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If you want a film to remind you that most of us are dealing with small stuff...


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If you want a film reminding you that most of us are dealing with small stuff and first world problems, watch Unbroken.


It certainly wasn't a "feel good" movie, but it was very well done and puts a good part of life (today) in perspective.


I'm glad Louis' story got told.  I'll admit I had never heard of him before.  And then there were oodles and oodles of people going through what he went through - not just him.  It's good to remember history IMO.  (I felt similarly about 12 Years a Slave.)


Anyway... just my two cents if you're thinking about movies or want the perspective.

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We went and saw it yesterday.  Tough movie to watch, but inspiring. I do wish, from what I've heard about the man's life story, that they went more into what happened after he came home from the war.  That part of his life is just as challenging and inspiring as the part told in the movie (and they're interrelated of course), from what I understand.  He dealt with and overcome PTSD, alcoholism, marriage problems; he became a very faithful and active Christian, he returned to Japan and forgave his captors, he tried to meet with his main adversary but the adversary refused, etc.  While the time on the raft was harrowing and important to the story, to be sure, I feel like it dragged on too long.  There could have been less of that and more of the after story IMO. 

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We went and saw it yesterday.  Tough movie to watch, but inspiring. I do wish, from what I've heard about the man's life story, that they went more into what happened after he came home from the war.  That part of his life is just as challenging and inspiring as the part told in the movie (and they're interrelated of course), from what I understand.  He dealt with and overcome PTSD, alcoholism, marriage problems; he became a very faithful and active Christian, he returned to Japan and forgave his captors, he tried to meet with his main adversary but the adversary refused, etc.  While the time on the raft was harrowing and important to the story, to be sure, I feel like it dragged on too long.  There could have been less of that and more of the after story IMO. 


I had the exact same thoughts.  There are many things about this man's life (and others like him) that really should have been told.  To me, this is an important movie for my kids to have seen, but my kids are not young kids.  Like me, they think far less of their own problems after seeing what REAL problems look like.  Knowing what he was able to overcome is inspiring - real problems - real success - but I wish they had shown more of that.


I think it's quite important to know history and some of man's inhumanity to man to keep life in perspective (and to hopefully avoid any repetition).

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Hoping to see it soon-thanks for the review!  I read it to my youngest a couple of years ago and we both loved it.  First world problems...yes! 


I should admit none of us have read the book, so I've no idea how it compares.  My mom heard an NPR interview with the author on her way down to visit us and it intrigued her enough to inspire us to go see the movie.


I'm glad we went.  


Based upon the interview, there are parts in the book that were definitely left out of the movie - that's typical - and what I wish they had changed some.

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A "similar" film is "Railway Man" with Colin Firth, which came out last year. I knew I wouldn't be able to watch the torture scenes on the big screen, so we got it from Netflix so I could fast-forward when I wanted to. Anyway, it's also based on a true story, but the movie shows him (finally) overcoming his revenge fantasies, and meeting & forgiving his tormentor decades later. I am very disappointed that the Unbroken movie didn't show the rest of his amazing life. 

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