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What are you doing for 7th grade?

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***Anyone incorporate computer skills somehow?  Make them type papers?  Or what do you do for typing, etc.?


Yes, DS types his papers. Programming might also be something to look into if your kids are interested, and they should be getting down the basics of programs like Word, Excel, etc. if they haven't already. Being computer literate and able to navigate comfortably are essential skills IMO.

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Grammar:  Rod and Staff 7


Spelling:  Rod and Staf 7?? or nothing


Math:  MM7A (then B) or Saxon 8/7


Writing:  Finish WWS I


Latin:  First Form 1 continued


Science:  Apologia General Science


History:  MFW 1850-Modern or Biblioplan Yr 4


Literature:  Lots of reading and maybe 1 or 2 Progeny Press or Memoria Press Lit Guides


Logic:  Fallacy Detective continued


Health:  Need something in CA...maybe American Girl Care and Keeping 2


PE:  Soccer


Music:  Piano


Theology:  Continue studying Shorter Catechism and add in some books by Sproul or others.  



***Anyone incorporate computer skills somehow?  Make them type papers?  Or what do you do for typing, etc.?



We've done Typing Instructor for Kids for a couple of years.  YDD actually got really good at typing from online games (*hides*).  I'm thinking I will have both of them start typing papers next year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost 99.9% decided on:


     Science:  RSO Bio 2


     History: A combination of Project Passport's The Renaissance and K12's Human Odyssey


     Lit: LLLotR  modified: we'll probably skip the comprehension questions and other busy work so we can follow rabbit trails, like using   Excavating English for the linguistic study.  Both DD and I are really looking forward to this.  I will probably add in appropriate sections of Figuratively Speaking as they come up.


     Spelling: Finish We All Can Read and move onto Apples and Pears D. 


     Handwriting:  DD really wants to try to get basic cursive down, so we are going to be using Teach Yourself Cursive from NAC.  It's for older children and adults, so it's not as rigid or kiddish as other programs.  I'll be supplementing with HLtL pages for practice.


     Logic: James Madison Critical Thinking - she loves forensics and mysteries, and is excited about staring this as well.


     Grammar: The new Fix-It Grammar.  She placed into Book 2, thanks to using Winston Grammar this year.


     Writing: EIW  It's not my top pick, but she wants to try it.  If it gets the job done, it'll be worth it. 


     Spanish: This is an outsourced class.  The teacher has a son who is dyslexic, so she has been very understand and encouraging with DD, who has both dyslexia and dysgraphia.  She will be taking part 2 of a middle school program next year.


    Piano:  Outsourced to our local music school.


    Sports: She's on a year-round soccer team, but we may throw in some Parkour classes here and there.


Not sure:


   Math: We will be finishing up Jousting Armadillos this year.  We might move onto AOPS pre-algebra.  Or we might move onto Crocodiles and Coconuts since she likes JA so much; I'll add in CTC's Understanding Geometry if we take this route.    Or move onto Jacob's?  We are even looking at an online program available through our charter called GradPoint (it's Pearson interactive),  mostly because she would be able to do it independently on the computer (currently we do math together and I scribe for her. )  Decisions, decisions...

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I think I have our plan almost set:

DS is 12. We will begin 7th grade whenever we finish the stuff we are working on now.


Math:  TT Algebra + Real World Algebra


Science:  RSO Biology 2


History:  History Odyssey Middle Ages with SOTW & Human Odyssey


Lit:  History based booklist to start, I would like to move into LL7 later in the year, but he is pretty against doing a formal lit study at this point.


Grammar:  Hake 8


Vocabulary:  Vocabulary Workshop C


Writing:  WWS1 (I think)


Latin:  Thinking of trying Latin for Children B.  Not sure how much he retained with Lively Latin this year.  (Our first year).


Geography:  Discovering the World of Geography 6/7, and 7/8


Art:  Meet the Masters


PE:  Tennis 


Logic:  Maybe Practical Critical Thinking (from CTC), Mindbenders


Well, DS had already started TT Algebra and History Odyssey Middle Ages.  When he finishes HO, my new plan is to use Bookshark 7 (World History 2), using the only half the readers/read alouds and then bring in LL7.  

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***Anyone incorporate computer skills somehow?  Make them type papers?  Or what do you do for typing, etc.?


