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We see her performance on Friday, and bring her home on Saturday. Although the place is only 2 hours away, it looks like we'll be spending the night up there. We'll watch it when I see her again. She actually likes you random strangers on the internet. "you" as in the ITT folks. Not just any random stranger, k? She gets a kick out of all of us and asks me what is going on in the ITT.


Tell her we puffy heart her right back.  

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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


That's awesome. (Paperclip story)





This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that never ends...


(So here's a fun fact about Susan in TN. It upset me that I couldn't remember all the words, so I made an official note on my iPad called "ITT Theme Song" so I can copy and paste it in if the need ever arises.)



See, I was going to do that and paste to google docs under the exact same name, then couldn't find the second verse. Now that you have it all together again, I can copy and paste. :D


So, I'm guessing neither of you knows how to use the search function?

"second verse" brought it up for me both times I needed it.


So, Renai, I used "So" to start my response so you wouldn't feel so bad.


Kids love paperclips.  And tape.  Well, office supplies in general.

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 (in honor of Renai, a "so" post)....


So I'm attempting to accomplish spelling with my minions as a GROUP, instead of individually.  This is not as easy as it may sound.  7,6,4,and 3 all in about 10 square feet of space simultaneously accomplishing something?  Something Academic, I mean? HA.  


But I'm trying it anyway because I only have so many hours in a day.  SOOOOOooooo..... Yesterday we try it for the first time.  I calmly direct them all to the two kiddie tables I've set up, and begin to pass out pencils, only to hear an excited little voice from the back row squeal, 


"Oh Mommy!  Do you mean that now for spelling we can pretend that you are our TEACHER??  Oh, YAY!!!"










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So, I'm guessing neither of you knows how to use the search function?

"second verse" brought it up for me both times I needed it.


So, Renai, I used "So" to start my response so you wouldn't feel so bad. Thanks.


Kids love paperclips.  And tape.  Well, office supplies in general.


I know this. But, she really shouldn't be swiping it from the desk of the person who's trying to hire me and get her in class with me. Kwim?  :P

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 (in honor of Renai, a "so" post)....


So I'm attempting to accomplish spelling with my minions as a GROUP, instead of individually.  This is not as easy as it may sound.  7,6,4,and 3 all in about 10 square feet of space simultaneously accomplishing something?  Something Academic, I mean? HA.  


But I'm trying it anyway because I only have so many hours in a day.  SOOOOOooooo..... Yesterday we try it for the first time.  I calmly direct them all to the two kiddie tables I've set up, and begin to pass out pencils, only to hear an excited little voice from the back row squeal, 


"Oh Mommy!  Do you mean that now for spelling we can pretend that you are our TEACHER??  Oh, YAY!!!"












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I know this. But, she really shouldn't be swiping it from the desk of the person who's trying to hire me and get her in class with me. Kwim?  :p


No, she shouldn't. She's a regular klepto.  I was just trying to make it sound more innocent than that.  LOL

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Dang it all! This, Teacher Appreciation Day, Dress-Like-a-Cow-Day.... why oh why do I always find out right AFTER the stupid day is done?

Do you have August 10th marked on your calendar? It's cupcake day in memory of The Great Cupcake Kerfluffle of 2012.


Also, September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day. If you talk like a pirate, you can get a free donut at Krispy Kreme. If you (or your kids) dress up, you get a free dozen. Very important holiday.

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It'll be 3 months. The job would start August 10 (hasn't been approved by hr yet), and the last day of my last class is November 7. It is a brand new classroom that is opening up. They've had one class and just got approved for another. I'd be in charge of ordering what that class needs. I'm pretty good at spending school money though. :D

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I have laundry going and will take a final editor's look at my co op English syllabus and post it today.  I am completely stumped with how to schedule the reading of Hamlet.  We have three one hour class periods in which to read it aloud (together, in parts) as a class.  I have no idea how long it will take to read aloud Hamlet and if I will need to assign some reading at home.  Google failed me.  I need a Hamlet expert, but they don't have those in the yellow pages.  Maybe I will post a thread, but no one ever responds to my threads, and it is bad for my self-esteem. :lol:

Edited by texasmama
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It'll be 3 months. The job would start August 10 (hasn't been approved by hr yet), and the last day of my last class is November 7. It is a brand new classroom that is opening up. They've had one class and just got approved for another. I'd be in charge of ordering what that class needs. I'm pretty good at spending school money though. :D

So beginning in November you will be working full time, have to put 4 hours a month in for your curriculum, and homeschool the baby? That will be all you have to do? Well, that, and cleaning, and working out...

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So beginning in November you will be working full time, have to put 4 hours a month in for your curriculum, and homeschool the baby? That will be all you have to do? Well, that, and cleaning, and working out...


Starting August 10, it would be all you listed plus attending school. Then in November, drop the school part. Well, it's better than working full time, attending two schools, and trying to keep things together with the oldest in school. Which I failed at big time. As well as the cleaning part. The house went to crap. I did zumba on Fridays though. That was "me" time. But it was only 8 weeks out of each semester (at dd's dance studio). Did I mention I'll still have the Spanish conversation class on Thursday afternoons? That's online though.


Still sounds busy, huh? Dang it. I never have a nonbusy year. I'd love that to happen for me. I thought it would be this year. It might still be. I haven't been approved yet.

