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Laura Ingalls Wilder fans, who has read Pioneer Girl?


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Amazon shows out of stock becasue they have a LONG backlist. They have to ship all those before they have any books for new orders.


aha!  so if you want it, go ahead and order it, and, like me, you'll find yours in your mailbox as a surprise sometime in the next few months :)  I got on the list in late Nov, and received it in Mid-March.


they don't charge you til they ship it--



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I placed a hold on this book so long ago that I forgot all about it.  I was pleasantly surprised to get the email that it was waiting for me.  This is for Laura Ingalls Wilder fanatics.  The notes will not be interesting to an individual that would enjoy reading her books just once.  I did find a lot of the notes interesting, but on the other hand ignorance is bliss.  I would have rather not known some of these details that show real humanity.

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I borrowed it from our library (it was on the new books shelf! just sitting there! no holds or anything! LOL) . . . and I consider myself a fairly avid Laura Ingalls Wilder fan, but I realized while reading Pioneer Girl that one of the things I love about LIW is how much she leaves out.


The details weren't bothersome to read, but I felt that *FOR ME* they didn't really add to my gestalt / whole picture of Little House story (which sort of exists in my mind as one big story).


(I could liken it to reading all the inactive ingredients in the very small print on the back of the tub of my favorite ice cream.)


But I will still probably buy it for my daughters to read, and I will still probably occasionally peruse it, museum-style. :)

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I had sort of forgotten I wanted to read this.  I just requested it at the library am #512 on the list...but at least there are 237 copies!  (Yeah, big metro county-wide library system).  So, if people return it about when it is due in 3 weeks time and assuming maybe a few more days for transit...I might get it in 8 or 10 weeks?  I guess maybe it will be my summer reading.

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I received my copy a week ago and finished reading it last night. It is not for the casual Little House fan. :)



Tons of footnotes (which were fascinating) but not as many pictures as I expected. I think LIW really grew as a writer - the change from the original Pioneer Girl manuscript to the the finished books was huge.


I really don't like Rose. I can't believe how she out and out stole several of her mother's stories and rewrote and sold them as her own.


Anyone else finished reading it?

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I received my copy a week ago and finished reading it last night. It is not for the casual Little House fan. :)



Tons of footnotes (which were fascinating) but not as many pictures as I expected. I think LIW really grew as a writer - the change from the original Pioneer Girl manuscript to the the finished books was huge.


I really don't like Rose. I can't believe how she out and out stole several of her mother's stories and rewrote and sold them as her own.


Anyone else finished reading it?


Oh my goodness, I told my husband last night that it will take me a YEAR to read it!!! I received it last week and finally sat down (ok, carried it around with me) yesterday.  Read the introduction, which was very interesting (and, ugh, Rose.  Blech.  I tried to read a biography about her once but I just don't care for her).  Skimmed the info about the manuscript and editorial process.


And read ONE PAGE of the manuscript with all the fascinating footnotes.  ONE PAGE.  And that took a long time. I KNOW the basic story, so I really am wanting to read the notes along with it, and I am going to just enjoy them.


My mom and sister asked to borrow the book; my sister will probably enjoy it, my mom will not. She hasn't even read the set of books--she just watched the show and thinks she like Laura, lol.  I DON'T think she will be as interested in this--I think she thinks it's an extensive biography, just a smooth flowing narrative.


I guess it's what I expected, and I'm happy with it, but it's not for everyone.


I agree that I wish there were more pictures--



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I keep forgetting that I want this! Our local BN has them in stock, so I may just run out this weekend and pick it up. I wish I hadn't spent the gift card I received recently, but at least I spent it on the Nook version of the first 3 Little House books.  :001_smile:

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I wondered how long it's going to take to get mine!  I didn't order until February!  A B&N 45 minutes from me has it in stock, but I don't feel like driving out there.

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Oh my goodness, I told my husband last night that it will take me a YEAR to read it!!! I received it last week and finally sat down (ok, carried it around with me) yesterday.  Read the introduction, which was very interesting (and, ugh, Rose.  Blech.  I tried to read a biography about her once but I just don't care for her).  Skimmed the info about the manuscript and editorial process.


And read ONE PAGE of the manuscript with all the fascinating footnotes.  ONE PAGE.  And that took a long time. I KNOW the basic story, so I really am wanting to read the notes along with it, and I am going to just enjoy them.


My mom and sister asked to borrow the book; my sister will probably enjoy it, my mom will not. She hasn't even read the set of books--she just watched the show and thinks she like Laura, lol.  I DON'T think she will be as interested in this--I think she thinks it's an extensive biography, just a smooth flowing narrative.


I guess it's what I expected, and I'm happy with it, but it's not for everyone.


I agree that I wish there were more pictures--




Lol, you really have to be a FAN to read it - a casual reader probably won't enjoy it. Oh! and can you believe how she had her teeth pulled? She just went in for ONE problem tooth!? Yikes.


I love that this thread keeps popping up now and then. I really enjoy hearing everyone's thoughts one the book. :)


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Lol, you really have to be a FAN to read it - a casual reader probably won't enjoy it. Oh! and can you believe how she had her teeth pulled? She just went in for ONE problem tooth!? Yikes.


I love that this thread keeps popping up now and then. I really enjoy hearing everyone's thoughts one the book. :)



Oh yeah, the teeth.  :)


It's kind of disturbing me to realize I am this kind of fan, lol--I look back at the past 35 or so years of my life, ever since I got the books, and how much I've just wanted to know more, more, more about this woman :)  Searching for books and biographies, then, ooh, the internet comes around! and now this crazy, crazy Pioneer Girl book.  I feel a little too curious, lol--



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  • 1 month later...

I just returned the copy I had to the library, I was only about half through but I couldn't renew.


Same here.  After I read part of the book, I canceled my Amazon order.  The book is interesting, but I don't think I'd re-read it enough times to justify the cost and the space that the book would take up.  I'm going to put a hold on it again, though.

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Six weeks ago I didn't even have a number on the waiting list. Now I see I'm number 18. I think I was #18 from the time they assigned numbers. I see now there are 6 copies in circulation so I guess I'll still have a couple months to wait.

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