Yes, DS types his papers. Programming might also be something to look into if your kids are interested, and they should be getting down the basics of programs like Word, Excel, etc. if they haven't already. Being computer literate and able to navigate comfortably are essential skills IMO.


They kids used Typing Tutor to learn to type. 

Ds 12 took Bridgeway Academy's Computer Skills class- this is specifically for Jr. High and covers Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.

, and will be working through DK's Copmuter Coding book this summer (python). My kids have also done TeenCoder (review here)

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7th grade for my last (sniff, sniffity)

Classical Conversations Ch. A- this will include Alg 1/2, first 1/3 of Henle Latin, Bio/Natural Science, The Lost Tools of Writing/ Literature, World Geography, Apologetics. 


We'll also participate in a morning co-op where we'll do A & P dissection at a local hospital, Fallacy Detective and Art


Violin and Music Theory

Drama Camp (June)

Shakespeare Camp (July)

Festival of One Act Plays (Jan)

TeenPact (Feb) + 1 day Speech Camp


We also review curriculum and we'll add that in as we go.


We are crazy busy during the school year but I work and the work load actually keeps us focused and on track. 


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We used Typing Instructor for Kids in 4-5th grades.  This year in 6th had him review and practice speed every now and then.  I made my kids start typing their papers in 6th grade.  We haven't taken any other former computer classes yet, as long as they know word before 6th I am happy.  :)

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Oddly, I'm more prepared for 7th than I am for 6th because DS will be in public school for part of his 6th year (so only a little to plan).

I envision: Geometry with Wilson Hill, WTM Academy Algebra 1 or 2 ( depending how he does in then next year and a half), Conceptual Physics, AP French with Potter school as well as continuing his skype tutor, Arabic with CTY if he continues to qualify. Not sure re language arts as we would have finished the beloved Galore Park sequence by then. I have some time to think ;)

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Math:  Whenever she finishes Abeka 5, she'll move onto Abeka Arithmetic 6.

Language Arts:  

  Reading list goes along w/history.

  Spelling with Spell to Write & Read.

  Grammar will be FLL4.

   Either WWS1 at our own pace or WWS1 w/WTMA Academy

 Maybe poetry w/another mom teaching Grammar of Poetry (1st sem)

Latin:  First Form Latin (probably taking more than one year to complete)

Science:  Equine Science (Winter Promise)

History:  Story of the World 4

Religion:  follow Mother of Divine Grace's 6th grade syllabus

Logic:  Art of Argument w/friends (2nd sem)

Hopefully, she'll continue private painting lessons w/a local artist once per week. She'll have memory work / morning time (poems, memorize the list of Presidents & the second half of the Bill of Rights).


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See my signature for what we've been doing this year for seventh. It has been a great year, and I look forward to doing the same thing again with my younger son when he hits this stage, except I hope to use the MIF middle school math books with him.

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Here is my current plan.. standard disclaimer  :-)


Math - College of the Redwoods Pre-Algebra

Grammar - R&S 7

Writing - Essentials in Writing 7

History/Literature - Biblioplan Year 4

Science - Science Shepherd Life Science

MP's Famous Men of Greece

MP's 200 American History Questions

MP Poetry 

Couple of MP lit guides

CAP's Spanish for Children


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At this point in time, these are our plans for DS for 7th grade (it could totally change! :lol: ):




Math-U-See Pre-Algebra




Apologia Chemistry and Physics (this is a co-op class)




Beautiful Feet Ancients


Language Arts:


Writing class through our co-op to include grammar, using KISS, and vocabulary

Glencoe study guides downloaded from online with summaries of each chapter

Copywork/spelling will be taken from his reading plus from the vocabulary list




Artist studies using some Kindle books I already own (don't remember the name right now)

Various art projects (this is my artsy kid)




Trumpet playing with lessons from Dad

music at church


* We'll also do lots of read-alouds as a group as my kids seem to enjoy that.

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Since I've revamped, and rewritten, and gone over and over and over, I think I finally have a pretty-well finalized plan. Maybe.


