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Exercise Thread ~ January 4th-10th


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Never did get around to my Yoga for Runners stretch yesterday (having too much fun with my family instead) so I did it first thing this morning. Yay, that felt nice.

I want to do a an upper body yoga class this afternoon to balance things out. If not careful, I tend to end up looking like this   

(not that I'm even remotely a long distance runner. I'm not  really a runner at all or any distance... I'm just that body shape....  LOL)

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Never did get around to my Yoga for Runners stretch yesterday (having too much fun with my family instead) so I did it first thing this morning. Yay, that felt nice.


I want to do a an upper body yoga class this afternoon to balance things out. If not careful, I tend to end up looking like this


(not that I'm even remotely a long distance runner. I'm not really a runner at all or any distance... I'm just that body shape.... LOL)

ROLF from the pasty redheaded runner.
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Everyone come to my house for some homemade hot chai tea.    I have chicken soup too.     We'll all relax and watch chick flicks and all ya'll sick people can recuperate. 



Today stretch, roll.


I'm in SD!


Today it seems I'm having a less steps-heavy day. Still haven't hit 10,000 despite a long hill hike and a shorter hike with the canines this morning. I'm at 94% of my goal so by the end of the day I'll have gotten in my 10,000 but still a less active day than usual. Which is interesting because I can't point to anything overtly different about it activity-wise.


I'm hoping this week to alternate yoga-Pilates with kettlebell in addition to my hill hikes. We'll see how that actually goes.

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Sunday- 2.5 mile walk with horrible headache- returned home to eat way too much discounted from Christmas chocolate.


Started the new semester by sleeping through my morning workout with a sugar hangover...ugh. But tonight I get to start back to MMA and I'm just going to love on my whole family today (including me). And make the first day of school about peace and possibility... And just maybe I'll get a run in before bedtime too.

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I got in 30 mins of dance cardio. There is a fun youtube channel with some fun zumba type dance videos that I like.


I am expecting a new exercise video this week and am looking forward to trying it out.


Can we get a link?





Day 29/105: Cardio

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A short 3 mile run and then walked a couple more miles on treadmill. It was 1 this morning and supposed to be colder tomorrow. Yuck! The fitness gods and the weather gods need to sync up better. On the bright side I plunged and got a better blendy thingie for smoothies. Lunch is a concoction I'm calling carrot cake.

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Nothing yesterday, and so far today I've only walked from my van to the restaurant for my birthday eggs Benedict  :leaving: .  I'm thirty-four today and I'm spending most of the day hibernating with DH leading a light school day for DC because he had vacation days he had to use up and he likes to be involved when he can.  I do have my first parent-child karate class with DS this evening, so that will count.  I'm a little nervous since I've never done any martial arts, but I hope it will be a good experience, and good cross-training for my half training.  I don't have a gi yet [and I'd rather not spend the money on one if I don't have to], so I'm planning to wear yoga pants and a long sleeve race tech tee. I think that will be ok.


I hope everyone dealing with the cold weather stays warm [my exclamation point and most number keys are broken on my laptop] 

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Can we get a link?



Why sure!




I just made a playlist from the workouts here. I just picked some songs I like until it added up to about 45 mins. There is no instruction, at least as far as I have seen. It is just instructors coming out and doing their thing. It might be so that they can see their own dances and critique themselves. I love dancing and have done a lot of it, like african and middle eastern, so it is fun to pull that stuff out and put it to use.


I got my new workout dvd today:




It is super hard, lol. OMG, I do love a hard, high impact workout. I did as much as I could. There are lots of exercises that have 30 reps and I would do 20 and then take a breather. I got it because it has a lot of balance challenging exercises and I have noticed that my balance has not been as good as I would like. My butt is going to be sore tomorrow, lol.


