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See! NO Texas!


Maybe we can all meet in Hawaii or something?


Nothin' wrong with Texas.  It's huge, and so there's quite a lot of variability in terrain, climate, etc.  Pretty much a place for everyone, if they just decide to give it a try.


I liked your post for the comment on Hawaii.  We should all go, and Ellie can teach us all the hula.  We can visit the Polynesian Cultural Center, buy up every Super Ambassador and Ambassador ticket they have, and take the place over for a day or two!  We can eat fried rice for breakfast and attend a hokey tourist luau.  Then we can go for helicopter rides over the volcanoes and paddle in some outrigger canoes.  And if you hang near me I promise you won't get bitten by mosquitoes -- there are few in Hawaii (relative to the rest of the US, that is), and they will all be busy feasting on me.

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And...you missed your booyah. :001_tt2:


I just saw it.  I'm popping on in tiny fits and spurts in between washing pots, keeping the laundry running, and teaching the kids.  They have 2 tests/quizzes today, so I had a little more time than usual, but there are a LOT of interruptions.


Including having to go rescue the cat from the mockingbirds.  Every so often I have to go yell at them in mockingbirdese and restake my claim to my doorsteps.  If I don't they will stare in our windows and yell at us while we are inside.

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Nothin' wrong with Texas.  It's huge, and so there's quite a lot of variability in terrain, climate, etc.  Pretty much a place for everyone, if they just decide to give it a try.


I liked your post for the comment on Hawaii.  We should all go, and Ellie can teach us all the hula.  We can visit the Polynesian Cultural Center, buy up every Super Ambassador and Ambassador ticket they have, and take the place over for a day or two!  We can eat fried rice for breakfast and attend a hokey tourist luau.  Then we can go for helicopter rides over the volcanoes and paddle in some outrigger canoes.  And if you hang near me I promise you won't get bitten by mosquitoes -- there are few in Hawaii (relative to the rest of the US, that is), and they will all be busy feasting on me.


Well, yeah, and *I'm* here. Duh. And I have a big house so lots of y'all can stay with me, right here in the middle of Texas, a day's drive from any other place that's interesting.


Not that Texas can compete with Hawaii. I'd meet y'all there in a heartbeat. ;-)

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"Give an example of a false cause fallacy."


DD13's answer:  "Right after Joe sneezed a bomb blew up.  Joe's sneezes are explosive!"


DD10 has a similarly funny answer.  Yup, they are SOOO my kids!


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But she shows a lot of caring, attention to detail, and common sense!  She saw the potential for a problem, and was trying to think of a solution that wouldn't unduly upset you when the time comes.  Sounds like a great kid!


Oh, you KNOW IT, bay-bee!!!

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Well, yeah, and *I'm* here. Duh. And I have a big house so lots of y'all can stay with me, right here in the middle of Texas, a day's drive from any other place that's interesting.


Not that Texas can compete with Hawaii. I'd meet y'all there in a heartbeat. ;-)


How have you been faring?  Anywhere near the recent tornadoes?

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Field trip to the local amusement park's SCIENCE DAY.  Woot Woot! :w00t:


Have a great day, ladies! :thumbup1:


Lucky you!!! My amusement park never has anything fun that I can use for school credit.

I wonder if I can use getting a manicure and pedicure as a Science Day field trip.

I mean they do use chemicals to put those nails on and my son is in Chemistry so.....

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How have you been faring?  Anywhere near the recent tornadoes?


We are not near the tornadoes. We've had lots of rain--the most since 2007--and although there's flooding and whatnot, our Lake Travis is down 70%, so we desperately need that rain.

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ETA:  Wow, a stealth booyah while I was catching up!


You forgot to post the theme song:


It is the thread that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends.


People - started posting not knowing what it was

And they'll just keep on posting stuff forever just because...


It is the thread that never ends...

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Today's news: I finished cleaning two bathrooms; washing, folding, and putting away two loads' worth of sheets and towels; changed the sheets on my bed; and took down, washed, and put back up the curtains on seven windows [notice the Oxford comma, which I used because it was necessary in this sentence. Do not expect it in every sentence where there is a series.] Following that, I put "Star Man" in the DVD player and took a nap. A second nap may follow.


Such is life in the world of a Hashimoto's disease sufferer. ::head desk::

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Lucky you!!! My amusement park never has anything fun that I can use for school credit.

I wonder if I can use getting a manicure and pedicure as a Science Day field trip.

I mean they do use chemicals to put those nails on and my son is in Chemistry so.....


Between the county fair, day-trip proximity to Houston (Downtown Aquarium, Rodeo, etc.), and the Texas Ren Fest (they have school days in early November!) my girls are starting to expect carnival rides and games most anyplace I take them for educational outings.  I'm going to have to get them to some more historical places soon, before we end up studying WWII and visit the holocaust museum.  That would be a bit of a shock, I think.


One up-side of the prevalence of attractions at educational venues is the kids always talk about how much fun it is to go.  I also tell them no fun and games until after the learning is all covered, so they have incentive to pay attention and not sidetrack me into extra lectures by complaining about how long it's taking.  Said extra lectures are often about the foolhardiness of distracting Mom by complaining too much, and they tend to go on at length, drawing out the time until we get to the rides and games and shortening the time they would have to spend there.  I think the kids are finally starting to figure it out....

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We are not near the tornadoes. We've had lots of rain--the most since 2007--and although there's flooding and whatnot, our Lake Travis is down 70%, so we desperately need that rain.


We need it, too, but I'd rather get it at a gentler, steadier rate.  All of this storm and stop, storm and stop is causing a lot of flooding.  Our ground is so saturated at the moment all of the new rain falling just runs into the drainages where it goes on to flood more in the lower-lying areas.  At least certain lakes (reservoirs mostly, not natural lakes) are filling up again, which has the added benefit of catching a LOT of the run-off from upstream that would otherwise make the flooding around here even worse.

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You forgot to post the theme song:


It is the thread that never ends

It just goes on and on my friends.


People - started posting not knowing what it was

And they'll just keep on posting stuff forever just because...


It is the thread that never ends...


Yes, I certainly did.  Thank you for posting for me and covering my oversight.

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I am watching some Hellboy movie with dh and dd16. Sadly, my interest has waned to the point of wanting to go downstairs and put more laundry in the dryer as an excuse to get away.


I'm so glad you said that!  I just remembered I was fluffing a load to fold and I forgot about it.  Off to fold....

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