First semester:

Math: Galore Park So You Really Want to Learn Maths 1 (finish)

Adventures in Fantasy, Lightning Literature 7, Phonetic Zoo, occasional Arrow/Boomerang units from Bravewriter

Science: Ellen McHenry's The Elements, Herbology (from Harry Potter unit study by Build Your Library)

Geography/Art: Mapping the World with Art (2nd half)

History/Social Studies: cobbled together Viking study using Great Courses lectures as a spine, read through concise edition of A History of US, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone unit study 

Foreign Language: English From the Roots Up (I realize EFtRU isn't an actually language, but it's taking the place of Latin), maybe French

Music: choir

PE: horseback riding, gymnastics, tumbling


Second semester: 

Math: Galore Park So You Really Want to Learn Maths 2 or TabletClass Pre-Algebra

English: Adventures in Fantasy, Phonetic Zoo, Lightning Literature 7, Boomerang units

Science: Ellen McHenry Botany, Quark Chronicles Botany

History/Geography: concise edition of A History of US, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets unit study 

Art: Art with a Purpose

Music: choir

PE: horseback riding, gymnastics, tumbling

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Next year I have planned for my DS in 7th:


Language Arts - Holt Literature 7, Memoria Press Guides paired with Hobbit, Tom Sawyer, Treasure Island, As You Like It, Wordly Wise 7 online. Independently selected novels and group read alouds.  Grammar and writing supplemented with Write Source 7 and IXL.

Math - Glencoe Math Course 3 (Pre-Algebra)

Science - Glencoe General Science (focus on physics, earth science, cell and plant biology) Grade 7

Social Studies - Holt World Geography and SOTW Volumes 3 & 4

Spanish - Glencoe Como Te Vas? B (2nd half of high school year 1)

Art - Glencoe Introducing Art (1/2 year with Ds grade 5)

Health - Glencoe Teen Health Year 1 (1/2 year with DS grade 5)

Music - Piano Lessons

Current Events - Junior Scholastic Magazines

Critical Thinking Company Games and books

Mythology - Egyptian and Norse

PE - time at Rec center


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Our finalized plan:


Math Ă¢â‚¬â€œ SM 6B, AoPS Pre-Algebra; Khan Academy Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 5 hours per week


Science Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Summer and Fall Semester: RSO Life 2 Human Body, Botany and Classification; local pond project (analyzing ecosystem, testing water, examing pond water under a microscope); ongoing work in ornithology, with field labs; Read: Charles Darwin and the Beagle Adventure by A.J. Wood and Clint Twist, The Voyage of the Beagle by Charles Darwin, and (choose one other science-related book). Biographies of two or three scientists, along with a written report.


Spring Semester: Physics using NOEO 3 Physics


History Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Modern History Ă¢â‚¬â€œ (HO Level 2) Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 3 hours per week; three biographies of historical figures with a written report.


Geography Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Mapping the World With Art Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 1.5 hours per week 


Latin Ă¢â‚¬â€œ LFC-B Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 3 to 4 hours per week


Spanish Ă¢â‚¬â€œ SFC-B; supplemented with apps, youtube videos, and online resources Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 3 to 4 hours per week


First Semester Philosophy - finish Philosophy for Kids; begin Advanced Philosophy for Kids


Second Semester Logic - The Art of Argument (CAP)


Literature Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 4 hours per week Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Shakespeare Ă¢â‚¬â€œ A Midsummer NightĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Dream (first semester) and As You Like It (second semester); HewittĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Lightning Literature, grade 7; long list of other books; selection of poets.


Writing Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 2 to 3 hours per week Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Writing & Rhetoric alternated with Writing with Skill.


Spelling Ă¢â‚¬â€œ continue with Spelling Workout Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 1 hour per week


Vocabulary from Classical Roots Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 1 hour per week


Typing program


Phys Ed Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Kayaking, Biking, Hiking, Yoga and Tennis; summer swim lessons Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 1.5 hours per week on average


Music Ă¢â‚¬â€œ private voice and jazz drumming lessons as well as ongoing choral training; composer study: Mozart, Vivaldi, and Haydn. Approximately 4 hours per week.


Art Ă¢â‚¬â€œ He will continue his work in photography, drawing, and pastels meeting occasionally with a teacher from the local Guild of Artists and consulting with a wildlife photographer. He will also study the works of 3 artists in depth. Approximately 2 hours per week.


Extracurricular: Homeschool Chess Club, Bird Club, Royal School of Church Music Choir, voice lessons, and classic jazz drumming lessons.


A number of field trips.


