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Prevent me from being the boring aunt


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So I am finally getting my sh!t together and getting my Christmas shopping taken care of.


I know that my kids will be excited with their stuff (main gift for 5 year old is an IKEA easel and for my 11 year old Settlers of Catan).


I am a little more eh on the stuff for my niece and nephew. In the past I've tended to be pretty big on toys for them, but also until 2 years ago I had a much larger budget.


My niece is almost 13. Together with my brother and his husband and grandpa we are giving her: the Hunger Games books and The Fault in our Stars book, a manga drawing set, pricier hair stuff (should this even be a gift or does it fall into the gifting soap vortex?!), a wii remote, a trendy hoodie, a nail care set plus nail wraps and polish with an invite for a spa party with her girl cousins. Also, pjs and an electric toothbrush (my sons get those things every year too). I feel like this list lacks a really good gift. It's all stuff she will like but nothing stands out as super fun. I am trying to decide what to add.


I think my nephew is covered. He's almost 9 and a little more "in my wheelhouse" as a mom of boys. He's getting (again from my brother and our husbands and grandpa) Snap Circuits, a Lego set, a wii remote, books, a backpack, origami paper and book, a Game Stop giftcard. Plus the pjs and electric toothbrush.


The wii remotes are because they have a wii but only one working remote they can find.


Who am I? The sort of person who gives toothbrushes to people for Christmas. I really couldn't be more dull. :P

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For my 14 year old niece we got a cute wristlet and filled it with gift cards to the places she hangs out with her friends--Red Mango, Noodles and Co, Urban Outfitters (that is the biggest gift card so she can get an outfit) Chipotle, Starbucks, and a couple of local to her places.


Your gifts sound lovely. But I do understand what you are saying about your niece's list. I am sure she'll be happy, though.

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I think the spa party sounds like the "fun" gift -- especially if it's packaged up right, with the nail stuff. Maybe add a hair wrap or a robe or something, so it seems/feels big?


But if you are looking for another item, have you considered a drawing tablet? The manga set is what made me think of it. My dd loves to draw, on paper and on the computer. Last Christmas we got her a low-end ($50-ish?) tablet -- Huion instead of Wacom -- and it has gotten hundreds of hours of use.

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I think your presents sound great!!! No one gives all that to my children! Very nice!!!

It's from two couples (me and my brother and our spouses) and a grandpa so it's not all from me. My brother and I coordinate gifts together.


Historically Christmas for these kids from their parents can go one of two ways- too much stuff they aren't even interested in or very little at all so we are trying to give them a enough so that if it's a not really anything year at home they are covered. Since it's the first year their parents have been divorced I am betting it will be a ton of stuff but that little of it will be stuff they are actually interested in. Their father is infamous for giving them "collectibles" like Barbies and GI Joes they aren't allowed to take out of the box. Merry Christmas. You can't touch your new toys.

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Who am I? The sort of person who gives toothbrushes to people for Christmas. I really couldn't be more dull. :p





My niece is almost 13. Together with my brother and his husband and grandpa we are giving her: the Hunger Games books and The Fault in our Stars book, a manga drawing set, pricier hair stuff (should this even be a gift or does it fall into the gifting soap vortex?!), a wii remote, a trendy hoodie, a nail care set plus nail wraps and polish with an invite for a spa party with her girl cousins. Also, pjs and an electric toothbrush (my sons get those things every year too). I feel like this list lacks a really good gift. It's all stuff she will like but nothing stands out as super fun. I am trying to decide what to add.


Hmmm. A very random assortment of ideas...


If she likes manga, a subscription to Shonen Jump?


A lesson or experience gift (if one of you adults can commit to taking her), esp. if you can find a 'one-time' outing (vs. an ongoing class) -- rock climbing lesson, art workshop, laser tag with 3 friends she can bring along, archery lesson, indoor jump place (would be a good gift for both her & her brother, esp. if you would take them & maybe they are each allowed to invite one friend along), movie pass, putt-putt, horse-riding lesson, pottery painting place with a friend, etc... Or, tickets to a play, symphony, musical, concert, acrobatic show, mystery dinner theater, etc... that she might enjoy, esp. if it is something coming up in January or February.


Cute craft kit? Hedgehog (they also have a fox or chameleon), Zombie Felties + some supplies or Bo, Make Your Own Lip Balm, My Comic Book Kit, etc....


Shimmer Jewelry Tattoos or some from Tattly?


Some fancy candies in a tin? (To offset that toothbrush, you know. ;) ) I love the way these look, but they seem to be mostly wholesale & I'm not sure you can find them; it would be so cute to give a little assortment of these, though. (If you're crafty, you could put something like this together.)


A Gummy Bear light?


Rookie Yearbook One, Two, &/or Three? (You can buy these on amazon or bn.com.)


A subscription to Kiki magazine or New Moon Girls?


Some cool Hunger Games themed item from etsy?


Something from here or here or here? Lots of cool ideas....

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Cool aunt award goes to LucyStoner!!!!  


