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Men in the delivery room or with their wives during birth


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It was necessary for my wife to have a C section (scheduled in advance) for DD.  My wife wanted me in the O.R. with her at all times. She told me that in the unlikely event of an emergency and DD had to be in a different place than she was in, that I was to be with DD at all times. Fortunately all went well and that wasn't necessary.   :hurray:


So, I was there with a still camera (her OB-GYN told us no video cameras) with the four (4) M.D.s and a Nurse and a Surgical Assistant with the instruments. 


I was VERY careful not to look inside my wife that day and I gained a lot of respect for Surgeons and Anesthesiologists that day. A week or 2 later, I gave each of the 4 doctors a bottle of Wine.





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My dad was not in the room for any of my siblings or me.  I think he dropped my mom off and left the hospital until after we were born.  We were all born in the 60s.  My mom was also put to sleep or each of our births and woke up with a baby.  My mom was not very adventurous and went to the doctor I think her mom went to ...so I suspect he was probably pretty old-fashioned. 


The story with my MIL is that she desperately wanted to be awake for her births.  Her dad was an old country doctor and she had some minor degree in medical something (can't remember) so she felt like she knew what's what and was not going to be a crazy, labor lady.  She had to get special permission, with a letter from her dad, to stay awake for her last birth (late 50s), but when she got to the hospital they would not honor this and put her to sleep whilst arguing with the staff.   Pretty sad.


Both of these were in the MD/DC area.


It seems to me that in the 70's is when it really changed and it became common for dads to be at the birth. 


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My dad was in the room for my birth and my sisters even though we were C sections, but he was a medical student otherwise it would not have been allowed. This was in 1963 and 1966.


He was also in the room when my 4th was born. He kept saying how different the births were.

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