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What are you doing for 7th grade?

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DD will be 6th by age in our state, but misses the cut-off by only days. She has requested that next year be 7th, so here we are... (ETA: I'll leave this since who really cares? LOL. But it looks like dd will stick with state cut-off and be a 6th grader next year.)


Math: AoPS/Foerester Algebra combo


LA: English Lessons through Literature 5 (2nd half) - poetry, grammar, writing

       Word Wealth Junior - continued from this year

       Mom made literature using MP Short Stories, TOG, and WTM

       Writing across curriculum


Science: Science Matters with lots of library book and documentary supplementation


History/Geography: Tapestry of Grace Year 3


Latin: Latin 100 with Lone Pine


Piano lessons, 4H, and some other TBD extras

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So far...


Grammar: Rod and Staff


Vocab.: finish EftRU


Writing:  continue with Write On! and use these assignments across the curriculum as well as written narrations and outlining.


Math: MUS pre-algebra


History: taking a break from history this year! adding in George Washington's World and The Story of Inventions for a light history year


Geography: joining younger siblings for BF Geography lessons, Exploring Planet Earth (Tiner), Carry on Mr. Bowditch


Science: It Couldn't Just Happen, Tiner Exploring the World of Physics, and.....?


Logic: Fallacy Detective


Language: (hopefully) Getting Started with French


Book list compiled from various sources...still in progress, but to include the Anne of Green Gables series with corresponding poetry.


Bible: Sword Studies


Piano, Band, Ballet




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Next year's tentative plan for my youngest:


Bible - Explorer's Faith at Work

Logic - Finish up Argument Builder from this year and move on to Discovery of Deduction

Math - MUS Algebra + ??? (we've always done MUS + singapore, but this is the point where we usually switch to a textbook and I don't want to, so I'm undecided; maybe Key to Algebra will work for extra practice)

Science - Rainbow Science 2nd year (bio & earth sci) plus marine science

History - Human Odyssey Vol. 3 +/- novels

English - Writing With Skill. plus Memoria Press guides for Tom Sawyer, Wind in the Willows, Robinson Crusoe, and As You Like it

Latin - Latin Alive 2


Other: American Heritage Girls, area children's chorus, church youth group


Updated 6/16....but who knows what changes lurk?


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Tentative plans for DS;


Morning Time: including, but not limited to, poetry selections, Shakespeare (using How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare and materials from Simply Charlotte Mason), maybe Plutarch (using Ambleside Online free materials), composer & artist studies (using Enrichment Studies, formerly Classical Composers Monthly, as well as Picture Study Portfolios and Composer Study materials from Simply Charlotte Mason), Philosophy for Kids, self-made Person of the Day studies, and various readings of historical or scientific nature. While Morning Time can take anywhere between one and two hours, it is our favorite time of the day and well worth it. We school year round, but we don't do Morning Time during our summer school in the interest of leaving time for summer pursuits.


Latin: Latin for Children, finish Primer A and begin Primer B (4 days a week)


Spanish: Spanish for Children: Primer B (4 days a week)


Math: Prealgebra. Singapore 6B and then I'm not sure. Still trying to decide between an integrated a traditional math program. Possibilities include Singapore, Jousting Armadillos, or I don't know what else. (Daily)


Writing: Probably a combination of WWS1 and W&R. (Daily)


History: Finish up SOTW4, combined with Joy Hakim's A History of US (alternating 3 days a week, then 2 days a week)


Literature: Lightning Lit 7 and a list of other books I am still putting together (4 days a week for reading, 1 day a week for discussion)


Vocabulary: Vocabulary from Classical Roots (3 days a week)


Spelling: Spelling Workout (4 days a week)


Science: Finish Real Science Odyssey Life 2 first semester. Second semester still unsure (alternating 2 days a week, then 3 days a week)


Music: jazz drumming lessons, voice lessons, Royal School of Church Music Choir School


Art: child led, including sketching, digital photography, water color, and pastels


Typing: begin with Dance Mat Typing


Other: book group, bird club


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Would LOVE comments.

DS will be 12 when we start this fall.

Math TT Algebra

Latin finish Henle I using Visual Latin 2 and Lingua Latina etc readers

Foreign language Dari lessons with neighbor

Grammar Editor in chief C with Easy grammar plus

Spelling power

Vocab with classical roots B and C

History, lit and theology VP omnibus either ancient or Middle Ages (did MA this yr disappointingly lightly with TWTM outlining method and Kingfisher and not ready for omnibus III reading list) THOUGHTS?!

