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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Do we still say TGIF after Christmas Eve and Christmas?


clean kitchen

definitely need to do laundry

music with the teens

dd wants to go to Radio Shack

pretty sure dh works

make cousin gifts

Botheration - ds can't have his allergy shots because they are closed.  I need to make sure that dh gives me my shots or that I give them to myself.  

remember to take gift

pay bills

SuperSupplements for melatonin and probiotics

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This is going to be mostly a day of decompressing!  But we will get a good hour of organizing/straightening up new things that entered our house.


-pet sit

-deposit money

-get all new board games in game closet

-put all new clothes away

- put all new books on shelves 

-put all my new things away

-clean bathrooms!


Toys can wait for another day.

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Good Morning!


Today is take down all Christmas decorations and pack up everything on the first floor...this I'm sure will take 2 days.   Dh is going to pack our trailer for the first round of moving on Thursday so that will be all done.   I have so much to accomplish this weekend...I can't believe we are just 5 days away from another big life change.  


Have a great day everyone!! 

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Take down tree

Pack away ornaments

Find a home for gifts

Put furniture back in place

Play Dominion. At least twice.

Clean up

Big kids are going to Hobbit 3 with DH at noon

DH and I are taking middles and littles to Big Hero 6 at 4:00

Plan something for supper.

Learn Galaxy Trucker and Zooloretto.

Big day. ;)



Oodles done and I balanced the checkbook... not my favorite activity at the end of December.  :P ;)


It's quiet here - I sent everyone to take naps ahead of the movie, even the baby is sleeping.

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It was a great week!  And it's only Friday??  Feels more like a monday...


To do:

empty dishwasher

reload dishwasher

kitchen clean up

garbage out in time to catch garbage truck

tidy up gifts

shower/fix hair

returns to Game Stop and Kohls

decide if I should keep the Jawbone Up 24 or exchange for Fitbit - any advice?

go up to my sister's house to hang out

leftovers for dinner


hope you have a relaxing day!  Except for you, Tammy!  Good luck with your move!  You are amazing!

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My voice is only a croak.  My throat is so sore that it is hard to swallow.  Sigh.  I was supposed to sing today.  Not happening.  In fact, I don't really know if I'm going to go to the extended family Christmas tomorrow - except that dh has to work so if I don't go then the kids can't go. . .   Sigh.  I'll see how I feel through the day and we'll make decisions then.  

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I hope you feel better, Jean. We had a cold, snowy, drive into practice this morning. But the sun is out now and the roads are clearing up. Not much is on the schedule for today, just another practice and lots of rest for the kids. I need to get things organized in my study, get Christmas money ready for deposit (money for gifts purchased-so already allocated).


And get the random gifts from my mom returned. Sigh.


Also motivated moms list. Though I am not motivated for housework at all.


Have a great day!

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My voice is only a croak.  My throat is so sore that it is hard to swallow.  Sigh.  I was supposed to sing today.  Not happening.  In fact, I don't really know if I'm going to go to the extended family Christmas tomorrow - except that dh has to work so if I don't go then the kids can't go. . .   Sigh.  I'll see how I feel through the day and we'll make decisions then.  


UNLIKE.  :(  Sorry Jean.  Hope you feel better soon!

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On my list today:


Target run for trash bags.  Lots of trash bags.  It's clean and purge season as of today.  


For the life of me, I could not find my mom's card yesterday.  Inside of that bag were the gift cards for dc as a gift from my mom.  If you were that bag, where would you be?   :banghead:



Shop for new dryer.  Ours conveniently quit Christmas eve.  The inside literally fell apart, screws/metal parts everywhere.  


Pizza for dinner.  Going to pick up Papa Murphy's to try it out.  



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Jean, I hope you get to feeling better soon! Take it easy!


- got most of the baking done!

- finally got our trust notarized. We went on legal zoom this summer and made up a living trust, got it all printed up and everything and it was sitting in our closet gathering dust. Well, dh had today off and the bank was open so we went there and had notarized the pages that needed it. Now, we just need to scrounge up a couple of witnesses for a few other pages and that big task will be completed. Every time dh and I go out together without the kids, I worry that we're going to get in a wreck and die and we won't be prepared with our estate and directives for the kids.

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I very very slowly am getting some laundry going downstairs.  Dh needs scrubs for work and I was counting on today as a laundry day after being out of commission for a couple of days in a row.  


Church friends took the kids for the afternoon.


Dd is now mad at me because I told the Y she wouldn't be there when she had already done it.  I didn't expect a 13 year old to have to take responsibility for that. . . .  

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Thanks guys...I feel like such a whiner right now.    When I was sick those two weeks it kicked off a huge reaction in my body and 3 weeks later it's still going strong.   I will never ever think anyone who has health problems is embellishing ever again!  Ever...maybe God is teaching me a lesson....I get it...really I do!



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I hate my body.  Dd and I were reminiscing about the last 5 winters. The first one had me very ill by October and then ill for months afterward. The next two had me ill by Thanksgiving with again a couple months bout of illness. Last year and this year I've managed to hold out until Christmas. Last year I was on 8 consecutive antibiotics before I was finally able to shake it. I sincerely hope that this is just a false alarm - a normal winter virus that will run its course in a few more days but of course that history makes me wary. I will call the doctor if I'm still sick on Monday - the timing of all this is so hard each year because doctors like to go home to be with family for the holidays too. 

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