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Ignore this thread!

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First Booya since 2004!


Oh, and, quick like a bunny, go back and edit it.  Add:


It is the thread that never ends
It just goes on and on my friends.
People - started posting not knowing what it was
And they'll just keep on posting stuff forever just because...
It is the thread that never ends...
QUICK!  Before Renai sees it!
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  • Replies 216.4k
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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


Oh lord, now I'm going to be singing that darn song! 
Good job on the booyah! :)

Also, I'm going to keep repeating your mantra. She's going to drive me bonkers by the time we're through. haha 
She just can't be bothered with stopping and going. I think that's the real problem.
Maybe I should read her War and Peace. She will WANT to stop. Of course, it could also put her to sleep which would defeat the purpose... 

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Well, off topic from the "age/beauty sleep" thing. haha

I know there's not a real topic.

My topic of choice is always pie, which is what got me here to begin with. I can't find that portion of the thread, but it may have been deleted due to the volatile nature of the subject.
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3. I have no idea how to potty train a child. None. I taught John how to use the potty, gave him cool Cars underwear, and told him he had to use the potty from now on or his pants will get wet/dirty and it would be gross. He was 2 and never had an accident. Now she's 2 and won't use the potty. She doesn't get it and I have no clue what to do.


Wait til she's at least three.  And then make sure she's not constipated since that's the most common thing that derails potty-training.  (That's where we are at with DD3; hence all the enema discussions.  They are dinner conversation around here. Fun stuff.)  

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Dude, I am so there. I slept 9 1/2 hours last night, took a nap, and I'm still not with it. Gug!

Sorry to hear that Slache. I crashed after I wrote that message but then woke up at 5am with stomach pain. Now I have a hoarse voice and sound very manly. I wonder if dh and I had a contest, who would win for sounding the manliness.

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I make a killer caramel apple pie. Even my traditionalist sister raves about it. *drool*


I want this.

Will I be voted off the Ignore Island if I admit that I don't like pie crust but only like the filling?  

You eat any ole thing you want, honey.    On the ignore thread, we all get to do what we want.  It's a slice of awesomeness.

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Nan fell today at the respite care facility. UGH.  That is why we brought her home.  I kept her from falling for a month, and her second day there, she fell!  But I talked to the hospice nurse, who said that she was in her wheelchair at the nurse's station and stood up and fell before the nurse could get to her.  They are ordering a jerry chair and will tilt her back so she cannot get out as easily.  It was discouraging, though.  I told dh that this is the sort of situation that you just don't feel good about no matter what you do.  It is guilt and feelings ridden all the way around.  (Meaning Alzheimers, not the respite.)

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Sorry to hear that Slache. I crashed after I wrote that message but then woke up at 5am with stomach pain. Now I have a hoarse voice and sound very manly. I wonder if dh and I had a contest, who would win for sounding the manliness.

I'm sorry. 2 days of almost 10 hours of sleep and I'm feeling much better. My husband lets me go to bed right after dinner if I need more sleep. The kids live without him all day so they're more than happy to only have him in the evenings.

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Nan fell today at the respite care facility. UGH. That is why we brought her home. I kept her from falling for a month, and her second day there, she fell! But I talked to the hospice nurse, who said that she was in her wheelchair at the nurse's station and stood up and fell before the nurse could get to her. They are ordering a jerry chair and will tilt her back so she cannot get out as easily. It was discouraging, though. I told dh that this is the sort of situation that you just don't feel good about no matter what you do. It is guilt and feelings ridden all the way around. (Meaning Alzheimers, not the respite.)

I'm so sorry. That sucks. I have horror stories from when I used to volunteer in an old folks home. Sheer *horror* stories.

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I assume she's not injured, correct?

She lacerated the back of her head and had to go to the hospital for stitches.  I left off that important detail.  Also, she did not sleep at all last night.


I have started to really hate Alzheimers.  I steals your life while you are still alive.  I hope she sleeps tonight.  I do feel pretty good that hospice has a plan.  They have a nurse from hospice there all day every day since 20 of their patients are there.  