Writing WWS1 or Learn to write the Novel Way or attuneup or writeguide if I need to outsource it. Hmmm. THOUGHTS? Omnibus has writing, will that be enough for a STEM focused kid in 7th???

Logic finishing Wilson and Nance Intro to logic (easy) but feels with starting Omnibus like its too much to go on to next level of nance or Cothran. Thinking of Fallacy detective and Thinking toolbox. Or maybe go slowly thru James Madison? THOUGHTS?!

Typing keep using keybr.com until 50wpm

Music recorder and piano

Bible on his own and with family

Chemistry experiments with probably Crash course Chem or open2study.




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Would LOVE comments.

DS will be 12 when we start this fall.

Math TT Algebra

Latin finish Henle I using Visual Latin 2 and Lingua Latina etc readers

Foreign language Dari lessons with neighbor

Grammar Editor in chief C with Easy grammar plus

Spelling power

Vocab with classical roots B and C

History, lit and theology VP omnibus either ancient or Middle Ages (did MA this yr disappointingly lightly with TWTM outlining method and Kingfisher and not ready for omnibus III reading list) THOUGHTS?!

Writing WWS1 or Learn to write the Novel Way or attuneup or writeguide if I need to outsource it. Hmmm. THOUGHTS? Omnibus has writing, will that be enough for a STEM focused kid in 7th???

Logic finishing Wilson and Nance Intro to logic (easy) but feels with starting Omnibus like its too much to go on to next level of nance or Cothran. Thinking of Fallacy detective and Thinking toolbox. Or maybe go slowly thru James Madison? THOUGHTS?!

Typing keep using keybr.com until 50wpm

Music recorder and piano

Bible on his own and with family

Chemistry experiments with probably Crash course Chem or open2study.




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Hi karenmsta,


For the most part, I am not familiar with the programs you are questioning. If you don't get any advice here, you might try starting a thread (or threads) specific to your questions. A thread titled "7th grade writing / Omnibus" may get you more answers. An Omnibus user who doesn't currently have a 7th grader may not even open this thread. HTH. :)

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My daughter just turned 13yo.  Last year I posted in the 7th grade thread even though she was working a grade level below.   This year I'm posting in the 7th grade thread again, because honestly that is where she is working.


I'm only sure about two things at this point:


R&S Math 7


R&S English 7




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If you are doing CLE 700, are you taking two years for pre-algebra?  I love CLE and hate to switch, but I don't want to take two years for pre-a. We are starting level 700 shortly and we skip the first unit, so we should be well into 800 before the end of next year.  I hate the idea of 2 years for pre-alg also, and contemplated all kind of combos but ultimately I'm sticking to the "If it ain't broke. . " philosophy.


If you are doing Apologia General Science, are you using the notebook? No, we have an older edition and are going to be using the materials from Donna Young's website



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MUS with some Math Mammoth to supplement some topics

Analytical Grammar

Vocabulary From Classical Roots

The Natural Speller

CHC life science

Biblioplan for history, bible, lit, geography

Creating a Masterpiece for Art


I haven't decided about writing just yet. I have Jump In, Thinking in Threes, Writing and Rhetoric, and The Lively Art of Writing so I'll pick something from those choices.

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Other: We're not really doing history (gasp :huh:). Instead, we're doing what I am calling The Big Fairy Tale Project (named after her brother's course of study, the Big History Project). I have The Classic Fairy Tales: Norton Critical Edition, which includes variations on several themes in fairy tales, as well as criticism, to use as a jumping off point in combination with this chart. The Norton book focuses on six different types of fairy tales, which I plan to approach as block studies, to which we can add in various versions, movies, etc., although we might substitute some books from the Shakespeare section (especially Midsummer Night's Dream) of the chart for the "Bluebeard" section in Norton. We can also look at folktales from various regions of the world that tie in with the fairy tales.


If she should decide she wants history too, I'll probably read aloud to her from the excellent World in Ancient Times series.



 This sounds so cool!

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I can post what I did for this year with my dd12. :)


Math - math u see zeta    This program has been a life saver for all 3 of my kiddos.


Writing - Essentials in Writing 7  This program gave my dd her new found love for writing.


Grammar - BJU   It is just okay, but kinda blah. It gets the job done.


