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Thank you and Happy New Year!

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I love this board! I truly appreciate all the wonderful posters here who share their wisdom and experience along with prayers, support and well-wishes.  You help me sometimes when I just write out a post without actually posting it--because as I write, I clarify my thoughts and can imagine what some of you might tell me. :D  


May you all have a Happy 2015! :cheers2:  :party:  :cheers2:


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Happy New Year to you, too, and to everyone who contributes to the wisdom found on this board. I've been a TWTM board member since, hmmm, 1999. But participating on the Learning Challenges board over the last 5 years has changed many aspects of my life and, indeed, been part of the formation of my post-homeschooling life.

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Yes, I agree!  Happy New Year!  I have found so much help and support here as well.  We have been going through some tough times recently and I have not been here as much.  I will ask questions when I can formulate them as sometimes I don't even know what to say or how to ask.

Wishing all of you well in the new year! :party:

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