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Gas prices


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I keep reading that gas prices have dropped a lot in the US. If you're there, how much is it where you are? If you're not in the US, have gas/petrol prices (for your car) dropped for you?


They haven't for us in Mexico- the price of gas increases very slightly here each month and isn't dependent on the price of oil. We're paying about four dollars a gallon. Actually, that's just what I'm told. I've never figured out exactly what we're paying because gas prices are never posted here, plus it's a headache to convert to both gallons and dollars. And the price is the same everywhere.

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Today I saw $2.65/gallon and $2.41/gallon at 2 different stations within 5 miles of each other.   Here in the Philly suburbs, there is a wide range depending on the neighborhood.  In New Jersey, just over the river, it is usually about 20 cents a gallon cheaper - and self-serve is illegal!


It has been fluctuating a lot here.  I can't even keep track anymore.

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We are paying $1.99-2.10 in Colorado.  With my fuel points, I filled my van for under $30 last week.  That's the least I've ever paid to fill this specific vehicle.  Makes me wonder when food prices will drop- now that the cost of transporting goods is decreasing.  I don't think I should hold my breath for the price drops, huh?

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I think it was like $2.28 when I put gas in my car last week.  that was at costco (so less than many other stations), and I'm in the greater seattle area.


Yeah, I think the Shell right by I90 was $2.99 and that was the highest I've seen it in awhile. Around our home it's $2.45 or so.

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It's $2.79 near us here in CT. If I drive about 30min away to our closest BJ's I can get it for $2.57. We have some of the highest gas taxes in the country so we're always higher than surrounding states. It would be awesome if we got under $2 a gallon but I don't expect that to happen. I'm just happy we're not over $4 any more!

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$2.39 here in our area of PA yesterday. It's been heading down, but on Jan1st our gas tax goes up 9 cents/gallon. It's still quite nice having it as low as it is. Not long ago it was over a dollar+ more.

Ugh, really? I just read that to DH, and he said, in a sarcastic tone, "Oh, but our state services will ramp up, so we'll get our money's worth."


I appreciated that I filled my twelve seater for under $2 a gallon the other day. Well, not filled, but 25 out of the 30 or so gallons it holds. $50 is way better than the $90 or $100 it was the first day I drove it home from the dealership!

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Ugh, really? I just read that to DH, and he said, in a sarcastic tone, "Oh, but our state services will ramp up, so we'll get our money's worth."


I just hope they use it to fix some of the roads.  They have been doing better lately IMO.  I'm not sure why we need a higher gas tax than most other states though (NY excepted I think).


We are lower in price than MD right now - at least - between us and BWI.  Last year and earlier this year they were always lower than we were.  I'm not sure why things changed.

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I live in San Antonio.  Gas prices here are all over the place.  Where we live it is $2.25.  It is the only gas station inside of a more expensive in general area.  We got gas in the downtown touristy area for $2.11 today.  Cheapest gas anywhere in the entire city is around $1.80.

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