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Thanks! :hurray: I feel better now that everyone is paying attention to me. 


Actually, I took the morning off work so that I could have the dentist check out my chipped tooth.  You know, the one I chipped eating a jawbreaker a few weeks ago at work?  I think I posted that here.  Or maybe it was the Annoyance Thread. Co-worker had out a dish of them and I hadn't had one since I was a kid.  Looked so fun.  Until I got distracted and do what I always do with hard candy - I bit down.  I should know better.  And you all can laugh, it's okay.  I can take it.  Thankfully, I have had no pain from this, just a jagged molar and therefore an irritated tongue.  But I needs me to get it taken care of before it causes more issues. :sad:


Not laughing at all.  Hope the morning away from work is refreshing even if it's in a dentist's chair.  And you'll feel better knowing you took good care of yourself. 


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Thanks! :hurray: I feel better now that everyone is paying attention to me. 


Actually, I took the morning off work so that I could have the dentist check out my chipped tooth.  You know, the one I chipped eating a jawbreaker a few weeks ago at work?  I think I posted that here.  Or maybe it was the Annoyance Thread. Co-worker had out a dish of them and I hadn't had one since I was a kid.  Looked so fun.  Until I got distracted and do what I always do with hard candy - I bit down.  I should know better.  And you all can laugh, it's okay.  I can take it.  Thankfully, I have had no pain from this, just a jagged molar and therefore an irritated tongue.  But I needs me to get it taken care of before it causes more issues. :sad:


Not laughing at all.  Hope the morning away from work is refreshing even if it's in a dentist's chair.  And you'll feel better knowing you took good care of yourself. 


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Ooh, this reminds me my zumba package is coming today!

My weight things came yesterday. I have several plates of different weights that go on bars and free weights. I have to screw them on which takes a lot of time so I bought little clamps that only take a second. I believe it was $10.10 including shipping to save me a huge hassle.

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This is the thread that never ends!


This post is dedicated to Mrs. Ellie, the awesome woman over there in the third row. Can she have a round of applause ladies and gentlemen?


:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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This is the thread that never ends!


This post is dedicated to Mrs. Ellie, the awesome woman over there in the third row. Can she have a round of applause ladies and gentlemen?

Clap, clap, clap, (puts two fingers in mouth and does that loud obnoxious whistle), clap, clap clap.
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Quackers definitely makes a better cheerleader than I do!  She has more voice and rhythm than I do.  :D


Kinda hard to go wrong with "JoJo" and "Ikslo."  But thank you just the same!  


I was worried that my cheers were getting a little too formulaic, but must be no one's caught on to that yet.  


Go Lynn Go!


Go Lynn Go!



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I have some housework I want to get done so I parked the kids in front of Lion King which is actually based on Hamlet so I believe this qualifies as classical homeschooling.




I parked the kids in front of Ellie's Christian Zumba.  Which is Physical Education.  



We actually had reading and math, plus ds's Barton, all done for all 3 biggies before breakfast at 9am. That's 2.5 hours of my time, since they can't do it independently.   This 5am wake-up call for me has some perks.  (Not many, but some.  I need more coffee if we are going to keep it up.)

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I had a set like this. Until we moved into 659 sq ft.


Yeah. Ours is under the bed. I want a bench but there's nowhere to put it. We are getting a pull up bar but by sacrificing our printer station. The printer will fit on the desk and I'm turning the file drawer into a binder and putting it on the shelf.

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I bet they just sand it.


Nope.  Needed a crown.  He was able to fit me in today.  Made the crown in-house and allowed me to watch.  It was so cool.  He didn't like the fit of the first one so he made a few adjustments, and 12 minutes later had a new one ready to go.  I got to keep the one he didn't use to bring home to DS.  Now to tell DH about the bill...


PSA #1:  You can never be a kid again.  Don't try to regain your youth by eating jawbreakers/fire balls.  The result is not good.

PSA #2:  If you want to put out candy for co-workers, stay away from jawbreakers.  Your co-workers may not thank you, but at least they won't plot ways to get back at you.

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Yeah. Ours is under the bed. I want a bench but there's nowhere to put it. We are getting a pull up bar but by sacrificing our printer station. The printer will fit on the desk and I'm turning the file drawer into a binder and putting it on the shelf.


Argh. I use to have a bench too. I loved that thing. Then we moved, etc etc. Someone from freecycle got the whole shebang. I hope they put it to good use. I miss it.


