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Things I don't understand

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People who keep their curtains/blinds drawn all day. Doesn't it make the house too dark inside?



People who follow their kids around the playground. I'm not talking about young toddlers. Let the kids play. Let them make mistakes. Let them fall down and skin their knee. They're kids!



People who talk on the phone while using public toilets. I find this incredible.



What kind of things do people do that you just can't understand?

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Ummm...some of the things that are going through my mind would start an all-out war here, so I will keep them in my head.


But here are a couple:


I don't understand how women can have noticeable facial hair (I'm talking an actual beard or mustache) and not shave it.


I don't understand why my children have tantrums and other people's children do not. And I don't know how to make them stop.


I do not understand why people eat those fake yam patties.


I don't understand why cats like me when I don't like them.

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Well, without going into politics or religious discussions...


I will say, that I do keep the blinds down most of the day, because the sun makes the house too dang hot -- plus the light shining in my eyes gives me headaches... so there are reasons for it!


1. Call my dh for computer support instead of the help desk.


2. When people can clearly see merging traffic so they SPEED UP to force the merging car onto the shoulder or to hit their brakes.


3. When people just spew rhetoric, or something they've been "taught" without checking it out, or thinking for themselves.


4. When my children are told to pick up the toys on the floor and they look around the room going, "where? I don't see any toys... and they are right in front of their feet!


5. When people see my children and ask me if my kids' cousins are visiting (I have two with brown hair & brown eyes like me, and two with VERY blond hair and blue eyes like no one in the family).


Just a few

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People who keep their curtains/blinds drawn all day. Doesn't it make the house too dark inside?



People who follow their kids around the playground. I'm not talking about young toddlers. Let the kids play. Let them make mistakes. Let them fall down and skin their knee. They're kids!



People who talk on the phone while using public toilets. I find this incredible.



What kind of things do people do that you just can't understand?



Uh, Oh. I actually do numbers 1 and 3.


Perhaps I should explain. I keep the blinds drawn all day to keep the electric bill under $150 if at all possible. It's still very much light inside the house.


Also, I talk on the phone while in the toilet because it is the only time my spouse calls me. It doesn't matter where I am or what I am trying to do, she always calls while I'm trying to pee. And she's the type to send out a search party if I don't answer the phone. Perhaps you've heard one of my conversations . . . it goes like this . . . "Babe, I'm trying to pee, can I call you back after I wash my hands?"



:lol: No, seriously.

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I don't understand how women can have noticeable facial hair (I'm talking an actual beard or mustache) and not shave it.




I am SO with you there. Or how about the lady who has one rogue hair sprouting from her face? Does she NOT see that one long, scraggly hair poking from her chin and waving in the wind? She has makeup on, so I know she looks in the mirror. Why, why, why doesn't one of her friends tell her to yank that daggoned thing out?

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I am SO with you there. Or how about the lady who has one rogue hair sprouting from her face? Does she NOT see that one long, scraggly hair poking from her chin and waving in the wind? She has makeup on, so I know she looks in the mirror. Why, why, why doesn't one of her friends tell her to yank that daggoned thing out?


Hey, are you talkin' about me?! kiss-106.gif

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I am SO with you there. Or how about the lady who has one rogue hair sprouting from her face? Does she NOT see that one long, scraggly hair poking from her chin and waving in the wind? She has makeup on, so I know she looks in the mirror. Why, why, why doesn't one of her friends tell her to yank that daggoned thing out?


Because my eyes are bad! I can do the general make up thing but I have to get the magnifying mirror out to get my couple of chin hairs. I sometimes forget. I wish my dh would tell me. Grrr.

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Today in the store I wondered: why do they sell Hearts of Palm? Why? Does anyone on the planet actually eat Hearts of Palm? What are Hearts of Palm? What palm are we talking about, anyway? Palm what?


And yet, year in, year out, there they sit on the shelf. Maybe they are the same cans, never purchased, and some poor sot has to dust them for minimum wage....

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LOL - what a funny thread.


I keep our front blinds drawn during the morning hours and the back of the house blinds drawn during the afternoon hours because it makes a HUGE difference in our electric bills here. (Though there is a house on our block where I've never seen the blinds open - EVER and it kind of creeps me out)


Other things that confound me?


Why do people put memoriam things on the backs of their cars (or is this just a Florida thing?) I understand being sad that someone died, but to put on the back of the car (unless maybe it was the deceased's car?)? I'm not getting it.


"Close-talkers" - people that I do not know well (heck, even people I do know well and like) feeling the need to get within six inches of my face to tell me lettuce is on sale or that they have a cousin that looks just like me. Gah! Freaks me out.


This is really stupid, but it annoys me ... People who call and say "Hey, It's Bob, I'm calling to ...." Well, duh, Bob, I know you're calling and I'm assuming you're expressing your own opinion. Dh says I'm just being b*tchy and maybe I am, but this gets under my skin.


Did I mention I hate the word "moist." Really hate it? Use it around me and I will not hear another word you've said. Insane, yes, but true.

