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Tamiflu-blessing & a curse


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I tested positive for flu yesterday & felt awful. But after 2nd dose of tamifluy fever went down & I felt better. I have had flu before & this flu was like super flu. So today I feel like I have regular flu. Anyway-I was ready to sing tamiflu's praises & hire a skywriter & all that.


Then my stomach started to hurt. Well-that's a known side effect & is better than shivering & burning up (at the same time) while feeling like your head is being pulled apart from the inside.


But now-I don't know how to describe it. I am tired. I am yawning. I don't feel like moving. But my brain will.not.shut.off And it's crazy thoughts. Not hallucinations-but just weird random thoughts. And it's like my brain is hyper while the rest of me still has flu. It's super weird. So I lay here trying to rest & then I have a compulsion to get my phone & see who won the 1980 Olympic gold medal in downhill skiing. Or wondering what the weather forecast might be. Or how much data is left on our plan for this month. Or how old I will be when my youngest is 26. But I really don't care about any of this. Really. I would like to go to sleep. But I can't.


Still better than how I felt yesterday.


And now I am wondering why I felt compelled to complain on the internet...

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I hope you feel better soon! I know the feeling you describe. It's not exactly like being on a caffeine rush, more like how my middle daughter was way back in the day when ventolin was prescribed as a liquid for her asthma.  Her mind would race like crazy and she hopped from one topic to the next. It was an exhausting thing to witness.  She wanted to sleep but she just couldn't shut off her brain. It was about 1989 so I didn't even have the internet to help me answer her constant questions. 


I hope the Tamiflu has you back up and feeling like yourself soon!  And in the meantime, hope you can shut your brain down and get some rest. 

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Tamiflu is banned in some countries and does not really reduce the symptoms. You are better off with things like tylenol.

Oh I have to disagree! The relief from the worst symptoms came very quickly! I am actually a very crunchy, herbal loving type who avoids meds so I understand your concerns. But in my case-it helped tremendously.

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Tamiflu is banned in some countries and does not really reduce the symptoms. You are better off with things like tylenol.

That has not been our experience at all. Tamiflu helped tremendously.


As with any medication, there can be side effects, so it's obviously not for everyone.

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Well-it's been 3 days since I started it & I think I am still glad I took it. I was extremely sick on Thursday-worse than I have ever been & I have had flu before. Friday & Saturday were like regular flu. Today is just lethargic & kinda blah. So I do think it lessened the effects of the flu. However-the stomach issues have been no fun. And it has caused insomnia. Which is also no fun. I think if I didn't have small children & if DH were more helpful then I wouldn't have taken it.


I also want to add-if you aren't the one sick it's easy to say 'I wouldn't do that'

Ask me how I know haha!!

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I have a very tragic situation in my family and I've wondered if Tamiflu was part of the problem. My b-i-l committed suicide New Year's Eve, and he had been taking it because their son got the flu. He had dealt with depression, anxiety, and OCD for many years and was on medication for those. I can't help but wonder if some drug interaction made it more likely to happen. 



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I have a very tragic situation in my family and I've wondered if Tamiflu was part of the problem. My b-i-l committed suicide New Year's Eve, and he had been taking it because their son got the flu. He had dealt with depression, anxiety, and OCD for many years and was on medication for those. I can't help but wonder if some drug interaction made it more likely to happen.

I am so sorry. I wouldn't doubt it contributed. My friend's young daughter had serious issues with delusions and hallucinations after taking it last year. Their ped told her it wasn't uncommon and that it would go away and it did. It was hard though because you had no idea when it would stop. I imagine for a person who already struggled so much it may have been too much.
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The first time I took Tamiflu was at the end of the two day window and it did nothing. The second time, only two years later, I took it within 12 hours and it made a huge difference. I'm a believer after that time and taking it so soon considering the hell I went through the first time.

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I have a very tragic situation in my family and I've wondered if Tamiflu was part of the problem. My b-i-l committed suicide New Year's Eve, and he had been taking it because their son got the flu. He had dealt with depression, anxiety, and OCD for many years and was on medication for those. I can't help but wonder if some drug interaction made it more likely to happen.

I'm so sorry to hear about your BIL. :crying:


I would wonder about a possible drug interaction, as well.

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I have a very tragic situation in my family and I've wondered if Tamiflu was part of the problem. My b-i-l committed suicide New Year's Eve, and he had been taking it because their son got the flu. He had dealt with depression, anxiety, and OCD for many years and was on medication for those. I can't help but wonder if some drug interaction made it more likely to happen. 


I believe that is one of the FDA warnings. I'm so sorry this happened to your family!

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: Was someone able to report or follow up on this.  I'm so sorry for your loss.

I have a very tragic situation in my family and I've wondered if Tamiflu was part of the problem. My b-i-l committed suicide New Year's Eve, and he had been taking it because their son got the flu. He had dealt with depression, anxiety, and OCD for many years and was on medication for those. I can't help but wonder if some drug interaction made it more likely to happen. 


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I have a very tragic situation in my family and I've wondered if Tamiflu was part of the problem. My b-i-l committed suicide New Year's Eve, and he had been taking it because their son got the flu. He had dealt with depression, anxiety, and OCD for many years and was on medication for those. I can't help but wonder if some drug interaction made it more likely to happen.

I had typed a long response but it disappeared...


I am very sorry for your loss.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: Was someone able to report or follow up on this.  I'm so sorry for your loss.


Thank you. It has really been beyond tragic. They have a special needs child who is 24 hour care, so now she faces caring for him alone. She has family, friends, and church support, but it's still not the same. 


