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Over or under


Quoting another person  

125 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you post over or under the person you have quoted?

    • OVER is best
    • UNDER is best
    • I do both or either, depending
    • I have no idea or don't care

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Nope, not talking about toilet paper.


I have always posted above the person I have quoted.


I had a person on another forum tell me that was bad form.  


I had NO idea!  


Now that I take a closer look, it looks like that is the proper form.


What do you all say?  Have I been doing it wrong for lo, these many years?



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Nope, not talking about toilet paper.


I have always posted above the person I have quoted.


I had a person on another forum tell me that was bad form.  


I had NO idea!  


Now that I take a closer look, it looks like that is the proper form.


What do you all say?  Have I been doing it wrong for lo, these many years?



See, this looks better (in my mind) than….

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This….which looks strange, and is more difficult to know to what you are referring. :p


ETA: It doesn't much bother me, really, though. :)


Nope, not talking about toilet paper.


I have always posted above the person I have quoted.


I had a person on another forum tell me that was bad form.  


I had NO idea!  


Now that I take a closer look, it looks like that is the proper form.


What do you all say?  Have I been doing it wrong for lo, these many years?





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I find under easier to read and that's what I do.


However, I always reply to e-mails at the top (or over) if I am including the original contents, because the first few lines show up in the inbox (and with e-mails it is hard to scroll and find new content among all the replies.)



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Do you know that in almost 20 solid years of using forums on the internet, I have never, ever, ever even noticed that I was doing it differently than everyone else??????


This is just one example of how I am not a detail oriented person.  


Ok, I will change my ways.  

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Congratulations, Dawn. I do believe you have asked the only question ever on this forum which has been answered unanimously. 


I thought from the title it was going to be about toilet paper and I thought "Oh good! A good old-fashioned controversial knock-down drag-out fight thread to kill the mid-winter blahs. Forget things like the existence of God, let's go back to the days of meaty topics like crockpots and shopping carts and shoes in the house and cupcakes." 


I'm slightly disappointed that it seems that everyone agrees. 


And I even thought I was hoping for some controversy to keep things lively, I voted under too. 

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I thought from the title it was going to be about toilet paper and I thought "Oh good! A good old-fashioned controversial knock-down drag-out fight thread to kill the mid-winter blahs. Forget things like the existence of God, let's go back to the days of meaty topics like crockpots and shopping carts and shoes in the house and cupcakes." 


I'm slightly disappointed that it seems that everyone agrees. 


And I even thought I was hoping for some controversy to keep things lively, I voted under too. 



Hmmmm......not sure how I could spice this up.


I vote under and I am a Christian?

 I vote under and I think God ordained it?  

I vote under and I don't believe in God?

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Is that pre or post-tribulation under? Should it be defined as unschooling or unparenting? Or is it just part of the Gay Agenda?


Seriously, how can the formatting of your post be 'bad form'? Whoever said that must have very little happening in her/his life. I am so not bothered that I couldn't even tell you how often I post above or below the quotation unless I went back and looked at my old posts.

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Is that pre or post-tribulation under? Should it be defined as unschooling or unparenting? Or is it just part of the Gay Agenda?


Seriously, how can the formatting of your post be 'bad form'? Whoever said that must have very little happening in her/his life. I am so not bothered that I couldn't even tell you how often I post above or below the quotation unless I went back and looked at my old posts.


But do you put away the grocery cart?

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