about his medical situation, too.  Unfortunately, he is rather particular when it comes to doctors (white gray-haired male trained "old-school"), and the ones he claims are any good have all retired or died.  He is still hunting for a doctor that will give him a prescription for testosterone, but he abused it when he had it and his blood work shows he doesn't need it anyway.  He simply won't listen to any doctor anymore. 


He tells me from time to time how proud he is of me, but the only thing he ever explicitly told me he was proud of me for was marrying DH.  My only brother died in a crash at age 30, so he considers DH his replacement son.


We are a couple of states apart geographically, but we make sure we see him each year and talk to him on the phone from time to time.  We also are in touch with a friend of his he sees regularly, so we have eyes on the ground there, too.


My dad stayed with a really old female doc in her 80's who was incompetent and dx him with a smoker's disease when he had never smoked while missing classic signs of blood clots.  She put him on a med that he reacted to very badly and he was unable to handle his affairs for a time due to this.   By the time he had other testing, he had hundreds in his legs and his lungs.  He could have died.  He liked this doc because she was nice  I convinced him that she almost killed him and moved him to my neighbor, who is a family doc.  I have medical POA and other POA and can exercise it at any time.  Fortunately, my dad realizes his limitations and is grateful for help.  I would not want to fight him to try and help him.  He wants me there because he knows he just gets so confused.


I am glad that he is sweet to me and encouraging because he is high maintenance otherwise.  :D

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Home from being shoehorned into the doctor's schedule.  Having a hard time swallowing again.  Have a barium swallow test in a week.  


Remember how I said that I was having a hard time juggling everything?  (You probably don't, but just nod wisely like you do.)  I already spend one hour a day (not all at once) on medical stuff.  Now I have to pay even more attention to stuff.  The doc asked why I wasn't doing xyz and I told him it was because I was already doing a through m and sometimes things just fall off of the list.  This doesn't count normal healthy stuff like eating right and exercising.  


Lots and lots of hugs for you.  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Doctors sometimes need reminding that there are only so many hours in a day and a patient has other things to demand their attention besides their own medical regimen.  That's not to suggest that the medical regimen isn't all needed; it's just to say that life doesn't stop or go away just because a patient has a big regimen.  Doctors are so focused on treating the patient (and rightly so) sometimes they seem to simply forget that their patients have lives and responsibilities that must continue, too.

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Did y'all say it was National Wine Day?  Did I misread?


No wine for me for a month (though once I can reintroduce I will get myself some nice plum wine).  I will have to settle for whine.  And no cheese, either.




No chocolate, due to the sugar content.  Pity me.  No chocolate is a very cruel thing.

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I can only imagine how weird it must feel. :D If it were me, I'd have a Firefly marathon.


A wonderful idea!  Or Indiana Jones movies.  I'm not allowed to watch Castle without the kids anymore -- I got them addicted.  (I did that so I could watch Castle when they were around, but it has backfired.)

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Thank you, dear.  I have an odd father, but I had an absolutely amazing mother.


I miss my mom.  I'm finding out things I wish I had known when she was alive so I could talk to her about them.  I use NaNoWriMo each year to process this stuff since she's not around now.  She had her issues, but the more I find out the more amazing I think she was.

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I miss my mom.  I'm finding out things I wish I had known when she was alive so I could talk to her about them.  I use NaNoWriMo each year to process this stuff since she's not around now.  She had her issues, but the more I find out the more amazing I think she was.

That is a great idea to use NaNoWriMo.  It also preserves those memories of her for others, if you choose to share.


My mom just quietly went about doing good and cheering people up.  She was awesome.  She anticipated my needs and met them.  She was interested in the minutiae of my life. She doted on my children.  We are so much lesser for having lost her early.

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Sorry Susan. Seriously, hugs to everyone.


12 days no grains, no dairy, no sugar, no alcohol, no legumes, and I've read Genesis, Job and Exodus within that time frame. I didn't work out every day, but I've had real reasons on days that I didn't. I think I'm back. :D


(after 3 months of rest, surgery, and 4 chiropractor appointments :glare: )


Eta: And so many drugs...


Good going, Slashie!  :party:


I'm on day 7, though I make an exception for unsweetened cranberry juice.  A sudden elimination of sugar tends to lead (in me at least) to a need for cranberry juice for a few days.  Lucky for me FIL has volunteered to me my IRL cheerleader and taskmaster to help keep me on track.


I haven't been working out.  I piled too much up on my plate what with starting this while getting used to a hearing aid.  I'll have to see if I can get some exercising done soon. :zombie:

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


To Jean, Tex, Slash, Susan, Ellie, Renai, Lynn, AMJ.......hugs for everyone.


Thank you.  And I love your avatar.

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AMJ, The reason I got on the computer was to pm you and warn you about the cranberry juice thing. I'm glad you're already on it.