Literature - a mix of real books and BJU


Science - AIG      I started off with Apologia general  science, but really did not like it. We are really liking AIG


History - SOTW3  I love SOTW!!    I tried the Lifepacs but went right back to old faithful :)

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After attending the convention this weekend, things are most likely changing up a bit. I'll have to get back to this thread later with an update. 


Here goes:


Co-Op Classes:

Apologia Physical Science


Writing; no curriculum as of yet because teacher is putting it together herself


GA History and Music Appreciation; enrichment, probably no curriculum


Home Subjects:

Biblioplan Year 2 (Middle Ages); will do some of the recommended fiction reading but will mainly focus on the Companion and maps


Positive Action's Winning the Race; bible for 6th grade but I like the format and topics


Science Fusion Module Intro to Science and Technology


CLE LA; taking some breaks to do IEW's Fix-It


IEW's Phonetic Zoo Level B; he needs some work on spelling rules



CLE Reading


Continue Figuratively Speaking and MP Poetry


CLE Math with some LOF for fun


Novels for Book Club to be determined


Still Considering:

First Form Latin

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I'm sea-sawing between calling him 6th or 7th next year.  His bday is Jan 2003, but he is dyslexic and so could maybe use an extra year.



Math:  AoPS Pre-Algebra


Plutarch, composer, artist, nature study & Shakespeare from AO


A Picturesque Tale of Progress (spreading this out over 2-3 years)


A USA biography every 6 wk term.  (haven't picked them yet; may let him choose)


Science???  What do I want for science???? 


Literature and Free Reading from AO years 5-6



Narrations, Book of Commonplace, Timeline, Nature Journal ala CM


b/c we are remediating spelling (dyslexia)...a homegrown spelling program based on the old Pearson lessons.



Over a month later, and I haven't changed my mind!! :hurray:   



I am adding Haliburton's Complete Book of Marvels.  I'm making up a schedule & journals to center upon A Picturesque Tale/Haliburton/USA Biographies/And Science-still-to-be-Determined.  





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First list is set, but the second is up in the air.


Math:PreAlgebra~ Wilson Hill Academy (Dolciani text)

Geography: Memoria Press GeographyII (finishing Geography I now)

History: Memoria~US History (Guerber text); Famous Men of Greece

English: R&S 6 (finishing 5 now)

Literature: MP gr7 (Hobbit, Bronze Bow, AnneGrGables, Trojan War)


Writing: ? (Killgallon MS Paragraph, CreativeWriter(Fridays) + the included R&S writing?)

Or (WWS1 half speed---we are on lesson 4 now, + Killgallon)

Spelling: ? (much better,but still needs it). Looking for program with roots study.

Science: ? (Tiner books? Apologia General?)


This really helps to write this out.

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I'll preface this by sharing I've felt a need to re-orient my entire approach to my rising 7th grader. I think with adolescence she has become much less receptive to being directly taught by me. She's not disrespectful just not as engaged as she once was - which is just a normal part of growing up and pulling away. I experimented this year with enrolling her in a 90-minutes a week semi-private tutoring "class" for writing, and it has been amazingly successful. She works each day on academic writing assignments and takes the deadlines/feedback way more seriously than with me. She would still bring me her drafts and ask for feedback and proofreading, but the 'end goal' was for her writing session with her teacher, and it revolutionized how she engaged with her writing assignments.


For next year I want to re-define my role from 'teacher' to 'parent support'. My 'parent support' role will still be much higher than it typically is for a parent of a child in school,  but much less than elementary homeschooling. I'm fortunate we do have funding for these resources. These aren't set in stone, but what I'm leaning towards for now:


Math: Pre-Algebra. Deciding on some kind of video-based lecture format, Chalkdust, Thinkwell, etc.

Writing: We will continue with the semi-private writing tutoring sessions, taught by a local English professor (she calls the class "Middle School Writing"

English: Looking to enroll her in Athena's Advanced Academy's "Teen Literature Circle" (my girl is an older 7th grader, turns 13 just as the year starts.)

History: Shelving chronological history for now to focus on an intensive 1-year study of Geography with Athena's Advanced Academy online course. They use "Mapping the World by Heart"

Science: Not sure yet. I'd like some kind of online course for life science. I'm looking at maybe using CK-12 to design an independent course with automatic grading.

