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good times with elementary kids & Shakespeare

Lucy the Valiant

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Oh, boy, I am cracking up over here - after reading the Charles & Mary Lamb version of The Tempest, we are listening to (my favorite company, Arkangel's) audio presentation of the actual play. So, the kids are familiar with the general story, but . . . obviously, not so much on the details.



Exhibit A: Upon hearing that Gonzalo was "Neapolitan," . . . "You guys know what that means, right?" (We had just discussed the geography of Milan.)


DD11: "I do! It means his dad was white and his mom was black and he's kind of in the middle."


(Um. Close, sweetie.)




Exhibit B: Pondering Miranda's life on the island with the company of only her father and the servants . . . "So, Mom, basically what you're saying is that she was home schooled, too, right?"


Yep. That's it.




Ahahahahahaha! I can hardly wait for the next scene!

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