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Today in the store I wondered: why do they sell Hearts of Palm? Why? Does anyone on the planet actually eat Hearts of Palm? What are Hearts of Palm? What palm are we talking about, anyway? Palm what?


And yet, year in, year out, there they sit on the shelf. Maybe they are the same cans, never purchased, and some poor sot has to dust them for minimum wage....


I do! I do! I love hearts of palm. They are really delicious on a salad and particularly delicious in a Mediterranean styled seafood salad. Yum!

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I am SO with you there. Or how about the lady who has one rogue hair sprouting from her face? Does she NOT see that one long, scraggly hair poking from her chin and waving in the wind? She has makeup on, so I know she looks in the mirror. Why, why, why doesn't one of her friends tell her to yank that daggoned thing out?


As the next candidate for the bearded woman at the circus next year, I'll jump in here --


About the time your face starts sprouting, your eyes start to go out. Yes, I put makeup on, but I don't wear my glasses while I do it! So I pretty much use the braille method to put my makeup on, then put on my glasses. From that distance, you can tell if your makeup's okay, but probably won't see those offending sprouts.


My guys are under *strict* orders to tell me if they see anything, and they really try -- but you'd be amazed how fast those things can grow. And the grey ones? You need the light just right to find those -- once they start curling around and reflecting light, they're a little easier to spot.


So trust me -- it might gross you out, but it's no picnic for us, either. ;)

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Because my eyes are bad! I can do the general make up thing but I have to get the magnifying mirror out to get my couple of chin hairs. I sometimes forget. I wish my dh would tell me. Grrr.


:lol::lol: Elaine, you are NOT alone! I've actually resorted to having a pair of car tweezers, purse tweezers, kitchen tweezers in addition to the normal pair of bathroom tweezers. I could have a foot-long hair floating from my chin (in fact I have - where's the shudder icon?) and NOT one person in my house thinks it is worth mentioning.

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I do! I do! I love hearts of palm. They are really delicious on a salad and particularly delicious in a Mediterranean styled seafood salad. Yum!


Wonders never cease!




When one wants to learn the secrets of the universe, clearly, this is the place to ask.

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Why do people put memoriam things on the backs of their cars (or is this just a Florida thing?) I understand being sad that someone died, but to put on the back of the car (unless maybe it was the deceased's car?)? I'm not getting it.

I don't understand that either. I have seen it several times up here and I saw it once last week in NC. I don't get it. It just makes me sad every time I see it, especially because it seems like many of them were quite young.


Did I mention I hate the word "moist." Really hate it? Use it around me and I will not hear another word you've said. Insane, yes, but true.


Oh, Amy, why do you tempt me so? You know I have to do this now:




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Did I mention I hate the word "moist." Really hate it? Use it around me and I will not hear another word you've said. Insane, yes, but true.


I find it hard to understand how anyone could find fault with a perfectly lovely word like glitteryourway-03b73891.gif


Just kidding, it is kinda a weird word, isn't it?

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As the next candidate for the bearded woman at the circus next year, I'll jump in here --


About the time your face starts sprouting, your eyes start to go out. Yes, I put makeup on, but I don't wear my glasses while I do it! So I pretty much use the braille method to put my makeup on, then put on my glasses. From that distance, you can tell if your makeup's okay, but probably won't see those offending sprouts.


My guys are under *strict* orders to tell me if they see anything, and they really try -- but you'd be amazed how fast those things can grow. And the grey ones? You need the light just right to find those -- once they start curling around and reflecting light, they're a little easier to spot.


So trust me -- it might gross you out, but it's no picnic for us, either. ;)


You tell it! The Braille method is exactly it. Have pity ladies.

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As the next candidate for the bearded woman at the circus next year, I'll jump in here --


About the time your face starts sprouting, your eyes start to go out. Yes, I put makeup on, but I don't wear my glasses while I do it! So I pretty much use the braille method to put my makeup on, then put my glasses. From that distance, you can tell if your makeup's okay, but probably won't see those offending sprouts.


My guys are under *strict* orders to tell me if they see anything, and they really try -- but you'd be amazed how fast those things can grow. And the grey ones? You need the light just right to find those -- once they start curling around and reflecting light, they're a little easier to spot.


So trust me -- it might gross you out, but it's no picnic for us, either. ;)


now, now...I never said it grosses me out...just didn't understand why it was waving to me and making so distracted. If *I* were your friend, I would totally yank it for you.

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now, now...I never said it grosses me out...just didn't understand why it was waving to me and making so distracted. If *I* were your friend, I would totally yank it for you.


Well, it grosses *me* out! LOL! No yanking necessary -- just point. :D

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You tell it! The Braille method is exactly it. Have pity ladies.


Oh no. Without even seeing either of you I know that you are not the kind of person I'm talking about. I've got my own share of those little boogers and I'm telling you there is something worse. I have seen women who were seriously sporting beards and mustaches. This wasn't a stray hair, they had Facial Hair. Not quite as bad as this, but you get the idea:


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When people can clearly see merging traffic so they SPEED UP to force the merging car onto the shoulder or to hit their brakes.



