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Anyone with 20 year old boys?


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I have a 21 yo.  He's had the same GF for a couple of years...IMO, she is more committed and more future oriented than he is.  She is a college senior, he's a junior.  I suspect that they will separate when she moves away after graduation.  But I'm not so sure that's a gender difference.  I most definitely was the less committed partner to my college BF.  I think it's more related to one's committment to other things, such as career or education. 

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My 19.5 yo runs with a pack of 20-21yos.  None of them is dating.  A pack of girls sometimes runs with them, but the guys are pretty much still not interested.  

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Ds23 is not dating right now.  He has decided the girls here are not his type.  I think he's going to hold out for "the one."  I don't necessarily think it's a difference between boys and girls, per se, but personal preference.  Some of his friends date a lot, not sticking with one girl too long.  Younger ds18 is the girl magnet since kindy.  Even he of late has decided that he no longer wants girl drama in his life, as he terms it.  He wants a girlfriend, but he wants it to be forever.   :001_wub:

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DS 20 lives at uni - I have no idea what goes on but from what I hear is that he is so focused on his studies that he has gone completely nerdy


DS 19 is not dating and has not shown much interest atm. HE is currently in a very remote part of the bush doing summer firefighting. his chance of meeting a girl there is almost zil


DS17 has had a short romance with a German backpacker who was WOOFING on the farm where he works. She moved on and that was the end of that.

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From being on the outside of dd22's circle of friends and acquaintances, I'd have to say the majority of the guys are more of the 'fun in the moment' variety, while the girls talk about finding someone to settle down with. The girls, including my dd, feel ready to get married and start having kids. Not one of the guys I know is interested in that.


Dd22 is in what she calls a serious relationship. They've been together about 2 years I think. They've talked about marriage, but he wants to finish his stuff first. He's in college and hopes to get on their baseball team. Then he wants to be on a pro baseball team. He's majoring in business as a backup. Either way, he wants to be settled in a good paying job before they become engaged.

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My 19 yo doesn't seem interested in dating.  He's had one girlfriend.  That was last year, and they dated about three months and then mutually broke up.  He said both of them decided they just had too much going on to sustain a relationship.  They're still friends.  As Patty Joanna said, for DS it's still pretty much the pack mentality.  And girls are part of the pack (the majority, really), but as friends.

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