Music: Probably starting piano lessons along with continued percussion with the local youth orchestra

Art: Her area of strength, and mine, continued arts study but I'd like to hire an outside teacher to work with her periodically just for additional input & influence.

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Over a month later, and I haven't changed my mind!! :hurray:   



I am adding Haliburton's Complete Book of Marvels.  I'm making up a schedule & journals to center upon A Picturesque Tale/Haliburton/USA Biographies/And Science-still-to-be-Determined.  


We adored that book!

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In many ways, dd#2 is working below grade level. For now, we'll call it 7th & re-evaluate later. (I might end up doing what PollyOR did this year & that's posting on the same grade level thread two years running. No shame.) She's my artist, my dreamer, and my non-academic.


Math:  Whenever she finishes Abeka 5, she'll move onto Abeka Arithmetic 6.

Language Arts:  

  Reading list goes along w/history.

  Spelling with Spell to Write & Read.

  Grammar will be FLL4.

   Writing was going to going to be CAP's Narrative II w/younger sister & then WWS1, but I just pre-registered her for Expository Writing 1 at WTM Academy.  :confused1: Yeah, like panic hit me... :willy_nilly: And then I saw the email that says pre-registration will go until April 14th and thought I hit the button a little too fast.  :eek:  I'm just not sure....  :cool:

Latin:  First Form Latin (probably taking more than one year to complete)

Science:  Equine Science through Winter Promise

History:  Story of the World 4

Religion:  follow Mother of Divine Grace's 6th grade syllabus

Logic:  Art of Argument w/friends

Hopefully, she'll continue private painting lessons w/a local artist once per week. She'll have memory work / morning time (poems, memorize the list of Presidents & the second half of the Bill of Rights).


... And, if that isn't enough, we might start to dabble in Getting Started with French. Not sure any of us will have time for that, though.

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I've had to rethink a lot of things this year, but I'm slowly firming up plans for next year.  I have twins going into 7th.


Math: ? 

English:  Landry Academy English III with RS6 

Writing:  Writing with Skill 2 with some CW.  We are also considering using Time Capsule with Attuneup if it aligns with our history.

History/Geography/Fine Arts:  TOG Y2

Science:  1 semester of Pre-Physics using Snap Circuits and various books, 1 semester of Landry Academy Pre-Chemistry for a year of Physical Science.

Foreign Language:  French 3 with Mr. G for one, beginning Spanish for the other, hopefully with FundaFunda if they getting it set up for fall.

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My younger dd who will be in 7th next year is thinking about attending a math and science magnet next year, but we have her back-up plan, just in case:




Writing--K12 Literary Analysis and Composition 

Literature--K12 Literary Analysis and Composition

Spelling--Scripps Spelling Bee and Spell-it words

Grammar and Vocab--finish 2nd half of Hake Grammar 8 and use Scripps list words and lit for vocab


Math:  Singapore Discovering Maths level 3/Saxon Algebra I/AMC 8


History:  Human Odyssey, Vol. 2 + teacher guide and video supplements


Science:   Physical Science: Concepts & Connections + DIVE videos and online labs + various experiment kits tbd   QSL MicroPhySci lab kit


Spanish:  class at charter school + Rosetta Stone


Comp Sci:  Java Android Programming Amplify AP Computer Science


PE:  Dance and Swim Classes

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Would you please share why you would not recommend the Trail Guide resource? I am considering this for next year. Thanks!


Hi!  I just saw this.  I'd be happy to share.


First, there are several errors in the guide.  There are misspelled words, wrong chapter numbers, pages numbered incorrectly, and a few other errors I can't remember right now.


Second, I think the guide is redundant, with many of the same activities listed chapter after chapter after chapter.  And, the activities aren't anything I needed a book for.  The suggestions include labeling a map, coloring the flag, doing a 'research paper' on the country, make flash cards with country facts, etc.


Third, the accompanying books (Geography Though Art and Ultimate Geography Guide) are really uninspiring.  The UGG book is poorly organized.  It doesn't seem to have the information we need to answer the questions in the Trail Guide. 


My opinion of the Trail Guide book is that it's basically an ordered lists of countries for you to read about on your own.  I was hoping for a Teacher's Manual-type of book that would make my job easier. 


Best wishes!

