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Who's going to tackle Monday with Me?

Jean in Newcastle

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take dd to fencing and then pick her up

make dinner

orchestrate lunch 

fold laundry for kids to put away

print out school work

finish internet shopping

finish christmas cards (all three of them) - should take all day

clean cat box

worry about various things I can't control


ps: none of this is in order....


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Clean kitchen


dh to deal with ILs


med. bills



Motivated Moms stuff:

clean toilets

defrost freezer

go through fridge



I have this visual that you're going to drive dh to ILs, drop him off and then drive away while waving out the window calling "have fun".


:driving:  :auto:

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twins are getting up earlier and earlier. 5 am this morning. both had to be bathed straight off as they were soaked.


milk cows


2 loads of laundry  washed and hung - including pulling inspection plate off machine and getting DH to untangle the hair tie that was somehow wound round the water pump


kitchen cleaned- DH helped










spent ages looking through wardrobe for my most professional clothes. Ended up choosing a almost to my ankles pleated navy blue woolen skirt. and a floral long sleeve top. Boy was I hot it was 30 degrees and really too hot for a woolen skirt, but I have to wear flat black lace up shoes because of my feet orthotics. and I didn't think hey would look so good with a summery dress.


Drove to the interview and was so early that I went for a brisk walk around the block - and got even hotter


went into the interview and the very first thing the panel did was comment on how well dressed I was ( good thing I wore the hot skirt after all) :thumbup1:


 completed interview.


 did a little bit of shopping and came home


 afternoon schoolwork with the kids while twins were asleep


Cooked spaghetti bolognaise for tea


 had a phone call








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Make beds

Feed pets

Take vitamin


Head to Dad's


Feed Dad and critters Dad did this!

Clean bathroom Dad did this, too!  

Take Dad to run errands Mother of pearl, THIS was a pain in you know...  THREE HOURS

(the boys should be doing this at home:  Wipe out bathroom sinks

Empty trash)


Grab neighbor kids and take them and older ds to class


Start laundry

Quiet time

Inventory refrigerator contents

Make shopping/errand list

Plan menus


Pick kids up


Grocery shopping


Laundry in dryer

Clean toilet

Vacuum furniture in family/living room (younger ds)

Vacuum main/public rooms or 1st floor (older ds)

Dust light bulbs in all lamps

Plan/cook dinner

Wash dishes

Sweep kitchen & entryway

Clean kitchen sink

Clear/Wipe kitchen counters


Back to Dad's to prep him for bed



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Yay, Melissa!!! I took dd1 into morning practice and am waiting for the bagel shop to open. This is an early start to my day.


To do:

Motivated moms stuff

School for all

Check in with teens

Check in with ds1 about trip home

Do a couple of quilt blocks

Nap if time

Pm practice/aikido


Have a great day, everyone!

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:party: Melissa! :party:


I turned off my alarm. Oops.


--school w dd (math, chem, history)


--errands: pick up dd's PSAT booklet, return item, groceries

--finish stuffing Christmas cards

--house things

--order dd's gift for her brother

--drive ds to the train station so he can go to another job interview (2nd w this place; train/rental car/hotel paid for) :D



and then whatever pops up :)

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Congratulations, Melissa!



Well, I have another prayer request. We are losing our cleaning job, so I need to find some tutoring students or find something else. We are not a "cleaning service" and do this for someone we know. They had 2 people in the office that were our back-up if we couldn't do it or were out of town. They've lost both those employees over the last month. They want to start using a cleaning service so they'll have it covered regardless. I understand why, but the office manager let me know through a text. I was really annoyed with that. The months vary, but we make as much as $900 a month with this job. I would never let someone know something like this that way. 





pay bills

make a list of what's left to do for Christmas

tidy the house


go to monthly mom support meeting with homeschool group






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I'm in!


Today is the first day DH has been back to work since back surgery eight weeks ago!  And school didn't get done quite as efficiently though I'm pretty sure it was the best eight weeks of my life.  Loved having him home.


