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What educational materials were you using a decade ago?


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I am cleaning off my bookshelves over Christmas break and came across some stuff from my early days in homeschooling....Ruth Beechick's Language and Thinking for Young Children. Next to that was a stack of old Sonlight catalogs, my 2002 Sonlight K IG, and some Miquon math.  I have a ton of Usborne books from that era, and printoffs from old yahoo groups.  I have some Beautiful Feet and Greenleaf Press stuff from around then as well as LLATL and TOPS guides.  I don't really hear about those things anymore.  It was a wild flashback.


I'm curious, if you've been homeschooling a while, what were you using about ten years ago?

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This is fun!


1st Language Lessons

Explode the Code


Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting

Singapore Math

I was pretty much following WTM recommendations, while also researching Charlotte Mason.


Lucky me, I get to repeat those years, with the benefit of experience, with dd4. The only curriculum choice I plan to keep is ETC :)

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Oh my, I've used so much different stuff it's crazy. I think I was using Calvert School when my youngest kids were 6 and 8. I'd go between WTM suggestions, Calvert School, and unschooling.


Of all the curriculum we've ever used, I'd have to say Hooked on Phonics for my youngest dd was the best money ever spent. She worked through that program within 4 or 5 months almost independently. She really wanted to learn to read.

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Saxon Math

Singapore Math

Hooked on Phonics

Michael Clay Thompson English

Simply Grammar

Story of the World

Ambleside Online

I don't remember what I was using for science - but, I'm sure I didn't like it.


* * *


I still use Saxon math and SOTW (but as a read aloud now.)

I dropped Simply Grammar, AO and MCT (other than the grammar and practice sections - which I still love.)

I switched Singapore Math for Beast Academy.

And put the Hooked on Phonics away for the grandchildren.


I still haven't found an elementary science program that I really like - though I do use TOPS regularly (and kind of like it. :) )



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Young Scientist Club Kits!  I had totally forgotten about those--sure enough I had the handouts and nonconsumables for a few of those.  My kids blew water into 2L pop bottles to compare lung capacities while I packed books....and then I just trashed the leftovers.


I'm still paperbackswapping all of my light stuff....here's hoping some good PBS karma comes my way as my wishlist has about 300 items on it!

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I am cleaning off my bookshelves over Christmas break and came across some stuff from my early days in homeschooling....Ruth Beechick's Language and Thinking for Young Children. Next to that was a stack of old Sonlight catalogs, my 2002 Sonlight K IG, and some Miquon math.  I have a ton of Usborne books from that era, and printoffs from old yahoo groups.  I have some Beautiful Feet and Greenleaf Press stuff from around then as well as LLATL and TOPS guides.  I don't really hear about those things anymore.  It was a wild flashback.


I'm curious, if you've been homeschooling a while, what were you using about ten years ago?


I was using pretty much what you listed, plus Singapore math.  Yes, we used 2002 Sonlight K though I no longer have the IG.

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10 years ago my college freshman was a 3rd grader.  Where does time go???


I was using Singapore and Miquon, Writing Strands, Spelling Workout, and the Usborne World History book ala WTM for history. Dh was making up science lessons in astronomy for her. We started Latin that year with Latina Christiana.  As I recall she was also memorizing the names of all of the countries on several continents for fun (weird kid) and really into Roald Dahl books.


Sigh.  Those were fun times. She was such an easy kid to teach, and I don't have any regrets with the curricula I used.


A year or two after that her brother reached the age where we started some formal schooling. That's when I threw all of the above out the window and had to re-learn everything I thought I knew about homeschooling.  He's just that kind of kid . . .

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I am cleaning off my bookshelves over Christmas break and came across some stuff from my early days in homeschooling....Ruth Beechick's Language and Thinking for Young Children. Next to that was a stack of old Sonlight catalogs, my 2002 Sonlight K IG, and some Miquon math.  I have a ton of Usborne books from that era, and printoffs from old yahoo groups.  I have some Beautiful Feet and Greenleaf Press stuff from around then as well as LLATL and TOPS guides.  I don't really hear about those things anymore.  It was a wild flashback.


I'm curious, if you've been homeschooling a while, what were you using about ten years ago?


I would have had an 8yo and almost 6yo. 




Rod & Staff

100 EZ Lessons


I still use Rod & Staff English with some of my kiddos. ;)


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We were just starting (she was 4 and in a play-based half day preschool program 4 days a week), so the only things we were using at home were Explode the Code, leveled readers from the library, Dick and Jane, and Singapore Earlybird Math (we later switched to Saxon in 4th grade). We went through 3 phonics curricula that year trying to find what worked well for her. She desperately wanted to learn to read, but after a couple of lessons, she cried whenever I pulled out the PP or 100 Easy Lessons books. With ETC, she was bringing me the books asking to do them. We later changed math because of constant tears, stress, and her saying she felt stupid at math (so it wasn't because searching was more fun ;) ).