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   Writing was going to going to be CAP's Narrative II w/younger sister & then WWS1, but I just pre-registered her for Expository Writing 1 at WTM Academy.  :confused1: Yeah, like panic hit me... :willy_nilly: And then I saw the email that says pre-registration will go until April 14th and thought I hit the button a little too fast.  :eek:  I'm just not sure....  :cool:


You have time to decide, pre-registration isn't written in stone.  If you go with it you can always change classes if it's to difficult.  I found that reassuring when I signed up last year.

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DS12 (13 in early fall) ***is going to school this fall. I am still reeling a bit but quite thrilled for this kid. He didn't thrive in homeschool last year and we believe he will thrive in a structured school setting with some separation from his siblings. He has grown accustomed to the idea and is now looking forward to the change. The school is at our church so it's a familiar and loved community. A couple good friends are in his class so that has smoothed the mental transition for him. He has been a happy homeschooler for the most part and didn't ask to go to school but his dad and I believe this change is needed for him. :)  


Here's where I am at for now:


** Pre-A (Lial's) with Jann in TX (we are pre-registered)

** WTM Academy Expository Writing I or Attuneup or Essentials in Writing.


Considering this line-up (for my child who consumes books, reads incredibly deep and wide, and retains practically everything):

History: Biblioplan Year 3 

Science: Exploration Ed. or something Delight Directed. It will include a Mom designed reading list.  

Literature: Substantial Booklist with a once a week discussion a la TTC. We will also use CLE Reading 7. Also VERY interested in Omnibus Secondary Literature for this child. I lack the courage though .... 

Grammar: Analytical or Fix It plus some diagraming practice. Daily Grammar Practice looks good for this area also.  I'd like to shift the time to writing and literature with grammar being a back burner subject set to simmer on low. 

Bible/Worldview: Plenty of choose from and dependent on the balance/integration in other areas. We're at a great age to move into more depth here. Carefully evaluating available materials including Lightbearers from Summit, Philosophy Adventures and The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study.

Other: Informal logic. Technology.  Morning Time. Current Events. Swim Team. Visual Latin (but maybe just EFTRU ;)). See the Light Art is just sitting here .... 



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Seventh Grade Schedule

I've ordered most of our books for next year now... so I guess I'm all set. This is what we have on our plate for 7th grade. 



  • IEW Narnia Theme (5x a week)
  • Fix-It Grammar 3&4 plus some diagramming practice (2-4x a week)
  • Rod & Staff Spelling 7 (3x a week)
  • Memoria Press Literature Guides 7 (3 books/3 quarters) (4x a week)
  • Memoria Press American Poetry & Short Stories (1 quarter) (4x a week)



  • Finish Saxon Algebra Ă‚Â½ with some AoPS Pre-Algebra (5x a week)
  • Start Algebra 1 (not sure which one)



  • KOLBE online Life Science (2x a week online Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 3-5x a week homework)



  • Seton 7 World History II (2x a week)
  • Memoria Press Geography I (2x a week - will drop this if it is too much)
  • Might add Seton Catholic World Culture (1x a week - It looks like a great addition & brings art and architecture into history)


Foreign Language:

  • Second Form Latin (5x a week)



  • Seton Bible History New Testament (1x a week)
  • Baltimore Catechist II (1x a week)


Art (DS wants to be an architect so we do art daily):

  • Seton 7 Art History (1x a week)
  • Finish Learn to Draw in 30 Days (2x a week)
  • Finish A Child's History of Art: Architecture (1x a week)
  • Complete-A-Sketch & Practical Drafting (1x a week)



  • Fencing (3x a week)
  • Piano (lesson 1x a week, practice 6x a week)
  • Magic the Gathering (1x a week)
  • Wood shop with Grandpa (weekends)
  • Review CC Foundations Memory Work (we don't belong to a group any more but do the memory work at home)
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Trying to decide now- she is my youngest. I graduate 1 this year and will have 2 in highschool. We will either do

HOD revival to revolution

Jump in

LOF decimals, percents, and pre alg 1

General sci

Latin- not sure which program yet




General sci


Jump in

Literature ala wtm

Easy grammar

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Ds will be doing BookShark "5th grade" (Eastern Hemisphere) Reading with History with dd. He is almost finished with his first 4 year history cycle (we started homeschooling his 3rd grade year) and it will be nice to have a year with a totally different focus. We received our big box a week or so ago, and the kids have already been enjoying the books. 


