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There are few things I will never get used to.


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Our oldest dd moved out this past weekend. I think about 1/15 of our house went with her. We took this week off school bc with her moving out, we had an opportunity to really rearrange our living spaces. It has allowed me to process without really having the time to sit down and think about it.


1/2 of our kids are now adults. On Dec 22, our youngest turned 5. My grandkids are here all the time.


I feel like I live in a constant mental whirlwind. I have "older" parenthood combined with "younger" parenthood mixed in with grandma.........

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Sending my boys off to college - or to their new lives - is one of them.


I just shared this with hubby and he feels the same way.


We still do things and enjoy life, but it really just isn't the same (sigh).  I wish we could save time in a bottle...

Yep.  We put one on a plane last week, and the house just isn't the same. 


I actually cried the night before she left, and asked, illogically,  "Why did you grow up so fast?" 

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DD got married and then had the nerve to move to NJ, on top of which she had medical tests yesterday without me at her side!


When did this happen???? Who stole time from me? I want to find the thief.


I don't think I'll ever get used to that.


I am looking forward to not homeschooling and not parenting in that intense way, as well as time alone with DH. But, I don't know that I'll ever really love that in the same way that I've loved having my kids at home.

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I am looking forward to not homeschooling and not parenting in that intense way, as well as time alone with DH. But, I don't know that I'll ever really love that in the same way that I've loved having my kids at home.


At this point I'm super thankful that we started our magnet collection back when we started traveling.  Looking at my fridge at any time brings back awesome memories.  And now I shudder at the thought that at one point I wondered if we should be doing it considering how covered the fridge is.  I'm glad we kept on and just crowded everything in.


We also use trip pics as our screensaver.  It brings back a ton of memories when the guys are with us and recall the time/place of the pics.


Traveling with just hubby is less expensive and still fun, but definitely not the same.


I was hopeful that my two guys would share spring break this year and we could all join middle son on his planned trip to Haiti.  Unfortunately, the two schools did not coordinate their schedules.  :glare:


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I had to say goodbye (again) to my granddaughter after Christmas break and bawled my eyes out. She makes it even harder to leave my oldest and his wife 22 hours away. However, my middle son left for winter quarter of his sophomore year (he goes to college 12 hours away) and for the first time I didn't cry. The teen years here were the BEST. My kids are people I enjoy spending time with. It is great, however, to see them growing into wonderful adults and figuring out their life paths.

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We just got home after dropping middle son off and having a consolation meal at a Greek place more or less near the airport.  Youngest is still here for another two weeks, so it's a half empty nest at the moment, but it's still not the same.


My kids are definitely people I enjoy spending time with and traveling with.  But yes, I also like seeing them grow into wonderful adults and doing "their thing" in this world.

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Okay, I must be the odd one out. While I thoroughly enjoyed having ds home over winter break, I was not sad to see him go back at all. It was time. He was ready. I was ready. I am a person who thrives on routine, and that simply does not exist when he is home. All his friends are great young people, but they are ALL so willy-nilly and last-minute when it comes to planning. Always hard to know if he is going to be home to eat which makes it hard to get motivated to fix nice meals. If I did, he would invariably go out. If I didn't, he'd invariably stay in. Gosh, I hope this doesn't sound like I love my routine more than I love ds! We did have a lot of fun together over the break, and it was a nice mix of his being home alone with us, his having friends over, and his going out or to the homes of other friends. Perhaps it is somewhat different since he is an only? No siblings to hang with at home.


Mabye I'm just a bad mom.

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Okay, I must be the odd one out. While I thoroughly enjoyed having ds home over winter break, I was not sad to see him go back at all. It was time. He was ready. I was ready. I am a person who thrives on routine, and that simply does not exist when he is home. All his friends are great young people, but they are ALL so willy-nilly and last-minute when it comes to planning. Always hard to know if he is going to be home to eat which makes it hard to get motivated to fix nice meals. If I did, he would invariably go out. If I didn't, he'd invariably stay in. Gosh, I hope this doesn't sound like I love my routine more than I love ds! We did have a lot of fun together over the break, and it was a nice mix of his being home alone with us, his having friends over, and his going out or to the homes of other friends. Perhaps it is somewhat different since he is an only? No siblings to hang with at home.


Mabye I'm just a bad mom.


I don't think so.  This is closer to what it is like with just youngest here at home (theoretically here anyway - it depends upon his friends!).  It is easier to have him leave as he's kind of already broken us in to it.  He wasn't an only, but he always had siblings here.  I think he didn't like being an only, so was often out more with friends to make up for it.

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Thanks for this thread. My college boy doesn't go back until the weekend, or possibly Monday. I think I will spend the rest of the week hugging him. Ok , that would be weird. I will sure make sure to enjoy these last few days of break though! Fortunately his girlfriend lives in town and I'm sure he is planning a trip back for Valentines. My birthday is next week and this will be the first birthday I celebrate without him. We always make a big deal out of birthdays..my husband takes the day off of work and we do something fun as a family. I have gotten somewhat used to a routine with him in college, but vacations and family birthdays are next. This is harder than I thought it would be.


Hog girl - you have reminded me of something I will enjoy in a few days. Sole ownership of my van! College boy wants to borrow it often and he is part of the ever changing plans club with his friends. I love my van.

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I was sad to drop off sophomore dd at college this past weekend but no tears this time - we were all happy to get back to our schedules. Much easier than the heart-wrenching times we dropped her off as a freshman. I notice now that we try to make more of the time we have together on breaks - doing projects, watching favorite movies, looking at photos, remembering good times.

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Okay, I must be the odd one out. While I thoroughly enjoyed having ds home over winter break, I was not sad to see him go back at all. It was time. He was ready. I was ready. I am a person who thrives on routine, and that simply does not exist when he is home. All his friends are great young people, but they are ALL so willy-nilly and last-minute when it comes to planning. Always hard to know if he is going to be home to eat which makes it hard to get motivated to fix nice meals. If I did, he would invariably go out. If I didn't, he'd invariably stay in. Gosh, I hope this doesn't sound like I love my routine more than I love ds! We did have a lot of fun together over the break, and it was a nice mix of his being home alone with us, his having friends over, and his going out or to the homes of other friends. Perhaps it is somewhat different since he is an only? No siblings to hang with at home.


Mabye I'm just a bad mom.


If you're a bad mom, then I guess I am, too.  ;)

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Thanks for this thread. It's nice knowing that others share the aching heart.


Dd2 is a freshman in college living at home, but she is investigating transferring. I am trying (unsuccessfully) to wrap my brain around what life will be like next fall with no kids living at home. She flew out this morning for the weekend, and I am in tears -- not because of the weekend but because the emptiness around the house now will most likely be the "new normal" next September.


She is #4, so I have sent three others off into the world, but the idea of my baby leaving is SO hard.

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Dd was home for a month over Christmas. The house was filled with young people on a regular basis. But that wears her down after a while and she's glad to just have family around. :D Lucky us! I drove her to her last semester of undergrad today....We are all missing her. 

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