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Help me start weaning myself off of sugar...


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Yes, I'm a sugar addict. And it bothers me. I do seriously go into withdrawal if I go without for too long...


Any success stories on the Hive? I would love to hear from you!


Where did you start? How long did it take? What are your favorite snack foods now? 


I don't have $ to spend on expensive things (nuts, dried fruit, etc.) - but I can up the veggies we eat...  


Feedback please. :)

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Guest submarines

Nuts are expensive, but you'd only eat 3-4 at a time as they are so filling. Walnuts are my absolutely go-to snack when I have a sugar craving. I buy the ones in shells, and by the time I crack them open my impulse / craving is not as severe. Then I eat 3-4 of them. They are so filling.


Good luck!

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When I'm doing well...


I don't eat dried fruit because I end up still craving sugar.


Increasing fiber and not having dairy are the biggest helps to me.


I watch other carbs but fiber and dairy make the biggest difference for me. I think it varies from person to person.


Stress and anxiety play a big part for me as well.

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the withdrawal is generally the yeast in your digestive tract having a hissy (sending out toxins) because you are starving it.


if it's this bad - start with a yeast cleanse (and start SLOWLY - if you think not eating sugar is bad . . .  try killing it too fast!) before seriously cutting down on the sugars.  I have used candigone by renew life with good results.  (and it will start you off slowly.)  you should only have to do it once.


I would also add a good probiotic.  I use pro-15.  it is enteric coated so it will survive your stomach.


and I don't eat sugars. I didn't eat fruit (fructose), milk products (lactose) did use butter, bread (yeast and sugar to make the yeast rise), etc. dried fruit is high in sugar.


I now do eat berries with greek yogurt (has more probiotics) stay away from regular commercial yogurt as it is loaded with sugars, but stay away from high sugar fruits e.g. apples.

I consider fructose, honey, agave, etc. sugar. I do not use artificial sweeteners as they will actually make you crave sugar more.


peanut butter on celery with cinnamon is a good snack.

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Dill pickles (esp. wrapped in cream cheese and a thin slice of ham) really helped curb sugar cravings for me. Also a nice cup of flavored tea.


One of my favorite treats was plain Greek yogurt mixed with cocoa powder and some sweetener (usually liquid stevia). Also google recipes for cocoa crack.


pickled foods will kill yeast - that's why it will curb sugar cravings.  pickled foods are very good for your GI.


plain greek yogurt with some crushed pineapple (I do it in a food processor) and coconut is yummy too.

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Why on earth are you trying to do this now, in the midst of holiday party season?  I'd wait until New Years if I was you.


Like anything else, you can wean off slowly, and switch to healthier things- 10 frozen grapes instead of candy, and two granny smith apples per day (there was a recent study that obese mice fed granny smith apples twice a day had their intestinal bacteria profile return to that of skinny mice).


OR you can go full on ketogenic- eat eggs cooked in coconut oil, lots of fat, limited protein and non-starchy vegetables only.  You'll probably go through a period of adaptation where you'll actually feel like you have a mild case of the stomach flu.  For some people this lasts three days, for others it lasts two weeks.  Then you'll start feeling slowly better until about six weeks out (when your mitochondria are more efficient at burning ketones for fuel) when you'll finally have maximum energy. If "flu" symptoms are too much for you, you can slow them by eating something mildly starchy, like 1/4 of a granny smith apple.  Chew it very well.


Use the next two weeks to learn about ketogenic diets.

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When I began a low carb high fat diet last year, I found that grapefruit seed extract tablets were helpful. I borrowed the idea from Diane Craft. First week, probiotics 3 times per day. Second week add in the GSE along with. Then remove the sugars from your diet. Gradually or intensively, whatever works for you. Whenever I had a sugar craving I'd take a GSE. It really helped. I do think that upping your fat intake, at least at first, is really helpful even if you aren't switching to LCHF. Your body is used to getting lots of calories from the sugar. Replace those with other calories, at least at first, to separate the sugar addiction problem from the total calorie problem, assuming that you want to lose weight.

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Guest submarines

dried fruit is high in sugar (close to the amount found in candy bars)


Also many prepared foods which aren't sweet have high amounts of sugar in them. Something to be mindful of.

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Also many prepared foods which aren't sweet have high amounts of sugar in them. Something to be mindful of.


Yep.  And I think some people think somehow the nutrition in fruits cancels out the sugar.  Sure it is healthier to eat fruit than candy bars, but if you can't have a lot of sugar it's still a major factor in fruit. 


I'm lucky in that I don't crave sweets.  But the fact I don't eat sweets often makes something like a strawberry taste insanely sweet (and they aren't the sweetest fruit). 

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Guest submarines

Yep.  And I think some people think somehow the nutrition in fruits cancels out the sugar.  Sure it is healthier to eat fruit than candy bars, but if you can't have a lot of sugar it's still a major factor in fruit. 


I'm lucky in that I don't crave sweets.  But the fact I don't eat sweets often makes something like a strawberry taste insanely sweet (and they aren't the sweetest fruit). 


I don't crave sweets either but when I'm stressed I crave something crunchy / chewy (certain textures) and they are often found in candy bars, and then I find them insanely sweet and feel horrible. That's why walnuts are a good choice for me when I'm stressed.


I also go through periods of craving fruits. Go figure.

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You must eat a low carb, high protein breakfast. For me, it's eggs every morning, If I eat muffins, toast, cereal, I will crave cookies all day.


I postpone my sugar. If I'm craving it bad, I just tell myself that I am allowed to have that after supper in the evening.


Remember that breads are alot like sugar in your system.

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Isn't salsa really high in sugar?


the commercial stuff, maybe.   many commercial products add sugar for various reasons - even if the "from scratch" version would have no sugar added.


I have always made spaghetti sauce from scratch - and was very surprised by the amount of sugar added to the store version someone gave me. . . . it was very sweet.

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I've started with avoiding added sugar at breakfast because my will power is strongest in the morning. That means no sugar in my coffee and I eat oatmeal with 1/2 cup berries and 1/2 a sliced banana. It was a shocker at first but now I'm finding the banana too sweet so I might drop that, also. With this breakfast, eaten at 6:30 am, I can go until lunch at 11:30-12 ish. Unfortunately, I still struggle with the rest of the day but I definitely don't eat as much sugar throughout the day as I used to. I'll tackle the next phase after New Year's.

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Thanks, all! :) 


I'm not planning on starting this until after New Years (I'm not that crazy :) - and I don't have that kind of willpower). But I have a ton of ideas to go off of now. 


Breakfast is huge. I'll work towards sticking with eggs & oatmeal...


And I like the idea of talking myself out of sweets until evenings. There's less chance of me binging on sugar after dh's home from work. ;)

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