I can NOT decide on science. I want to do earth science. I keep buying supplemental books, but I have yet to buy a program. I just don't like any of them. We did Elemental Science Biology for the Logic Stage this year in 6th, and I'm just kind of over it at this point. If we have to, we'll do either ES Earth Science or possibly ClassiQuest, but I don't love either of them. Everything else looks either too expensive or too easy. 


So, with those explanations given, here's my list:

Math: MM 7A/Come on and get that 7B out, Maria! 

Language Arts: BookShark Eastern Hemisphere Reading, Vocabulary from Classical Roots A, Writing With Skill (finish I, begin II)

History/Geography/Religion: BookShark Eastern Hemisphere History with mom-added religious text readings

Science: Earth Science TBD
Logic: CAP's The Art of Argument

Co-Op: Art & Civics




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Ds will be doing BookShark "5th grade" (Eastern Hemisphere) Reading with History with dd. He is almost finished with his first 4 year history cycle (we started homeschooling his 3rd grade year) and it will be nice to have a year with a totally different focus. We received our big box a week or so ago, and the kids have already been enjoying the books. 


I can NOT decide on science. I want to do earth science. I keep buying supplemental books, but I have yet to buy a program. I just don't like any of them. We did Elemental Science Biology for the Logic Stage this year in 6th, and I'm just kind of over it at this point. If we have to, we'll do either ES Earth Science or possibly ClassiQuest, but I don't love either of them. Everything else looks either too expensive or too easy. 


So, with those explanations given, here's my list:


Math: MM 7A/Come on and get that 7B out, Maria! 

Language Arts: BookShark Eastern Hemisphere Reading, Vocabulary from Classical Roots A, Writing With Skill (finish I, begin II)

History/Geography/Religion: BookShark Eastern Hemisphere History with mom-added religious text readings

Science: Earth Science TBD

Logic: CAP's The Art of Argument

Co-Op: Art & Civics




Is that not the truth? (bolded)  I'm exactly the same, I have a ton of supplemental books, but no thoughts on a plan of action yet.  It's either too expensive, too easy or too much work for me to piece together.  

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Still debating as to what to do with my 7th grader...uhh... For the one who posted a question about Omnibus class and writing my oldest son took Omni 3 in 7th grade and he wrote ALOT!  He said between both the primary and secondary was the best thing that helped him as a writer.  I would not recommend taking a full load at VP doing both primary and secondary they can get burnt out and it is alot covered in one year.  Wilson Hill I feel is a happy medium and more doable (just my opinion) if you want to do VP online I would recommend doing either primary or secondary with them and do the other at home as to space the reading out a bit more.  HTH

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ok I am done shopping, so here is our updated list for 7th grade.  DD, turns 12 the week before we start in the fall:


math:  TT Algebra and Understanding Algebra 1

history: Biblioplan Ancients

grammar:  R&S

reading:  books lined up with history and Reading Detective

writing: IEW SWICC B and Creative Writer

spelling: spelling lists

f.l.: Second Form Latin and online ASL class

science: BJU Life science

logic: Fallacy Detective


plans to continue playing volleyball and being in AHG.  May volunteer for Awana

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Is that not the truth? (bolded)  I'm exactly the same, I have a ton of supplemental books, but no thoughts on a plan of action yet.  It's either too expensive, too easy or too much work for me to piece together.  


Well, now I've found CHC Behold and See science. (and I'm not even Catholic)  But I'm strongly considering this.  

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Other: We're not really doing history (gasp :huh:). Instead, we're doing what I am calling The Big Fairy Tale Project (named after her brother's course of study, the Big History Project). I have The Classic Fairy Tales: Norton Critical Edition, which includes variations on several themes in fairy tales, as well as criticism, to use as a jumping off point in combination with this chart. The Norton book focuses on six different types of fairy tales, which I plan to approach as block studies, to which we can add in various versions, movies, etc., although we might substitute some books from the Shakespeare section (especially Midsummer Night's Dream) of the chart for the "Bluebeard" section in Norton. We can also look at folktales from various regions of the world that tie in with the fairy tales.

This sounds great! I might have to grab a copy of that book.
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Art (DS wants to be an architect so we do art daily):

  • Seton 7 Art History (1x a week)
  • Finish Learn to Draw in 30 Days (2x a week)
  • Finish A Child's History of the World: Architecture (1x a week)
  • Complete-A-Sketch & Practical Drafting (1x a week)




Is the title of the Architecture book you are using "A Child's History of the World - Architecture" or "A Child's History of Art - Architecture?"