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I'm sorry about Nan, Tx.  It sounds like they are on top of how to (hopefully) keep it from happening again.  The problem of course is that they can't give the attention you can give Nan at home.  But you also can't go without respite for your family.  

That is sort of where I am, too, balancing everyone's needs.  I mostly am able to look at the situation, see that I am doing my best, and let it go.  I cannot be "on" all the time with Nan.  As it is, I am responsible for her about 75 hours a week with only the kids to help if I need to take a shower or something.  It is not quite as grim as it sounds because she does often sleep late.  But I am enjoying my time of not having to make three hots a day, dealing with all the strangers in my home, and being in charge of Nan's meds and healthcare issues.  When she didn't pee for 48 hours, that is my responsibility to note and report, ya know?  No one else's.  I'm well-suited to the caregiver role, but I am enjoying my break.  


I took myself to the chiropractor today, and the dude who helps told me to take care of myself and asked me if my hips hurt.  Yes, Mr. Dude, all the time.  That is why I am here.  And though I am not here every week, I am here now, which is bigger than you can know.  :)

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Wait til she's at least three. And then make sure she's not constipated since that's the most common thing that derails potty-training. (That's where we are at with DD3; hence all the enema discussions. They are dinner conversation around here. Fun stuff.)

The funny thing is that she was potty trained as an infant. She got the stomach flu at about a year and I put her in a diaper because I couldn't keep up with her. She liked the diaper and didn't want to go back. I should have put a stop to it then.

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I'm sorry. 2 days of almost 10 hours of sleep and I'm feeling much better. My husband lets me go to bed right after dinner if I need more sleep. The kids live without him all day so they're more than happy to only have him in the evenings.

Glad you're feeling better. My poor dh works 12 hour days and felt bad he couldn't be here to take care of me.

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Will I be voted off the Ignore Island if I admit that I don't like pie crust but only like the filling?

If you are sitting within reach, I will happily relieve you of your pie crust, and share some of my filling. My personal preference is a more equal crust-to-filling ratio.

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Yes, Rocky is not Rusty.  Rocky wants to eat Rusty.  Rusty does not want to eat Rocky.  At least I doubt it since Rocky is not a vegetable.  We also have Libby (the disabled Wonder Dog) and Neko the cat.  (Since Neko means "cat" in Japanese, that translates to Cat, the cat.)  


I knew I recognized Neko. I was like, isn't that cat in Japanese. I know just enough to make me seem smart on the internet.

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Unfortunately I post all about my relationship with my ex issues and he is a legitimate ass so then I get embarrassed to meet people IRL.


I should probably get over it and have you all over to a metope. Hi, Chrome? Which do you think is more likely to be a word I would use, meetup (granted, needs a hyphen, but still) or metope? What the heck is a metope?



  1. In classical architecture, a metope (μετόπη) is a rectangular architectural element that fills the space between two triglyphs in a Doric frieze, which is a decorative band of alternating triglyphs and metopes above the architrave of a building of the Doric order.
  2. Ah yes. Let's have a metope.



And, as a visual person, I still don't know what metope is. I'll have to google images.

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I occasionally hand the phone over to my three year-old.  That's entertaining.  


My 4yo can handle my smart phone better than my husband. That's why he keeps a dumb phone, and a block internet so he doesn't accidentally get on it and make charges.

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No but I married him. And I am also annoying in my own right. In case it is not obvious on the Internet, I tend to go on and on. :(


We're all annoying. But by the time I got around to responding to this post, I think that fact has been well established. I'm more brat than annoying though.

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Oh, I should mention that we have the cheapest possible phones. We, no make that Matt, wanted smart phones for the sake of what he could do with it. We had no reason to get the best or most expensive.


My dh has a dumb phone. I have a smart phone. It came in handy when I was working and my pc went down. I was able to get a scanner app, scan in my work and email to the office (which was in a different state than I). Pretty cool.

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I'm young and ugly. And fat.


Again, by the time I come around to responding, it has been established that not only are you NOT ugly, but you were kidding. You're still not allowed to talk about yourself like that though. 