My Zumba package is here!!!!!!!!  :hurray:  :party:

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Texasmama, is there something you know that I don't know? When you said to keep the school pursuing me, I smiled and nodded not expecting anything, because I've never been pursued before. Well, I took dd4 to dance class (after much gnashing of teeth and getting there 15 minutes late), and the principal called me AGAIN. I did take that call instead of letting it go to voicemail.

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Texasmama, is there something you know that I don't know? When you said to keep the school pursuing me, I smiled and nodded not expecting anything, because I've never been pursued before. Well, I took dd4 to dance class (after much gnashing of teeth and getting there 15 minutes late), and the principal called me AGAIN. I did take that call instead of letting it go to voicemail.

And. . . .     ?

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I am toast.


(And not the nice kind, warm with butter and jam.)


I think if I can get some sleep I can minimize the panic attack that is lurking nearby.


Sorry!  Hope you're resting peacefully now. 


If it's any consolation, I've had to go somewhere two days in a row, (make that three days), and I am completely wiped out after I get home.  Both days I took a ~30 min nap.  Next time I need to do that I'm going to turn my phone off first, threaten my children within an inch of their lives if they bother me, and go to my room and shut the door (instead of hitting the couch). 







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i'm getting to that. I'm working it out in my brain and still trying to get homework done.

Typically if you think about just one thing at a time you'll finish faster. If I were you I'd keep a notebook by me and jot down thoughts as they come.

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Sorry! Hope you're resting peacefully now.


If it's any consolation, I've had to go somewhere two days in a row, (make that three days), and I am completely wiped out after I get home. Both days I took a ~30 min nap. Next time I need to do that I'm going to turn my phone off first, threaten my children within an inch of their lives if they bother me, and go to my room and shut the door (instead of hitting the couch).





Thank you (and Renai) - I tried to sleep but my brain won't shut off, so now I am watching The Office on Netflix, knitting a dishcloth, and eating some chocolate that I remembered was in the freezer. I am trying to hold it together enough to not fall completely apart because dh is having a very rough time at work, and he takes the burdens of my problems very personally, and he doesn't need that additional stress.

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Thank you (and Renai) - I tried to sleep but my brain won't shut off, so now I am watching The Office on Netflix, knitting a dishcloth, and eating some chocolate that I remembered was in the freezer. I am trying to hold it together enough to not fall completely apart because dh is having a very rough time at work, and he takes the burdens of my problems very personally, and he doesn't need that additional stress.

You're half way through the day. Tomorrow will be better.


Maybe you should be jotting some things down too, just to get them out. :)

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Typically if you think about just one thing at a time you'll finish faster. If I were you I'd keep a notebook by me and jot down thoughts as they come.


that's what my google docs is for. and memo on the phone. Because I can never find a pen anymore, although I do have a notebook. And checklists. I'm a list person. 

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that's what my google docs is for. and memo on the phone. Because I can never find a pen anymore, although I do have a notebook. And checklists. I'm a list person.

To quote myself from another thread:


Wunderlist! I can't shut up about it. I've converted 3 in real life friends. It's free, you can sync it with hubby, you can star stuff, it syncs with Google calendar and Google now, there's an extremely convenient add something widget.


I have like 10 lists. The 3 shopping lists and our upcoming events lists are synced and we can both edit them. My work list is only synced with my boss. My husband's to do list is long and ongoing so I star the things I want him to do that day.


Ok I'll stop. I'm sorry. IT'S AWESOME! :leaving:


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I am at the library again this afternoon.  I have revamped the lesson plan I wrote the other day so that it is "new and improved" with new colorful packaging.  I'm taking a short break and then I'm starting on lesson 2.  Booyah!  (said as a war cry, not as the start of a new page - sort of a "I am Woman, Hear Me Roar" thing.  But only in type.  I am, after all in a library where yelling booyah or any other loud roar would be inappropriate.  ;) )

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Since I'm too lazy to start a thread can someone recommend some simple free italics copywork for John? I don't want a full curriculum because he's not interested in grammar, he just likes writing. We have RLTL & HLTL, but I'm looking for sentences, not letter practice. I've been typing stuff up for him but I imagine there's cooler stuff out there than Dr. Seuss.

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Texasmama, is there something you know that I don't know? When you said to keep the school pursuing me, I smiled and nodded not expecting anything, because I've never been pursued before. Well, I took dd4 to dance class (after much gnashing of teeth and getting there 15 minutes late), and the principal called me AGAIN. I did take that call instead of letting it go to voicemail.

I know many things of which I do not speak....


Now spill it.   ;)


ETA:  If you do not settle for that which does not work, sometimes what does work presents itself unexpectedly.  Plus, they WANT you.  I can tell it from here.


ETA2:  Booyah, etc.

Edited by texasmama
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