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My student syllabus is posted.  I'm sure everyone needed to know that.  Mine is the first syllabi up.


I'm hungry.


I saw a bacon-wrapped grilled cheese sammy on FB yesterday and decided to make it with turkey bacon and gf bread.  It tasted good, and the kids ate it, but it looked like one of those Pinterest "Nailed it" side by side pics.

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My student syllabus is posted. I'm sure everyone needed to know that. Mine is the first syllabi up.


I'm hungry.


I saw a bacon-wrapped grilled cheese sammy on FB yesterday and decided to make it with turkey bacon and gf bread. It tasted good, and the kids ate it, but it looked like one of those Pinterest "Nailed it" side by side pics.

I saw a grilled marshmallow and chocolate sandwich on white bread on pinterest. Noms!

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I can tell you what works for me, working 40+ hours and homeschooling:


1. Don't invite people over.  Then you don't have to clean.

2. Get single-ply Scott's toilet paper.  Then when they invite themselves over, they never come back.


I shall keep a roll or two of cushy-soft toilet paper for my ITT friends when you visit, though.  I'm sure y'all will help me with the cleaning.  Slache will be #bossyboots and coordinate everyone/assign tasks.


1. I don't ever invite people over because my house is never clean anyway.

2. Since no one is here but us, I go for the middle-of-the-road and not-too-expensive-or-cheap paper.



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:lol: Best.solution.ever.

This is genius.  Who needs other stupid threads when I have ITT?  This will give me an idea of the time needed to plan it, too.


I know, right???  I'm no good at starting new threads.  I'm only good at mucking up existing ones. :laugh:


Oh, my favorite guys!


I got a good response on my Get Up or Get Down thread. :D 

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So, I'm back from a parenting workshop I had signed up for a couple of weeks ago. it was nice. While I was there, I got a phone call, which I let go to voicemail.


One of the state prek consultants that I met a couple of years ago is working at one of the schools I use to hang out at (tutoring, student teaching, yadayada). It seems that the former district curriculum supervisor (who I met last year) had suggested she call me to ask if I could be lead teacher of their prek program. So that consultant called another consultant that she knew for my number. (I know the other consultant because I worked with her years ago, then again when I was a prek teacher, and she's been attending older dd's dance performance for years.)


I don't know what to think. I'm beginning to feel really wanted. And not in the FBI sense. 

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So, I'm back from a parenting workshop I had signed up for a couple of weeks ago. it was nice. While I was there, I got a phone call, which I let go to voicemail.


One of the state prek consultants that I met a couple of years ago is working at one of the schools I use to hang out at (tutoring, student teaching, yadayada). It seems that the former district curriculum supervisor (who I met last year) had suggested she call me to ask if I could be lead teacher of their prek program. So that consultant called another consultant that she knew for my number. (I know the other consultant because I worked with her years ago, then again when I was a prek teacher, and she's been attending older dd's dance performance for years.)


I don't know what to think. I'm beginning to feel really wanted. And not in the FBI sense.

You could try committing a felony and see how that goes?

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A couple of times today, I got an error message. Instead of going back to my post, and I thought my post had been swallowed, but when I left WTM altogether then came back and checked, my message was there. Have you had problems like that?


I've had something similar happen with "likes."  It will tell me it couldn't record my like (or whatever that message is), but when I refreshed my "like" was there.  Maybe it was trying to do double likes and then gave itself the error message for doing it twice. 


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So um... I may or may not be contemplating writing a Greek crriculum for the K-8 crowd based on the classical education model.


I can't find anything I like for the kids. I've been looking for 2 years to find the right thing and nothing looks like I want it to.

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I saw a grilled marshmallow and chocolate sandwich on white bread on pinterest. Noms!


A long time ago at a friend's house she prepared this for dessert:  Butter the outsides of two pieces of bread (it might have been sourdough or french bread - something worth eating!), on the inside, spread nutella and then slices of banana (possible spread nutella on both slices?).  And maybe there were marshmallows involved too?  I'm not sure.  Anyway, then she put all this awesomeness on the grill.  :drool5:


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I saw a grilled marshmallow and chocolate sandwich on white bread on pinterest. Noms!