To Do:


Reserve one of the Once a Month Cooking books from the library

Laundry (Ooooodles)

Sand bookshelves and add another coat of poly

Order glasses for DH's family Christmas that is here on Saturday.

Clean (truly clean) the kitchen

Run and get dogfood and drop by bank.

Pick up a gift for exchange for tonight at Boy Scouts and some kind of snack to share.

Make grocery list for having Christmas.



Turned on the heat in the garage.

Had two cups of coffee ;)
Got DH a new coat on Lightning Deals on Amazon this morning.

Fed baby.

Ate breakfast.


Getting there.  I think today is going to be a very long day.

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Good morning

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in dryer

- fold laundry- well the towels are folded and put away, the rest has been sorted (adult, dd1, dd2, socks and undies)

- tidy house - round 1 done

- transfer $- done

- get money- all this is waiting for dd2 to wake up, I'm not going to wake her up unless I absolutely have to- done

- buy groceries - done

- get dd1 off bus- done

- help with any school work- none

- Girl Scout Christmas party (remember chips and dip)- done

- bedtime routine- just dd2 left :)

- anything else I happen to get done - took the trash out and then realized we don't have any trash bags so must buy those today. Bleached my counters (they are a creamy color and cheap mobile home counters so anything stains them and bleach is the only thing to get rid of them). Finished two of 3 Christmas gifts, the two that are done need to be mailed out tomorrow :)

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"worry about various things I can't control"

Reflections, bless your heart, try not to worry too much


Melissa in Australia

You astound me, all you do in any given day puts my efforts to shame.  Congratulations on the job!!!


Amy, ugh, I am sorry about the job, hope you get something else soon and really lousy to get it in a text!


Everybody else, hope you have a good day today!


Woodstove was completely out this morning, so starting it cold essentially resulted in a houseful of smoke, opened every window and door to get it all out.  I hate it when that happens. ;)


Swept kitchen floor

Made dh's lunch

fed all the feathered, finned and furred


Need to do school with youngest


make something for supper with leftover chicken


wrap a few presents


finish a knitting project that is a gift


fill the pill boxes for the week


vacuum the living room


tidy up in general


Do a load of laundry and put currently clean laundry away

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I don't want to tackle today at all!! These children are driving me insane!! And there is simply too much to get done!



-laundry wash, folded, away

-clean kitchen

-make chicken broth

-clean entryway

-clean my room

-wrap the rest of the presents

-and probably other stuff

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, I have another prayer request. We are losing our cleaning job, so I need to find some tutoring students or find something else. 


You got it.

Plans changed as dd1 puked.

I will get to unpack from the weekend and do laundry today.

:(  I hope she feels better soon.


I don't want to tackle today at all!! These children are driving me insane!! And there is simply too much to get done!

I know just what you mean.  One thing at a time.  I figure if my list is ridiculously long and I only get half done, I still get to feel accomplished :p

I had to come home for meds and a nap. I have this horrible back spasm going on.

:(  Egads, I hope you get some relief.

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Good Afternoon!


Amy--the stinks!  :grouphug:


Angi- hope resting will help your back.  :grouphug:


Lizzie--worry is my middle name..I'll keep ya company.   :o


Luckymama---Way to go!!  :hurray:


Congratulation Melissa!!!  :hurray:


Lets see...I hit the floor running this morning... I've accomplished:

  • picked up Ella Bella at kennel
  • vacuumed out the vehicle because I picked Ella up at the kennel  :laugh:
  • gassed up the burb for the week
  • went to WM
  • picked up lunch for everyone
  • paid the bills 
  • planned what were having for dinner

To do:

  • make my bed, tidy my room
  • empty the trash
  • laundry
  • read and a possible power nap 
  • cook dinner 

Hope everyone has a good day!!!





