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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK


I'm too tired to argue this further. And I loved House. I can play the theme on guitar.


I've seen House, ER, Bones, some of Alias, Lost, Fringe, OUAT, OUAT In Wonderland, Castle, and probably two or three more I can't remember.


I am shocked!  Astounded!  Pleasantly Surprised!


So you can fully appreciate my House-Wilson reference?? The bum foot?? The meds?? The sarcasm?? The lack of a filter?? The GUITAR, for pete's sake??  


I Puffy-Pink-Heart you, OBB​™ .  

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I am shocked! Astounded! Pleasantly Surprised!


So you can fully appreciate my House-Wilson reference?? The bum foot?? The meds?? The sarcasm?? The lack of a filter?? The GUITAR, for pete's sake??


I Puffy-Pink-Heart you, OBB​™ .

Well I Big Puffy Pink Heart You!


Goodnight all. I'm out.

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Between the county fair, day-trip proximity to Houston (Downtown Aquarium, Rodeo, etc.), and the Texas Ren Fest (they have school days in early November!) my girls are starting to expect carnival rides and games most anyplace I take them for educational outings.  I'm going to have to get them to some more historical places soon, before we end up studying WWII and visit the holocaust museum.  That would be a bit of a shock, I think.


One up-side of the prevalence of attractions at educational venues is the kids always talk about how much fun it is to go.  I also tell them no fun and games until after the learning is all covered, so they have incentive to pay attention and not sidetrack me into extra lectures by complaining about how long it's taking.  Said extra lectures are often about the foolhardiness of distracting Mom by complaining too much, and they tend to go on at length, drawing out the time until we get to the rides and games and shortening the time they would have to spend there.  I think the kids are finally starting to figure it out....


We have a bunch of museums but the amusement parks would not be constituted as educational. I should look

into the state fair. That might be educational. We are close to Canada and Marine Land would be a great place

to go.

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Don't take it personally, Renai.  All her relationships end this way.



I know.  I'm her Wilson.  She's my House.    









{ETA:  Slache, this is a reference to a Fox Medical Drama starring Hugh Laurie.  On a box called a TV. }


Silly Mrs. President Mallard Quackers. Our relationship hasn't ended yet.



I'm too tired to argue this further. And I loved House. I can play the theme on guitar.


I've seen House, ER, Bones, some of Alias, Lost, Fringe, OUAT, OUAT In Wonderland, Castle, and probably two or three more I can't remember.



I'm the one that has no idea what shows y'all are talking about. We have a tv - with a digital box, Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu. On tv, I spend my time on the channel with the old shows, like Sanford and Son and Three's Company, Good Times and I dream of Jeannie. Or Smile of a Child for youngest dd. I just don't spend much time on modern shows.

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Oh, dear. The Queen didn't have the theme song playing when she booya'd. Good thing she has her minions to do it for her:


It is the thread that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends.


People - started posting not knowing what it was

And they'll just keep on posting stuff forever just because...


It is the thread that never ends...

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A note to new-er comers.....because I like to state the obvious.  And because it's completely understandable if you haven't read the whole thread yet.  Slash can be a little bit blunt sometimes.  Especially un-medicated.  Don't take it personally.  We're glad to have sucked you in y'all here.   

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A little background on my TV viewing for those who care. We didn't have a TV until I was 12. The kids at school told me to check out Buffy, Dawson's Creek and such. Not my thing. One day when I was home ill I discovered this amazing thing called The Golden Girls. Loved it. I then discovered Designing Women, and Nick At Night. I did those for a few years until I left home at 16. No TV until I was married.


When Matt and I met we were volunteering in Louisiana living in tents. TV wasn't really a thing. We got married and he owned a TV and he watched it all. the. time. It was hurting our marriage. I wouldn't watch it with him out of spite. He agreed to get rid of it a year or so later.


Years later someone who knows me well told me to watch Fringe on Hulu and I loved it. Since then we've watched an ABC or Fox show about once a week.


So while I will never own an actual *television* again I do watch a few shows and probably always will. John and Mary watch The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Salsa, and Veggies Tales. I've let them get up to about an hour a day now.

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I suffered a complete wtm forums meltdown just after hitting page 116 last night.  Everything else worked, but this monster here was frozen.  


Me too.  My internet worked for everything except this site.  I was worried our thread had maxed out or something, but I couldn't get on the other threads either.


Figured it was time for bed.

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A little background on my TV viewing for those who care. We didn't have a TV until I was 12. The kids at school told me to check out Buffy, Dawson's Creek and such. Not my thing. One day when I was home ill I discovered this amazing thing called The Golden Girls. Loved it. I then discovered Designing Women, and Nick At Night. I did those for a few years until I left home at 16. No TV until I was married.


When Matt and I met we were volunteering in Louisiana living in tents. TV wasn't really a thing. We got married and he owned a TV and he watched it all. the. time. It was hurting our marriage. I wouldn't watch it with him out of spite. He agreed to get rid of it a year or so later.


Years later someone who knows me well told me to watch Fringe on Hulu and I loved it. Since then we've watched an ABC or Fox show about once a week.


So while I will never own an actual *television* again I do watch a few shows and probably always will. John and Mary watch The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Salsa, and Veggies Tales. I've let them get up to about an hour a day now.


I love this. 


I grew up with a tv that was on all the time --  I think my mom somehow needed it as background noise? -- but life without a tv in college was wonderful and I never looked back. (I really do think my son's SPD comes through me; tv noise really grates on me.)  My dh went through something similar, so that by the time we met and married he'd already thrown his tv out (and didn't have internet, either; we are old-timers).    After marrying, we did end up with an old analog tv that we still have, and most everything we watch (any movies, House, Sherlock, Lost, Seinfeld…) comes from our amazing library.  Before kids, we watched more frequently; now it's just our Friday night ritual.  Unless a new season of Sherlock comes out.  Then we can't help ourselves and binge all weekend.  