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We are close to being finalized here. I enrolled DD12 in Classical Conversations Challenge A. Below is what she'll be doing. The information in bold is stuff that is not part of CC Challenge A, but I'm adding or changing. ;)


Grammar -- Henle's First Year Latin; My DD will continue with MCT, moving onto Magic Lens 1. She won't do the writing from MCT, just the grammar along with the practice sentences.


Exposition/Composition -- Lost Tools of Writing and ten literature books


Debate -- Geography (Mapping the world); I purchased Mapping the World with Art to help with this. I'm also going to use living books (Material World, maybe, and some others I've found that look interesting) for cultural geography.


Research -- Biology and Natural Science; I own BJU's Life Science. I'm going to have my DD read through this as we go along with doing the research and memorizing body systems. I'm also going to have my DD research a disease for each body system that she memorizes.


Rhetoric -- (Clear Resoning/Apologetics) Fallacy Detective and It Couldn't Just Happen


Logic -- (Math) I will not use Saxon, as CC recommends. We'll use AoPS Intro to Algebra (First half of the book) in conjunction with Chuckles the Rocket Dog, and completing Crocodiles and Coconuts if needed.




My DD is also going to use Getting Started with Spanish and is joining a children's choir for music. She is part of Mpact at our church, and will continue with that as well. I hope that she'll join our Teen Bible Quiz group at church, but we're still debating that. ;)


Edited to add that we are interested in TeenPact, but we're not sure if we can do it with CC and her Choir schedule, so we're going to have her do the homework for TeenPact at the very least so that she can get an idea of what it's about and the work load in case she's interested in the future.



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I'm undecided about calling ds12 6th or 7th this fall. In math, he's a firm 7th.  In LA, he could use some time.  Age-wise he's going into 7th...maturity-wise he fits in better with upcoming 6th graders.  sigh...  I'll post here even though I think I posted in the 6th grade thread too.  I can't remember what I posted though. Maybe I should compare what I plan when I think 6th vs when I think 7th.  hehe...



Math: I have 2 tentative plans...deciding between the two.  #1 - Patty Paper Geometry/CWP 6/ S-U selected problems for some spiral review. #2 - Patty Paper Geometry/Jousting Armadillos/S-U selected problems.  (I own AoPS Pre-Algebra, and I plan on using that in 8th grade.  I also own CWP 6, but I hear how amazing JA is...)



Remedial Work:  Essentials in Spelling 3


Ambleside Online Year 5 minus history.


History:  A Picturesque Tale of Progress (half the series in 7th, the other half in 8th) and a biography every 6-12 weeks.



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Next year I have planned for my DS in 7th:


Language Arts - Holt Literature 7, Memoria Press Guides paired with Hobbit, Tom Sawyer, Treasure Island, As You Like It, Wordly Wise 7 online. Independently selected novels and group read alouds.  Grammar and writing supplemented with Write Source 7 and IXL.

Math - Glencoe Math Course 3 (Pre-Algebra)

Science - Glencoe General Science (focus on physics, earth science, cell and plant biology) Grade 7

Social Studies - Holt World Geography and SOTW Volumes 3 & 4

Spanish - Glencoe Como Te Vas? B (2nd half of high school year 1)

Art - Glencoe Introducing Art (1/2 year with Ds grade 5)

Health - Glencoe Teen Health Year 1 (1/2 year with DS grade 5)

Music - Piano Lessons

Current Events - Junior Scholastic Magazines

Critical Thinking Company Games and books

Mythology - Egyptian and Norse

PE - time at Rec center


Can you please explain how you use SOTW at this grade level? I am planning on using SOTW 1 & 2 with my 7th grader, then 3 & 4 when she's in 8th.


For SOTW 1 & 2, I plan on spending 1 hour, 3 days/week, and keep it simple. She will read a chapter, then do a dictation, summary, or an outline (one-level for SOTW 1, two-level for SOTW 2). We will most likely do the mapwork from the activity guide. And that's it. If I find that this does fill the hour, we can add in Trail Guide to World Geography, which we started this year, but did not finish.


Other than reading SOTW (and the Holt Geography), are you planning any other work with it?


Thanks for your help.

