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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Monday, Monday everyone.


Unless some miracle happens overnight, call the doctor and beg to be seen (or have one of my kids do it if I still can't talk).  I've found the miracle diet.  I've lost 3 pounds in five days because it hurts so much to swallow.  (Of course I'll probably gain it all back again in a week once I can eat again but hopefully it will stay off.)

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Good Morning!


I took a mini vacation from the boards --I had lots to accomplish in the last three days and needed to get it done.


Jean...I hope you get an appointment and some quick working meds.   :grouphug:


I have 3 down with a nasty cold...dh had something last weekend, but so far I haven't gotten this bug...thank goodness!  I'm working on getting these guys well.    We have a big snow storm coming our way...up to 12 inches starting this afternoon and into the night.  I'm so excited as I love snow and we have had very little.



  • top off all vehicles and make sure all fluids are filled and check tire pressure--this is dh job Done
  • locate snow shovels and ice melt in garageDone
  • send dh to store with a little list of things we are running low onDone
  • vacuum, dust and mop main floorDone
  • laundry-- 1 load of each and towel Laundry is humming along. 
  • get dinner in crock pot Done--done and salad made
  • work on lesson plan for the week and next two weeks--put off until tomorrow as ds is pretty sick and I'm not sure what to do and what he will be able to do. 
  • watch a movie the kids rentedDone 

Have a great day everyone! :)



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Good morning- dd1 no school due to mechanical issues at the public school

- laundry- in washer and dryer

- dishes- done

- tidy house- done

- pay property tax- done

- dd1 play practice- done

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine- dd1 down

- hope to work on some chemistry- Nope not today

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I don't want to jinx anything re snow so I'm keeping my mouth (uh, fingers) quiet.




Sort of a hybrid-ish day today. Normally it would be a day off for dd because dh is off (Pres Day is one of the days the stock and bond markets are closed), but because she was sick last week she has stuff to do. She'll have to work on this week's English, have an AP Human Geography study session w her cousin, and write the scholarship essay for Concordia Language Villages (dh is having her do the application even though we doubt we'd get any money (though Arabic does have its own special scholarship monies)).


My things

--plan week

--grocery run for produce

--prep for the study session

--training at the gym 11am

--request library books for next week

--usual daily things and Monday chores, including laundry


Have a good day :) Jean, I hope you get to see a doctor today!

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Jean I'm so sorry.  Hope you can get in to the Dr. :grouphug: :grouphug:


Everbody is sick now here and poor dh has to go clear driveways for clients, wind chill is -26 currently.  Another 4" to 8" coming in for Tuesday!!


"adopted" son just called, he bought a bedframe, boxspring and mattress for his new place, 1st adult furniture buy and... the pipes at his new apartment froze up so he is waiting on the landlord. 


Have no idea if we will be able to get to Boston on Wednesday for youngest's appointment with the surgeon, th snow is getting ridiculous.  Will be driving to the infusion center in the snowstorm tomorrow.  Good times.


Have to go fill the woodbox, trying to do most of the jobs dh would normally do, he is so sick.  Made him oatmeal, got him to take an Emergen-C and Mucinex cold and flu.  There isn't anything else I can do for him. :(


Lysoling every surface in the house didn't seem to prevent anyone form getting this. 


Hang in there everyone!

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Jean, I hope you will keep the ER in mind as an option. :grouphug:


Tonight we are supposed to get bad weather. Schools are closing early.

  • Start crockpot
  • Grocery store and gas station
  • School
  • Finish laundry
  • Use leafblower and bring in shovel
  • Clean out fridge
  • Hard-boil eggs and cut up cantaloupe
  • Trash and recycling
  • General clean-up.
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That sore throat i had right before my csection that disappeared right after it has apparently decided to come back!! It is killing me right now. Praying it is short lkived and only i get it because the cough is quite painful.


It's supposed to snow a bunch starting tonight so we may have to figure out something to do out of the house today in anticipation of being stuck in the house tomorrow. I have no list today other than rest, entertain children, and dinner with mil.

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I'm actually feeling much better this morning.  Not well, but I can swallow without tears.  Good thing, because dd woke me up with the news that she had to throw up.  Hopefully it is a one-time thing.  


Whitehawk - I actually considered the ER last night but most of my stuff requires specialists that can follow the convoluted medical history I've had. Our local ERs are very good at life threatening stuff but not so much at the other.   I've already been "banned" by my local urgent care because they told me that I'm too complicated for them.  Unless I do something simple like cut off a finger or something like that!  

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Jean, I'm so glad you are a little better. Hope you can get in to your doctors!


Prayers for all the other sick family members! 





coffee and too much computer surfing


To Do:

sit down with dh and see what he wants to do since he has this week off

pay bills

make a meal plan/grocery list

plan what schoolwork I can get covered this week


go to my tea group this afternoon

go to my homeschool group's mom support meeting



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I had a migraine this morning.

The girls helped dh tie up the bathroom project loose ends while I rested.

the tub, shower walls and faucet are all installed. :) Almost a year after we had a catastrophic failure in the bathroom, forcing us to cap the lines to the tub and bump the project up in the queue.

Watching the 2nd Jurassic Park movie now.

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At least dd has stopped throwing up.


No doctor for me mainly because this is feeling more like a yucky cold now than the extreme pain I was in.  I might have to revisit this idea later though.


Anyway. . . now the retirement home calls to say that they are out of diabetic supplies for MIL.  Not that they are almost out, mind you, but totally out.  And no, they didn't call two days ago so that when dh delivered other supplies to them yesterday, that he could have taken care of this as well.  I really hope that I don't have to drive one hour one way to deliver this stuff while trying not to infect and kill any old people.  (If I do go out I won't visit with the ILs but will just deliver a bag to the nurses' station.)  

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Oh Jean, I hope you don't have to go out and do anything and I'm glad your dd isn't throwing up anymore.  Speedy healing to you guys.


I'll be so glad when this cold/bug whatever leaves our house.  


It's pouring down beautiful snow...I'm so happy and excited. 


Nothing else to do today except dinner/ dishes and shower and bed.  I hope to go to bed early and keep my immune system nice and healthy.



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Yay for not having medical power of attorney!  That means that i can't sign the required papers for the supplies so that SIL or dh will have to do it without me.  (I know - I feel sorry for them and all but still yay for me!)  


I am using my voice too much today and now it is hurting.  Time to be silent.  And maybe take a nap if this cough will settle down enough to let me actually nap.


I did math with dd for the first time in days.  



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:( can they sign and e-mail the forms back?


Just trying to brainstorm, ignore if it's less than helpful. :hug:

I think that SIL is trying to work out something along those lines.  I got out of the mix at that point though and just let dh and SIL talk directly instead of being their go-between.  (I hate that!)  


I am in bad pain again tonight.  Why didn't I go to the doctor this morning?  Well, because dd needed me and because I felt better.  I think it is inflammation that makes me have so much pain and for some reason the inflammation is worse at night.  I experimented tonight and redistributed some of my meds and basically ate breakfast for dinner to see if either of those might help. The thing is, if it is inflammation (which it probably is since all my problems at some point or another seem to come down to inflammation) i don't know much that even the doc can do because prednisone was not good for me at all and caused some major problems.  

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