This is one of my pet peeves! Lisa, I live in VA too, near Richmond, and I hate using my turn signal because it is like telling people to speed up! God forbid anyone let me in!


Oh, and I do leave my blinds or curtains drawn basically all the time--partly because my cats and dogs have pulled a blind or two (you know--one of the pieces here and there--what do you call those individual pieces?) farther down than others so there are "holes", and partly because I have light colored, sheerish curtains that let light through, and we have lots of windows, lots of sun, lots of light, and partly because I don't want everyone in the world lookiing in at my daughter and me (we back up to woods with walking trails).

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2. When people can clearly see merging traffic so they SPEED UP to force the merging car onto the shoulder or to hit their brakes.


Yup -- and on the flip side, people who are merging onto a 65 mph interstate at 35 mph -- while talking on their cell phones. ;)

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I am the proud mother of the 5 yr old boy who said, "Mom. You have a FULL mustache." I have to say that we were lying in the floor by the window and the sun was coming in (then I got up and closed the blinds because of the electric bill and all) so there was great illumination going on.


It's not really that I have a full mustache, it's was just the light.




And then there's my 13 yo boy who, upon seeing a REAL mustached lady at a store a few days later, said, "Well, there's one lady who has more of a mustache than you do."


They really are just teeny, tiny, blond fuzzies. Please believe me!



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Did I mention I hate the word "moist." Really hate it? Use it around me and I will not hear another word you've said. Insane, yes, but true.



Apparently you're not alone. Words Women Hate


I don't understand people who pull out suddenly in front of me when I'm driving, then proceed to drive 10 miles an hour.


I don't understand people who forward ridiculous emails without bothering to check them out first to see if they're true.

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Today in the store I wondered: why do they sell Hearts of Palm? Why? Does anyone on the planet actually eat Hearts of Palm? What are Hearts of Palm? What palm are we talking about, anyway? Palm what?


And yet, year in, year out, there they sit on the shelf. Maybe they are the same cans, never purchased, and some poor sot has to dust them for minimum wage....


They are actually very delicious! Slice some up with tomatoes, cucumber, celery, and lettuce. Chop some cilantro and add the juice of 1 lemon. Salt and pepper and enjoy! Its one of my favorite salads.


BTW - If you can find the hearts of palm in jars instead of cans its better. The ones in the jar are more tender. They taste alot like artichoke hearts.

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Oh man, you people are so evil with your looseness with the "M" word. http://www.thefoilhat.com/insidethefoilhatblog.htm?blogentryid=635025


You clearly do not appreciate the hell I live in during the holidays when turkeys are being cooked - and my whole family KNOWS how much I hate this word. I refuse to walk down the cake aisle iwth my sons for the same reason.

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Oh man, you people are so evil with your looseness with the "M" word. http://www.thefoilhat.com/insidethefoilhatblog.htm?blogentryid=635025


You clearly do not appreciate the hell I live in during the holidays when turkeys are being cooked - and my whole family KNOWS how much I hate this word. I refuse to walk down the cake aisle iwth my sons for the same reason.




"Hey, this cheesecake IS moist. Very moist." Waaahhhhh - can we please stop by the Uranus exhibit at the science center on my way to the rubber room?
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People who keep their curtains/blinds drawn all day. Doesn't it make the house too dark inside?




I do this! I think the house is too bright with them open! None of the shades or curtains in our house are open. If we do need extra light we turn a lightbulb on...not so harsh on my eyes!

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OK, then, I have one for you--being vegetarian, this may seem worse to me, but, really, does anyone, ever, ever eat pickled pig's feet? Oh, and today I say pig back fat something? Are those really food? Or are they just to gross out people like me? Huh? Really? Do all you meat eaters sit somewhere and laugh about what you made the veggies think you really eat? ;)


(But, seriously, do you really eat that?)

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Just wanted to suggest to all the bearded ladies - go to the dollar store and get a pair of 3.5 or 4.0 glasses. They'll magnify your face back to the way you saw it at 17. Every nasty, little flaw will show, and you will be amazed at what no one has told you about. Go on a plucking spree, give yourself a facial, and get some good mineral makeup on that lovely face. Be sure to look at yourself through those high-magnifying glasses when you are done to verify that you look as great as you thought you did. You'll be glad you did! :)

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I keep my curtains drawn all day because it blocks out the sunlight, therefore keeps the heat down in the summer. I don't have a/c so keeping the direct light out helps alot. Yes it is a bit dark, but I prefer cool and dark to hot and light. Typically it is only for a few weeks it is hot enough to worry about it, the rest of the time they are wide open.


ETA I should have read this whole thread before replying, you ladies are cracking me up tonight

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I don't understand why people are in such a hurry to get on the elevator that they can't wait till I get myself and my kids off before they start rushing in.


Ah, that irks me no end. The illogicalness of it. Haven't they ever heard one of the basic laws of physics: two tangible physical entities cannot occupy the same point in space at the same point in time. So stay off my point until I'm done with it. :glare:

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