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btw, zumba pretty much never has instruction.   The instructor just gets up in front  & starts & you join in. Just dance & fake it till  you make it :) 

if anyone wants to check out some more dancy things, I like to follow Alejandro because one of my Zumba instructors uses tons of his choreography in her class https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsY7CIsl8tFPohYKRabi9MA


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I probably shouldn't have sat on my behind for the last two weeks.  Today's taekwondo practice kicked my rear.  I will be feeling it tomorrow and the day after and the day after that.  I did manage to do 20 out of 25 of the push ups from my toes instead of my knees, so New Year's Resolution of getting rid of girly push ups in in the works.

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Zumba done! Our instructor added a couple new songs but forgot to take out old ones so we had more like a 70 min class instead if an hour, and she seems to be ramping up the cardio and squats. We're a small group and everyone is quite fit so she's pushing us harder which is nice.


But my hip was out of alignment and I could feel it grinding and snapping a few times so I'm scheduling yoga for tomorrow.

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Nothing yesterday. I had plans to do something, but had lots of stress and just wasn't feeling up to it, even though I knew that exercise would help the stress.

I planned to do something this morning, but since I only had 2 hours of sleep, I'm really not up to it. I did a little bit of stretching. Today will be very stressful also. Tomorrow should be better and hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things then. If I get to workout anytime today, I'll post. 

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Happy Birthday Anne :party:


The thought of me dancing? Oy, ain't nobody wanna see that.


For some reason I woke up with a muscle pull or something in my back. Youch! Can I hurt myself sleeping? Anyway, I shall leave shoveling to the kids and use a heating pad to see if it'll loosen up enough to run or something. Oh and yay on the push ups. I love (sort of) my push ups.

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Nothing yesterday. I had plans to do something, but had lots of stress and just wasn't feeling up to it, even though I knew that exercise would help the stress.

I planned to do something this morning, but since I only had 2 hours of sleep, I'm really not up to it. I did a little bit of stretching. Today will be very stressful also. Tomorrow should be better and hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things then. If I get to workout anytime today, I'll post.

I hope today is a better day and that you get a bunch of sleep tonight.


Yesterday I got to do an afternoon kettlebell and weight work out at my old gym. They have a bunch of new kettlebells so I was able to up my weight for the 100 swings and the TGUs.


Best of all MMA started back up for the year and I was able to do two back to back classes- almost completely comprised of kicks. I am terrible at kicks so it was a blast, I was still high on life this morning just thinking of it- not to mention my new gui came in and it is so lovely.


Today I have kettle bell class and MMA again.

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Happy birthday Anne!



Negin, hope you get some sleep. 



FitnessBlender is the best! Yes, I love it and post about that site all the time. Today they launched their interactive calendar. I've been playing with it. You can load your workouts onto the calendar and also add notes. You can either search and load the videos yourself or purchase a schedule. 


I have 3 of their old schedules, and I can load the workouts into the calendar. The new schedules go on the calendar automatically. I haven't found the forum though. 


So today was HIIT cardio and weights and I had to drop my weight doing overhead press. I couldn't even do 9lbs due to my shoulder screaming at me. So I dropped to just 5 and that was doable. Push ups are not hurting my shoulder as much anymore. I was alternating push ups on my knees and my toes to ease up on the shoulder and today I was able to do them all on my toes and my shoulder was fine. So that's a good sign. Just can't do moves like overhead press very well yet. Getting there slowly. 

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Thanks for all the birthday wishes  :D.  It was a good day, and karate went pretty well.  It's a mixed age class for kids seven to fourteen, beginner to red belts, plus a few parent-child pairs.  DS was in the class without me the last session, so he was with the more experienced white belts while I was in a group with the one other first-timer who was about ten.  It was interesting  :laugh:


DH made a nice dinner after karate and my brother ended up coming over and staying with us last night.  He started a new job that's fifteen minutes from our house, but over an hour from where he and his family lives until they can relocate, so he'll stay with us when weather is bad or he has to work late.  We had blowing and drifting snow last night, so the roads were awful.  I haven't gotten on the treadmill yet because it's in the basement where my brother was sleeping.  I'm shooting for a couple miles when DH gets home.  Now to just find the energy for that in a few hours....  