My sister has so much to take care of, but she did mention that the company might should know. He wasn't on it that day but had taken it earlier in the week. He must have started the journal found in his truck while he was on the medication. She had me and our other sister read it with her, and there was an obsession with a Christmas Carol movie they had watched while he was taking it. He had been dealing with his illness for many years, so it could have happened either way. We'll probably never really know. 

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I have a very tragic situation in my family and I've wondered if Tamiflu was part of the problem. My b-i-l committed suicide New Year's Eve, and he had been taking it because their son got the flu. He had dealt with depression, anxiety, and OCD for many years and was on medication for those. I can't help but wonder if some drug interaction made it more likely to happen.

So sorry.  There are connections between an abnormally-functioning immune system and neuropsychiatric symptoms. It would not be surprising if Tamiflu (or maybe even the flu exposure itself) threw a wrench into the works, perhaps over-activating the other meds.

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wapiti, I didn't really want to like your post, but so many people are negatively affected by drug interactions.  


Mom31257... :grouphug:   I wonder if there is a way for someone (other than your poor  sister) to report the experience to somewhere.  (Pharmacy, doctor, or even the company web site if they have one.)

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I am at my sister's this week helping her because she is having a difficult time. She was able to start going through some of her dh's things at their home and at his office. Everything indicates he planned to back to work after his 2 weeks off at Christmas, lists of things to do, 2015 calendar already put up in the office, things he left there and brought home. She is convinced more and more that Tamiflu played a major role in this. While he was mentally ill with the other diseases and had those thoughts in the past, she believes the medicine pushed him over an edge that allowed him to follow through with it all.



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I have a very tragic situation in my family and I've wondered if Tamiflu was part of the problem. My b-i-l committed suicide New Year's Eve, and he had been taking it because their son got the flu. He had dealt with depression, anxiety, and OCD for many years and was on medication for those. I can't help but wonder if some drug interaction made it more likely to happen. 


I'm so sorry.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I am sorry as well.  How sad.  The flu is going around where I live.  My kids school (grade school) closed school today and tomorrow because they have over 33% of the teachers gone and over 20% of the students gone with confirmed cases of the flu.  Mine don't have it, and I am hoping it stays that way. 

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I am at my sister's this week helping her because she is having a difficult time. She was able to start going through some of her dh's things at their home and at his office. Everything indicates he planned to back to work after his 2 weeks off at Christmas, lists of things to do, 2015 calendar already put up in the office, things he left there and brought home. She is convinced more and more that Tamiflu played a major role in this. While he was mentally ill with the other diseases and had those thoughts in the past, she believes the medicine pushed him over an edge that allowed him to follow through with it all.


Absolutely heartbroken for your sister, and for all of you.  :(

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

I am at my sister's this week helping her because she is having a difficult time. She was able to start going through some of her dh's things at their home and at his office. Everything indicates he planned to back to work after his 2 weeks off at Christmas, lists of things to do, 2015 calendar already put up in the office, things he left there and brought home. She is convinced more and more that Tamiflu played a major role in this. While he was mentally ill with the other diseases and had those thoughts in the past, she believes the medicine pushed him over an edge that allowed him to follow through with it all.


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I am at my sister's this week helping her because she is having a difficult time. She was able to start going through some of her dh's things at their home and at his office. Everything indicates he planned to back to work after his 2 weeks off at Christmas, lists of things to do, 2015 calendar already put up in the office, things he left there and brought home. She is convinced more and more that Tamiflu played a major role in this. While he was mentally ill with the other diseases and had those thoughts in the past, she believes the medicine pushed him over an edge that allowed him to follow through with it all.

I think if your sister believes the Tamiflu played a major role in the suicide, it probably did. Your sister knew her dh better than anyone else did, so I would absolutely take her word for it.


I hope she isn't feeling guilty about him taking the Tamiflu, though -- even though no one would ever think she should have stopped him from taking it, I can imagine being in her shoes and second-guessing every last little thing and wondering if I could have done something differently to prevent what happened. Please make sure she isn't blaming herself, because it sounds like she was a wonderful and supportive wife who helped her dh for a long time.


I feel so sad for her. :(


Edited to add: Have there been any legal cases against the manufacturer of Tamiflu for similar reactions? I am usually the last one to tell someone to file a lawsuit, but in this situation, not only could your sister use a financial settlement, but it could also end up helping other families avoid this kind of awful tragedy.

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I think if your sister believes the Tamiflu played a major role in the suicide, it probably did. Your sister knew her dh better than anyone else did, so I would absolutely take her word for it.


I hope she isn't feeling guilty about him taking the Tamiflu, though -- even though no one would ever think she should have stopped him from taking it, I can imagine being in her shoes and second-guessing every last little thing and wondering if I could have done something differently to prevent what happened. Please make sure she isn't blaming herself, because it sounds like she was a wonderful and supportive wife who helped her dh for a long time.


I feel so sad for her. :(


Edited to add: Have there been any legal cases against the manufacturer of Tamiflu for similar reactions? I am usually the last one to tell someone to file a lawsuit, but in this situation, not only could your sister use a financial settlement, but it could also end up helping other families avoid this kind of awful tragedy.


Thank you all for your kind words! She is not blaming herself as of now. She does not want to pursue any kind of lawsuit because she doesn't want to have to keep dragging it all up or have his mental health on a chopping block, so to speak. She also doesn't want her pediatrician to know because she is the one who prescribed it for them. This lady was our pediatrician  when we were growing up and has seen my nephew his whole life.


Her special needs son's illness is the result of a documented vaccine injury so he has some help financially. Her husband also left my sister in good shape as far as life insurance, savings, no debt, etc. Of course, she'd rather live in a shack and be bankrupt and have him back.


I told her that I might try to find some type of online forums where people can post their personal experiences with medications. She honestly figures even telling the company it would just get buried.

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