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Calling all prayer warriors: I NEED A MIRACLE

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Praying for a miracle for Christy.


Prayer in Time of Sickness (Orthodox Prayer Book)


Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, you became man and died on the cross for our salvation.


You healed people of sickness and affliction through your love and compassion.


Visit me, Lord, and grant me strength to bear this sickness with which I am afflicted, with patience, submission to your will and trust in your loving care.


I pray that you will bless the means used for my recovery and those who administer them.


Grant that my sickness may be to my spiritual benefit and that I may live the rest of my life more faithfully according to your will.


For you are the source of life and healing and to you I give praise and glory, now and forever. Amen.

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Love, light, hope, miracles, comfort, peace, tranquility, clarity, time, strength, legacy building, vigor, freedom from physical and emotional ties, correct counsel, fortitude, friendship, privacy, solitude, continued dreams and aspirations fulfilled, faith and trust, ease, reassurance...and all else that is in my heart to express right now.


Peace to you as well!

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I agree with all you wrote. Will pray that the Spirit of God will breathe fresh life/restored health to her!! And, yes, to give God the Praise, Honor and Glory for His Grace and Mercy to be observed by any unbelievers surrounding her case...and to encourage the believers!!


Also, please remember to pray for the baby...pray against any future health problems as a result of the chemical treatments given to the mom.


This whole family needs a "hedge of protection" around them.


Sorry this is so lengthy....

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Now I don't know about the rest of you, but I still believe that our God can do miracles and I'm praying big on this one. I'm not praying for comfort and peace and acceptance, blah, blah, blah. No way. I want her cured. I want a miracle so big that the doctors have no choice but to say "It's a miracle." I want a miracle so big that her family and friends are in awe of the power of our Lord. I am praying for a miracle so big that she will tell her son about it and he will tell his son about it and it will be like the stones the Israelites dragged out of the Jordan so that future generations would know of God's mighty act.


Will you join me?


I'm right there with you. Christy and her family are going on my prayer list. It's interesting that you used this particular Bible story to explain what you're believing for. I'm currently doing "Believing God" Bible study and last week was about this very thing! I'm believing God with you!

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