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Thanks for all the birthday wishes  :D.  It was a good day, and karate went pretty well.  It's a mixed age class for kids seven to fourteen, beginner to red belts, plus a few parent-child pairs.  DS was in the class without me the last session, so he was with the more experienced white belts while I was in a group with the one other first-timer who was about ten.  It was interesting  :laugh:


DH made a nice dinner after karate and my brother ended up coming over and staying with us last night.  He started a new job that's fifteen minutes from our house, but over an hour from where he and his family lives until they can relocate, so he'll stay with us when weather is bad or he has to work late.  We had blowing and drifting snow last night, so the roads were awful.  I haven't gotten on the treadmill yet because it's in the basement where my brother was sleeping.  I'm shooting for a couple miles when DH gets home.  Now to just find the energy for that in a few hours....  


Enjoy the martial arts journey.  I started just before turning 34 and have passed several of the kids at the center that had been there before me.  Kids have the boundless energy, but adults have the ability to learn information quicker.


My workout today consisted of breathing through the pain.  I don't know if I've had this many muscle groups hurt at the same time in a really long time.  What's really sad is that I am still contiplating going to the advanced adult (12+) class tonight.

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It is a crazy busy week.  On Sunday we drove home (9hr drive), but I did do some evening yoga before bed.  Monday I couldn't get anything in. Today I was only able to fit in 30min of yoga, but it did feel good.  Tomorrow I'm taking my son to have his braces off and my dd to have her wisdom teeth removed.  It will be a long day.

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My new shoes arrived today! Oh the excitement at coming home and seeing a package on your doorstep knowing that the shoes have arrived. I'm wearing them right now and ran a couple laps around my house. Feel comfy. Although they are running shoes I'm thinking of using them for HIIT and high impact because they have more cushion than my other shoes. Both are 0mm diff in heel/toe but these are cushy while my Asics are not. 


Can't wait to work out tomorrow. 

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Well, this was a stupid day, lol.


I had time ALONE!! and since I was so sore from yesterday I decided I would to a 3 mile walking video and take it a bit easy. My plan was then to do a short lower body workout, so... 60 mins total. Should be easy, right?


DH came home with a fever and aches so there went my start time. I did as much as the video as I could, I think I got just under 2 miles and then the kids came bounding in from ballet (they finally have a class together!) and b/c dh is sick I put younger boy to bed...there went my lower body workout time.


So...now I am just waiting to catch whatever dh has. I just hope it isn't the flu. It's days like this that I wish I was the sort of person who wakes up at 5am and exercises. But that is never going to happen.

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yesterday and today I walked for 35 minutes.

I also did a stepped up version of my fall-back yoga practice (for some poses, I increase the difficulty of the pose shown) yesterday and today a stepped up yoga practice that focuses more on strength and balance.  (but still within my reach and won't make me sore for three days like the strength practice from last week . . . . anyone who thinks you don't build muscle with yoga - hasn't done real yoga. ow. ow. ow.)


It feels goooood.  :thumbup:

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The multi-quote feature is not working and it's hard for me to reply to everyone. Thank you all for your kind thoughts. I slept better and hopefully will only have a few more days of stress. I'm really happy that I'm finally up to working out after a few days of not being able to do so. I'm about to do Leslie's 5-Mile (5-Day Slim Down). Our dc tell me that I get annoying and boring when I complain on days that I can't workout. They're right. I need to stop going on about it. 

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Squirrel, I hope you don't get sick.


Snicker, good luck. You can do it.



Today was a quick cardio and I'm happy to say that I did advanced for all the exercises. I'm back (mostly) from being sick and weak a couple weeks ago. The only move that bothered my shoulder was the hip raise.


Doggie wants his play time.  

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