A long time ago at a friend's house she prepared this for dessert:  Butter the outsides of two pieces of bread (it might have been sourdough or french bread - something worth eating!), on the inside, spread nutella and then slices of banana (possible spread nutella on both slices?).  And maybe there were marshmallows involved too?  I'm not sure.  Anyway, then she put all this awesomeness on the grill.  :drool5:


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I ordered a copy of the original social security application for my grandfather who was born in 1918. I wanted it for genealogy purposes because we can't figure out who his parents were. I get the application in the mail today, and THE PARENTS' NAMES ARE BLACKED OUT. Their reasoning is because they could still be alive and they don't give out that info.


I can appeal if I disagree, which I do, and I may. 



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Oh Lynn. You're having problems.


:o :( :sad:


Okay, I'm going to clear history, shut it down, start it back up, etc.  If I'm still double posting after that, I'm going to 1) cry and 2) break all my posts in half and save the 2nd half for the 2nd of the double posts which I will edit. 

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Ikslo speaks truth.  We are having friends over tomorrow night and it is forcing me to clean.  A little bit.  That's why you all have missed me this morning.



That's why I've been absent for a couple of days. 


Well, that and all this reading i'm doing plus altering our school routine so that I'm up at 5am (which I love and I hate, but I think the hate part will diminish after my sleep cycles adjust.  I hope.)

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I ordered a copy of the original social security application for my grandfather who was born in 1918. I wanted it for genealogy purposes because we can't figure out who his parents were. I get the application in the mail today, and THE PARENTS' NAMES ARE BLACKED OUT. Their reasoning is because they could still be alive and they don't give out that info.


I can appeal if I disagree, which I do, and I may. 




Oh. My. Word.  That is crazy!



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Do any of you hate phone tag as much as I do? If you call and leave a message and I call back and leave a message, that's pretty much it for me. You'll have to catch me in or use EMAIL which doesn't require any tag whatsoever. Again, accept my apologies for not having a cell phone.


As you were.

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I ordered a copy of the original social security application for my grandfather who was born in 1918. I wanted it for genealogy purposes because we can't figure out who his parents were. I get the application in the mail today, and THE PARENTS' NAMES ARE BLACKED OUT. Their reasoning is because they could still be alive and they don't give out that info.


I can appeal if I disagree, which I do, and I may.



Isn't it nice that the same government wants complete control over our health care?

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So, I'm back from a parenting workshop I had signed up for a couple of weeks ago. it was nice. While I was there, I got a phone call, which I let go to voicemail.


One of the state prek consultants that I met a couple of years ago is working at one of the schools I use to hang out at (tutoring, student teaching, yadayada). It seems that the former district curriculum supervisor (who I met last year) had suggested she call me to ask if I could be lead teacher of their prek program. So that consultant called another consultant that she knew for my number. (I know the other consultant because I worked with her years ago, then again when I was a prek teacher, and she's been attending older dd's dance performance for years.)


I don't know what to think. I'm beginning to feel really wanted. And not in the FBI sense. 


Girlfriend, you need to listen up to the message that is being shouted at you!

I ordered a copy of the original social security application for my grandfather who was born in 1918. I wanted it for genealogy purposes because we can't figure out who his parents were. I get the application in the mail today, and THE PARENTS' NAMES ARE BLACKED OUT. Their reasoning is because they could still be alive and they don't give out that info.


I can appeal if I disagree, which I do, and I may. 



Epic Fail.

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I ordered a copy of the original social security application for my grandfather who was born in 1918. I wanted it for genealogy purposes because we can't figure out who his parents were. I get the application in the mail today, and THE PARENTS' NAMES ARE BLACKED OUT. Their reasoning is because they could still be alive and they don't give out that info.


I can appeal if I disagree, which I do, and I may. 



Ask them to show you one person who is still alive who was able to give birth in 1918.  My dad was born in 1922 and he was 92 when he died.  

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I ordered a copy of the original social security application for my grandfather who was born in 1918. I wanted it for genealogy purposes because we can't figure out who his parents were. I get the application in the mail today, and THE PARENTS' NAMES ARE BLACKED OUT. Their reasoning is because they could still be alive and they don't give out that info.


I can appeal if I disagree, which I do, and I may.