Slache, you'd like Sherlock.  (BBC, Benedict Cumberbatch -- not the sorry American attempt at a Sherlocky drama.  Can't remember what that one's called.)


We got cable about 9 months ago as part of a triple-play, but I don't even know how to use it.  Which is probably very good.  I already waste all the time I can spare spend too much time in professional development here, on the wtm forums.   :D

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New obsession here: The Egg Drop. 


The winning team's egg yesterday survived a 23 foot drop.  Shielded by nothing more than 8 plastic straws and the contents of one roll of Scotch tape, packaging excluding.  It was a magnificent sight.


We are planning regular egg massacres here next year.  We don't quite know what we'll do next WINTER; the cat-walk in the barn in only 16 feet up.ATT00002.gif

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Not at all bad!!  You are guilt-free.  And hilarious.  



No, dear. You're fine. We all love you biggie bunches. :001_wub:



Don't feel bad.  You are the bestest, most awesomest Slash God has ever made.  We :001_wub:  you just the way you are!

:iagree: :001_wub:

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Such a brouhaha over a title.

It is beneath us.  (insert queenly wave)


A note to new-er comers.....because I like to state the obvious.  And because it's completely understandable if you haven't read the whole thread yet.  Slash can be a little bit blunt sometimes.  Especially un-medicated.  Don't take it personally.  We're glad to have sucked you in y'all here.   

#nofilter (Cuz that is evidently a thing with pics so I took this opportunity to use my amazing knowledge gained from nothing more than Facebook.)


ETA:  I once had to explain unsinkable's extremely dry humor to someone.  Extremely dry humor is also a thing.

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I have been cavorting around this week, but the college student who watches Nan is not available today due to - wait for it- college stuff.  <big sigh>


So I am hunkered down and ready to be here all day doing things like cooking, cleaning, laundry, schooling the children, and planning for next year.  


Please note, I intend the first meaning of the word cavort, though the second sounds much more interesting.  Sadly I had to knock that off after college.:


gerund or present participle: cavorting
  1. jump or dance around excitedly.
    "spider monkeys leap and cavort in the branches"
    synonyms: skipdancerompjigcaperfrisk, play/horse around, gambolprance,froliclarkMore
    • informal
      apply oneself enthusiastically to sexual or disreputable pursuits.
      "he spent his nights cavorting with the glitterati"


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I was unfamiliar with the first meaning and was surprised with your post.



I got a jawbone which tracks activity, dirty and sleep in December for my birfday. That's supposed to say diet, not dirty. Anyway, I've slept less than 5 hours the past three nights. I'm existed. Oh my gosh. I'm not even on dogs anymore. Well this has been the worst post ever.

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I was unfamiliar with the first meaning and was surprised with your post.



I got a jawbone which tracks activity, dirty and sleep in December for my birfday. That's supposed to say diet, not dirty. Anyway, I've slept less than 5 hours the past three nights. I'm existed. Oh my gosh. I'm not even on dogs anymore. Well this has been the worst post ever.

A few comments:


Don't let it track dirty.  Too personal.  


We are all existed in an existential way.


Don't be on dogs.  You could hurt them unless they are really big dogs.


You're welcome.


ETA:  I have a jawbone, but all it ever did for me was hold my teeth.  I was robbed.

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And by the way, because I haven't been sleeping I've been taking zquil. I guess I don't recommend it.

I think it's not working.  Try melatonin.  You will have weird dreams maybe, but then we will have something to talk about in the morning besides your worst posts ever.

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This thread is really very weird.


It is so very awesome.



If you people knew me IRL, you would understand that this thread is exactly like me.  Really weird, really awesome, and underappreciated by most because they are in the "Just Don't Get It" category.  Sucks to be them.  Doesn't suck to be all of you.  :D

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If you people knew me IRL, you would understand that this thread is exactly like me.  Really weird, really awesome, and underappreciated by most because they are in the "Just Don't Get It" category.  Sucks to be them.  Doesn't suck to be all of you.   :D


I totally get it. Streams of consciousness is a thing.

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I think it's not working.  Try melatonin.  You will have weird dreams maybe, but then we will have something to talk about in the morning besides your worst posts ever.


If you take a bit less than the recommended amount, you might be able to bypass weird dreams.

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I was unfamiliar with the first meaning and was surprised with your post.



I got a jawbone which tracks activity, dirty and sleep in December for my birfday. That's supposed to say diet, not dirty. Anyway, I've slept less than 5 hours the past three nights. I'm existed. Oh my gosh. I'm not even on dogs anymore. Well this has been the worst post ever.



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I think it's not working. Try melatonin. You will have weird dreams maybe, but then we will have something to talk about in the morning besides your worst posts ever.

I tend to use Melatonin until it stops working, but it's been a while so I'll go back. I have a strict regimen of physical and mental exercise 4-5X a week and I sleep fine. I was thrown off by my toof and now I can't sleep. I plan to start exercising on Monday and I'm already reading so I'll be there soon.

If you people knew me IRL, you would understand that this thread is exactly like me. Really weird, really awesome, and underappreciated by most because they are in the "Just Don't Get It" category. Sucks to be them. Doesn't suck to be all of you. :D





And since I'm actually on the computer I'll just add :smash: and :willy_nilly:.

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It is the thread that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends.


People - started posting not knowing what it was

And they'll just keep on posting stuff forever just because...


It is the thread that never ends...

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