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I'm pretty sure this is our plan for 7th grade for my DD11...though it changed today after reading through this helpful thread  :001_smile: Could change again!

Math: AoPS Intro to Algebra
Hist/Lit/Theology: The Great Conversation 1 at WHA
Language: Latin Alive 1
Writing: IEW and The Lively Art of Writing
Grammar: R&S or Fix It or both....
Logic:  Either Fallacy Detective or Art of the Argument.  Might try to hit FD this summer and Art of the Argument in the fall.  We homeschool year round.
Science:  Struggling with this - I'll be looking into The History of Science after seeing it on this thread.  The initial glimpse looks promising.  
I need a spelling program!  She is a voracious reader and has studied Latin with LFC and yet, the sweet thing just can't spell.  We've tried R&S Spelling and Spelling Power and then just corrected as needed.  I think we need to go back to formal instruction.  I will look through some old threads for ideas.
I'm now also thinking about using Saddlemomma's plan for an in-depth Narnia study for this summer.  I just ordered A Family Guide to Narnia and Journey into Narnia.  I think I'll have my DS 17 join us too.  It's been years since he read Narnia.  Thanks for the great idea!
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I need a spelling program!  She is a voracious reader and has studied Latin with LFC and yet, the sweet thing just can't spell.  We've tried R&S Spelling and Spelling Power and then just corrected as needed.  I think we need to go back to formal instruction.  I will look through some old threads for ideas.



Have you ever tried How To Teach Spelling?  It's a fantastic, rules-based spelling curriculum.  It also goes into great detail about syllabication. You purchase the teachers manual, Answer key, and then the workbooks according to level. (I believe there are 4 workbooks.)  It really cemented spelling for my DD.  In fact, we ditched spelling this year.  We just do dictation instead and keep a spelling log for words she misspells.  So far there are only about 12 words in the log and we are done with school in 4 weeks.  You can purchase the curriculum through Rainbow Resource.




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Saddlemomma, no, I haven't tried or even heard of How to Teach Spelling but will check it out.  Thanks for the recommendation!  I would love to reach the point you have with your DD.  I'm afraid my daughter's spelling log would be pages long for this year.  


BTW (and I know this is off topic and I apologize) can someone briefly describe how to quote people in a post, or is there a place on the forum with instructions?  I honesty couldn't figure it out just now when I tried.  

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Is the title of the Architecture book you are using "A Child's History of the World - Architecture" or "A Child's History of Art - Architecture?"




It is A Child's History of Art: Architecture. I just had a typo. It is by Calvert but I bought it through Christian Books.


Here is the link...



Someone else was asking about it and I gave more details in this thread if you would like to read more...


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DD #1 turned 12 yesterday and will be in 7th in the fall. Woah.

She is exceptionally gifted with handcrafting skills, less so with math and analytical skills.


Bible: CLE Bible 700, Sunday School verses and papers, PBS

Language Arts: CLE LA 700, CLE Reading 700, Rod and Staff Spelling 7 (I can't wait, it's a word roots study in the context of spelling.)

Math: CLE 500/600

History: Notgrass Adam to Us along with our 4th grade DD

Science: Still a bit undecided. Maybe The Rainbow (will they ship to Canada?). Or a very different approach, Master Books Concepts of Biogeography and Astronomy. This may I along very well with our history and 4th grade DD may tag along as well.

Scrap that, we are going with Abeka 7, life science. We will do that Scholastic book on reading non-fiction before we start.

Writing: We just bought Write On to help us do some writing across the curriculum.

Logic: Fallacy Detective

Art: She is working through Art Pacs, 4/5 maybe.

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I have much still up in the air, but here's where we are right now. Subject to change several times before August. ;)

Math: Finish MUS Zeta and start MUS Pre-Algebra
Grammar: Analytical Grammar
Writing: Not sure - maybe Essentials in Writing? SWI B? or WWS 1?
Spelling: Will continue with Spelling You See F. We use it slightly differently than written. 
History:  World Geography & Cultures tag along with older sister.
Science: WP Equine science and General Science in co-op.
Literature: Unsure
Art: Artistic Pursuits HS 1 Elements of Art & Composition co-op

Extra curriculuars: Volleyball, Soccer, Horseback Riding

Anything missing?

ETA: More options for writing (gah!), and firmed up plans for history, science, and art.