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Ok so I got to cross a few things off my list and everything else is basically halfway done.  For some reason I couldn't be at a project for too long so while cleaning the kitchen I got sick of it and moved to the entryway.  Then I got sick of that and went upstairs to clean my room.  Slowly but surely everything is getting cleaned.  Kids are watching a show to relax a bit so I'm taking a break too.  After their 2 shows we'll work together to get my room cleaned, since a lot of the mess is toys that migrated from their room.  Then we'll get dinner served and do a fun Advent/Christmas art project we've been working on.

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reporting in because even though I've been working non-stop, it doesn't look like it.  So perhaps by putting down all that I have done, it will make me feel a bit better.


*  Human care done

*  Pet care done

*  Exercise done

*  Went through all the mail and separated out dh's huge stack from my small stack of stuff.

*  Gave ds all his college mail.

*  Helped dd with vocab.


*  Yelled, nagged,   encouraged ds to actually get one assignment done that. . . he's been supposedly working on for over a week!  Aaargh!  He thinks I'm such a slave driver.  I'm seriously going like  :banghead:  He's 17.  He's an Aspie.  There is only so much that I can do.


*  Fielded yet another phone call about the ILs.  Gave them dh's cell phone number and hope that he will actually address this situation (that is getting worse and worse) instead of deciding that they will simply have to live with the results of their bad choices.  Yes, dh is doing  :banghead:  with his parents and I sympathize but worry because there is dementia involved.  


* Shredded a bunch of stuff.  I should market shredding as therapy!  I wonder how much people would pay me to shred my stuff?


* Ate lunch and nagged my kids into making healthy choices for theirs.  


*  Helped dd to put up Christmas cards.*


* "Sent" my sister a rabbit for Christmas (a World Vision thing).

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Managed to get in my elliptical workout and shower in between pukings. So the day has been a success. Cleaned the counter off. Dd2 and I have been working on making our Christmas tree (in case you didn't see in the tree thread, we have our old cast iron bathtub in the living room due to it being heavy and winter, it will probably be there until spring, so no tree this year. The bathtub did get decorated by the girls with snowflakes. I should let them draw on it with sharpies)

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My kitchen is so clean!!! It really need the attention it got today.  Entryway is half done, which I am fine with since the kitchen needed the attention more.  Rest of entryway will be for tomorrow.  Laundry is getting put away as I type by someone else!  So all I have left to do is watch some shows with dh while we finish wrapping presents!


Oh and everyone loved the soup I made tonight.  Best part is, I've made it so many times before but this time I just used my immersion blender so the kids didn't know what was actually in it. 

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Make beds
Feed pets
Take vitamin
Head to Dad's
Feed Dad and critters Dad did this!
Clean bathroom Dad did this, too!  
Take Dad to run errands Mother of pearl, THIS was a pain in you know...  THREE HOURS
(the boys should be doing this at home:  Wipe out bathroom sinks
Empty trash)
Grab neighbor kids and take them and older ds to class
Start laundry
Quiet time
Inventory refrigerator contents
Make shopping/errand list
Plan menus
Pick kids up
Grocery shopping
Laundry in dryer
Clean toilet
Vacuum furniture in family/living room (younger ds)
Vacuum main/public rooms or 1st floor (older ds)
Dust light bulbs in all lamps
Plan/cook dinner
Wash dishes
Sweep kitchen & entryway
Clean kitchen sink
Clear/Wipe kitchen counters
Back to Dad's to prep him for bed


I forgot about Scouts till I got home from shopping (with ten minutes to put groceries away)  :mellow:   Did manage to get the boys to Scouts (took neighbor), but I forgot if I was supposed to pick them up or not....  So!  I got there to pick them up and imagine neighbor's surprise when they were all prepared to bring ds home.


I got everything done but the lightbulbs.  The thing is, we do not have one single lamp in our house.  I was planning on dusting the bulbs in the ceiling fans and light fixtures, but I am exhausted...  so phooey on the light bulbs :p


Dd has the week off for her birthday.  Older ds got his classwork done, science, history and math.  Youngest got math, spelling, reading and writing done.  At least we didn't miss too much today.

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