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Today I'm that mom


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Today I'm the mom who tells her kids that if they want a treat they can munch on frozen grapes while I'm sneaking off to my room with an ice cream bar. It makes me wonder how often my mom secretly did unhealthy things she told us not to do.

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Today I'm the mom who tells her kids that if they want a treat they can munch on frozen grapes while I'm sneaking off to my room with an ice cream bar. It makes me wonder how often my mom secretly did unhealthy things she told us not to do.

My coffee mug is often full of Dr Pepper. Just sayin...

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... I do that a lot, on the principle I'm improving the next generation ;)


That's kind of my thinking. Which makes me wonder if my mom was the same way. We see how that worked out. :)


But even if I'm not improving them, at least they're not eating all my chocolate. If I had to share with 5 others, there would not be enough for me.

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Are you kidding me? My littlest dd asks for apples or a banana for a snack. I sneak chocolate covered granola bars. It makes me sick. Why can't I be satisfied with fruit? Or carrot sticks?


I wish that too. But not enough to change my habits in hopes that my tastes would change.

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I know a woman who stops at McDs sometimes before grocery shopping to eat some nuggets. Her reasoning is that it's not a good idea to shop on an empty stomach. I think she is totally right...

She is totally right! I make bad decisions at the grocery store when I'm hungry. (Except I don't get hungry, I get hangry--ha ha!) And one particular child of mine was always very good at knowing when I was hungry and how to best capitalize on my poor grocery store decision making. :)

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Well, grapes are just little bags of sugar water, so really, not much difference between ice cream and grapes. Maybe you should just give in and let them have ice cream with you, lol.

But then there wouldn't be as much ice cream for me ;)

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I know a woman who stops at McDs sometimes before grocery shopping to eat some nuggets.  Her reasoning is that it's not a good idea to shop on an empty stomach.  I think she is totally right...



She is absolutely right. I heard about a study that showed not only do you buy more food when you shop while hungry, but you spend more money in any kind of store when you're hungry. That lady's smart! Do you know her really well? ;)

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I know a mom who is no longer allowed to buy Christmas or Halloween or Valentine's or Easter candy...or, heck, ANY candy...in advance of the holidays when it's on a really good sale. Apparently she hides it in her sock drawer so the kids don't find it before the holiday, and she ends up eating it all herself! I also know a guy who sometimes suggests that he run out for sundaes at Baskin-Robbins after the kids are asleep. What's wrong with these people?!



I know a mom who keeps a jar of nutella in one of the cupboards that the kids don't usually open and then eats it by the spoonful while washing dinner dishes.  :laugh:


My kids (ok, one kid in particular) always, ALWAYS manages to find whatever I try to hide this way. It never fails. I've given up.

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:leaving: Um.. I may or may not be able to recommend the pot and pan cabinet as an excellent "storage" place. If you know, you had some hypothetical chocolate or cookies or nutella to "store". Hypothetically of course...


The woman I know says that unfortunately, her cleverest and craftiest (and lightest-fingered) child is also the one in charge of unloading the dishwasher, and is in that cabinet every day. But hmmm, the plasticware cabinet might be safe. She'll have to give that some more thought!


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Hey...I don't just wear hoodies to the store because it is cold....but because there is a convenient pocket on the front. :) The kids think its just my phone and/or keys in there and don't even notice when I occasionally come home with a candy bar for me only. 

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I know a woman who stashes chocolate who one day went to the secret hidey-hole in a moment of serious chocolate need, only to find the last delectable square gone. Turns out this woman has a child very much like herself. This woman *may* have had a mini hissy-fit upon discovering the theft. Sadly, one cannot punish a child for taking things that 'do not exist.' This poor woman is considering buying something really disgusting (Canned aparagus? Cream style corn? Unflavored rice cakes? ) to dump out and use as camoflauge. The things some people will do!

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Double standards are the way of the land around here.  The baggie of Skittles on my end table by the couch is MINE.  The Cadbury Eggs on the shelf in the pantry are MINE.  The children know this.  They don't dare test me on this.  DD found an opened can of vanilla frosting in the fridge the other day and asked if she could have some.  No!  That's MINE! :D


But, I am also much more lenient with sweets than most people I know.  I keep a bowl of M&Ms (or other bite-sized goodies) on the kitchen counter that they can have whenever they like.  Thus, they have a few every now and then but that's it.  It's actually kind of funny.  When their friends come over, the friends tend to want to take handfuls of candies whereas my kids are all, "Come ON!  Let's go outside!"  :lol:

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I know a woman who goes to Sonic on Thursday nights before heading to the grocery store. She orders a hamburger and fries and uses the Loews wi-fi (next to the Sonic) to read WTM forums on her ipad for at least a half-hour, with the engine running to keep her warm.


She's there right now.

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I know a woman who stashes chocolate who one day went to the secret hidey-hole in a moment of serious chocolate need, only to find the last delectable square gone. Turns out this woman has a child very much like herself. This woman *may* have had a mini hissy-fit upon discovering the theft. Sadly, one cannot punish a child for taking things that 'do not exist.' This poor woman is considering buying something really disgusting (Canned aparagus? Cream style corn? Unflavored rice cakes? ) to dump out and use as camoflauge. The things some people will do!


Here you go: http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/web03/2012/4/3/9/enhanced-buzz-12780-1333458797-15.jpg

edit: or just these -- http://www.buzzfeed.com/thefalafel/30-canned-foods-you-probably-never-knew-existed-4x8q

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Well, I would never do that, but a good friend of mine often eats cookies and ice cream in the middle of the night when the kids are asleep. She would be so embarrassed if anyone knew she did this. :o

I had no idea we were such good friends! I do this.....

We also order pizza late at night when kids are in bed (3 kids have dairy allergies so can't eat pizza)

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The woman I know says that unfortunately, her cleverest and craftiest (and lightest-fingered) child is also the one in charge of unloading the dishwasher, and is in that cabinet every day. But hmmm, the plasticware cabinet might be safe. She'll have to give that some more thought!


Have you tried hiding it in the freezer in an emptied frozen veggie box?

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She is absolutely right. I heard about a study that showed not only do you buy more food when you shop while hungry, but you spend more money in any kind of store when you're hungry. That lady's smart! Do you know her really well? ;)


Really?  If I'm hungry, I am only interested in buying edible things.  If I have to go to a non-food store, I can pretty much guarantee that I won't like a single thing, or I'll come back without 3 of the 5 things on my list. 


My dearest friend never brings junk food into her house.  She just stops at CVS on the way home from work, and makes sure the finish her candy bar before she hits the front door.   She does have some self control thought, she limits this behavior to days that end in Y. 

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I know a woman who has an unofficial house policy that when cooking bacon for the family, there will always be an extra slice that is strictly for the cook. This same woman is currently plotting making hot chocolate for herself (and DH if he's nice) after her boys go to bed.

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I know a woman who has an unofficial house policy that when cooking bacon for the family, there will always be an extra slice that is strictly for the cook. This same woman is currently plotting making hot chocolate for herself (and DH if he's nice) after her boys go to bed.


This reminds me of the lady whose recipes all begin "First, pour an ounce of rum into the cook". 

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