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Somewhere between PMS, kids up too early and being cranky, not working out, not sleeping, not eating well, feeling really fat lately, and husband being a jerk these last few days I just broke down crying getting a snack ready for the kids. They both came to me, hugged me, tickled me and told me really bad jokes until I felt better. They're so sweet sometimes.


This post, along with the previous dream of you birthing kittens is making me believe that you are pregnant. And seeing how your kids are 2 years apart in age, it's around that time...

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Quoting myself to say that I made a syllabus myself because I live to make up syllabi.  I also live to alter and cobble together resources.  No, really, I live for this.  It feeds my soul.


I also like making plans. I have not made a syllabus though. I think I'd enjoy that. I need to create one for Spanish as a Heritage Language class. You must teach me this skill.

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I'm pretty sure I have some sort of undiagnosed disorder. I don't always catch on to facial expressions, and sometimes people's humorous comments zoom right over my head.


But I am still loveable...I think... :blink:


Of course you're lovable. Quirks and all.

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:lol: I didn't know the board was that old. How old is it?


I decided to homeschool when I was 17, started researching it when John was 2ish, and stumbled across this board over and over. I started to get to know several of the members so I searched their posts for answers. I finally joined and found out that most of my favorite people were dead or left. That was pleasant.


I've been on these boards since the old old boards with page flipping. When the boards changed, I joined, but then was off for awhile. The boards changed yet again, and then I found many of my old friends had died or were no longer here. It was a sad time.

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"Off topic", but I just have to lament. 


I am potty-training a very stubborn child right now.

She held it for 4 hours this morning, refusing to go on the potty (something she CAN and DID do all day yesterday). Then, when the last timer went off, she stood up and peed all over the floor. 


Cuss...cuss...cuss (in my head, not at her. She got sweet reminders of what to do.) 


I think I am training my child to be like Pavlov's dogs....only she pees at the bell instead of salivating.  :huh:


Just...let it go. Come back to it later. My first potty trained at 25 months. I ran out of diapers one weekend and told her, oh well, no more diapers, guess you'll have to use the potty all the time. And she did.


The second however, was a pill. It was so traumatizing for me (jk) that I don't even remember exactly when she finally trained, and she's only 4.5 years old! I'm thinking around 3, or so? Maybe before 3? Or was it after? I seriously don't even remember. She did well once she was trained, but then had a few relapses several months after due to some stresses.

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My update:


On Friday, I got an email from the school district stating I was hired as a teacher for the summer school program. Since oldest dd had a show on Friday, I did not see the email until Saturday. I emailed back to say I was interested, and she obviously was working too because she answered back. I was in training/professional development today and will be this week. Next week, school starts and is only for the month of June. It is half day, which I'm happy for.


thankfully (?) dh's fingers are still broken so he's watching the girls. No, do not feel sorry for him for broken fingers because it was his own fault.


But, what I really need is a long-term position from home. Since I'm working the summer, I have a feeling they are going to ask me to work this upcoming school year. I can't do that and homeschool. And I need to homeschool. And finish my Masters degree. I would hate to turn down a position without having something else in the works. And it doesn't work for me to homeschool and work outside the home. Been there, done that. The gig I've been working all year ends this week.

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Wow. Done done it again.


It is the thread that never ends
It just goes on and on my friends.

People - started posting not knowing what it was
And they'll just keep on posting stuff forever just because...

It is the thread that never ends..

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This post, along with the previous dream of you birthing kittens is making me believe that you are pregnant. And seeing how your kids are 2 years apart in age, it's around that time...

I want to get pregnant in the fall. I want to lose more weight and we need a bigger car. We can't fit three castaways (ha! car seats) in the back of a prius. I would like a baby now, but it's a bad idea. Besides, I struggle in the heat add it is.

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OK - I just totally reamed someone out over the phone and need some rainbows and kittens and cupcakes and unicorns.  


What happened?


Since I've worked phone customer service before (from home), I try to be patient and understanding as much as possible. But, sometimes, someone does need to get reamed. I totally get that.

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