I have not exercised a lot. I've been very tired and my recoveries have been more painful than usual. It's partially an adjustment to the diet and partially because I can't take my supplements. I've been easy on myself about it though. The first two weeks are supposed to be so hard.

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Good Morning.:)


I have done nothing productive. However, I did get 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep.


I am expecting bug-bitten, campfire-smokey-smelling children and at least 2 loads of damp laundry to arrive at any minute.

And they are back....just as I thought dirty, smelly, with exactly 2 loads of laundry.


And they are hungry....so pancakes for my four children plus three more friends. It was a joy to have the kitchen full of happy, laughing teenagers (5 of them) and the twins. I can say this honestly because of the 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep.:D

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That is a great idea to use NaNoWriMo.  It also preserves those memories of her for others, if you choose to share.


My mom just quietly went about doing good and cheering people up.  She was awesome.  She anticipated my needs and met them.  She was interested in the minutiae of my life. She doted on my children.  We are so much lesser for having lost her early.


She sounds a lot like you!




I'm not sure I'll ever share the stuff I'm processing with my kids.  There has been some serious damage in my family tree, and part of what I'm working through is what to share -- IF I ever share -- and how to share it with my kids.  I seem to be perpetually torn between sharing and letting it all die away so the damage can't continue to the next generation (at least in my line).


I keep thinking I want to write a story, either biographical about Mom or fictional but based upon those life events, but it hasn't gelled yet.  The story is there and it keeps nagging at me.  I just haven't figured out if it's because there's more I haven't solved (discovered or figured out) or if I haven't found the story's voice yet.  Maybe some of each?  Sometimes I wish Martha Grimes or J.A. Jance could pick up the story, because I'm sure either one of them would find the kernel inside that needs to be shared and express it well.  But there's so much to explain, and so much that's still confusing.


Since I am currently short on time for doing research into this and loathe to dive deep just yet knowing the effect it will have on me (I want to wait until the girls are older, maybe off to college) I take it in small snippets and allow myself NaNoWriMo to process those snippets.  Basically it's limbo, but with some gradual progress.


Perhaps what will gel out in the end is the story of how Mom managed to deal with all that she dealt with.  She is, after all, my reason for working through this stuff. 


Moms are awesome in quiet and undiscovered ways.

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I'm relaxing on the computer surrounded by 3 sleeping dogs - 2 black labs and 1 silver poodle (who's only pretending to sleep - and always on the alert). I really should get out and walk them...

We're bording a 6-month old black lab puppy for 10 days. He's adorable! A smaller version of our 1.5 year old black lab "puppy," but much better behaved. I wonder if I could do a secret swap? ;)

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She sounds a lot like you!




I'm not sure I'll ever share the stuff I'm processing with my kids.  There has been some serious damage in my family tree, and part of what I'm working through is what to share -- IF I ever share -- and how to share it with my kids.  I seem to be perpetually torn between sharing and letting it all die away so the damage can't continue to the next generation (at least in my line).


I keep thinking I want to write a story, either biographical about Mom or fictional but based upon those life events, but it hasn't gelled yet.  The story is there and it keeps nagging at me.  I just haven't figured out if it's because there's more I haven't solved (discovered or figured out) or if I haven't found the story's voice yet.  Maybe some of each?  Sometimes I wish Martha Grimes or J.A. Jance could pick up the story, because I'm sure either one of them would find the kernel inside that needs to be shared and express it well.  But there's so much to explain, and so much that's still confusing.


Since I am currently short on time for doing research into this and loathe to dive deep just yet knowing the effect it will have on me (I want to wait until the girls are older, maybe off to college) I take it in small snippets and allow myself NaNoWriMo to process those snippets.  Basically it's limbo, but with some gradual progress.


Perhaps what will gel out in the end is the story of how Mom managed to deal with all that she dealt with.  She is, after all, my reason for working through this stuff. 


Moms are awesome in quiet and undiscovered ways.

Thank you.


That is a cool process and even if your work is seen by no one, it will help you in sorting through things so you can decide what parts to pass on to the next generation and what to let fall away.  I do think you have to process in order to sort and then share.  It is kind of a linear process.





Edited by texasmama
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A wonderful idea!  Or Indiana Jones movies.  I'm not allowed to watch Castle without the kids anymore -- I got them addicted.  (I did that so I could watch Castle when they were around, but it has backfired.)


Oldest JUST mentioned Indiana Jones movies yesterday. She has no idea why. Neither do I. Although I wouldn't mind.

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We did C25K, week 4 day2.  Whew!  We went at 10 instead of 6.  It was a bit hotter.  I need a panting for breath and passing out emoticon.  (Renai, you're not kon mari-ing emoticons, are you?) 


running.gif thud-faint-smiley-emoticon.gif



ETA: Well, lookie there - BOOYA!!!!!!!!!!








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