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Here is what I have planned:


Literature/History: Great Conversation 1 at Wilson Hill Academy


Latin: Latin 2 using Latin Alive 2 at WHA


Grammar and Writing: Fundamentals of Expository Writing at WHA


Science: Dive Earth Science


Math: Jousting Armadillos with some Derek Owens to fill in any holes in JA


Logic: Introductory Logic by Nance


French: My dd really wants to add this to the lineup so I am debating between a tutor or Potter's School or maybe both


Other: Irish dance, Piano lessons, AWANA student leader


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Did you know that Grammar of Poetry has a DVD of Matt Whitling teaching the course now? He is a fantastic teacher. I LOVE this curriculum - it's a middle school must have, imho, I reviewed it here. 


Yes. In fact, a year ago I asked you for your review & you delightfully provided it (the very one above that you linked).  :hurray:  I wasn't able to fit it into the schedule to teach this year and I probably wouldn't fit it next year if another mom didn't volunteer to run a group. There is a group buy on Homeschoolbuyers coop right now, in fact.  :001_tt1:  Too many kids Not enough mommy & too many good things to do to fit everything in, ya know?

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Here's my tentative plan:



Abeka 7th grade math (I think it's called Basic Mathematics)



Rod & Staff English 6

Core Skills Writing 7 (by Steck-Vaughn)

Rod & Staff Spelling 7

Abeka Literature

Pentime for cursive practice

Lots of free reading and read-alouds



Spectrum Science workbook



History of Our World by Steck-Vaughn.  I did not realize this is written for remedial students when I bought it!  Ugh. 

Maps Charts & Graphs level G by MCP



Feed My Sheep w/ DVDs



Not sure.  Maybe Typing.com



Running 2x week

Bike riding 1x week

Little League


Building Thinking Skills by Critical Thinking Co.


I think that's it!

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Well, I keep changing my mind on stuff.... sigh.   Here is what it is looking like so far....




RightStart Level E, and Hands On Equations




Ambleside Online Year 5 (Canadianized),

Map Drills of...?



Exploring Creation with General Science



Still not sure for this section....

- Literature is AO Year 5 as mentioned above

- possibly "English Language Lessons for the LDS child' - which has poetry, basic grammar, Prepared Dictation for spelling, how to outline, etc....


- Get Smart Grammar  - for grammar

- All About Spelling, OR Sequential Spelling, OR prepared dictation - for spelling


also considering using SRA Reading Labs (from 1971ish).....  they take a bunch of time - but my sons reading improved immensely this last year when we started using them.   So I might use them for 'term 1', then use some of the other resources for the other 2 terms....?


- if not SRA labs, I probably need something to continue with remedial reading....


Also probably Getty-Dubay Italic - probably our last year for me to try to get his handwriting to improve...




This area is still TBD.  I gave my son a list of possible options.    One he selected was to do Logic - so will probably get 'The Fallacy Detective'.  Still need to go through his choices and see how things will fit.

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I'm adding in CLE's Home Ec. 1 and she is over the moon!



Okay, on the laptop now.


I'm in denial.


My Father's World Exp.-1850, adding in SOTW 3 AG

Saxon Algebra 1/2 (fingers crossed)

Apologia General Science

Rod & Staff grammar 7, spelling 8

CLE Reading 7

Progeny Press guides for Witch of Blackbird Pond and Johnny Tremain

IEW writing for early American history

Discovering the World of Geography 7-8

Fallacy Detective


Competitive gymnastics, hopefully level 7, which means ~20ish hours in the gym every week.  She LOVES it.


She also crafts when she can. Rainbow Loom, sewing, knitting, crocheting.  She loves to cook, so I'm trying to find things for her to learn.



If you are doing CLE 700, are you taking two years for pre-algebra?  I love CLE and hate to switch, but I don't want to take two years for pre-a.


If you are doing Apologia General Science, are you using the notebook?


I want to add in Spanish, probably in 8th, but I need something fairly self-directed and something that I can continue through high school for credit.


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Guest viridescent

This will be my first time with a seventh grader, so everything is subject to change. I do feel like we are finally finding things that we like and that make sense for us in all areas. Sadly, we have wasted (according to how you look at it) time in doing so. We are still looking for the magic homeschool curriculum fairy.


Writing: Lost Tools of Writing --DS has really struggled with writing. Hoping this will help.

Grammar: Our Mother Tongue

Math: Math u See finish up pre-algebra in the fall and go on to algebra

Use Math Mammoth as a supplement

History: SOTW3 with younger siblings. He keeps a book of centuries and reads and

summarizes extra books to further flesh it out.

