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Ignore this thread!

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Because I have an active imagination, I imagine all of us on the Ignore thread meeting on a talk show with SWB, discussing our antics on this thread, which has lasted - wait for it - ten years, breaking the internet. It will be grand.  I will wear red or purple.

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It is the thread that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends.


People - started posting not knowing what it was

And they'll just keep on posting stuff forever just because...


It is the thread that never ends..




Please note that the scorpion (in the Mason jar) has passed away.  He was given a proper burial at sea* as he deserved.  


*flushed that sucker down the toilet after prying him off the bottom of the Mason jar with a knife


Hmm.  I wonder why it doesn't look right above...?

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Because I have an active imagination, I imagine all of us on the Ignore thread meeting on a talk show with SWB, discussing our antics on this thread, which has lasted - wait for it - ten years, breaking the internet. It will be grand.  I will wear red or purple.


I am wearing a lime green, tailored dress.  With a very large purple hat.

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We must all wear black armbands.


Actually, I imagine it as great fun.  We will have a destination interview in Hawaii and learn to hula.   :D


Yay!  Pina coladas!


(You know, this work thing brings out the worst in me.  It's a crying shame that I am not independently wealthy.)

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Important information alert.


My inside kitty loves canned green beans.


(And, yes, that also means that I am feeding my family canned green beans tonight.  It's somewhat vegetal.  Sort of.  [DD considers S&W green beans to be a "treat." Seriously.]  After an entire day of editing, I poured myself a glass of wine. Do y'all think that's sufficient for dinner?  I mean, grapes are good, right?)

Our kitty loves ketchup.  I caught him one day licking the entire top of the meatloaf.  I was so mad.  He didn't want the meat - just the ketchup.  




Anyway. . . you might want to report me for this but I did not have the time or energy or money for that matter to replace the meat for dinner so I took a knife, cut off the top inch of meatloaf and we then ate the rest.  I did something similar when Rocky grabbed my bbq ribs right off the grill.  After I chased him around and around the yard to the merriment of the kids and all the neighbors, I took those ribs, cut off the end that he had grabbed, stuck the meat back on the grill to sterilize it and then served it to the family.   

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Anyway. . . you might want to report me for this but I did not have the time or energy or money for that matter to replace the meat for dinner so I took a knife, cut off the top inch of meatloaf and we then ate the rest.  I did something similar when Rocky grabbed my bbq ribs right off the grill.  After I chased him around and around the yard to the merriment of the kids and all the neighbors, I took those ribs, cut off the end that he had grabbed, stuck the meat back on the grill to sterilize it and then served it to the family.   

I would SO do this.

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I realize that probably everyone has now decided to never come to my house for dinner. . . .    That's why we tend to take people out for dinner!  

I'm on my way now for cat-slobber meatloaf and dog-bite ribs.  Not a problem here.  (Only I don't eat pork so the ribs must be beef.)

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Yesssssss.  We shall look so elegant.


Somewhat related aside:  A lady who knows both me and college girl told her that she had my grace and elegance.  I about spit coffee.  I was all "Grace and elegance???  Really?  I always thought I was bumbling through just trying hard not to choke on my own spit!"  


True story.  You can't make up stuff like that.


So please imagine me as graceful and elegant.  I will say for a tall lady I do not have man hands.

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Dh has to get up early and leave the house at 4 am so we just had a BIG talk about where mama will sleep since I don't dig being awakened by showers in the middle of the night.  Ds12 does not want me.  Ds14 cares not as long as it doesn't affect him.  Little dd begged me to sleep with her in her single bed.  We lit upon the idea of me sleeping in little dd's bottom bunk bed in ds14's room with little dd on a sleeping bag on the floor.  We did have a spare mattress, but no one knows where it is.  Please note the inflexibility of ds12.  No one wants to sleep in a room with him anyway due to his snorting due to allergies.  But he does have the cat, and I like her.  I have taken Benadryl and melatonin so I hope this is effective in knocking me the heck out.

