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Teach grammar together or not?


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That is the question.  I know I've asked this before...but I'm still undecided.


I am currently using FLL2 for both girls, ages 7.5 & 8.5.  My ODD could use Rod & Staff English 3  (I have it & we've looked through it) but I like FLL better and I'd like for her to have the memory work before we use something else.  Also, it does help to teach them together. ;)


BUT, for next year...I feel the urge to let DD1 go ahead.  They really are at different levels in maturity and I think she needs it.  I dunno.  They already do SO MUCH together, I thought maybe it would actually make things easier for me.  I guess I won't know until we try.


If I split them up for grammar work, I'm thinking I'd use Rod & Staff English (4??) since she'd technically be 4th grade.  Right?  And grade 3 for DD2.  I have that book and it looks like the right level for her.


And if I kept them together, I think I might like to stick with FLL3.  If you use this program, how long are the lessons?  Right now, we only spend about 10-15 min discussing grammar after lunch, DD1 always wants the enrichment.  Next year I will probably be using FLL1 with DS, and I'm stretched...so I ask. ;)  I keep hearing how time consuming it is.  I guess it's all relative.




**I want to add that while I've used other things for grammar, I really need some hand-holding for teaching it since it's really so foreign to me.  I know some don't think grammar is that important at this age, but I've really appreciated the "extras" that I would otherwise forget to teach if it weren't in a curriculum: months, days, letter-writing, dictionary use, etc.  Yes, I'm that scatter-brained.  :w00t:


ETA: It has occurred to me that my girls are 1 (semester) book apart in math and I had never considered teaching them math together.  Seems like too much work for me, really... So maybe it would be the same for grammar since that is a skill area....?  Any thoughts?


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FLL 3 lessons are about 5-10 min for my language-strong 8yo. I'm not sure about the scope and sequence of FLL 2 to R&S 4. I do know R&S is pretty independent. I'd probably run through FLL 3 quickly with your oldest since it introduces diagramming and FLL 2 does not. Or I guess you could do R&S 3 quickly.


FLL 2 laid a great foundation in preparation for FLL 3 with all of the memory work. FLL 3 is almost too easy for my girl. Acceleration wouldn't be too difficult because she does not need the extra repetition.

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Thank you for sharing.  I was envisioning 30min or more for a grammar lesson when I hear how teacher INTENSIVE it is.


You know, something else I thought of...I have a chunk of time in the morning with my oldest in which I could just start working with her on FLL at her own pace, and again with DD#2 later in the day.  (That way we could skim/skip since most of this book is review for her - she's done a lot of it already.)  Is that crazy??  The only reason we're still in FLL2 is because we slowed way down to include DD#2 -which never even entirely went through FLL1, she just stayed in the room and absorbed everything.  It's funny, this is how it ALL started with DD#2 - she just joined us.  And although I like to keep things simple when I can, I'm sensing a need to break them apart in this area.  I kept thinking that to break them apart they needed to be using two separate curriculums (or levels or something for it to make sense) but maybe not... 


Glad I could think this out!


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Honestly, I'd ask your older dd. "I'm looking at some grammar options for next year. How do you like FLL? Would you like to keep doing that with your sister, or would you like a workbook that you do by yourself?"


I got feedback from my kids from early ages--found out what kinds of things they liked, what they didn't etc..., and used that input in my decision-process. I always told them, "This is your education." I wanted them to have ownership. I'm a facilitator, and I'm not going to let them get a poor education (math isn't optional, LOL! But how we do it is...). For things like this, where I felt either choice could work or be good, sometimes student opinion tipped the scale for me. Your dd might say, "Oh, I really love doing FLL with my sister." Or she might say, "FLL is okay, but I think it would be fun to try something on my own." 





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Honestly, I'd ask your older dd. "I'm looking at some grammar options for next year. How do you like FLL? Would you like to keep doing that with your sister, or would you like a workbook that you do by yourself?"


I got feedback from my kids from early ages--found out what kinds of things they liked, what they didn't etc..., and used that input in my decision-process. I always told them, "This is your education." I wanted them to have ownership. I'm a facilitator, and I'm not going to let them get a poor education (math isn't optional, LOL! But how we do it is...). For things like this, where I felt either choice could work or be good, sometimes student opinion tipped the scale for me. Your dd might say, "Oh, I really love doing FLL with my sister." Or she might say, "FLL is okay, but I think it would be fun to try something on my own." 



Merry, you always have such great advice.  Thank you.


Previously I had asked DD what she preferred - and oops, forgot to give her specific choices of what was OK with me ;) - and of course she chose what wasn't working for me.  Today I asked her to choose between FLL and Rod & Staff English (which she's seen in person as it sits on our shelf) and she chose FLL to do with me alone.  This is really what I'd prefer as well, I just will have to see if it's a manageable thing for us, especially next year with three school age children and littles to boot.

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