Science: anatomy and then on to Apologia general science

Spelling: Natural Speller but am considering Logic of English to help with spelling issues


Art of Arguement and Fallacy Detective

Leaning heavily towards German for foreign language, but I still haven't made up my mind.

We exercise together and ride bikes, but he isn't that interested in sports. We may try swimming this year. And as usual, we will read some great books. We are also tackling some small engine repair and carpentry.


Would love to find a good science of cooking resource.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tentatively, of course,


Ambleside Online year 6

Saxon 7 / 6

Probably Maxwell's School Composition

Maybe Hake grammar



piano, chess, something for physical activity


I really should not post plans in February, lol.  So, one of my problems with AO 6 is the first term spent on modern history which I don't need/want to do.  And if we're not doing that, there's little point in reading Animal Farm while we're knee deep in Story of the Greeks.  And, she just read the Hobbit.  And I don't want to read the real Iliad yet, but she's already read retellings before.  And then there's science - I'm not quite confident enough to do AO's science.  Which leaves me pretty much gutting the whole thing.  Additionally we're joining with a friend to do literature together and some of their selections go with the Middle Ages.  So, I'm thinking we'll do AO 6 history term 2 (in our term1), term 3 (in our term 2), and then use Guerber/Miller's Story of the Middle Ages for term 3.  I'm also considering combining her with her younger brother for grammar, maybe in R&S 5, even though I'm sure she could handle grade 6. 


Here's a new tentative


Bible readings (from AO 6 schedule)

History - Story of Greeks, Romans, Middle Ages (Guerber/Miller)

Geography - Finishing Halliburton's Book of Marvels

Literature - Book List, meeting with others for discussion and continue Age of Fable

Grammar - R&S 5 (maybe) combined with younger brother

Spelling - SWO G

Writing - SWB a plan for writing - middle grades

Math - Key to Fractions, Decimals, Percents, and some type of daily review work

Science - maybe CHC's Life Science

Latin - GSWL


Morning Time will include a hodge-podge of things.


Also, piano, chess, sewing, and maybe one other thing.


So, there it is, until July when I change it again..... and maybe again in October.....







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I really should not post plans in February, lol. So, one of my problems with AO 6 is the first term spent on modern history which I don't need/want to do. And if we're not doing that, there's little point in reading Animal Farm while we're knee deep in Story of the Greeks. And, she just read the Hobbit. And I don't want to read the real Iliad yet, but she's already read retellings before. And then there's science - I'm not quite confident enough to do AO's science. Which leaves me pretty much gutting the whole thing. Additionally we're joining with a friend to do literature together and some of their selections go with the Middle Ages. So, I'm thinking we'll do AO 6 history term 2 (in our term1), term 3 (in our term 2), and then use Guerber/Miller's Story of the Middle Ages for term 3. I'm also considering combining her with her younger brother for grammar, maybe in R&S 5, even though I'm sure she could handle grade 6.


Here's a new tentative


Bible readings (from AO 6 schedule)

History - Story of Greeks, Romans, Middle Ages (Guerber/Miller)

Geography - Finishing Halliburton's Book of Marvels

Literature - Book List, meeting with others for discussion and continue Age of Fable

Grammar - R&S 5 (maybe) combined with younger brother

Spelling - SWO G

Writing - SWB a plan for writing - middle grades

Math - Key to Fractions, Decimals, Percents, and some type of daily review work

Science - maybe CHC's Life Science

Latin - GSWL


Morning Time will include a hodge-podge of things.


Also, piano, chess, sewing, and maybe one other thing.


So, there it is, until July when I change it again..... and maybe again in October.....


Lynn, do you still participate in CC? Your plan looks great by the way!

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After a lot of back and forth, here's our plan so far


Bible (?) still checking my shelves to see what I would like to use for this

CC Challenge A booklist

Fallacy Detective

Strayer Upton bk 2 (complete)

Easy Grammar Plus


Figuratively Speaking

Writing Trails in American History/ transitioning into IEW US history vol.1 after 1st term

Latina Chriatiana 1 with supplements

The Story of the Republic, the Story of the 13 Colonies, SOTW 4

Lyrical Life Science 3/ Exploring the World of Chemistry


The great thing about this plan is that I didn't have to make a lot of purchases.