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Dh has to get up early and leave the house at 4 am so we just had a BIG talk about where mama will sleep since I don't dig being awakened by showers in the middle of the night.  Ds12 does not want me.  Ds14 cares not as long as it doesn't affect him.  Little dd begged me to sleep with her in her single bed.  We lit upon the idea of me sleeping in little dd's bottom bunk bed in ds14's room with little dd on a sleeping bag on the floor.  We did have a spare mattress, but no one knows where it is.  Please note the inflexibility of ds12.  No one wants to sleep in a room with him anyway due to his snorting due to allergies.  But he does have the cat, and I like her.  I have taken Benadryl and melatonin so I hope this is effective in knocking me the heck out.

Eeek.  4 am!  God isn't even up then !  (And don't give me nasty PMs about my faulty theology. . . !)

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Because I have an active imagination, I imagine all of us on the Ignore thread meeting on a talk show with SWB, discussing our antics on this thread, which has lasted - wait for it - ten years, breaking the internet. It will be grand.  I will wear red or purple.



I am wearing a lime green, tailored dress.  With a very large purple hat.



 I'm wearing red. You'll have to go purple. Sorry. And knowing me I'll have peacock feathers woven through my hair, so no one else gets to have anything peacock.



I'm good with purple.  It's my favorite color.  SWB called to tell me that she will wear blue, since it is her favorite color.



I'll wear black.  To mourn the death of the thread. :(



We must all wear black armbands.


Actually, I imagine it as great fun.  We will have a destination interview in Hawaii and learn to hula.   :D




SWB will meet us all at the Honolulu International Airport.  


She'll be holding a sign that says Ignore This Sign.  


I'll be wearing this and carrying this and looking so dang hot that I might actually melt through the floor.


ETA:  Sexy hot.  Not Sweaty-Cuz-It's-Been-a-Long-Flight-In-A-Ninety-Degree-Unventilated-Cabin kind of hot.  In case that clarification was necessary. 

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SWB will meet us all at the Honolulu International Airport.  


She'll be holding a sign that says Ignore This Sign.  


I'll be wearing this and carrying this and looking so dang hot that I might actually melt through the floor.


ETA:  Sexy hot.  Not Sweaty-Cuz-It's-Been-a-Long-Flight-In-A-Ninety-Degree-Unventilated-Cabin kind of hot.  In case that clarification was necessary. 



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A note to new-er comers.....because I like to state the obvious.  And because it's completely understandable if you haven't read the whole thread yet.  Slash can be a little bit blunt sometimes.  Especially un-medicated.  Don't take it personally.  We're glad to have sucked you in y'all here.   


I'm working my way backwards, as I get time, through the thread. lol

The idea sounds funny even saying it. I mean I am going back and reading as time allows.

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I have been working (washing, stemming) 6 gallons of strawberries.  So far I have made 2 pies and cooked up two batches to get the juice for jelly.  One more batch to go.


Why am I bothering to tell you all this??????


Because my hands are so stained from strawberries they look as if they belong to a Serial Killer. :leaving:



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I have been working (washing, stemming) 6 gallons of strawberries.  So far I have made 2 pies and cooked up two batches to get the juice for jelly.  One more batch to go.


Why am I bothering to tell you all this??????


Because my hands are so stained from strawberries they look as if they belong to a Serial Killer. :leaving:


I'm not buying it.  Sounds like someone's baking strawberry pies and posting just to cover their tracks.  Someone check Openhearted's chimney.

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I'm not buying it.  Sounds like someone's baking strawberry pies and posting just to cover their tracks.  Someone check Openhearted's chimney.











It is the thread that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends.


People - started posting not knowing what it was

And they'll just keep on posting stuff forever just because...


It is the thread that never ends...



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Openhearted, you missed your BOOYA!


It is the thread that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends.


People - started posting not knowing what it was

And they'll just keep on posting stuff forever just because...


It is the thread that never ends..

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