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Need a face lift before the holidays?? At home? Schedule one with me!


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For those of you that are way ahead of your holiday schedules, and have tons a free time to just be for yourself, sitting back with a cup of cocoa and looking at your clean homes and everything all ready to go. . .  . . .


I really don't like you.


For those that have puffy faces, are tired, or your household is fighting influenza A or B, or M or Q lol, and need to be refreshed and want to look better for the holidays because their guest rooms aren't ready yet, and there is more baking and wrapping to be done and only 2 days left to do it . . . 


 ------here are a few natural face lift options that can really tighten your skin up in 24 hours. :hurray:




Seems all you need are egg whites, avocado, honey and a few other things like oatmeal and banana.


I realize that I'll be up late the next 2 nights getting everything just right, and THIS YEAR, I'm going to do one of these, the avocado one the night before Christmas. Just for me. Maybe while I'm wrapping final gifts.


I've also had an LA friend tell me some models use Prep-H on their skin at night to fight puffiness, reduce bags, and give it tons of moisture. As it reduces inflammation it's great for that, but I'm not sure the long term effects of mineral oil. Anyone?


Better recipes? Please share them!







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I've also had an LA friend tell me some models use Prep-H on their skin at night to fight puffiness, reduce bags, and give it tons of moisture. As it reduces inflammation it's great for that, but I'm not sure the long term effects of mineral oil. Anyone?


Better recipes? Please share them!


Mostly, I hear that they use photoshop  :lol:


If I have a minute to whip up a facial..... naw.... I'll just try a nap.  BUT I might try one after Christmas.  Thanks for sharing!

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I knew a contestant in either Miss America or Ms USA .. I can't remember which she was.  Anyway, in that contest they had very specific rules about that there couldn't have been any plastic surgery.  She told me once, she could tape anyone a NEW body.  And between that, vaseline and prep h she could make anyone a beauty queen. 

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hehe. I'm 34 weeks pregnant so I don't even think prep h will help me with all my puffiness!  Not that I care too much.  I've learned that its more about how you act then how you look.  No facial in the world will help me not look as tired as I am but coffee and the excitement of Christmas will do that for me! I'll be running on Christmas excitement fumes until the 26th.  Then I'll sleep for a day while the kids make a mess of the house playing with all their new toys!

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I've heard of Prep-H over the years, but have never even considered using it. By the way, I love these types of threads. Beauty and skin care is such fun :D. 

To reduce puffiness - some of these are not easy to do during this time of year, but sharing here anyway:

* Avoid late-night eating as much as possible. 

* Drink enough water. 

* Morning exercise helps reduce puffiness.

* Facial Massage - I try to massage my face every few days. I was an esthetetician in my former life. You Tube has videos. I can share some if anyone's interested. The most important thing is to be very, very gentle with your skin. The French treat their skin like silk. Use your ring finger (3rd finger) around the eye area. Never rub, pat gently instead. 

* Once a week, I use a mask. At the same time, I have conditioner in my hair wrapped up in a plastic bag and towel. Shampoo, condition hair, mask - all in that order. Sometimes the masks are homemade, and other times I use Paula's Choice or whatever. 

* Regular exfoliatin is key to keeping your skin looking fresh and glowing - AHAs, BHAs, Clarisonic, whatever you choose. The older we get, the more regularly we need to exfoliate. 


I'm not always so disciplined, but I realize that it's important to take care of my skin as I get older. 


Thank you for starting this thread. 

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