Recitations/ morning time work

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Rough draft 7th grade:



     finish Dolciani Pre-algebra (3/4 of the year)

     then start Dolciani Algebra 1


     R&S 7


     IEW SICC-C (first half)

     Writing with a Thesis

     A Workbook of Arguments (second 1/3 of the book)


     No earthly idea


     Map drawing http://map-of-the-whole-world.weebly.com/ebooks.html  (We have done a whole four days of this, but I love it)

     Maps, Charts, and Graphs workbook


     BJU 7 Life Science online


     OUP Medieval and Early Modern World (6 volumes) incl outlining and tests from Teacher's Guide

Misc/test prep--

     Word Wealth Jr (second 1/3 of book)

     R&S Spelling 7

     Civics (tbd once per week)

     IEW Fix-It

     Evan-Moor Daily Reading Comprehension 7

     SAT and ACT question of the day

German 1--

     Outsourced to local middle school

Public Speaking--

     Speech Club

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I think I am finally ready to post!  It's taken me a long time to make up my mind, and some is still undecided ;)



Saxon 1/2 Pre-Algebra (we are finishing 8/7, and she's doing great, but I think we need more maturity before we move on), maybe some AoPS thrown in, too.



CTC Root Words 1, Essentials in Writing 7, Killgallon Paragraphs for MS (may add more), Wordly Wise (?), Writing and Rhetoric 3 and possibly 4 (done as a family), MBtP literature units (as we can, hope to do 6 at least, but may do them all), possibly Grammar Fix IT!  if EIW and MBtP don't have enough.  Glencoe free literature packets, and the history from HO- 1 per month


Science- Finish RSO Biology 2, then do Interactive Science Earth Science for Middle School worktext   Ellen McHenry Chemistry


History- HO w/ HO textbook- Middle Ages Level 2


Extras- Robotics 4-H, possibly some other 4-H units, piano, typing instructor, and try to memorize a handful of words in Spanish before we are actually teaching Spanish.  I am calling this Pre-Spanish :)  I have some games on the computer and such, it won't be graded, just for her own learning.  I think I will leave actual Spanish classes until High School, but I would like for her to learn a handful of words and phrases in 7th and 8th.


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I want to play, too!

However, this past year's plans were derailed, so who knows if this year will go any better.



Saxon, Khan, and Kumon



BookShark 7

Zaner Bloser GUM 8

Killgallon's Grammar for Middle School



BookShark 7



PAC Integrated Physics and Chemistry



I have an old Power Glide High School Spanish that one of my older boys used a little. I think we will try to cover one semester during grade 7.





Thiis is what we have. We'll see how it goes.

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Daily Subjects:


Grammar, Composition, & Spelling: R&S 7

Literature: MP 7 (Trojan War, Anne of Green Gables, Bronze Bow, Hobbit)

Math: Dolciani PreA; Saxon 8/7

History: MP Online Academy, Middle School US History


3 days per week:


Science: MP "Trees", Tiner "Biology" plus Ellen McHenry stuff for fun/hands on.


1 day per week each:


Classical: Famous Men of Greece

Geography: MP Geo.2 (1 day per week)




Computer: Typing Instructor......not sure how I will schedule this.

MP Poetry for Grammar Stage, scheduled when it coincides with history, lit, science. LOVE this!

Athletics at PS. 5 days/week

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Here's my plan for 7th grade this fall for DD12:



Spelling Power/Dictation from various sources (we've started alternating days with spelling and dictation)

Christian Studies II from Memoria Press

Rod and Staff English 6

Saxon Math 7/6



Earth Science & Astronomy for the Logic Stage (Elemental science)-Mondays and Wednesdays

Western Expansion Literature Study from Beautiful Feet Books (possibly the California study as well, or reading about Nebraska and Wyoming History)- Tuesdays and Thursdays

Story of the World Vol. 3 and some Lit to go along with it- Fridays

Geography workbook-Fridays

Spanish -Rosetta Stone and Getting Started with Spanish-Probably Monday thru Thursday

Fallacy Detective


Both my kids also keep a nature journal that they work on during their own time, and DD plays the guitar.  She knits and does a little bit of crochet, and is hoping to improve her sewing skills.  We live on a farm, so I try to keep our days short so that the kids can get outside and work with animals, help on the farm, etc. 