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Starting August 10, it would be all you listed plus attending school. Then in November, drop the school part. Well, it's better than working full time, attending two schools, and trying to keep things together with the oldest in school. Which I failed at big time. As well as the cleaning part. The house went to crap. I did zumba on Fridays though. That was "me" time. But it was only 8 weeks out of each semester (at dd's dance studio). Did I mention I'll still have the Spanish conversation class on Thursday afternoons? That's online though.


Still sounds busy, huh? Dang it. I never have a nonbusy year. I'd love that to happen for me. I thought it would be this year. It might still be. I haven't been approved yet.

1. Get your KonMari work done.

2. Get a chore chart together. It should be very simple and you should have a lot of chores designated to your older one, at least a few to your younger one. You work full time now. Your girls can pull their own weight without complaining.

3. Institute meal planning. The oldest one can do all of the prep work.



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Starting August 10, it would be all you listed plus attending school. Then in November, drop the school part. Well, it's better than working full time, attending two schools, and trying to keep things together with the oldest in school. Which I failed at big time. As well as the cleaning part. The house went to crap. I did zumba on Fridays though. That was "me" time. But it was only 8 weeks out of each semester (at dd's dance studio). Did I mention I'll still have the Spanish conversation class on Thursday afternoons? That's online though.


Still sounds busy, huh? Dang it. I never have a nonbusy year. I'd love that to happen for me. I thought it would be this year. It might still be. I haven't been approved yet.



1. Get your KonMari work done.

2. Get a chore chart together. It should be very simple and you should have a lot of chores designated to your older one, at least a few to your younger one. You work full time now. Your girls can pull their own weight without complaining.

3. Institute meal planning. The oldest one can do all of the prep work.




I can tell you what works for me, working 40+ hours and homeschooling:


1. Don't invite people over.  Then you don't have to clean.

2. Get single-ply Scott's toilet paper.  Then when they invite themselves over, they never come back.


I shall keep a roll or two of cushy-soft toilet paper for my ITT friends when you visit, though.  I'm sure y'all will help me with the cleaning.  Slache will be #bossyboots and coordinate everyone/assign tasks.

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I can tell you what works for me, working 40+ hours and homeschooling:


1. Don't invite people over. Then you don't have to clean.

2. Get single-ply Scott's toilet paper. Then when they invite themselves over, they never come back.


I shall keep a roll or two cushy-soft toilet paper for my ITT friends when you visit, though. I'm sure y'all will help me with the cleaning. Slache will be #bossyboots and coordinate everyone/assign tasks.


It's actually my intention to get a cleaning group together in the next few years. I'm not overwhelmed by anything because my children are so young, but when they're older school will take me hours every single day. I want to get together once a month with four or five of my friends. The Dads will take the kids out together, and the Moms will meet at one of their houses on a rotating basis. The person whose house we're at will have made a list of things to do, gotten the supplies, ready, and will delegate tasks. The Moms will spend one day making one house absolutely spotless. This will prevent getting too far behind on certain tasks, be fun, and free. Having several Dads go out and once will make it so that single moms can have their kids watched by the other Dads, and be a lot of fun for all of the kids.

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It's actually my intention to get a cleaning group together in the next few years. I'm not overwhelmed by anything because my children are so young, but when they're older school will take me hours every single day. I want to get together once a month with four or five of my friends. The Dads will take the kids out together, and the Moms will meet at one of their houses on a rotating basis. The person whose house we're at will have made a list of things to do, gotten the supplies, ready, and will deligate tasks. The Moms will spend one day making one house absolutely spotless. This will prevent getting too far behind on certain tasks, be fun, and free. Having several Dads go out and once will make it so that single moms can have their kids watch by the other Dad, and be a lot of fun for all of the kids.


See, you need friends for that, though. :lol:

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Ds12 wanted to go to the grocery store alone with me.  Little dd has separation anxiety about me going places right now.  So we (they) decided that ds and I would leave for the grocery store while she was still asleep this morning.  We did, and that is a nice time to grocery shop.  No one was there.  We got back before she woke up.


We have some stuff going on with our ASD kid so those who pray, I appreciate prayers.  This has been a hard week.


I have laundry going and will take a final editor's look at my co op English syllabus and post it today.  I am completely stumped with how to schedule the reading of Hamlet.  We have three one hour class periods in which to read it aloud (together, in parts) as a class.  I have no idea how long it will take to read aloud Hamlet and if I will need to assign some reading at home.  Google failed me.  I need a Hamlet expert, but they don't have those in the yellow pages.  Maybe I will post a thread, but no one ever responds to my threads, and it is bad for my self-esteem. :lol:




As for Hamlet - have you looked at audio recordings to see how long they take?  I would think a class would take longer since their reading would not be as smooth?


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Dang it all! This, Teacher Appreciation Day, Dress-Like-a-Cow-Day.... why oh why do I always find out right AFTER the stupid day is done?

I actually saw this one. And had dh bring home a bag of dove caramel chocolate thingies. Yuma. Just for the record, I did not eat the whole bag. :-). So I now feel very up to date on the special day thing.


And, I LOVE the paper clip story. Renai, they will have to hire you BECAUSE of that story... And all of your other awesomeness, of course.

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Eta: BOOYA!!! finally! I am now standing in my living room doing the "drive the bus" dance.


I would like to thank the Academy, and all my gals (Tex, Slache, Renai, too many to count). And especially to Another Lynn who gave me the bump I needed. :grouphug:


It only took almost 300 pages, but I did it! (She says with her fist in the air, a la Judd Nelson in Breakfast Club.)

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