So they think your great grandparents might be, what, about 200 years old? That's messed up.

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My student syllabus is posted.  I'm sure everyone needed to know that.  Mine is the first syllabi up.


I'm hungry.


I saw a bacon-wrapped grilled cheese sammy on FB yesterday and decided to make it with turkey bacon and gf bread.  It tasted good, and the kids ate it, but it looked like one of those Pinterest "Nailed it" side by side pics.


I got side tracked by double posts, but I meant to ask if we were having a syllabi writing contest?  I missed that.  Here's mine:


August - start slowly and get everyone used to routine and expectations

September - everything goes swimmingly

Mid October - panting with tongue hanging out, dropping subjects right and left like foot soldiers dropping paraphernalia on a 20 mile march in July.

November - Relieved to have streamlined, but now stressing that demands will be made for participation in various Thanksgiving festivities, and then Christmas.  (I could homeschool if I could sub-contract out these darn holidays.)

December - Ah, time to go light.  I'm justified since I have to do all this darn holiday stuff. 

January - time to get real again - still plenty of school year left to accomplish goals.

February - Well, this year is pathetic.  I think I'll start thinking about what I'd like to use next year.

March - Thank God we can take spring break

April - It's so pretty outside and it's been a long winter.  They should do nature study outside. 

May - Praise the Lord, we're done. 


But, maybe that's not what you meant by syllabus?  :D

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I quick and whipped up a fast stir fry with a "hot and spicy" Szechuan sauce, and they were not kidding.  My nose is running, and I am downing the water as fast as I can.  And I am no kind of wimp, either.


Soda is better for getting rid of heat.

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Gah. This ss letter makes me want to hit the genealogy again, but I can't because I have homework and have already been gone all day at that parenting workshop. Because I'm a sucky parent. Dh told me this morning I'm a good mom, just a sucky housecleaner.

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I'm not really good at figuring out messages. I need to be told outright or I just don't get it.

Dear Renai,


You are so very wanted it's crazy.




P.S.  I know you have always wondered, but wonder no more.


(I usually don't presume to speak for God, but I think He won't mind with this one.)

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I got side tracked by double posts, but I meant to ask if we were having a syllabi writing contest?  I missed that.  Here's mine:


August - start slowly and get everyone used to routine and expectations

September - everything goes swimmingly

Mid October - panting with tongue hanging out, dropping subjects right and left like foot soldiers on a 20 mile march in July.

November - Relieved to have streamlined, but now stressing that demands will be made for participation in various Thanksgiving festivities, and then Christmas.  (I could homeschool if I could sub-contract out these darn holidays.)

December - Ah, time to go light.  I'm justified since I have to do all this darn holiday stuff. 

January - time to get real again - still plenty of school year left to accomplish goals.

February - Well, this year is pathetic.  I think I'll start thinking about what I'd like to use next year.

March - Thank God we can take spring break

April - It's so pretty outside and it's been a long winter.  They should do nature study outside. 

May - Praise the Lord, we're done. 


But, maybe that's not what you meant by syllabus?  :D

I like it!  And it can be adapted to many different subjects!

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Dear Renai,


You are so very wanted it's crazy.




P.S.  I know you have always wondered, but wonder no more.


(I usually don't presume to speak for God, but I think He won't mind with this one.)


Right. But, the other message I need is, what does he want me to do?

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I ordered a copy of the original social security application for my grandfather who was born in 1918. I wanted it for genealogy purposes because we can't figure out who his parents were. I get the application in the mail today, and THE PARENTS' NAMES ARE BLACKED OUT. Their reasoning is because they could still be alive and they don't give out that info.


I can appeal if I disagree, which I do, and I may. 




Please appeal. Because seriously? Your grandfather was born in 1918 AND HIS PARENTS MIGHT STILL BE ALIVE????!!!!!


I have gotten several s.s. applications, none of which were altered like that.

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Everyone in my class made a powerpoint except me. Does that mean I'm an overachiever?


ETA: Well how about that?




This is the thread that never ends,
It just goes on and on my friends.
People started posting not knowing what it was,
And they'll continue posting forever just because...

This is the thread that never ends
You'd best come join it with your friends
'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze
And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days

This is the thread that never ends...

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