My kids enjoyed Biology for the Logic stage this year, but said they missed doing BFSU (we did Vol. 1 last year), so we will start Vol. 2 this spring.  I'll probably still use parts of the Elemental Science books.


Well I changed it up a bit again   :glare:  DD will be doing the Western Expansion Lit Study this summer instead of waiting til this fall.  Our schedule for next year looks like this:




Morning basket with both kids: Alternating Christian Studies II, Penmanship, Geography workbook, Red Herring Mysteries/Fallacy Detective, and poetry

Uncle Sam and You from Notgrass (we are doing this together as a family, with me reading the chapter aloud)

Rod and Staff Spelling 6/Dictation

Saxon Math 7/6


Lunch/outside time


BFSU Vol. 2 Science/Nature Study MWF, SOTW Vol. 3 TTH (both kids will be doing these together)

Rod and Staff English 6

Getting Started with Spanish


Guitar Lessons

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here is what i am thinking of. would love ideas. does it look comprehensive?


1. History: Notgrass Uncle Sam and You and recommended literature
2. Math - jann in texas lials basic college math  (online) - pre-pre-algebra 1 
3. Science - currently leaning towards Christian kids explore "something" haven't picked a topic or Lyrical Life Science Book 3 (looking for how to expand)
4. Bible - biblical application in life management at tka enrichment program 
5. Vocab - vocal from classical roots a  (workbook)
6. Writing - attuneup - grammar cracker/timecaspule - (online)
7. PE - after school sports at the Private school homeschool program
8. Band at TKA the private school the siblings attend
. Reading comprehension - reading detective? (Computer based)
10. typing Keyboarding without Tears?


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Lynn, do you still participate in CC? Your plan looks great by the way!


Thank you.  My 2nd ds is in the Challenge program.  And my youngest two will continue with Foundations next year.  I always struggle a bit with the decision because I don't love the program, but I do love the people.  (But my 7th grader will not do CC.)


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Thank you. My 2nd ds is in the Challenge program. And my youngest two will continue with Foundations next year. I always struggle a bit with the decision because I don't love the program, but I do love the people. (But my 7th grader will not do CC.)


I understand

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  • 2 weeks later...

After a lot of back and forth, here's our plan so far


Bible (?) still checking my shelves to see what I would like to use for this

CC Challenge A booklist

Fallacy Detective

Strayer Upton bk 2 (complete)

Easy Grammar Plus


Figuratively Speaking

Writing Trails in American History/ transitioning into IEW US history vol.1 after 1st term

Latina Chriatiana 1 with supplements

The Story of the Republic, the Story of the 13 Colonies, SOTW 4

Lyrical Life Science 3/ Exploring the World of Chemistry


The great thing about this plan is that I didn't have to make a lot of purchases.


Recitations/ morning time work


Umm, this has changed already, lol!!  My new plan is:



Easy Grammar Plus


LC I / with supplements

Fallacy Detective

It Couldn't Just Happen

Strayer Upton bk. 2/Khan Academy


I think this plan is more doable for us.  Forgot to add  that we might throw in some Trail Guide to World Geography.


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Bravewriter (projects and LA activities pulled from TWJ/PW/FO and Arrow/Boomerangs)


Continue on with Lively Latin and French


Probably going to give Teaching Textbooks a try. 


Science and history have been downplayed here as interest led. We have spent this year getting involved in any number of readings or activities as the inspiration came. It's working well. 


Continue art history and art skills. Music appreciation.  Nature study. 


Using a variety of resources. Some planned out, some free for all interest led.  Read aloud a lot of different books. Watch some documentaries. Go camping. 


Enjoy life! :)

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Bravewriter (projects and LA activities pulled from TWJ/PW/FO and Arrow/Boomerangs)


Continue on with Lively Latin and French


Probably going to give Teaching Textbooks a try. 


Science and history have been downplayed here as interest led. We have spent this year getting involved in any number of readings or activities as the inspiration came. It's working well. 


Continue art history and art skills. Music appreciation.  Nature study. 


Using a variety of resources. Some planned out, some free for all interest led.  Read aloud a lot of different books. Watch some documentaries. Go camping. 


Enjoy life! :)


Thank you for the reminder to enjoy life!


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