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Scheduling Issues -WWYD?


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I'm having a scheduling dilemma and am looking for creative options. Things to consider:


- DH has a new work schedule. He now leaves about noon and comes home around 9.

- I have to get up at 6 am to get DD ready and on the bus at 7am to go to her day program. She comes home about 4:30pm.

- I work 2 1/2 days a week and have to be there at 8 am.

- We have 5 kids: 2 not yet school age, 2 homeschool and 1 in private day school.


Our old schedule worked out pretty well when DH worked an earlier shift. The kids got up by 7ish and I put them to sleep at 8 or 9 pm. Well, that doesn't work if they hear daddy come in the door just after bedtime. They want to see him and he missed them, so bedtime goes out the window. BUT I still have to get DD on the 7 am bus. *I* am not getting enough sleep which is causing some other problems. What would you do about this schedule?

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For every one except your DD, visit with Dad time needs to happen during the day before he goes to work.


Since your DD is gone all day, I would let her stay up after the others head to bed to "say good night to Dad" when he gets home since she won't see him the next day.  If possible, I would try to sneak off to bed after getting the other kids down for the night - at least when I had to work the next day.

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Daddy plays with the littles during the day.  Daddy tucks in all kids and spends 5 minutes or so with each in their beds when he comes in the door.  If they are asleep when he gets home, then they get 5 minutes of alone time with him after he wakes up.  Children who get out of bed loose their 5 minute daddy tuck in for the night and only get a hug and a kiss. This would work best maybe if he has a set wake up time and the littles can go join him in his bed before he gets up for the day.   Private school kiddo sees dad on the weekend and maybe has a set weekend breakfast, lunch or special time with him.

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Have dad get up in time to spend time with your daughter who goes to school, then spend time with the other kids until he needs to get ready for work.  When he gets home at 9pm he can pop into the kids' rooms and give them a second tuck-in.  (If they are like my kids, they are still up at 9pm.


What are your kids doing after you leave for work in the morning?

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I run into this issue when I come home at the kids' bedtimes, because they run downstairs to greet me when I get home from work at 10:30 PM and then they are awake for another hour.  This is counterintuitive, but move your kids' bedtimes *earlier* and have your DH tiptoe into the house.  That way, they are asleep when he comes homes and hopefully won't even hear him come in the door.  Time with dad will have to be at another time.

I'm having a scheduling dilemma and am looking for creative options. Things to consider:

- DH has a new work schedule. He now leaves about noon and comes home around 9.
- I have to get up at 6 am to get DD ready and on the bus at 7am to go to her day program. She comes home about 4:30pm.
- I work 2 1/2 days a week and have to be there at 8 am.
- We have 5 kids: 2 not yet school age, 2 homeschool and 1 in private day school.

Our old schedule worked out pretty well when DH worked an earlier shift. The kids got up by 7ish and I put them to sleep at 8 or 9 pm. Well, that doesn't work if they hear daddy come in the door just after bedtime. They want to see him and he missed them, so bedtime goes out the window. BUT I still have to get DD on the 7 am bus. *I* am not getting enough sleep which is causing some other problems. What would you do about this schedule?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Putting the kids to bed earlier has solved this problem! I have to be really strict about it because the boys (and I) prefer to stay up late and sleep in. Our new schedule looks like this:


5:30 - I get up, get myself ready and have a few peaceful moments and coffee

6:00 - wake up DS1 - go over schoolwork schedule for the day

6:15 - wake up DD and help her get ready for school

6:45 - put DD on the bus, wake up all kids, then leave for work. Wed - DD has 7:30 am speech therapy

8:00 - work M, T, Th, F. W - DD speech, then drive her to school

12:00 - back home, DH leaves for work. Feed kids lunch, clean kitchen, play with littles

1:00 - nap/quiet time, schoolwork check with DS1. Math and phonics with DS2

3:00 - baths for littles, play time, homework time for any unfinished work

5:00 - dinner, chores, then "technology time" (TV and IPad are available - if schoolwork is finished). Tae quan do M/Th at 6

7:00 - DD shower and bedtime routine, littles pjs and brush teeth

7:20 - story

7:30 - kids in bed with lights out. All have been peacefully snoring by 8! DS1 schoolwork or free time; math online class - Tues

8:00 - baby bedtime. Need to discipline myself to go to sleep rather than staying up too late on the iPad!


Little kids are all asleep when DH gets home!

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