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My oldest will be in 7th this fall. The plan is as follows:

HOD Rev to Rev complete no extensions

R&S English and Spelling

The Exciting World of Creative Writing

Horizons Pre-Algebra(I just picked this up a few days ago. Hopefully it works out for him. He is finishing SM 6b right now)

Khan academy Pre-Algebra

DITHOR 6/7/8

Swim Team (Age Group). He swims at least 4-5 days a week for 1.5 hours.

We also do a small family co-op once a week with varying topics and field trips.


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Tentative plans.  I/we are drawn more and more to an AO approach.  I also really love the site Charlotte Mason Help and enjoy many HOD suggestions.  I find myself moving away from historical fiction and more towards actual fiction, biographies and classics.


Morning Time choices:



-Story of the Renaissance & Reformation (Miller) - with oral narrations

-Mystery of History Vol 3 - audio only



-The Brain (McHenry)



-View from the Oak


Artist Study:

- Simply Charlotte Mason (Michaelangelo, DaVinci, Titian, Durer)


Composer Study:




-Plutarch - to be determined



- As You Like It  - We read a children's version or two, then listen to the real deal on audio, and memorize a short passage using How to Teach Your Children Shakespeare.



- Simple Charlotte Mason - Asia


Literature Read-Alouds:

- Still in the works, but will probably include Dangerous Journey, Kim, Children's Homer, Aeneid for Boys and Girls, Endurance, Basket of Flowers



- Favorite Poems Old and New - continuation

- The Classic 100 Poems - continuation



- The Great Chocolate Caper



- Bible Road Trip?

- Daily ESV Reading


7th Grade Individual Work:



- Daily ESV Reading

- Trial & Triumph - 1st half

- The Pursuit of God

- How to Be Your Own Selfish Pig

- Mere Christianity?



- Life of Fred Pre-Algebra (at his request)

- 10 Things Future Scientists & Mathematicians Must Know

- AoPS Pre-Algebra Online Videos



- Essentials in Writing?

- Excavating English?

- Life of Fred series?

- Dictation Day by Day

- McGuffey's 4th Reader

- Written and oral narrations


Foreign Language:

- Hey Andrew Greek Levels 4/5



- Story of Europe (Marshall)

- In Freedom's Cause (Henty)

- Joan of Arc (Twain)

- Martin Luther (Morrison)

- In Days of Queen Elizabeth

- The Great Captain - Raleigh

- Ink on His Fingers - Gutenberg

- Champlain- not sure which one yet

- Hudson - not sure which one yet


Science- Nature:

- Life of the Spider

- A Little Brother to the Bear

- The Sea Around Us

- The Lay of the Land


Science- Physics:

- Physics Lab in Housewares Store

- Bite-size Physics?

- World of Physics (Tiner)

- Isaac Newton & Physics for Kids

- Isaac Newton (Tiner)

- A Piece of the Mountain - Pascal


Science- Other:

Evolution: Fact or Theory

Albert Einstein (Cwiklik)?



- Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?

- Common Sense Business for Kids



- Ourselves (Mason) - spread out over several years



- Practical Happiness (Schultz)



- Animal Farm

- Robin Hood (McSpadden)

- History of Eng. Lit. for Boys and Girls

- Age of Chivalry

- Ivanhoe

- Little Men

- Trojan War (Memoria Press)



- How to Read a Book - to be read over several years

- Fallacy Detective



- Mastering Computer Typing - continuation



- Brightest Heaven of Invention - Henry V



- Brendan Voyage

- The Occident- Book of Marvels



- Oxford Book of English Verse

- Beowulf


Missions Biographies:

- Mueller?

- Livingstone?



- Book of Centuries

- Commonplace Book

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Grammar:  Rod and Staff 7


Spelling:  Rod and Staf 7?? or nothing


Math:  MM7A (then B) or Saxon 8/7


Writing:  Finish WWS I


Latin:  First Form 1 continued


Science:  Apologia General Science


History:  MFW 1850-Modern or Biblioplan Yr 4


Literature:  Lots of reading and maybe 1 or 2 Progeny Press or Memoria Press Lit Guides


Logic:  Fallacy Detective continued


Health:  Need something in CA...maybe American Girl Care and Keeping 2


PE:  Soccer


Music:  Piano


Theology:  Continue studying Shorter Catechism and add in some books by Sproul or others.  



***Anyone incorporate computer skills somehow?  Make them type papers?  Or what do you do for typing, etc.?

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