Stacia linked some really super cool stuff, if you feel you must add more.  Or jewelry?  Something meaningful, that she might like to wear now that she'll keep?  We have a few teen nieces who are into charm bracelets - would something like that be fun?  



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I think it depends on the girl. Honestly, at that age I would have liked the presents for the younger brother much better. They just seem more fun... (I still would rather have my presents come from a bookstore/toystore than a boutique/drugstore etc.). But it really depends on taste. What does she like to do in her free time? Maybe more drawing/art stuff would be nice? Or a "girly" computer game, jigsaw puzzle etc.? Maybe something to do with animals?


Again these are things I would have liked at that age. Obviously, some girls would not enjoy any of that.

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I think what you have sounds great but if you want more...


Didn't see this in Stacia's list but I could have missed it...

If she's into manga then she's probably seen the Mark Crilley videos but here's a book or two that goes more in-depth http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1440309310/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_10?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER   http://www.amazon.com/Mastering-Manga-Level-Mark-Crilley/dp/1440328307/ref=pd_sim_b_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0ZF6H3W2R99W92V28W6X

there are others but those are the ones my DD specifically said she wants.  I second the idea of a real sketch book.  If you've done that then how about an artists type bag to carry it all in?  Like this   http://www.amazon.com/Darice-24-Inch-28-Inch-2-Inch-Portfolio/dp/B002JPKWKC/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1418501681&sr=8-8&keywords=artist+bag (DS has one very similar for his D&D stuff) or if shes='s a Whovian..  http://www.amazon.com/Doctor-Who-TARDIS-Cross-Body/dp/B00KLT20CG/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1418501383&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=doctor+who+bag . Hair stuff sounds nice and perfect for her age, but I think you had mentioned that she was having trouble with her hair? And other puberty issues?  Is she at the point of using the hair things?  Will they make it easier for her? (sorry I don't remember exactly what the issue was).  If not then how about a trip to the hairdresser/nail salon?  That might be $$ so maybe not.  

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Hair stuff sounds nice and perfect for her age, but I think you had mentioned that she was having trouble with her hair? And other puberty issues? Is she at the point of using the hair things? Will they make it easier for her? (sorry I don't remember exactly what the issue was). If not then how about a trip to the hairdresser/nail salon? That might be $$ so maybe not.

The hair stuff I got for her are nicer products for her hair type. She's AA and Puerto Rican and her hair is 4b or so on that hair typing chart and it's long. She's making do now with cheap conditioners and and such but there are some products that work better for her long hair. I got her a sulfate free repair shampoo, a curl creme and a really nice leave in conditioner on the recommendation of a friend with very similar hair and 3 daughters with similar hair. Again though, I am wondering if this is a gift or just something I give to her because she's my niece? Soap as a gift is a zone I don't want to fall into, lol!

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The hair stuff I got for her are nicer products for her hair type. She's AA and Puerto Rican and her hair is 4b or so on that hair typing chart and it's long. She's making do now with cheap conditioners and and such but there are some products that work better for her long hair. I got her a sulfate free repair shampoo, a curl creme and a really nice leave in conditioner on the recommendation of a friend with very similar hair and 3 daughters with similar hair. Again though, I am wondering if this is a gift or just something I give to her because she's my niece? Soap as a gift is a zone I don't want to fall into, lol!

That's what I was thinking.  

Dress it up then?.  Put it into something that passes for a teen version of a basket.....

Maybe a shower caddy?


ETA... I had to take the dogs out before I finished my thought. Sorry

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The hair stuff I got for her are nicer products for her hair type. She's AA and Puerto Rican and her hair is 4b or so on that hair typing chart and it's long. She's making do now with cheap conditioners and and such but there are some products that work better for her long hair. I got her a sulfate free repair shampoo, a curl creme and a really nice leave in conditioner on the recommendation of a friend with very similar hair and 3 daughters with similar hair. Again though, I am wondering if this is a gift or just something I give to her because she's my niece? Soap as a gift is a zone I don't want to fall into, lol!


My teen girls would be thrilled with nice hair products. 


Another sure thing with them is 'fancy' candy, like Ghirardelli or imported stuff from World Market. They like Japanese for the weird chewy stuff, the different types of European Kit Kats, chocolate from Belgium or Germany. 


World Market also has lots of fun soda flavors. 

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Honestly, I think your list is excellent. I wouldn't worry about soap as a gift (because I love getting nice soaps and shampoos as gifts--but I'm weird so you're warned). If you really want a more "wow" gift, I'd think about returning the paper books and getting a kindle reader with the same books loaded on it, especially if her public library has a good ebook collection. This way you could shoot her a book every time there's a deal on a book she'd like. If that won't work, you're fine as is imho.

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As a mom of 4 girls, I think those all sound great!  :)  I think the little hair accessories are good too.  I have gotten those for my girls.   Sometimes I would get a cheap but pretty little container to put them in.  (Like at Cost Plus -- now called World Market.)


Does she like to make music?  We got my daughter a tin whistle at about that age, and it was one of her favorite gifts!  She learned to play some songs from Lord of the Rings on it, and took it with her traveling.  She even took it with her to college.  :)



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