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I need more help with our schedule

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Can you believe it?  Ha!  I feel like every Friday I'm sitting down, trying to tweak, looking for more time slots in our day. :banghead:


And I use a schedule loosely.  I let it help me, but of course we have to remain flexible with all the inevitable interruptions in our day.


Here's how it's been working out:

7am - ODD gets up and does some one-on-one work with me, then she goes back upstairs to do her morning routine with the others before breakfast.

8-ish Breakfast, Bible reading, clean up

9 - I go upstairs and try to get the baby dressed and ready for her day.


After this it's just been hard to be consistent.  And it's really more *me* (and the "interruptions").  My ODD gets right to work with her independent work.  She likes to knock it out.  Thing is, she just doesn't have much.  She's 8.  I try to work with DS during this time while DD3 is begging to "do school" and baby is just needy.  On an ideal day, the 1 & 3yos play together while I work with DS and DD7yo on their skills.  (Separately, of course.)  It just seems like things always get too far out of hand before I've made a nice dent in the skill work.  I'm working on realistic expectations.


In reality, I'm getting to 2 of my 3 school age kids daily.  I'm pretty consistent with that.  For a while we had afternoon schooling, but my kids are really not fresh at all during the afternoon.  And nothing puts me to sleep faster than a phonics lesson.  Really, I'm just so tired at that point in the day.  However, that said, 3 out of 5 days this week we did some group read aloud and the lessons I do with my girls together.  I'd just like to be more consistent in this area.  And all those extras.  They sound so nice!  They really do.  But I've had to settle in this area and keep reminding myself that it will get easier.  Someday. :sleep:


We have a great evening routine of dinner, family time, reading together.  Kids have been getting to bed at a decent time.  Me, not so much.  I need to be more disciplined in this area.


ETA: I don't think I had a clear question.  Sorry.  Maybe just give me some outside-the-box suggestions.  It's hard for me to be creative when I'm frustrated.  We keep trying the same thing in a different way and it's not working. 

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You know what helps me?   I pencil in any DAILY things that happen everyday---and then build my plan around that frame work.    For example, start with meal times.   (Because you all gotta eat!)   Then "hang" your most important tasks on those PEGS in your day.   


It sounds like you are already doing that with breakfast!   You eat and then do bible and clean up pretty consistently, right?   So, perhaps after that you could then maybe knock out those things that you need you need to be fresh for.   (That is different for all families and kids.)  But identify those most important things you need to be fresh for and get them out of the way early. 


THEN, lets say your next "peg" is going to be snack time.   We usually eat again at 10AM.  (Kids have small bellies and usually eat often.)  So, we stop what ever we are doing and eat a snack at 10AM.   Read alouds were getting skipped in my house to make time for other more 'important' things.  So now I read while everyone is eating.   The younger one has his mouth full so it keeps them KIND of quiet.  And everyone is sitted and somewhat quiet.   THEN, I hang my next 'important' thing to do after snack.  


We work for awhile and then we come to lunch time.   And I have my next most important task hung on lunch.  We eat every day, so EVERYDAY after lunch we are going to do X to make sure it gets done.  (Whatever X is for you.)  


And work through your day in this fashion making sure you get through all of the most important things. 


Also, I (personally) am not shy about asking my other kids to help me out.   You are ONLY human.  The fact of the matter is that you aren't going to be able to do everything yourself.    So don't be shy about asking for help when needed.   We live in a society where it is sort of frowned upon if kids are asked to help around the house or watch a sibling.  But that is how they learn those tasks!    I personally think it builds character and teaches them a lot of important life skills.  I teach my kids that we are all in this family together.  It is up to all of us to work together to help the family prosper.  We all do what we can and need to to help our whole family unit move forward.  It isn't all about self all the time.  You know? 


So, Lets say that your goal is to schedule 3 blocks of time per day to work one-one-one with each school aged child.   While you are working with one school aged child, have the other older kids take turns keeping the 1 and 3 year old safe and occupied.   Tell them their job is to do what they can to keep the babies safe, happy, and quiet.  They can help the 3 year old "do his school"...or just play with them and keep them safe.    My saying is that many hands make light work.   YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED with the hands!  Now you just have to do what you can to guide those hands towards helping the family prosper!   



idea 3: 

If there is ever a particular subject that is being neglected, start moving it to the start of your day.  That way you get it finished first thing for awhile.  Then, after awhile, if another subject starts to become neglected, move IT to the start of your day.


idea 4:

Consider loop scheduling.    You don't have to do EVERYTHING every day.  Read through this blog article on scheduling and see if it doesn't bring you some inspiration!  I found it very eye opening!  http://amongstlovelythings.com/how-to-simplify-schedule/


Take care!!  :) :)

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