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We used Sonlight with Rod and Staff phonics/reading and RightStart Math ten years ago.  We used Sonlight until middle school.


No regrets with the results of that.


My youngest is using Sonlight's World History and World View core this year, and the older one is using their Psychology.  The World View one is excellent, no regrets there.  She's doing a local history/lit class that is well done but is a bit on the light side, so I'm using this as a supplement to that plus a philosophy credit.  Obviously an academically-oriented kid (YMMV).  The psychology isn't as much a win (sometimes the questions are a bit oddball, especially for an always-homeschooled kid that has been a bit sheltered), but we're on track to take the CLEP afterwards.  Not sure if we'll use Sonlight Psychology for the younger one, and I do have my eye on an alternative.  So this may be our last Sonlight year ever at home.


Next year, homeschooling just one with two more years of high school.  Planning on doing the local history/lit with several AP's, and then either that or Omnibus IV online for 12th grade.  It feels strange to have the last years of homeschooling laid out! 

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Spell to Write and Read


Already tried Sonlight, and then Core Knowledge.  Began using Story of the World 12 years ago, so we were in the middle of Vol. 2 with the Activity Guide and all.


Shurley Grammar


Apologia's elementary science, probably Astronomy 10 years ago (which may have been the first year that book/series was released).


Singapore. Saxon. Singapore. We went back and forth a couple of times.


Learning the IEW method but never quite able to pull it off at home.  Ten years later, I still can't really get it to fit consistently into our schedule with minimal mom-work, even though we've bought several of the products.  I'm still a believer though!


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Only elementary grade materials then...


Singapore math (still using)


Rod & Staff English (still using)

Latin Primer

SOTW (using again)

Spelling Workout

Phonics Pathways (still using)

J. Fulbright Astronomy (I think this was before apologia published it) (still use depending on year)

Living Learning Books science

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Sonlight for practically everything, plus Singapore Earlybird Math and Exploring the Code for learning to read. 

Also Leapfrog videos (Letter Factory and Talking Word Factory)

MFW (once I realized that my dd needed more crafty projects than just the read alouds from Sonlight)

WP Animal Worlds

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I was tutoring with phonics then. I have used phonics pathways for almost 20 years. But, I use it as a supplement now, I have moved on to the 1783 and 1908 Webster's Speller! I had spellers then but only learned how to use them to teach phonics in the last 8 years.


I also use and have used as a supplement Hay and Wingo's Reading with Phonics from the 1950s.


I used to use Alphaphonics as a supplement but found the word families problematic for a percentage of my remedial students, it is a fine for a beginning student, especially if you use it across instead of down if they start guessing from word pattern.

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With my 8yo, I'm using pretty much the same thing I used with my now-18yo's when they were 8yo, ten years ago.


That's the beauty of hand-me-down curriculum.  :)


Ten years ago my oldest was in his first year of college. My second was a sophomore in high school, the third was 11 so 6th grade(?) and the baby was 4. We are still using most of the stuff I used for the oldest. I tweak it as much now as I did then.



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10 years ago my oldest kids were in public school and I was wishing we could home school.  I was making montessori materials at home, and using a reason for handwriting afterschool with them to improve their printing.  And reading TWM for the first time wondering how on earth I was ever going make that sort of education happen for my kids when they were having so much trouble in ps and I was working full days and my then youngest was in fulltime daycare.  It was easter of that year when I got a message about a new job opportunity that would allow me to work, bring my kids with me and homeschool the following fall...But that year was mostly about wishful thinking.

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Here's what I can remember:


Singapore Math

Rod and Staff Grammar

Story of the World

Library books for science, history, and read alouds


There was more, but I can't remember what it was. We were also involved in a co-op in which a variety of subjects were covered.



We're twins!


I was using all the same things, plus

Handwriting Without Tears

Phonics Pathways (for reading and then spelling)

First Language Lessions


Were you using any of these, Hikin' Mama?

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That was our first year of homeschooling--I had a K'er and a 9th grader.


We used:



Saxon math

Leading Little Ones to God

some Montessori stuff

Phonics Pathways

some Reason for Handwriting and some HWT

SOTW 1 (starting halfway thru the year)

nature notebook using ideas from Cynthia Rushton

and a bible curriculum developed by a friend who never officially published it--it was awesome.



Omnibus 1

Spielvogel West Civ

Jacobs Alg

Rod and Staff grammar

Henle Latin 1

Apologia Bio (wouldn't use now)

and various extra fiction books and theology books

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I'm new to the forums and don't get to check in often but this subject is so close to my heart as my kids(6 of them) are slowly flying the coop.


Explode the Code

Story of the World(I think)

Miquon Math

Saxon Math


Ambleside Online

all various and sundry encyclopedias I picked up along the way


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